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Neste trabalho é proposto um modelo mecanobiológico de remodelagem óssea para a estimativa de variações, provocadas por perturbações mecânicas ou biológicas, na matriz de rigidez estrutural da escala macroscópica e na densidade mineral em uma região do osso. Na cooperação entre as áreas da saúde e da engenharia, como nos estudos estruturais de biomecânica no sistema esquelético, as propriedades mecânicas dos materiais devem ser conhecidas, entretanto os ossos possuem uma constituição material altamente complexa, dinâmica e variante entre indivíduos. Sua dinâmica decorre dos ciclos de absorção e deposição de matriz óssea na remodelagem óssea, a qual ocorre para manter a integridade estrutural do esqueleto e adaptá-lo aos estímulos do ambiente, sejam eles biológicos, químicos ou mecânicos. Como a remodelagem óssea pode provocar alterações no material do osso, espera-se que suas propriedades mecânicas também sejam alteradas. Na literatura científica há modelos matemáticos que preveem a variação da matriz de rigidez estrutural a partir do estímulo mecânico, porém somente os modelos mais recentes incluíram explicitamente processos biológicos e químicos da remodelagem óssea. A densidade mineral óssea é um importante parâmetro utilizado no diagnóstico de doenças ósseas na área médica. Desse modo, para a obtenção da variação da rigidez estrutural e da densidade mineral óssea, propõe-se um modelo numérico mecanobiológico composto por cinco submodelos: da dinâmica da população de células ósseas, da resposta das células ao estímulo mecânico, da porosidade óssea, da densidade mineral óssea e, baseado na Lei de Voigt para materiais compósitos, da rigidez estrutural. Os valores das constantes das equações dos submodelos foram obtidos de literatura. Para a solução das equações do modelo, propõe-se uma implementação numérica e computacional escrita em linguagem C. O método de Runge-Kutta-Dorman-Prince, cuja vantagem consiste no uso de um passo de solução variável, é utilizado no modelo para controlar o erro numérico do resultado do sistema de equações diferenciais. Foi realizada uma avaliação comparativa entre os resultados obtidos com o modelo proposto e os da literatura dos modelos de remodelagem óssea recentes. Conclui-se que o modelo e a implementação propostos são capazes de obter variações da matriz de rigidez estrutural macroscópica e da densidade mineral óssea decorrentes da perturbação nos parâmetros mecânicos ou biológicos do processo de remodelagem óssea.


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Six models (Simulators) are formulated and developed with all possible combinations of pressure and saturation of the phases as primary variables. A comparative study between six simulators with two numerical methods, conventional simultaneous and modified sequential methods are carried out. The results of the numerical models are compared with the laboratory experimental results to study the accuracy of the model especially in heterogeneous porous media. From the study it is observed that the simulator using pressure and saturation of the wetting fluid (PW, SW formulation) is the best among the models tested. Many simulators with nonwetting phase as one of the primary variables did not converge when used along with simultaneous method. Based on simulator 1 (PW, SW formulation), a comparison of different solution methods such as simultaneous method, modified sequential and adaptive solution modified sequential method are carried out on 4 test problems including heterogeneous and randomly heterogeneous problems. It is found that the modified sequential and adaptive solution modified sequential methods could save the memory by half and as also the CPU time required by these methods is very less when compared with that using simultaneous method. It is also found that the simulator with PNW and PW as the primary variable which had problem of convergence using the simultaneous method, converged using both the modified sequential method and also using adaptive solution modified sequential method. The present study indicates that pressure and saturation formulation along with adaptive solution modified sequential method is the best among the different simulators and methods tested.


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The multiphase flow of fluids in the unsaturated porous medium is considered as a three phase flow of water, NAPL, and air simultaneously in the porous medium. The adaptive solution fully implicit modified sequential method is used for the numerical modelling. The effect of capillarity and heterogeneity effect at the interface between the media is studied and it is observed that the interface criteria has to be taken into account for the correct prediction of NAPL migration especially in heterogeneous media. The modified Newton Raphson method is used for the linearization and Hestines and Steifel Conjugate Gradient method is used as the solver.


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A controlled laboratory experiment was carried out on forty Indian male college students for evaluating the effect of indoor thermal environment on occupants' response and thermal comfort. During experiment, indoor temperature varied from 21 degrees C to 33 degrees C, and the variables like relative humidity, airflow, air temperature and radiant temperature were recorded along with subject's physiological parameters (skin (T-sk) and oral temperature (T-c)) and subjective thermal sensation responses (TSV). From T-sk and T-c, body temperature (T-b) was evaluated. Subjective Thermal Sensation Vote (TSV) was recorded using ASHRAE 7-point scale. In PMV model, Fanger's T-sk equation was used to accommodate adaptive response. Step-wise regression analysis result showed T-b was better predictor of TSV than T-sk and T-c. Regional skin temperature response, suppressed sweating without dipping, lower sweating threshold temperature and higher cutaneous threshold for sweating were observed as thermal adaptive responses. These adaptive responses cannot be considered in PMV model. To incorporate subjective adaptive response, mean skin temperature (T-sk) is considered in dry heat loss calculation. Along with these, PMV-model and other two methodologies are adopted to calculate PMV values and results are compared. However, recent literature is limited to measure the sweat rate in Indians and consideration of constant Ersw in PMV model needs to be corrected. Using measured T-sk in PMV model (Method(1)), thermal comfort zone corresponding to 0.5 <= PMV <= 0.5 was evaluated as (22.46-25.41) degrees C with neutral temperature of 23.91 degrees C, similarly while using TSV response, wider comfort zone was estimated as (23.25-26.32) degrees C with neutral temperature at 24.83 degrees C, which was further increased to with TSV-PPDnew, relation. It was observed that PMV-model overestimated the actual thermal response. Interestingly, these subjects were found to be less sensitive to hot but more sensitive to cold. A new TSV-PPD relation (PPDnew) was obtained from the population distribution of TSV response with an asymmetric distribution of hot-cold thermal sensation response from Indians. The calculations of human thermal stress according to steady state energy balance models used on PMV model seem to be inadequate to evaluate human thermal sensation of Indians. Relevance to industry: The purpose of this paper is to estimate thermal comfort zone and optimum temperature for Indians. It also highlights that PMV model seems to be inadequate to evaluate subjective thermal perception in Indians. These results can be used in feedback control of HVAC systems in residential and industrial buildings. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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FEniCS is a collection of software tools for the automated solution of differential equations by finite element methods. In this note, we describe how FEniCS can be used to solve a simple nonlinear model problem with varying levels of automation. At one extreme, FEniCS provides tools for the fully automated and adaptive solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. At the other extreme, FEniCS provides a range of tools that allow the computational scientist to experiment with novel solution algorithms. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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A scale-invariant moving finite element method is proposed for the adaptive solution of nonlinear partial differential equations. The mesh movement is based on a finite element discretisation of a scale-invariant conservation principle incorporating a monitor function, while the time discretisation of the resulting system of ordinary differential equations is carried out using a scale-invariant time-stepping which yields uniform local accuracy in time. The accuracy and reliability of the algorithm are successfully tested against exact self-similar solutions where available, and otherwise against a state-of-the-art h-refinement scheme for solutions of a two-dimensional porous medium equation problem with a moving boundary. The monitor functions used are the dependent variable and a monitor related to the surface area of the solution manifold. (c) 2005 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During the epoch when the first collapsed structures formed (6<z<50) our Universe went through an extended period of changes. Some of the radiation from the first stars and accreting black holes in those structures escaped and changed the state of the Intergalactic Medium (IGM). The era of this global phase change in which the state of the IGM was transformed from cold and neutral to warm and ionized, is called the Epoch of Reionization.In this thesis we focus on numerical methods to calculate the effects of this escaping radiation. We start by considering the performance of the cosmological radiative transfer code C2-Ray. We find that although this code efficiently and accurately solves for the changes in the ionized fractions, it can yield inaccurate results for the temperature changes. We introduce two new elements to improve the code. The first element, an adaptive time step algorithm, quickly determines an optimal time step by only considering the computational cells relevant for this determination. The second element, asynchronous evolution, allows different cells to evolve with different time steps. An important constituent of methods to calculate the effects of ionizing radiation is the transport of photons through the computational domain or ``ray-tracing''. We devise a novel ray tracing method called PYRAMID which uses a new geometry - the pyramidal geometry. This geometry shares properties with both the standard Cartesian and spherical geometries. This makes it on the one hand easy to use in conjunction with a Cartesian grid and on the other hand ideally suited to trace radiation from a radially emitting source. A time-dependent photoionization calculation not only requires tracing the path of photons but also solving the coupled set of photoionization and thermal equations. Several different solvers for these equations are in use in cosmological radiative transfer codes. We conduct a detailed and quantitative comparison of four different standard solvers in which we evaluate how their accuracy depends on the choice of the time step. This comparison shows that their performance can be characterized by two simple parameters and that the C2-Ray generally performs best.


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A quadtree-based adaptive Cartesian grid generator and flow solver were developed. The grid adaptation based on pressure or density gradient was performed and a gridless method based on the least-square fashion was used to treat the wall surface boundary condition, which is generally difficult to be handled for the common Cartesian grid. First, to validate the technique of grid adaptation, the benchmarks over a forward-facing step and double Mach reflection were computed. Second, the flows over the NACA 0012 airfoil and a two-element airfoil were calculated to validate the developed gridless method. The computational results indicate the developed method is reasonable for complex flows.


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In this paper we present an Orientation Free Adaptive Step Detection (OFASD) algorithm for deployment in a smart phone for the purposes of physical activity monitoring. The OFASD algorithm detects individual steps and measures a user’s step counts using the smart phone’s in-built accelerometer. The algorithm considers both the variance of an individual’s walking pattern and the orientation of the smart phone. Experimental validation of the algorithm involved the collection of data from 10 participants using five phones (worn at five different body positions) whilst walking on a treadmill at a controlled speed for periods of 5 min. Results indicated that, for steps detected by the OFASD algorithm, there were no significant differences between where the phones were placed on the body (p > 0.05). The mean step detection accuracies ranged from 93.4 % to 96.4 %. Compared to measurements acquired using existing dedicated commercial devices, the results demonstrated that using a smart phone for monitoring physical activity is promising, as it adds value to an accepted everyday accessory, whilst imposing minimum interaction from the user. The algorithm can be used as the underlying component within an application deployed within a smart phone designed to promote self-management of chronic disease where activity measurement is a significant factor, as it provides a practical solution, with minimal requirements for user intervention and less constraints than current solutions.


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The interactions between the polyene antibiotic amphotericin B with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine were investigated in vesicles (using circular dichroism) and in chloroform solution (using circular dichroism and IH, I3C, and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance). The results show that amphotericin B readily aggregates in vesicles and that the extent of aggregation depends on the 1ipid:drug concentration ratio. Introduction of sterol molecules into the membrane hastens the process of aggregation of amphotericin B. In chloroform solutions amphotericin B strongly interacts with phospholipid molecules to form a stoichiometric complex. The results suggest that there are interactions between the conjugated heptene stretch of amphotericin B and the methylene groups of lipid acyl chains, while the sugar moiety interacts with the phosphate head group by the formation of a hydrogen bond. A model is proposed for the lipid-amphotericin B complex, in which amphotericin B interacts equally well with the two lipid acyl chains, forming a 1:l complex.