147 resultados para Acth
Investigating a recently developed Cushing Syndrome, we diagnosed in a 47-year-old woman an ectopic ACTH syndrome due to a metastatic carcinoid tumor, most likely a thymic carcinoid tumor. Combined therapy with sandostatin and nizoral and later on with sandostatin, metopirone and orimeten, was not able to suppress the hypercortisolism. A few weeks after surgical adrenalectomy, clinical deterioration ensued, culminating in the patient's death 7 months after diagnosis.
It has been repeatedly demonstrated that ACTH administration lowers plasma lipid concentrations in man. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis, based on observations of decreased apolipoprotein B (ApoB) synthesis and secretion in vitro, that ACTH administration inhibits the postprandial output of ApoB in man. Therefore, we studied the response to a fat-rich meal supplemented with Vitamin A in eight healthy volunteers, who underwent this test without premedication, after 4 days administration of ACTH, and after 4 days administration of a glucocorticoid (betamethasone). As expected, fasting plasma levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL)-cholesterot (-25%) and ApoB (-17%) decreased after ACTH, but not after betamethasone administration. Also, the elevation of plasma ApoB-48 in response to fat intake (to twice the basal levels) was markedly reduced after ACTH administration. However, the postprandial rise in plasma triglycerides and retinyl palmitate was unimpaired, suggesting that ACTH administration induced the secretion of fewer but larger chylomicrons. The effect of betamethasone on the postprandial response was similar but less pronounced. This study confirms earlier reports on the lipid-lowering effects of ACTH and supports our theory, based on in vitro studies, that the lipid-lowering effects of ACTH administration in man involves an inhibition of ApoB production. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Enhanced negative feedback and reduced adrenal output are two different models that have been put forth to explain the paradoxical observations of increased release of corticotropin-releasing factor in the face of low cortisol levels in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSID). To discriminate between these models, the authors measured levels of adrenocorticopic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol at baseline and in response to dexamethasone in medically healthy subjects with and without PTSID. Under conditions of enhanced negative feedback inhibition, ACTH levels would not be altered relative to cortisol levels, but the ACTH response to dexamethasone would be augmented, in concert with the enhanced cortisol response to dexamethasone. In contrast, under conditions of reduced adrenal output, ACTH levels would be expected to be higher at baseline relative to cortisol levels, but the ACTH response to dexamethasone would be unchanged in PTSID relative to healthy comparison subjects. Method: The ACTH and cortisol responses to 0.50 mg of dexamethasone were assessed in 19 subjects (15 men and four women) with PTSID and 19 subjects (14 men and five women) without psychiatric disorder. Results: The ACTH-to-cortisol ratio did not differ between groups before or after dexamethasone, but the subjects with PTSD showed greater suppression of ACTH (as well as cortisol) in response to dexamethasone. Conclusions: The data support the hypothesis of enhanced cortisol negative feedback inhibition of ACTH secretion at the level of the pituitary in PTSD. Pituitary glucocorticoid receptor binding, rather than low adrenal output, is implicated as a likely mechanism for this effect.
There is evidence that pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides other than adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) have a role in adrenal cell proliferation. We compared the activity of synthetic rat N-terminal POMC fragment 1-28 with disulfide bridges (N-POMC(w)) and without disulfide bridges (N-POMC(w/o)), with the activity of fibroblast growth factor (FGF2), a widely studied adrenal growth factor, and ACTH, in well-characterized pure cultures of both isolated adrenal Glomerulosa (G) and Fasciculata/Reticularis (F/R) cells. Three days of FGF2-treatment had a proliferative effect similar to serum, and synthetic peptide N-POMC(w) induced proliferation more efficiently than N-POMC(w/o). Moreover, both induced proliferation via the ERK1/2 pathway. In contrast, sustained ACTH treatment decreased proliferation and viability through apoptosis induction, but not necrosis, and independently of PKA and PKC pathways. Further elucidation of 1-28 POMC signal transduction is of interest, and primary cultures of adrenal cells were found to be useful for examining the trophic activity of this peptide.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Contagem de células somáticas e produção leiteira em cabras Saanen estressadas via aplicação de ACTH
Avaliou-se neste estudo o efeito do estresse, via administração de ACTH (hormônio adrenocorticotrófico), sobre a quantidade e qualidade do leite produzido e a indicação de estresse pela alteração no nível de cortisol. Assim, 12 cabras lactantes foram distribuídas em dois grupos: seis animais receberam aplicação de 0,06 UI de ACTH/kg de PV (desafiadas) e seis receberam solução placebo (controle), todas via intravenosa. O desafio ocorreu ao longo da lactação, com aplicação do protocolo aos 30, 60, 120 e 180 dias do início da lactação, avaliando-se em cada data os níveis de cortisol 30 minutos antes, no ato da aplicação, 60, 120 e 300 minutos depois. A produção leiteira foi mensurada diariamente durante 270 dias e, a cada 20 dias, o leite foi colhido para contagem de células somáticas (CCS) pelo método direto. Os teores de cortisol mensurados em -30 e 0 minuto antes da aplicação de ACTH foram baixos e semelhantes entre os grupos. Entretanto, a partir de 60 minutos, constatou-se efeito da aplicação de ACTH, com teor de cortisol de 61,37±6,65 versus 5,47±1,21 ng/mL e de 51,17±10,21 versus 4,67±1,21 ng/mL aos 120 minutos. Aos 300 minutos, o cortisol retornou ao nível basal. Não houve diferença na produção de leite, no teor de proteína e de gordura do leite, cujos valores nos grupos ACTH e Placebo foram 1,37±0,59 e 1,38±0,63 kg de leite, respectivamente. A contagem de células somáticas não foi influenciada pelo estresse e apresentou valores situados na faixa indicada para animais sadios. Constatou-se estresse pontual em decorrência da aplicação de ACTH, porém sem alterações de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa do leite produzido, e isso indica que atividades de manejo que estressam os animais pontualmente não trazem prejuízos ao sistema produtivo.
Interest in the measurement of salivary cortisol has increased recently because saliva can be easily collected before and after an imposed stress. This study evaluated the relationship between plasma and salivary concentrations of cortisol following ACTH administration in calves ( experiment 1) and machine milking of adult cows ( experiment 2). A catheter was inserted into the jugular vein of all animals 72 h before the beginning of experiments. Blood and saliva samples were collected before and after ACTH administration (0.6 IU/kg BW) in calves or before and after machine milking of cows. Using a cotton swab, each saliva sample was taken immediately following the blood sample. In general, cortisol profiles were similar in plasma and saliva and correlated in both experiments; however, plasma concentrations were significantly higher than salivary concentrations. In addition, the differences between cortisol concentrations measured in saliva and plasma within each experiment varied substantially between animals and samples. Furthermore, in experiment 2, nearly 10% of salivary samples were below limits of detection. The sharp peaks in cortisol after ACTH administration in both the plasma and saliva were reflected adrenal stimulation. In addition, increases in cortisol in response to milking in both the plasma and saliva suggest that salivary sampling is a reliable option when studying cortisol responses to normal physiological events.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)