5 resultados para Acuracia
Este artigo tem o objetivo de realizar uma revisão narrativa sobre revisão sistemática da acurácia dos testes diagnósticos. Foi realizada busca na Cochrane Methodology Reviews (Cochrane Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy), Medline e LILACS, bem como busca manual das listas de referências dos artigos incluídos na revisão. As estratégias de busca empregadas foram as seguintes, empregando-se títulos de assuntos e termos livres: 1. na Cochrane Methodology Reviews: accuracy study "Methodology" 2. Na Pubmed "Meta-Analysis "[Publication Type] AND "Evidence-Based Medicine"[Mesh]) AND "Sensitivity and Specificity"[Mesh]; 3. Na LILACS: (revisao sistematica) or "literatura de REVISAO como assunto" [Descritor de assunto] and (sistematica) or "SISTEMATICA" [Descritor de assunto] and (acuracia) or "SENSIBILIDADE e especificidade" [Descritor de assunto]. Em suma, a preparação e o planejamento metodológicos das revisões sistemáticas de testes diagnósticos é ulterior àqueles empregados nas revisões sistemáticas das intervenções terapêuticas. Há muitas fontes de heterogeneidade nos desenhos dos estudos de teste diagnóstico, o que dificulta muito a síntese - metanálise - dos seus resultados. Para contornar esse problema, existem atualmente normas, exigidas pelas principais revistas biomédicas, para a submissão de um manuscrito sobre testes diagnósticos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study was conducted to investigate how visually impaired people perform distance estimation tasks by movement and navigation during deprivation of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For that they performed the task of walking three distances, being the first and second of 100 meters and the third of 140 meters (triangulation) from a point of origin in open field on a inverted L shaped trajectory and then returning to the origin. The first and second tasks were driven by means of a guide with GPS adapted to the study coordinates, and the third one was freeform with three sessions, the first without perceptual and proprioceptive restrictions, the second without auditory perception, and the third in a wheelchair, without proprioception. The objective of this study was to indicate the differences in distance reproduction in relation to accuracy and investigate the spatial representation of participants in a navigation task, in which there is active movement, but no effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. Results showed that the average participants underestimated distances producing average angles close to the value of 45°. And by means of the "t" students test no significant differences between subjects can be pointed out. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring by GPS and software TrackMaker.
This study aimed to investigate how people with hearing disability perform tasks of distances estimation for locomotion and navigation when deprived of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For this, participants with hearing disability went three distances being the first and second 100 meters and the third 140 meters (triangulation) from a source point in an inverted L open field trajectory and then returned to the origin, and the first two were driven by a researcher guide with adapted GPS coordinates of the study, and the third being three free-form sessions, the first one without any perceptual and proprioceptive restriction, the second without visual perception, and the third on the wheel-chair, that is, without proprioception. The results showed that people with hearing disability without the knowledge of the path do not possess satisfactory accuracy but when they learn the way even with the restriction of visual perception and proprioception they can return to the starting point in a task of triangulation. The "t" students test with a significance level of 5% (2.131) indicates significant differences between the first task without any perceptual restriction and the third where they performed in the wheelchair. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring via GPS and the TrackMaker software.