982 resultados para AdS-CFT and dS-CFT correspondence


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We consider a scalar field theory on AdS in both minimally and non-minimally coupled cases. We show that there exist constraints which arise in the quantization of the scalar field theory on AdS which cannot be reproduced through the usual AdS/CFT prescription. We argue that the usual energy, defined through the stress-energy tensor, is not the natural one to be considered in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We analyze a new definition of the energy which makes use of the Noether current corresponding to time displacements in global coordinates. We compute the new energy for Dirichlet, Neumann and mixed boundary conditions on the scalar field and for both the minimally and non-minimally coupled cases. Then, we perform the quantization of the scalar field theory on AdS showing that, for 'regular' and 'irregular' modes, the new energy is conserved, positive and finite. We show that the quantization gives rise, in a natural way, to a generalized AdS/CFT prescription which maps to the boundary all the information contained in the bulk. In particular, we show that the divergent local terms of the on-shell action contain information about the Legendre transformed generating functional, and that the new constraints for which the irregular modes propagate in the bulk are the same constraints for which such divergent local terms cancel out. In this situation, the addition of counterterms is not required. We also show that there exist particular cases for which the unitarity bound is reached, and the conformai dimension becomes independent of the effective mass. This phenomenon has no bulk counterpart.


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We consider a scalar field theory on AdS, and show that the usual AdS/CFT prescription is unable to map to the boundary a part of the information arising from the quantization in the bulk. We propose a solution to this problem by defining the energy of the theory in the bulk through the Noether current corresponding to time displacements, and, in addition, by introducing a proper generalized AdS/CFT prescription. We also show how this extended formulation could be used to consistently describe double-trace interactions in the boundary. The formalism is illustrated by focusing on the non-minimally coupled case using Dirichlet boundary conditions. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We show that multitrace interactions can be consistently incorporated into an extended AdS conformal field theory (CFT) prescription involving the inclusion of generalized boundary conditions and a modified Legendre transform prescription. We find new and consistent results by considering a self-contained formulation which relates the quantization of the bulk theory to the AdS/CFT correspondence and the perturbation at the boundary by double-trace interactions. We show that there exist particular double-trace perturbations for which irregular modes are allowed to propagate as well as the regular ones. We perform a detailed analysis of many different possible situations, for both minimally and nonminimally coupled cases. In all situations, we make use of a new constraint which is found by requiring consistency. In the particular nonminimally coupled case, the natural extension of the Gibbons-Hawking surface term is generated.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A correspondência AdS/CFT é uma notável ferramenta no estudo de teorias de gauge fortemente acopladas que podem ser mapeadas em uma descrição gravitacional dual fracamente acoplada. A correspondência é melhor entendida no limite em que ambos $N$ e $\\lambda$, o rank do grupo de gauge e o acoplamento de \'t Hooft da teoria de gauge, respectivamente, são infinitos. Levar em consideração interações com termos de curvatura de ordem superior nos permite considerar correções de $\\lambda$ finito. Por exemplo, a primeira correção de acoplamento finito para supergravidade tipo IIB surge como um termo de curvatura com forma esquemática $\\alpha\'^3 R^4$. Neste trabalho investigamos correções de curvatura no contexto da gravidade de Lovelock, que é um cenário simples para investigar tais correções pois as suas equações de movimento ainda são de segunda ordem em derivadas. Esse cenário também é particularmente interessante do ponto de vista da correspondência AdS/CFT devido a sua grande classe de soluções de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Consideramos um sistema de gravidade AdS-axion-dilaton em cinco dimensões com um termo de Gauss-Bonnet e encontramos uma solução das equações de movimento, o que corresponde a uma black brane exibindo uma anisotropia espacial, onde a fonte da anisotropia é um campo escalar linear em uma das coordenadas espaciais. Estudamos suas propriedades termodinâmicas e realizamos a renormalização holográfica usando o método de Hamilton-Jacobi. Finalmente, usamos a solução obtida como dual gravitacional de um plasma anisotrópico fortemente acoplado com duas cargas centrais independentes, $a eq c$. Calculamos vários observáveis relevantes para o estudo do plasma, a saber, a viscosidade de cisalhamento sobre densidade de entropia, a força de arrasto, o parâmetro de jet quenching, o potencial entre um par quark-antiquark e a taxa de produção de fótons.


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We study new supergravity solutions related to large-N c N=1 supersymmetric gauge field theories with a large number N f of massive flavors. We use a recently proposed framework based on configurations with N c color D5 branes and a distribution of N f flavor D5 branes, governed by a function N f S(r). Although the system admits many solutions, under plausible physical assumptions the relevant solution is uniquely determined for each value of x ≡ N f /N c . In the IR region, the solution smoothly approaches the deformed Maldacena-Núñez solution. In the UV region it approaches a linear dilaton solution. For x < 2 the gauge coupling β g function computed holographically is negative definite, in the UV approaching the NSVZ β function with anomalous dimension γ 0 = −1/2 (approaching − 3/(32π 2)(2N c  − N f )g 3)), and with β g  → −∞ in the IR. For x = 2, β g has a UV fixed point at strong coupling, suggesting the existence of an IR fixed point at a lower value of the coupling. We argue that the solutions with x > 2 describe a"Seiberg dual" picture where N f  − 2N c flips sign.


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We study some perturbative and nonperturbative effects in the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics. In particular we consider the time dependence of the Higgs vacuum expectation value given by the dynamics of the StandardModel and study the non-adiabatic production of both bosons and fermions, which is intrinsically non-perturbative. In theHartree approximation, we analyze the general expressions that describe the dissipative dynamics due to the backreaction of the produced particles. Then, we solve numerically some relevant cases for the Standard Model phenomenology in the regime of relatively small oscillations of the Higgs vacuum expectation value (vev). As perturbative effects, we consider the leading logarithmic resummation in small Bjorken x QCD, concentrating ourselves on the Nc dependence of the Green functions associated to reggeized gluons. Here the eigenvalues of the BKP kernel for states of more than three reggeized gluons are unknown in general, contrary to the large Nc limit (planar limit) case where the problem becomes integrable. In this contest we consider a 4-gluon kernel for a finite number of colors and define some simple toy models for the configuration space dynamics, which are directly solvable with group theoretical methods. In particular we study the depencence of the spectrum of thesemodelswith respect to the number of colors andmake comparisons with the planar limit case. In the final part we move on the study of theories beyond the Standard Model, considering models built on AdS5 S5/Γ orbifold compactifications of the type IIB superstring, where Γ is the abelian group Zn. We present an appealing three family N = 0 SUSY model with n = 7 for the order of the orbifolding group. This result in a modified Pati–Salam Model which reduced to the StandardModel after symmetry breaking and has interesting phenomenological consequences for LHC.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We show that the BRST cohomology of the massless sector of the Type IIB superstring on AdS(5) x S (5) can be described as the relative cohomology of an infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebra. We explain how the vertex operators of ghost number 1, which correspond to conserved currents, are described in this language. We also give some algebraic description of the ghost number 2 vertices, which appears to be new. We use this algebraic description to clarify the structure of the zero mode sector of the ghost number two states in flat space, and initiate the study of the vertices of the higher ghost number.


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We classify the N = 4 supersymmetric AdS(5) backgrounds that arise as solutions of five-dimensional N = 4 gauged supergravity. We express our results in terms of the allowed embedding tensor components and identify the structure of the associated gauge groups. We show that the moduli space of these AdS vacua is of the form SU(1, m)/ (U(1) x SU(m)) and discuss our results regarding holographically dual N = 2 SCFTs and their conformal manifolds.


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The AdS/CFT duality has established a mapping between quantities in the bulk AdS black-hole physics and observables in a boundary finite-temperature field theory. Such a relationship appears to be valid for an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions, extrapolating the original formulations of Maldacena`s correspondence. In the same sense properties like the hydrodynamic behavior of AdS black-hole fluctuations have been proved to be universal. We investigate in this work the complete quasinormal spectra of gravitational perturbations of d-dimensional plane-symmetric AdS black holes (black branes). Holographically the frequencies of the quasinormal modes correspond to the poles of two-point correlation functions of the field-theory stress-energy tensor. The important issue of the correct boundary condition to be imposed on the gauge-invariant perturbation fields at the AdS boundary is studied and elucidated in a fully d-dimensional context. We obtain the dispersion relations of the first few modes in the low-, intermediate- and high-wavenumber regimes. The sound-wave (shear-mode) behavior of scalar (vector)-type low- frequency quasinormal mode is analytically and numerically confirmed. These results are found employing both a power series method and a direct numerical integration scheme.


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An inflating brane world can be created from ``nothing'' together with its anti-de Sitter (AdS) bulk. The resulting space-time has compact spatial sections bounded by the brane. During inflation, the continuum of KK modes is separated from the massless zero mode by the gap m=(3/2)H, where H is the Hubble rate. We consider the analogue of the Nariai solution and argue that it describes the pair production of ``black cigars'' attached to the inflating brane. In the case when the size of the instantons is much larger than the AdS radius, the 5-dimensional action agrees with the 4-dimensional one. Hence, the 5D and 4D gravitational entropies are the same in this limit. We also consider thermal instantons with an AdS black hole in the bulk. These may be interpreted as describing the creation of a hot universe from nothing or the production of AdS black holes in the vicinity of a pre-existing inflating brane world. The Lorentzian evolution of the brane world after creation is briefly discussed. An additional ``integration constant'' in the Friedmann equation-accompanying a term which dilutes like radiation-describes the tidal force in the fifth direction and arises from the mass of a spherical object inside the bulk. In general, this could be a 5-dimensional black hole or a ``parallel'' brane world of negative tension concentrical with our brane-world. In the case of thermal solutions, and in the spirit of the AdS/CFT correspondence, one may attribute the additional term to thermal radiation in the boundary theory. Then, for temperatures well below the AdS scale, the entropy of this radiation agrees with the entropy of the black hole in the AdS bulk.


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In this paper, rotating strings in three directions of AdS(4) x CP(3) geometry are studied; its divergent energy limit, and conserved charges are also determined. An interpretation of these configurations as either giant magnons or spiky strings is discussed.