992 resultados para Acoustic devices
This project was designed to provide the structural softwood processing industry with the basis for improved green and dry grading to allow maximise MGP grade yields, consistent product performance and reduced processing costs. To achieve this, advanced statistical techniques were used in conjunction with state-of-the-art property measurement systems. Specifically, the project aimed to make two significant steps forward for the Australian structural softwood industry: • assessment of technologies, both existing and novel, that may lead to selection of a consistent, reliable and accurate device for the log yard and green mill. The purpose is to more accurately identify and reject material that will not make a minimum grade of MGP10 downstream; • improved correlation of grading MOE and MOR parameters in the dry mill using new analytical methods and a combination of devices. The three populations tested were stiffness-limited radiata pine, strength-limited radiata pine and Caribbean pine. Resonance tests were conducted on logs prior to sawmilling, and on boards. Raw data from existing in-line systems were captured for the green and dry boards. The dataset was analysed using classical and advanced statistical tools to provide correlations between data sets and to develop efficient strength and stiffness prediction equations. Stiffness and strength prediction algorithms were developed from raw and combined parameters. Parameters were analysed for comparison of prediction capabilities using in-line parameters, off-line parameters and a combination of in-line and off-line parameters. The results show that acoustic resonance techniques have potential for log assessment, to sort for low stiffness and/or low strength, depending on the resource. From the log measurements, a strong correlation was found between the average static MOE of the dried boards within a log and the predicted value. These results have application in segregating logs into structural and non-structural uses. Some commercial technologies are already available for this application such as Hitman LG640. For green boards it was found that in-line and laboratory acoustic devices can provide a good prediction of dry static MOE and moderate prediction for MOR.There is high potential for segregating boards at this stage of processing. Grading after the log breakdown can improve significantly the effectiveness of the mill. Subsequently, reductions in non-structural volumes can be achieved. Depending on the resource it can be expected that a 5 to 8 % reduction in non structural boards won’t be dried with an associated saving of $70 to 85/m3. For dry boards, vibration and a standard Metriguard CLT/HCLT provided a similar level of prediction on stiffness limited resource. However, Metriguard provides a better strength prediction in strength limited resources (due to this equipment’s ability to measure local characteristics). The combination of grading equipment specifically for stiffness related predictors (Metriguard or vibration) with defect detection systems (optical or X-ray scanner) provides a higher level of prediction, especially for MOR. Several commercial technologies are already available for acoustic grading on board such those from Microtec, Luxscan, Falcon engineering or Dynalyse AB for example. Differing combinations of equipment, and their strategic location within the processing chain, can dramatically improve the efficiency of the mill, the level of which will vary depending of the resource. For example, an initial acoustic sorting on green boards combined with an optical scanner associated with an acoustic system for grading dry board can result in a large reduction of the proportion of low value low non-structural produced. The application of classical MLR on several predictors proved to be effective, in particular for MOR predictions. However, the usage of a modern statistics approach(chemometrics tools) such as PLS proved to be more efficient for improving the level of prediction. Compared to existing technologies, the results of the project indicate a good improvement potential for grading in the green mill, ahead of kiln drying and subsequent cost-adding processes. The next stage is the development and refinement of systems for this purpose.
The clever designs of natural transducers are a great source of inspiration for man-made systems. At small length scales, there are many transducers in nature that we are now beginning to understand and learn from. Here, we present an example of such a transducer that is used by field crickets to produce their characteristic song. This transducer uses two distinct components-a file of discrete teeth and a plectrum that engages intermittently to produce a series of impulses forming the loading, and an approximately triangular membrane, called the harp, that acts as a resonator and vibrates in response to the impulse-train loading. The file-and-plectrum act as a frequency multiplier taking the low wing beat frequency as the input and converting it into an impulse-train of sufficiently high frequency close to the resonant frequency of the harp. The forced vibration response results in beats producing the characteristic sound of the cricket song. With careful measurements of the harp geometry and experimental measurements of its mechanical properties (Young's modulus determined from nanoindentation tests), we construct a finite element (FE) model of the harp and carry out modal analysis to determine its natural frequency. We fine tune the model with appropriate elastic boundary conditions to match the natural frequency of the harp of a particular species-Gryllus bimaculatus. We model impulsive loading based on a loading scheme reported in literature and predict the transient response of the harp. We show that the harp indeed produces beats and its frequency content matches closely that of the recorded song. Subsequently, we use our FE model to show that the natural design is quite robust to perturbations in the file. The characteristic song frequency produced is unaffected by variations in the spacing of file-teeth and even by larger gaps. Based on the understanding of how this natural transducer works, one can design and fabricate efficient microscale acoustic devices such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) loudspeakers.
Este estudo teve como objetivo principal caracterizar os padrões de distribuição do material particulado em suspensão ao longo da baía de Sepetiba, associando as variabilidades espaciais e temporais com ciclos de maré. Além disso, o estudo também avalia a utilização de equipamentos acústicos como ferramentas à estimativa das concentrações de material particulado em suspensão. A aquisição de dados foi realizada num total de sete campanhas realizadas entre novembro de 2010 e dezembro de 2011. Sete estações foram posicionadas nas proximidades do canal principal de acesso à baía, ao longo de um transecto que se estende do seu interior até sua desembocadura. As sete campanhas amostrais se distribuem em duas séries longas, de 13 e 25 horas, de aquisição em um ponto fixo, e cinco amostragens ao longo das estações. A aquisição de dados envolve: coleta de amostras de água, utilizadas nas estimativas das concentrações de material particulado; coleta de sedimentos de fundo para caracterização granulométrica das estações amostradas; perfis de parâmetros físico-químicos; dados de correntômetria adquiridos junto ao fundo. O processamento das amostras de água e sedimentos foi realizado no laboratório de Geologia Marinha da Faculdade de Oceanografia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As concentrações de material particulado em suspensão foram utilizadas na calibração de sensores acústicos e óticos, permitindo uma avaliação espaço-temporal mais detalhada dos padrões de distribuição junto ao fundo e ao longo da coluna dágua. Os dados observados permitiram identificar que as maiores concentrações de material particulado em suspensão ocorrem em condições de maré enchente, e estão associadas à assimetria de maré. A baía pode ser dividida em dois setores: um na porção mais interna, onde se observou maior influência do aporte fluvial, onde as concentrações de material particulado em suspensão respondem à propagação da pluma do canal de São Francisco; e outro que se estende da porção central até sua desembocadura, onde predomina o domínio marinho, com influência de eventos oriundos da plataforma continental. Também pode ser identificada a influência do fenômeno La Niña, que provavelmente foi responsável por: altas salinidades encontradas no interior da baía e ocorrência da Água Central do Atlântico Sul à baixas profundidades. Quanto à utilização de equipamentos acústicos nas estimativas das concentrações de material particulado, os dados se demonstraram ricos em detalhes, que permitiram avaliar o comportamento do material particulado junto ao fundo frente a diferentes condições de maré, turbulência e incidência de oscilações.
Thanks to an agreement between the Institute of Fisheries Research of Mozambique and the Soviet part Azcherniro and Ingribpomrazvedka, surveys in the waters of Mozambique were conducted from June to August 1981 on the ship Pantikapei. The survey made along the Sofala Bank and Boa Paz (16°00-21°00'S) was at a depths of 11 and 90 meters. Demersal and pelagic fisheries experiments were conducted using acoustic devices. This paper described the results obtained on demersal fishery resources.
The objective of this work is to introduce and demonstrate the technical feasibility of the continuous flash fermentation for the production of butanol. The evaluation was carried out through mathematical modeling and computer simulation which is a good approach in such a process development stage. The process consists of three interconnected units, as follows: the fermentor, the cell retention system (tangential microfiltration) and the vacuum flash vessel (responsible for the continuous recovery of butanol from the broth). The efficiency of this process was experimentally validated for the ethanol fermentation, whose main results are also shown. With the proposed design the concentration of butanol in the fermentor was lowered from 11.3 to 7.8 g/l, which represented a significant reduction in the inhibitory effect. As a result, the final concentration of butanol was 28.2 g/l for a broth with 140 g/l of glucose. Solvents productivity and yield were, respectively, 11.7 g/l.h and 33.5 % for a sugar conversion of 95.6 %. Positive aspects about the flash fermentation process are the solvents productivity, the use of concentrated sugar solution and the final butanol concentration. The last two features can be responsible for a meaningful reduction in the distillation costs and result in environmental benefits due to lower quantities of wastewater generated by the process. © 2008 Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.
The ABE (acetone, butanol, ethanol) fermentation is characterized by its low productivity. In this paper, this issue is overcome with an innovative industrial process that employs the flash fermentation technology. The process consists of three interconnected units, as follows: fermentor, cell retention system (tangential microfiltration) and vacuum flash vessel (responsible for the continuous recovery of butanol from the broth). The dynamic behaviour of the process is described by a nonlinear mathematical model with kinetic parameters determined experimentally. From simulations of the mathematical model the dynamic characteristics of the process were investigated. Analyzes of the open-loop dynamic behavior of the process, after step perturbations in the manipulated variables, determined the best control structures for the process. Copyright © 2010, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
Em um tempo em que altos níveis de ruído fazem parte do cotidiano das pessoas, a necessidade de controlá-los não é somente evidente, mas providencial. Atualmente a poluição sonora, em nível mundial, só não é mais grave do que a poluição do ar e da água. No Brasil a situação não é diferente, pois se estima que mais de 15 milhões de pessoas apresentem algum grau de deficiência auditiva devido a este problema ambiental. Dispositivos acústicos como painéis, barreiras, etc., quando de alta eficiência, geralmente, são de custosa aquisição, tornando, em muitas das vezes, inviável sua utilização, principalmente, por empresas de pequeno porte e orçamento limitado. Assim, soluções alternativas, a começar por novos materiais, que sejam menos custosos e possuam desempenho satisfatório surgem como uma ótima opção caso propostas tradicionais sejam inviabilizadas devido ao custo. Algumas fibras vegetais, na forma de painéis, possuem características acústicas satisfatórias quando utilizadas para reduzir a reverberação em determinados ambientes fechados. Dessa forma, considerando as tendências ambientais globais, o uso de fibras vegetais é uma boa oportunidade para agregar valor às referidas fibras e assim contribuir com o desenvolvimento tecnológico do país, já que estes materiais são de fácil obtenção, existem em abundância, não são tóxicos e provêm de fontes renováveis. Este trabalho apresenta a metodologia de desenvolvimento de painéis fabricados a partir de fibras vegetais (açaí, coco, sisal e dendê), assim como a metodologia utilizada para sua caracterização acústica em câmara reverberante em escala reduzida, baseando-se na norma ISO 354/1999. Os dados de coeficiente de absorção dos painéis são obtidos através de um analisador de frequências utilizando-se o Método da Interrupção do Ruído. A comparação entre os resultados obtidos para os painéis artesanais e os materiais convencionais ensaiados permite concluir que o desempenho acústico demonstrado por alguns painéis de fibras vegetais são muito satisfatórios, uma vez que seus coeficientes de absorção sonora foram compatíveis, e em alguns casos superiores, àqueles apresentados pelos materiais convencionais em determinada faixa de freqüência. Finalmente, uma comparação numérico-experimental é realizada, a fim de avaliar a influência de painéis de fibras de sisal sobre as características acústicas de uma pequena sala.
This work describes the structural and piezoelectric assessment of aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films deposited by pulsed-DC reactive sputtering on insulating substrates. We investigate the effect of different insulating seed layers on AlN properties (crystallinity, residual stress and piezoelectric activity). The seed layers investigated, silicon nitride (Si3N4), silicon dioxide (SiO2), amorphous tantalum oxide (Ta2O5), and amorphous or nano-crystalline titanium oxide (TiO2) are deposited on glass plates to a thickness lower than 100 nm. Before AlN films deposition, their surface is pre-treated with a soft ionic cleaning, either with argon or nitrogen ions. Only AlN films grown of TiO2 seed layers exhibit a significant piezoelectric activity to be used in acoustic device applications. Pure c-axis oriented films, with FWHM of rocking curve of 6º, stress below 500 MPa, and electromechanical coupling factors measured in SAW devices of 1.25% are obtained. The best AlN films are achieved on amorphous TiO2 seed layers deposited at high target power and low sputtering pressure. On the other hand, AlN films deposited on Si3N4, SiO2 and TaOx exhibit a mixed orientation, high stress and very low piezoelectric activity, which invalidate their use in acoustic devices.
The aim of this contribution is to supply summarized information on the distribution and numbers of marine mammals in the Antarctic. In relation to the topic of the workshop the question to be answered is: "Is there spatial or temporal variation in mammalian presence in the Antarctic area that has relevance to the operation of acoustic devices". If acoustic devices have impact on marine mammals, this does not stop at political borders. Nevertheless, since legal implementation of the Antarctic Environmental Protocol was the major stimulus behind the workshop, this contribution was asked to limit itself to the Antarctic Treaty area, that is south of 60°S.
Periods of enhanced terrigenous input to the ocean's basins of the North Atlantic have been reported for the last glacial period. We present a set of new sediment cores recovered from the Sophia Basin north of Svalbard which exhibit wide spread IRD layers reflecting enhanced terrigenous input throughout the last ~200 kyr. BP. Their consistent stratigraphic position, sedimentological character, high sedimentation rate and geochemical characteristic point to synchronously deposited layers which we name terrigenous input events (TIEs). Due to their higher densities, they generate excellent reflectors for sediment penetrating acoustic devices and prominent acoustic layers in the imagery of sedimentary structures. Therefore TIEs can be used for regional acoustic stratigraphy. Each of the events can be linked to major glacial activity on Svalbard. However, the Early Weichselian glaciation is not recorded as a TIE and, in agreement with other work, might not have occurred on Svalbard as a major glacial advance to the shelf break. Non-synchronous timing of western and northern sources on Svalbard points against sea-level induced iceberg discharge events.
Hydrographic and geosciences surveys, using acoustic devices, need to use accurate water sound velocity profiles. Because the acoustic path depends on the sound velocity profile (SVP), the use of the most accurate SVP is one of the keys to conducting effective surveys (with multibeams, for instance). To date, the existing software available does not answer to both the needs of efficiency and simplicity (sometimes not so easy to operate, sometimes not so accurate). DORIS provides a handy freeware to post-process SVP for the hydrographic communities.
Acoustic rangerfinders are a promising technology for accurate proximity detection, a critical requirement for many emerging mobile computing applications. While state-of-the-art systems deliver robust ranging performance, the computational intensiveness of their detection mechanism expedites the energy depletion of the associated devices that are typically powered by batteries. The contribution of this article is fourfold. First, it outlines the common factors that are important for ranging. Second, it presents a review of acoustic rangers and identifies their potential problems. Third, it explores the design of an information processing framework based on sparse representation that could potentially address existing challenges, especially for mobile devices. Finally, it presents mu-BeepBeep: a low energy acoustic ranging service for mobile devices, and empirically evaluates its benefits.
SAW devices were fabricated on c-axis oriented ZnO films grown on Si substrates. Effects of film thickness on the film microstructure and acoustic frequencies were studied. Both Rayleigh and Sezawa mode waves were detected on the devices, and their resonant frequencies were found to decrease with increase in film thickness.
SAW devices were fabricated on c-axis oriented ZnO films grown on Si substrates. Effects of film thickness on the film microstructure and acoustic frequencies were studied. Both Rayleigh and Sezawa mode waves were detected on the devices, and their resonant frequencies were found to decrease with increase in film thickness.
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices with 64 μm wavelength were fabricated on a zinc oxide (ZnO) film deposited on top of an ultra-smooth nanocrystalline diamond (UNCD) layer. The smooth surface of the UNCD film allowed the growth of the ZnO film with excellent c-axis orientation and low surface roughness, suitable for SAW fabrication, and could restrain the wave from significantly dissipating into the substrate. The frequency response of the fabricated devices was characterized and a Rayleigh mode was observed at ∼65.4 MHz. This mode was utilised to demonstrate that the ZnO/UNCD SAW device can be successfully used for microfluidic applications. Streaming, pumping, and jetting using microdroplets of 0.5 and 20 μl were achieved and characterized under different powers applied to the SAW device, focusing more on the jetting behaviors induced by the ZnO SAW.