909 resultados para Adaptive multiagent system
Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. MASCEM is a market simulator developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations. This paper presents a new proposal for the definition of MASCEM players’ strategies to negotiate in the market. The proposed methodology is multiagent based, using reinforcement learning algorithms to provide players with the capabilities to perceive the changes in the environment, while adapting their bids formulation according to their needs, using a set of different techniques that are at their disposal. Each agent has the knowledge about a different method for defining a strategy for playing in the market, the main agent chooses the best among all those, and provides it to the market player that requests, to be used in the market. This paper also presents a methodology to manage the efficiency/effectiveness balance of this method, to guarantee that the degradation of the simulator processing times takes the correct measure.
Electricity markets are complex environments with very particular characteristics. MASCEM is a market simulator developed to allow deep studies of the interactions between the players that take part in the electricity market negotiations. This paper presents a new proposal for the definition of MASCEM players’ strategies to negotiate in the market. The proposed methodology is multiagent based, using reinforcement learning algorithms to provide players with the capabilities to perceive the changes in the environment, while adapting their bids formulation according to their needs, using a set of different techniques that are at their disposal.
This article presents the model and implementation of a multiagent fuzzy system (MAFS), to automate the search of solutions of incidents in telecommunications, expressed by the users in an imprecise way and, later, registered in a a knowledge base keeping their original vaguenesses and the relationships between the incidents considered as ancestors and descendants. The process of the fuzzy incidents, no matter their causes, is based on the application of a formula which transforms the intervals of the fuzzy incidents to a computational language and in the interaction between the different kinds of software agents and the humans. To search and suggest solutions of the incident originally stated, a search algorithm is used and illustrated with an example. The preliminary results obtained show the users' satisfaction, in a great percentage of the presented cases. The system is adaptive and allows to record new solutions for future users.
Immunological systems have been an abundant inspiration to contemporary computer scientists. Problem solving strategies, stemming from known immune system phenomena, have been successfully applied to chall enging problems of modem computing. Simulation systems and mathematical modeling are also beginning use to answer more complex immunological questions as immune memory process and duration of vaccines, where the regulation mechanisms are not still known sufficiently (Lundegaard, Lund, Kesmir, Brunak, Nielsen, 2007). In this article we studied in machina a approach to simulate the process of antigenic mutation and its implications for the process of memory. Our results have suggested that the durability of the immune memory is affected by the process of antigenic mutation.and by populations of soluble antibodies in the blood. The results also strongly suggest that the decrease of the production of antibodies favors the global maintenance of immune memory.
The aim of this paper is presenting the recommendation module of the Mathematics Collaborative Learning Platform (PCMAT). PCMAT is an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System (AEHS), with a constructivist approach, which presents contents and activities adapted to the characteristics and learning style of students of mathematics in basic schools. The recommendation module is responsible for choosing different learning resources for the platform, based on the user's characteristics and performance. Since the main purpose of an adaptive system is to provide the user with content and interface adaptation, the recommendation module is integral to PCMAT’s adaptation model.
The main objective of an Adaptive System is to adequate its relation with the user (content presentation, navigation, interface, etc.) according to a predefined but updatable model of the user that reflects his objectives, preferences, knowledge and competences [Brusilovsky, 2001], [De Bra, 2004]. For Educational Adaptive Systems, the emphasis is placed on the student knowledge in the domain application and learning style, to allow him to reach the learning objectives proposed for his training [Chepegin, 2004]. In Educational AHS, the User Model (UM), or Student Model, has increased relevance: when the student reaches the objectives of the course, the system must be able to readapt, for example, to his knowledge [Brusilovsky, 2001]. Learning Styles are understood as something that intent to define models of how given person learns. Generally it is understood that each person has a Learning Style different and preferred with the objective of achieving better results. Some case studies have proposed that teachers should assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom and methods to best fit each student's learning style [Kolb, 2005], [Martins, 2008]. The learning process must take into consideration the individual cognitive and emotional parts of the student. In summary each Student is unique so the Student personal progress must be monitored and teaching shoul not be not generalized and repetitive [Jonassen, 1991], [Martins, 2008]. The aim of this paper is to present an Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Tool based on Progressive Assessment.
The forthcoming smart grids are comprised of integrated microgrids operating in grid-connected and isolated mode with local generation, storage and demand response (DR) programs. The proposed model is based on three successive complementary steps for power transaction in the market environment. The first step is characterized as a microgrid’s internal market; the second concerns negotiations between distinct interconnected microgrids; and finally, the third refers to the actual electricity market. The proposed approach is modeled and tested using a MAS framework directed to the study of the smart grids environment, including the simulation of electricity markets. This is achieved through the integration of the proposed approach with the MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform) system.
O ensino à distância cresceu consideravelmente nos últimos anos e a tendência é para que continue a crescer em anos vindouros. No entanto, enquanto que a maioria das plataformas de ensino à distância utilizam a mesma abordagem de ensino para todos os utilizadores, os estudantes que as usam são na realidade pessoas de diferentes culturas, locais, idades e géneros, e que possuem diferentes níveis de educação. Ao contrário do ensino à distância tradicional, os sistemas de hipermédia adaptativa educacional adaptam interface, apresentação de conteúdos e navegação, entre outros, às características, necessidades e interesses específicos de diferentes utilizadores. Apesar da investigação na área de sistemas de hipermédia adaptativa já estar bastante desenvolvida, é necessário efetuar mais desenvolvimento e experimentação de modo a determinar quais são os aspetos mais eficazes destes sistemas e avaliar o seu sucesso. A Plataforma de Aprendizagem Colaborativa da Matemática (PCMAT) é um sistema de hipermédia adaptativa educacional com uma abordagem construtivista, que foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de contribuir para a investigação na área de sistemas de hipermédia adaptativa. A plataforma avalia o conhecimento do utilizador e apresenta conteúdos e atividades adaptadas às características e estilo de aprendizagem dominante de estudantes de matemática do segundo ciclo. O desenvolvimento do PCMAT tem também o propósito de auxiliar os alunos Portugueses com a aprendizagem da matemática. De acordo com o estudo PISA 2012 da OCDE [OECD, 2014], o desempenho dos alunos Portugueses na área da matemática melhorou em relação à edição anterior do estudo, mas os resultados obtidos permanecem abaixo da média da OCDE. Por este motivo, uma das finalidades deste projeto é desenvolver um sistema de hipermédia adaptativa que, ao adequar o ensino da matemática às necessidades específicas de cada aluno, os assista com a aquisição de conhecimento. A adaptação é efetuada pelo sistema usando a informação constante no modelo do utilizador para definir um grafo de conceitos do domínio específico. Este grafo é adaptado do modelo do domínio e utilizado para dar resposta às necessidades particulares de cada aluno. Embora a trajetória inicial seja definida pelo professor, o percurso percorrido no grafo por cada aluno é determinado pela sua interação com o sistema, usando para o efeito a representação do conhecimento do aluno e outras características disponíveis no modelo do utilizador, assim como avaliação progressiva. A adaptação é conseguida através de alterações na apresentação de conteúdos e na estrutura e anotações das hiperligações. A apresentação de conteúdos é alterada mostrando ou ocultando cada um dos vários fragmentos que compõe as páginas dum curso. Estes fragmentos são compostos por diferentes objetos de aprendizagem, tais como exercícios, figuras, diagramas, etc. As mudanças efetuadas na estrutura e anotações das hiperligações têm o objetivo de guiar o estudante, apontando-o na direção do conhecimento mais relevante e mantendo-o afastado de informação inadequada. A escolha de objectos de aprendizagem adequados às características particulares de cada aluno é um aspecto essencial do modelo de adaptação do PCMAT. A plataforma inclui para esse propósito um módulo responsável pela recomendação de objectos de aprendizagem, e um módulo para a pesquisa e recuperação dos mesmos. O módulo de recomendação utiliza lógica Fuzzy para converter determinados atributos do aluno num conjunto de parâmetros que caracterizam o objecto de aprendizagem que idealmente deveria ser apresentado ao aluno. Uma vez que o objecto “ideal” poderá não existir no repositório de objectos de aprendizagem do sistema, esses parâmetros são utilizados pelo módulo de pesquisa e recuperação para procurar e devolver ao módulo de recomendação uma lista com os objectos que mais se assemelham ao objecto “ideal”. A pesquisa é feita numa árvore k-d usando o algoritmo k-vizinhos mais próximos. O modelo de recomendação utiliza a lista devolvida pelo módulo de pesquisa e recuperação para seleccionar o objecto de aprendizagem mais apropriado para o aluno e processa-o para inclusão numa das páginas Web do curso. O presente documento descreve o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto PCMAT (PTDS/CED/108339/2008), dando relevância à adaptação de conteúdos.
Chemokines are key molecules involved in the migration and homeostasis of immune cells. However, also tumor cells use chemokine signals for different processes such as tumor progression and metastasis. It is thus unclear whether chemokines, through their immunostimulatory roles, contribute to the repression of tumor cells by tumor immunosurveillance or whether chemokines act primarily as growth factors and chemoattractants for primary and metastatizing tumors, respectively. Research of recent years, using gene knockout mice, recombinant chemokines, and agents able to block chemokine actions, has provided further insight into the diverse functions of chemokines. Here, we review the current knowledge on the complex actions of chemokines at the interface of the immune system and the tumor.
To coordinate ambulances for emergency medical services, a multiagent system uses an auction mechanism based on trust. Results of tests using real data show that this system can efficiently assign ambulances to patients, thereby reducing transportation time. Emergency transportation on specialized vehicles is needed when a person's health is in risk of irreparable damage. A patient can't benefit from sophisticated medical treatments and technologies if she or he isn't placed in a proper healthcare center with the appropriate medical team. For example, strokes are neurological emergencies involving a limited amount of time in which treatment measures are effective
To coordinate ambulances for emergency medical services, a multiagent system uses an auction mechanism based on trust. Results of tests using real data show that this system can efficiently assign ambulances to patients, thereby reducing transportation time. Emergency transportation on specialized vehicles is needed when a person's health is in risk of irreparable damage. A patient can't benefit from sophisticated medical treatments and technologies if she or he isn't placed in a proper healthcare center with the appropriate medical team. For example, strokes are neurological emergencies involving a limited amount of time in which treatment measures are effective
In order to improve the quality of healthcare services, the integrated large-scale medical information system is needed to adapt to the changing medical environment. In this paper, we propose a requirement driven architecture of healthcare information system with hierarchical architecture. The system operates through the mapping mechanism between these layers and thus can organize functions dynamically adapting to user’s requirement. Furthermore, we introduce the organizational semiotics methods to capture and analyze user’s requirement through ontology chart and norms. Based on these results, the structure of user’s requirement pattern (URP) is established as the driven factor of our system. Our research makes a contribution to design architecture of healthcare system which can adapt to the changing medical environment.
This article presents the model of a multi-agent system (SMAF), which objectives are the input of fuzzy incidents as the human experts express them with different severities degrees and the further search and suggestion of solutions. The solutions will be later confirm or not by the users. This model was designed, implemented and tested in the telecommunications field, with heterogeneous agents in a cooperative model. In the design, different abstract levels where considered, according to the agents? objectives, their ways to carry it out and the environment in which they act. Each agent is modeled with different spectrum of the knowledge base
The objective of this paper is to design a path following control system for a car-like mobile robot using classical linear control techniques, so that it adapts on-line to varying conditions during the trajectory following task. The main advantages of the proposed control structure is that well known linear control theory can be applied in calculating the PID controllers to full control requirements, while at the same time it is exible to be applied in non-linear changing conditions of the path following task. For this purpose the Frenet frame kinematic model of the robot is linearised at a varying working point that is calculated as a function of the actual velocity, the path curvature and kinematic parameters of the robot, yielding a transfer function that varies during the trajectory. The proposed controller is formed by a combination of an adaptive PID and a feed-forward controller, which varies accordingly with the working conditions and compensates the non-linearity of the system. The good features and exibility of the proposed control structure have been demonstrated through realistic simulations that include both kinematics and dynamics of the car-like robot.