998 resultados para Actividade editorial


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Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 Linguagens


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O objectivo desta proposta de estudo é a análise do papel de Ana de Castro Osório, no contexto da edição da literatura infantil, nos finais do séc. XIX e inícios do séc. XX (até 1935). O livro infantil, enquanto objecto de expressão cultural, veicula discursos, contextualizados numa determinada época, que o moldam, determinam e lhe conferem um sentido. O número de estudos no âmbito da história e sociologia da leitura, em Portugal, não parece ser abundante e, no que se refere à infância, surgem sobretudo dados, enquadrados no campo da história da literatura infantil. Parece pois pertinente reflectir sobre o mercado livreiro do início do séc. XX de livros para crianças, tendo como exemplo Ana de Castro Osório, que cria e sustenta duas editoras, publica títulos de 1897 a 1935, escreve em diversos jornais infantis e utiliza a edição em fascículos para poder publicar as suas obras. Para cativar os seus leitores, a autora/editora desenvolve estratégias para conseguir vingar no mercado, tais como, brindes ou prémios associado à colecção Para as Crianças. Por outro lado, concorre para a inclusão das suas histórias em manuais escolares e consegue-o, tanto em Portugal como no Brasil, quer no tempo da Monarquia quer durante a Primeira República. São vários os factores que podem condicionar o seu projecto e levá-la ao fracasso. O maior de todos talvez seja o facto de não existir propriamente uma literatura para a infância com contornos definidos, na qual Ana de Castro Osório se possa inspirar. Por outro lado, custos de edição, dificuldades de venda e distribuição, bem como um público aparentemente muito reduzido, na sua maioria analfabeto, podem afectar o sucesso da sua empresa. A acrescentar a estes aspectos, o facto estarmos a falar de uma mulher no mundo dos negócios, numa época em o papel feminino se desenrola sobretudo na esfera privada, pode limitar a sua acção.


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O autor aborda problemas relacionados com as traduções literárias em Portugal e com a actividade editorial.


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Expomos, neste trabalho, o resultado de algumas reflexões sobre a gestão, o marketing e a sociologia do livro e da leitura, e um exercício de investigação de campo, efectuado junto de uma empresa sediada em Lisboa, que desenvolve a sua actividade editorial e comercial, especialmente, no âmbito religioso. A empresa escolhida foi Paulinas Editora, e as razões da escolha assentaram, essencialmente, na necessidade de perscrutarmos o âmago de uma estrutura empresarial de pertença institucional religiosa – que actua, se desenvolve e evolui, regulando-se por critérios próprios do mundo laico –, para dela podermos colher alguns elementos com significado e substância que pudessem constituir uma amostra mínimamente indicativa de um nicho, particularmente específico, do mercado editorial e livreiro português e dos seus leitores.


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This special issue of the Journal of Community, Citizen’s and Third Sector Media and Communication (3CMedia) is based on selected presentations given at the 5th annual Making Links conference, held at The University of Melbourne from 11th to 13th November, 2008. Making Links (see also www.makinglinks.org.au) is a conference that seeks to engage interested people, organisations and groups working at the intersection of social action and information technology, including community workers, educators, trainers, not-for-profit organisations, people who work with marginalised groups, activists and researchers. One of the program streams at this conference was dedicated to the practice of digital storytelling (Lambert, 2002; Hartley & McWilliam, 2009).


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An issue on generative music in Contemporary Music Review allows space to explore many of these controversies, and to explore the rich algorithmic scene in contemporary practice, as well as the diverse origins and manifestations of such a culture. A roster of interesting exponents from both academic and arts practice backgrounds are involved, matching the broad spectrum of current work. Contributed articles range from generative algorithms in live systems, from live coding to interactive music systems to computer games, through algorithmic modelling of longer-term form, evolutionary algorithms, to interfaces between modalities and mediums, in algorithmic choreography. A retrospective on the intensive experimentation into algorithmic music and sound synthesis at the Institute of Sonology in the 1960s and 70s creates a complementary strand, as well as an open paper on the issues raised by open source, as opposed to proprietary, software and operating systems, with consequences in the creation and archiving of algorithmic work.


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This Australasian horror special issue is an important step forward in putting Australian and New Zealand horror movies on the map of film and cinema studies as a subject worthy of intellectual debate. The journal issue is the first devoted solely to the academic discussion of Australasian horror movies. While an Australian horror movie tradition has produced numerous titles since the 1970s achieving commercial success and cult popularity worldwide, the horror genre is largely missing from Australian film history. While there have been occasional essays on standout titles such as Wolf Creek (Mclean, 2005), an increasing number of articles on ‘Ozploitation’ movies, and irregular discussion about Australian Gothic, overall the nature of Australian horror as a genre remains poorly understood. In terms of New Zealand, debate has tended to revolve around ‘Kiwi Gothic’ and of course Peter Jackon’s early splatter films, rather than Kiwi horror as a specific filmmaking tradition.


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This special issue of Futures is concerned with community engagement strategies that help to inform medium and long-term futures studies in order to foster sustainable urban environments. Recent special issues of Futures, such as Human Extinction (41:10) and Utopian Thought (41:4), reflect the increasing significance of sustainability issues, which is why we present another crucial component of sustainability, community engagement. Responding to futurists’ long term concerns about climate change outlined in Futures 41(9) [1], Stevenson concluded that we can no longer support infinite growth, and that our goal should be to reshape the economy to let us live within our means. In the face of the continued and accelerated crisis in environmental, economic and social sustainability, a number of trends informed our call for papers on the possible role of community engagement in contributing to enhanced urban sustainability: • Changes in the public sphere in terms of participation, online deliberation systems, polity of urban futures; • The possible use of user-generated content for urban planning (paralleling the rise of user generated content elsewhere); • The related role of social networking, collective and civic intelligence, and crowd- sourcing in urban futures; • The rise of technologies such as wireless Internet and mobile applications, and the impact of neogeography, simulations and 3D virtual environments that reproduce and analyse complex social phenomena and city systems in urban futures, design and planning.


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Taking an 'action genre' approach (Lemke, 199**) this paper analyses representational strategies of three genres of photography: press photography, photojournalism and documentary photography. While there has been much written on editorial photography, there is no organised body of scholarship that distinguishes between these three very different modes of of editorial photography.