271 resultados para Adenoma prostático


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La finalidad de este trabajo prospectivo es determinar la eficacia del método KTPláser (Kalium-Titanyl-Phosphat) de 80 Watt para la vaporización y eliminación del adenoma prostático. Se analizan también los resultados que se obtienen al combinar el método KTP-láser de 80 watt con la RTUP de baja presión hidráulica. Para ello 225 pacientes con HBP sintomática fueron tratados entre Agosto del 2004 y Mayo del 2006 con el KTP-Láser o combinado con RUTP a baja presión. La resección adicional fue efectuada en aquellos pacientes con adenomas grandes o por tener el lóbulo medio acentuado. El efecto ablativo fue controlado al final de la operación por medio de TRUS (sonografía prostática transrectal). 225 pacientes tratados en 2 grupos, el grupo 1 (n:50) aquéllos con sólo tratamiento láser, sobre todo pequeños adenomas y el grupo 2 (n:175) con tratamiento combinado de KTP-láser y RTUP a baja presión en adenomas grandes. La flujometría máxima demuestra una mejoría del 44,5% en el grupo 1 entre antes y después del tratamiento, en el grupo 2 la diferecia es de 122,4%. Nuestro estudio pone de manifiesto, las ventajas de combinar ambos procedimientos quirúrgicos para obtener un mejor resultado en la ablación del adenoma prostático sobre todo en próstatas de gran tamaño.


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"...The mTOR protein expression in colorectal adenomas has not been widely reported in the literature. Our recent study demonstrated no significant difference in mTOR protein expression in adenomas compared to carcinomas of the large intestine [1]. However, mTOR mRNA showed lower expression in colorectal adenomas compared to colorectal adenocarcinomas..."


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Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (Ca ex PA) is a carcinoma arising from a primary or recurrent benign pleomorphic adenoma. It often poses a diagnostic challenge to clinicians and pathologists. This study intends to review the literature and highlight the current clinical and molecular perspectives about this entity. The most common clinical presentation of CA ex PA is of a firm mass in the parotid gland. The proportion of adenoma and carcinoma components determines the macroscopic features of this neoplasm. The entity is difficult to diagnose pre-operatively. Pathologic assessment is the gold standard for making the diagnosis. Treatment for Ca ex PA often involves an ablative surgical procedure which may be followed by radiotherapy. Overall, patients with Ca ex PA have a poor prognosis. Accurate diagnosis and aggressive surgical management of patients presenting with Ca ex PA can increase their survival rates. Molecular studies have revealed that the development of Ca ex PA follows a multi-step model of carcinogenesis, with the progressive loss of heterozygosity at chromosomal arms 8q, then 12q and finally 17p. There are specific candidate genes in these regions that are associated with particular stages in the progression of Ca ex PA. In addition, many genes which regulate tumour suppression, cell cycle control, growth factors and cell-cell adhesion play a role in the development and progression of Ca ex PA. It is hopeful that these molecular data can give clues for the diagnosis and management of the disease.


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The imprinted gene, neuronatin (NNAT), is one of the most abundant transcripts in the pituitary and is thought to be involved in the development and maturation of this gland. In a recent whole-genome approach, exploiting a pituitary tumour cell line, we identified hypermethylation associated loss of NNAT. In this report, we determined the expression pattern of NNAT in individual cell types of the normal gland and within each of the different pituitary adenoma subtypes. In addition, we determined associations between expression and CpG island methylation and used colony forming efficiency assays (CFE) to gain further insight into the tumour-suppressor function of this gene. Immunohistochemical (IHC) co-localization studies of normal pituitaries showed that each of the hormone secreting cells (GH, PRL, ACTH, FSH and TSH) expressed NNAT. However, 33 out of 47 adenomas comprising, 11 somatotrophinomas, 10 prolactinomas, 12 corticotrophinomas and 14 non-functioning tumours, irrespective of subtype failed to express either NNAT transcript or protein as determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR and IHC respectively. In normal pituitaries and adenomas that expressed NNAT the promoter-associated CpG island showed characteristics of an imprinted gene where approximately 50% of molecules were densely methylated. However, in the majority of adenomas that showed loss or significantly reduced expression of NNAT, relative to normal pituitaries, the gene-associated CpG island showed significantly increased methylation. Induced expression of NNAT in transfected AtT-20 cells significantly reduced CFE. Collectively, these findings point to an important role for NNAT in the pituitary and perhaps tumour development in this gland.


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Much of the global cancer research is focused on the most prevalent tumors; yet, less common tumor types warrant investigation, since A rare disorder is not necessarily an unimportant one . The present work discusses a rare tumor type, the benign adenomas of the pituitary gland, and presents the advances which, during the course of this thesis work, contributed to the elucidation of a fraction of their genetic background. Pituitary adenomas are benign neoplasms of the anterior pituitary lobe, accounting for approximately 15% of all intracranial tumors. Pituitary adenoma cells hypersecrete the hormones normally produced by the anterior pituitary tissue, such as growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL). Despite their non-metastasizing nature, these adenomas can cause significant morbidity and have to be adequately treated; otherwise, they can compromise the patient s quality of life, due to conditions provoked by hormonal hypersecretion, such as acromegaly in the case of GH-secreting adenomas, or due to compressive effects to surrounding tissues. The vast majority of pituitary adenomas arise sporadically, whereas a small subset occur as component of familial endocrine-related tumor syndromes, such as Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) and Carney complex (CNC). MEN1 is caused by germline mutations in the MEN1 tumor suppressor gene (11q13), whereas the majority of CNC cases carry germline mutations in the PRKAR1A gene (17q24). Pituitary adenomas are also encountered in familial settings outside the context of MEN1 and CNC, but unlike in the latter syndromes, their genetic background until recently remained elusive. Evidence in previous literature supported the notion that a tumor suppressor gene on 11q13, residing very close to but still distinct from MEN1, causes genetic susceptibility to pituitary tumors. The aim of the study was to identify the genetic cause of a low penetrance form of Pituitary Adenoma Predisposition (PAP) in families from Northern Finland. The present work describes the methodological approach that led to the identification of aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) as the gene causing PAP. Combining chip-based technologies (SNP and gene expression arrays) with traditional gene mapping methods and genealogy data, we showed that germline AIP mutations cause PAP in familial and sporadic settings. PAP patients were diagnosed with mostly adenomas of the GH/PRL-secreting cell lineage. In Finland, two AIP mutations accounted for 16% of all patients diagnosed with GH-secreting adenomas, and for 40% of patients being younger than 35 years of age at diagnosis. AIP is suggested to act as a tumor suppressor gene, a notion supported by the nature of the identified mutations (most are truncating) and the biallelic inactivation of AIP in the tumors studied. AIP has been best characterized as a cytoplasmic interaction partner of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), also known as dioxin receptor, but it has other partners as well. The mechanisms that underlie AIP-mediated pituitary tumorigenesis are to date largely unknown and warrant further investigation. Because AIP was identified in the genetically homogeneous Finnish population, it was relevant to examine its contribution to PAP in other, more heterogeneous, populations. Analysis of pituitary adenoma patient series of various ethnic origins and differing clinical settings revealed germline AIP mutations in all cohorts studied, albeit with low frequencies (range 0.8-7.4%). Overall, PAP patients were typically diagnosed at a young age (range 8-41 years), mainly with GH-secreting adenomas, without strong family history of endocrine disease. Because many PAP patients did not display family history of pituitary adenomas, detection of the condition appeared challenging. AIP immunohistochemistry was tested as a molecular pre-screening tool on mutation-positive versus mutation-negative tumors, and proved to be a potentially useful predictor of PAP. Mutation screening of a large cohort of colorectal, breast, and prostate tumors did not reveal somatic AIP mutations. These tumors, apart from being the most prevalent among men and women worldwide, have been associated with acromegaly, particularly colorectal neoplasia. In this material, AIP did not appear to contribute to the pathogenesis of these common tumor types and other genes seem likely to play a role in such tumorigenesis. Finally, the contribution of AIP in pediatric onset pituitary adenomas was examined in a unique population-based cohort of sporadic pituitary adenoma patients from Italy. Germline AIP mutations may account for a subset of pediatric onset GH-secreting adenomas (in this study one of seven GH-secreting adenoma cases or 14.3%), and appear to be enriched among young (≤25 years old) patients. In summary, this work reveals a novel tumor susceptibility gene, namely AIP, which causes genetic predisposition to pituitary adenomas, in particular GH-secreting adenomas. Moreover, it provides molecular tools for identification of individuals predisposed for PAP. Further elaborate studies addressing the functional role of AIP in normal and tumor cells will hopefully expand our knowledge on endocrine neoplasia and reveal novel cellular mechanisms of pituitary tumorigenesis, including potential drug targets.


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Pituitary adenomas are common benign neoplasms. Although most of them are sporadic, a minority occurs in familial settings. Heterozygous germline mutations in the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein (AIP) gene were found to underlie familial pituitary adenomas, a condition designated as pituitary adenoma predisposition (PAP). PAP confers incomplete penetrance of mostly growth hormone (GH) secreting adenomas in young patients, who often lack a family history of pituitary adenomas. This thesis work aimed to clarify the molecular and clinical characteristics of PAP. Applying the multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay (MLPA), we found large genomic AIP deletions to account for a subset of PAP. Therefore, MLPA could be considered in PAP suspected patients with no AIP mutations found with conventional sequencing. We generated an Aip mouse model to examine pituitary tumorigenesis in vivo. The heterozygous Aip mutation conferred complete penetrance of pituitary adenomas that were mostly GH-secreting, rendering the phenotype of the Aip mouse similar to that of PAP patients. We suggest that AIP may function as a candidate gatekeeper gene in somatotrophs. To clarify molecular mechanisms of tumorigenesis, we elucidated the expression of AIP-related molecules in human and mouse pituitary tumors. The expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) was reduced in mouse Aip-deficient adenomas, and similar ARNT reduction was also evident in human AIP mutation positive adenomas. This suggests that in addition to participating in the hypoxia pathway, estrogen receptor signaling and xenobiotic response pathways, ARNT may play a role in AIP-related tumorigenesis. We also studied the characteristics and the response to therapy of PAP patients and found them to have an aggressive disease phenotype with young age at onset. Therefore, improvement in treatment outcomes of PAP patients would require their efficient identification and earlier diagnosis of the pituitary adenomas. The possible role of the RET proto-oncogene in tumorigenesis of familial AIP mutation negative pituitary adenomas was evaluated, but none of the found RET germline variants were considered pathogenic. Surprisingly, RET immunohistochemistry suggested possible underexpression of RET in AIP mutation positive pituitary adenomas an observation that merits further investigation.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a expressão do colágeno tipo I, III e metaloproteinase podem estar relacionadas com o grau de Gleason, estadio patológico e PSA pré-operatório, e se isto poderia servir como prognóstico de doença. O grupo de estudo incluiu espécimes de prostatectomia radical de 33 pacientes com adenocarcinoma submetidos à cirurgia no período de 2001 a 2009. Os pacientes foram divididos em 3 grupos: grau de Gleason = 6 (13 pacientes), escore de Gleason = 7 (10 pacientes), escore de Gleason ≥ 8 (10 pacientes). O tecido prostático benigno adjacente à area de câncer nos graus de Gleason foi utilizado como grupo controle. As áreas de adenocarcinoma e de tecido benigno foram selecionados sob análise microscópica e processados para colágeno I e III sob análise do gene por PCR em Tempo Real. Dez seções desparafinadas de cada grupo foram utilizados para avaliar o colágeno I, III e a imunoexpressão de metaloproteinase. Os resultados foram relacionados com o grau de Gleason, PSA pré-operatório e estadio patológico. Apesar da diferença significativa na expressão gênica de ambos colágeno I e III entre as áreas de tecido prostático benigno e tumor nas amostras de próstata Gleason = 6 (colágeno I = 0,4 0,2 vs 5 2,4, p<0,05; colágeno III = 0,2 0,06 vs 0,7 0,1, p<0,05) e grau de Gleason ≥ 8 (I = 8 3,4 vs 1,4 0,8, p<0,05; colágeno III = 1,8 0,5 vs 0,6 0,1, p<0,05), não houve correlação com grau de Gleason, PSA pré-operatório ou estadio patológico. Houve uma correlação positiva entre a expressão de metaloproteinases e grau de Gleason (r2 = 0,47). Concluindo, tem-se que a correlação positiva entre a expressão de metaloproteinases e o grau de Gleason sugere que a metaloproteinase pode ser um fator promissor para melhorar o grau de Gleason. Sua expressão e regulação não parecem estar relacionados com a degradação do colágeno. Não há correlação entre expressão de colágeno e grau de Gleason, nem a nível gênico nem protéico.


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Fifty-one in vivo characterized autonomous single adenomas have been studied for functional parameters in vitro, for gene and protein expression and for pathology, and have been systematically compared to the corresponding extratumoral quiescent tissue. The adenomas were characterized by a high level of iodide trapping that corresponds to a high level of Na+ /iodide symporter gene expression, a high thyroperoxidase mRNA and protein content, and a low H2O2 generation. This explains the iodide metabolism characteristics demonstrated before, ie, the main cause of the "hot" character of the adenomas is their increased iodide transport. The adenomas spontaneously secreted higher amounts of thyroid hormone than the quiescent tissue and in agreement with previous in vivo data, this secretion could be further enhanced by thyrotropin (TSH). Inositol uptake was also increased but there was no spontaneous increase of the generation of inositol phosphates and this metabolism could be further activated by TSH. These positive responses to TSH are in agreement with the properties of TSH-stimulated thyroid cells in vitro and in vivo. They are compatible with the characteristics of mutated TSH receptors whose constitutive activation accounts for the majority of autonomous thyroid adenomas in Europe. The number of cycling cells, as evaluated by MIB-1 immunolabeling was low but increased in comparison with the corresponding quiescent tissue or normal tissue. The cycling cells are observed mainly at the periphery; there was very little apoptosis. Both findings account for the slow growth of these established adenomas. On the other hand, by thyroperoxidase immunohistochemistry, the whole lesion appeared hyperfunctional, which demonstrates a dissociation of mitogenic and functional stimulations. Thyroglobulin, TSH receptor, and E-cadherin mRNA accumulations were not modified in a consistent way, which confirms the near-constitutive expression of the corresponding genes in normal differentiated tissue. On the contrary, early immediate genes expressions (c-myc, NGF1B, egr 1, genes of the fos and jun families) were decreased. This may be explained by the proliferative heterogeneity of the lesion and the previously described short, biphasic expression of these genes when induced by mitogenic agents. All the characteristics of the autonomous adenomas can therefore be explained by the effect of the known activating mutations of genes coding for proteins of the TSH cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) cascade, all cells being functionally activated while only those at the periphery multiply. The reason of this heterogeneity is unknown.


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Background & Aims: Wide between-center variation in adenoma detection rates (ADRs) was observed in the U.K. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Trial (overall, 12.1%; range, 8.6%-15.9%; P <0.0001). The aim of this study was to determine whether the observed differences could be attributed to varying performance by endoscopists, to examine the effect of experience on performance, and to identify an attainable, standard ADR to which endoscopists could aspire. 

Methods: Thirteen medical endoscopists, one per trial center, each performed about 3000 examinations (200 per month) using the same equipment and protocol. Overall and monthly ADRs were compared using multivariable logistic regression. 

Results: Differences in ADRs were not explained by patient characteristics, incidence of colorectal cancer in the local population, or the endoscopists' medical specialty or previous experience. Average ADRs increased significantly with screening experience (up to 400 examinations). Endoscopists were classified as higher, intermediate, or lower adenoma detectors, and performance levels were maintained over time. Higher detectors had ADRs of 15% overall (men, 20%; women, 10%) and also detected more adenomas per case (higher/lower detectors, 21.7/10.4 adenomas per :100 examinations). 

Conclusions: The differences in ADRs were due to variation in performance of the endoscopists. Long-term follow-up will determine whether this variation is clinically important. We suggest that the standards in higher detecting centers should be achievable by all endoscopists screening unscreened populations aged older than 55 years. Endoscopists should aim to stay above the lower 95% confidence interval band for 200 examinations (10% overall; 5% in women, 15% in men).


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Obesity has consistently been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer, particularly among men. Whether body mass index (BMI) differentially influences the risk across the stages of colorectal cancer development remains unclear. We evaluated the associations of BMI with colorectal adenoma incidence, adenoma recurrence, and cancer in the context of a large screening trial, in which cases and controls had an equal chance for disease detection.


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Background: Randomised controlled trials have demonstrated significant reductions in colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality associated with polypectomy. However, little is known about whether polypectomy is effective at reducing CRC risk in routine clinical practice. The aim of this investigation was to quantify CRC risk following polypectomy in a large prospective population-based cohort study.

Methods: Patients with incident colorectal polyps between 2000 and 2005 in Northern Ireland (NI) were identified via electronic pathology reports received to the NI Cancer Registry (NICR). Patients were matched to the NICR to detect CRC and deaths up to 31st December 2010. CRC standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated and Cox proportional hazards modelling applied to determine CRC risk.

Results: During 44,724 person-years of follow-up, 193 CRC cases were diagnosed amongst 6,972 adenoma patients, representing an annual progression rate of 0.43%. CRC risk was significantly elevated in patients who had an adenoma removed (SIR 2.85; 95% CI: 2.61 to 3.25) compared with the general population. Male sex, older age, rectal site and villous architecture were associated with an increased CRC risk in adenoma patients. Further analysis suggested that not having a full colonoscopy performed at, or following, incident polypectomy contributed to the excess CRC risk.

Conclusions: CRC risk was elevated in individuals following polypectomy for adenoma, outside of screening programmes.

Impact: This finding emphasises the need for full colonoscopy and adenoma clearance, and appropriate surveillance, after endoscopic diagnosis of adenoma.


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In the colon, the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), its receptor (uPAR), and plasminogen activator inhibitors, PAI-1 and PAI-2, are implicated in the transition from mucosa to adenoma and tumour progression. However, expression in the mucosa adjacent, or distant, to an adenoma has not yet been investigated. Three biopsies from mucosae adjacent (20 cm, ipsilateral) and distant (contralateral) to an isolated tubular adenoma were analysed in 14 patients and 8 controls. Laser microdissection isolated stromal and epithelial crypt components, and quantitative RT-PCR analyses of uPA, uPAR, PAI-1 and PAI-2 mRNA levels were performed. Among controls, no significant differences in the markers were noted. With left colon isolated tubular adenoma, uPA, uPAR, and PAI-2 mRNA levels were significantly increased in the adjacent mucosal stroma compared to epithelial crypt levels (p < 0.05). In right colon adenoma, the mRNA levels of these 3 molecular markers were significantly increased only in the adjacent mucosal stromal samples (p < 0.05). Isolated tubular adenoma in the colon increases significantly the mRNA levels of 3 proteolysis-associated molecular markers in the stromal, but not in the epithelial, components of adjacent mucosa. These results suggest the presence of regional and dynamic interactions in apparently non-involved mucosae.