999 resultados para Adaptive biasing force


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This paper presents a robust hybrid force/position control scheme of two cooperative manipulators handling an unknown object interacting with an unknown environment. The uncertainty of the object is considered in the weight, length, and the position of centre of mass (COM). The environment is assumed to have an unknown but high stiffness. A hybrid force/position control algorithm is designed for the known system and environment case. The exponential convergence of the position and the interaction force with the environment is proved using the Lyapunov direct method. Similarly, in the unknown object and environment case, and in the presence of bounded disturbances on the robots and the object, an adaptive sliding mode hybrid force/position control scheme is designed. The asymptotic convergence of the object's position and the constraint force is guaranteed using the proposed control methodology. The internal forces and moments between the object and robots are controlled independently of the object's motion and environmental interaction forces. Simulation results confirm the performance and effectiveness of the suggested control methodologies.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) together with the adaptive biasing force (ABF) and metadynamics free energy calculation methods was used to investigate the permeation properties of salt water through poly(amide) thin film composite reverse osmosis membranes. The thin films were generated by annealing an amorphous cell of poly(amide) chains through an MD method. The MD results showed they have typical structural properties of the active layer of thin film composite membranes and comparable water diffusivity (2.13×10-5cm2/s for the film with a density of 1.06g/cm3) and permeability (9.27×10-15cm3cm/cm2sPa) to experimental data. The simulations of water permeation through the films under different transmembrane pressures revealed the behaviours of water molecules in the thin films and the dynamic regimes of water permeation, including Brownian diffusion, flush and jump diffusion regimes. The intermolecular interactions of water and ions with poly(amide) chains showed a strong dependence on the local structure of films. The attraction between water and ploy(amide) molecules can be up to 8.5kcal/mol in dense polymer regions and 5kcal/mol in the pores of about 3nm. The ABF and metadynamics simulations produced the profiles of free energy potential of water and ions along the depth of the thin films, which provided important information for quantitatively determining the barrier energy required for water permeation and rejection of ions. The thin film with a density of 1.06g/cm3 and a thickness of 6nm offers a rejection to Na+ but a slight absorption of Cl- (0.25kcal/mol) at 0.3-0.4nm distance to its surface. Water molecules must overcome 63kcal/mol energy to move to the centre of the film. The dependences of the barrier energy and the water-polymer interaction energy on the local free volume size in the thin film were analysed. The simulations of water permeation under high transmembrane pressures showed a nonlinear response of the concentration and distribution of water molecules in the film to the imposed pressure. Compaction of the film segments close to the porous substrate and water congestion in dense regions significantly influenced the water permeation when the membrane was operated under pressures of more than 3.0MPa.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We present reaction free energy calculations using the adaptive buffered force mixing quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (bf-QM/MM) method. The bf-QM/MM method combines nonadaptive electrostatic embedding QM/MM calculations with extended and reduced QM regions to calculate accurate forces on all atoms, which can be used in free energy calculation methods that require only the forces and not the energy. We calculate the free energy profiles of two reactions in aqueous solution: the nucleophilic substitution reaction of methyl chloride with a chloride anion and the deprotonation reaction of the tyrosine side chain. We validate the bf-QM/MM method against a full QM simulation, and show that it correctly reproduces both geometrical properties and free energy profiles of the QM model, while the electrostatic embedding QM/MM method using a static QM region comprising only the solute is unable to do so. The bf-QM/MM method is not explicitly dependent on the details of the QM and MM methods, so long as it is possible to compute QM forces in a small region and MM forces in the rest of the system, as in a conventional QM/MM calculation. It is simple, with only a few parameters needed to control the QM calculation sizes, and allows (but does not require) a varying and adapting QM region which is necessary for simulating solutions.


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The last decades have seen an unrivaled growth and diffusion of mobile telecommunications. Several standards have been developed to this purposes, from GSM mobile phone communications to WLAN IEEE 802.11, providing different services for the the transmission of signals ranging from voice to high data rate digital communications and Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). In this wide research and market field, this thesis focuses on Ultra Wideband (UWB) communications, an emerging technology for providing very high data rate transmissions over very short distances. In particular the presented research deals with the circuit design of enabling blocks for MB-OFDM UWB CMOS single-chip transceivers, namely the frequency synthesizer and the transmission mixer and power amplifier. First we discuss three different models for the simulation of chargepump phase-locked loops, namely the continuous time s-domain and discrete time z-domain approximations and the exact semi-analytical time-domain model. The limitations of the two approximated models are analyzed in terms of error in the computed settling time as a function of loop parameters, deriving practical conditions under which the different models are reliable for fast settling PLLs up to fourth order. Besides, a phase noise analysis method based upon the time-domain model is introduced and compared to the results obtained by means of the s-domain model. We compare the three models over the simulation of a fast switching PLL to be integrated in a frequency synthesizer for WiMedia MB-OFDM UWB systems. In the second part, the theoretical analysis is applied to the design of a 60mW 3.4 to 9.2GHz 12 Bands frequency synthesizer for MB-OFDM UWB based on two wide-band PLLs. The design is presented and discussed up to layout level. A test chip has been implemented in TSMC CMOS 90nm technology, measured data is provided. The functionality of the circuit is proved and specifications are met with state-of-the-art area occupation and power consumption. The last part of the thesis deals with the design of a transmission mixer and a power amplifier for MB-OFDM UWB band group 1. The design has been carried on up to layout level in ST Microlectronics 65nm CMOS technology. Main characteristics of the systems are the wideband behavior (1.6 GHz of bandwidth) and the constant behavior over process parameters, temperature and supply voltage thanks to the design of dedicated adaptive biasing circuits.


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Extraction and reconstruction of rectal wall structures from an ultrasound image is helpful for surgeons in rectal clinical diagnosis and 3-D reconstruction of rectal structures from ultrasound images. The primary task is to extract the boundary of the muscular layers on the rectal wall. However, due to the low SNR from ultrasound imaging and the thin muscular layer structure of the rectum, this boundary detection task remains a challenge. An active contour model is an effective high-level model, which has been used successfully to aid the tasks of object representation and recognition in many image-processing applications. We present a novel multigradient field active contour algorithm with an extended ability for multiple-object detection, which overcomes some limitations of ordinary active contour models—"snakes." The core part in the algorithm is the proposal of multigradient vector fields, which are used to replace image forces in kinetic function for alternative constraints on the deformation of active contour, thereby partially solving the initialization limitation of active contour for rectal wall boundary detection. An adaptive expanding force is also added to the model to help the active contour go through the homogenous region in the image. The efficacy of the model is explained and tested on the boundary detection of a ring-shaped image, a synthetic image, and an ultrasound image. The experimental results show that the proposed multigradient field-active contour is feasible for multilayer boundary detection of rectal wall


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This article describes two neural network modules that form part of an emerging theory of how adaptive control of goal-directed sensory-motor skills is achieved by humans and other animals. The Vector-Integration-To-Endpoint (VITE) model suggests how synchronous multi-joint trajectories are generated and performed at variable speeds. The Factorization-of-LEngth-and-TEnsion (FLETE) model suggests how outflow movement commands from a VITE model may be performed at variable force levels without a loss of positional accuracy. The invariance of positional control under speed and force rescaling sheds new light upon a familiar strategy of motor skill development: Skill learning begins with performance at low speed and low limb compliance and proceeds to higher speeds and compliances. The VITE model helps to explain many neural and behavioral data about trajectory formation, including data about neural coding within the posterior parietal cortex, motor cortex, and globus pallidus, and behavioral properties such as Woodworth's Law, Fitts Law, peak acceleration as a function of movement amplitude and duration, isotonic arm movement properties before and after arm-deafferentation, central error correction properties of isometric contractions, motor priming without overt action, velocity amplification during target switching, velocity profile invariance across different movement distances, changes in velocity profile asymmetry across different movement durations, staggered onset times for controlling linear trajectories with synchronous offset times, changes in the ratio of maximum to average velocity during discrete versus serial movements, and shared properties of arm and speech articulator movements. The FLETE model provides new insights into how spina-muscular circuits process variable forces without a loss of positional control. These results explicate the size principle of motor neuron recruitment, descending co-contractive compliance signals, Renshaw cells, Ia interneurons, fast automatic reactive control by ascending feedback from muscle spindles, slow adaptive predictive control via cerebellar learning using muscle spindle error signals to train adaptive movement gains, fractured somatotopy in the opponent organization of cerebellar learning, adaptive compensation for variable moment-arms, and force feedback from Golgi tendon organs. More generally, the models provide a computational rationale for the use of nonspecific control signals in volitional control, or "acts of will", and of efference copies and opponent processing in both reactive and adaptive motor control tasks.


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We consider the problem of optimizing the workforce of a service system. Adapting the staffing levels in such systems is non-trivial due to large variations in workload and the large number of system parameters do not allow for a brute force search. Further, because these parameters change on a weekly basis, the optimization should not take longer than a few hours. Our aim is to find the optimum staffing levels from a discrete high-dimensional parameter set, that minimizes the long run average of the single-stage cost function, while adhering to the constraints relating to queue stability and service-level agreement (SLA) compliance. The single-stage cost function balances the conflicting objectives of utilizing workers better and attaining the target SLAs. We formulate this problem as a constrained parameterized Markov cost process parameterized by the (discrete) staffing levels. We propose novel simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA)-based algorithms for solving the above problem. The algorithms include both first-order as well as second-order methods and incorporate SPSA-based gradient/Hessian estimates for primal descent, while performing dual ascent for the Lagrange multipliers. Both algorithms are online and update the staffing levels in an incremental fashion. Further, they involve a certain generalized smooth projection operator, which is essential to project the continuous-valued worker parameter tuned by our algorithms onto the discrete set. The smoothness is necessary to ensure that the underlying transition dynamics of the constrained Markov cost process is itself smooth (as a function of the continuous-valued parameter): a critical requirement to prove the convergence of both algorithms. We validate our algorithms via performance simulations based on data from five real-life service systems. For the sake of comparison, we also implement a scatter search based algorithm using state-of-the-art optimization tool-kit OptQuest. From the experiments, we observe that both our algorithms converge empirically and consistently outperform OptQuest in most of the settings considered. This finding coupled with the computational advantage of our algorithms make them amenable for adaptive labor staffing in real-life service systems.


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The goal of this work was to investigate stability in relation to the magnitude and direction of forces applied by the hand. The endpoint stiffness and joint stiffness of the arm were measured during a postural task in which subjects exerted up to 30% maximum voluntary force in each of four directions while controlling the position of the hand. All four coefficients of the joint stiffness matrix were found to vary linearly with both elbow and shoulder torque. This contrasts with the results of a previous study, which employed a force control task and concluded that the joint stiffness coefficients varied linearly with either shoulder or elbow torque but not both. Joint stiffness was transformed into endpoint stiffness to compare the effect on stability as endpoint force increased. When the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at only one joint, as in the previous study, we found that hand position became unstable if endpoint force exceeded about 22 N in a specific direction. This did not occur when the joint stiffness coefficients were modeled as varying with the net torque at both joints, as in the present study. Rather, hand position became increasingly more stable as endpoint force increased for all directions of applied force. Our analysis suggests that co-contraction of biarticular muscles was primarily responsible for the increased stability. This clearly demonstrates how the central nervous system can selectively adapt the impedance of the arm in a specific direction to stabilize hand position when the force applied by the hand has a destabilizing effect in that direction.


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The simulation of complex chemical systems often requires a multi-level description, in which a region of special interest is treated using a computationally expensive quantum mechanical (QM) model while its environment is described by a faster, simpler molecular mechanical (MM) model. Furthermore, studying dynamic effects in solvated systems or bio-molecules requires a variable definition of the two regions, so that atoms or molecules can be dynamically re-assigned between the QM and MM descriptions during the course of the simulation. Such reassignments pose a problem for traditional QM/MM schemes by exacerbating the errors that stem from switching the model at the boundary. Here we show that stable, long adaptive simulations can be carried out using density functional theory with the BLYP exchange-correlation functional for the QM model and a flexible TIP3P force field for the MM model without requiring adjustments of either. Using a primary benchmark system of pure water, we investigate the convergence of the liquid structure with the size of the QM region, and demonstrate that by using a sufficiently large QM region (with radius 6 Å) it is possible to obtain radial and angular distributions that, in the QM region, match the results of fully quantum mechanical calculations with periodic boundary conditions, and, after a smooth transition, also agree with fully MM calculations in the MM region. The key ingredient is the accurate evaluation of forces in the QM subsystem which we achieve by including an extended buffer region in the QM calculations. We also show that our buffered-force QM/MM scheme is transferable by simulating the solvated Cl(-) ion.


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Patterned self-adaptive PS/P2VP mixed polymer brushes were prepared by "grafting to" approach combining with microcontact printing (muCP). The properties of the patterned surface were investigated by lateral force microscopy (LFM), XPS and water condensation figures. In the domains with grafted P2VP, the PS/P2VP mixed brushes demonstrated reversible switching behavior upon exposure to selective solvents for different components. The chemical composition of the top layer as well as the surface wettability can be well tuned due to the perpendicular phase segregation in the mixed brushes. While in the domains without grafted P2VP, the grafted PS did not have the capability of switching. The development and erasing of the pattern is reversible under different solvent treatment.


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This paper shows how a minimal neural network model of the cerebellum may be embedded within a sensory-neuro-muscular control system that mimics known anatomy and physiology. With this embedding, cerebellar learning promotes load compensation while also allowing both coactivation and reciprocal inhibition of sets of antagonist muscles. In particular, we show how synaptic long term depression guided by feedback from muscle stretch receptors can lead to trans-cerebellar gain changes that are load-compensating. It is argued that the same processes help to adaptively discover multi-joint synergies. Simulations of rapid single joint rotations under load illustrates design feasibility and stability.


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Fusion ARTMAP is a self-organizing neural network architecture for multi-channel, or multi-sensor, data fusion. Fusion ARTMAP generalizes the fuzzy ARTMAP architecture in order to adaptively classify multi-channel data. The network has a symmetric organization such that each channel can be dynamically configured to serve as either a data input or a teaching input to the system. An ART module forms a compressed recognition code within each channel. These codes, in turn, beco1ne inputs to a single ART system that organizes the global recognition code. When a predictive error occurs, a process called parallel match tracking simultaneously raises vigilances in multiple ART modules until reset is triggered in one of thmn. Parallel match tracking hereby resets only that portion of the recognition code with the poorest match, or minimum predictive confidence. This internally controlled selective reset process is a type of credit assignment that creates a parsimoniously connected learned network.


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The Fuzzy ART system introduced herein incorporates computations from fuzzy set theory into ART 1. For example, the intersection (n) operator used in ART 1 learning is replaced by the MIN operator (A) of fuzzy set theory. Fuzzy ART reduces to ART 1 in response to binary input vectors, but can also learn stable categories in response to analog input vectors. In particular, the MIN operator reduces to the intersection operator in the binary case. Learning is stable because all adaptive weights can only decrease in time. A preprocessing step, called complement coding, uses on-cell and off-cell responses to prevent category proliferation. Complement coding normalizes input vectors while preserving the amplitudes of individual feature activations.