23 resultados para Acidovorax avenae


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De marzo 1999 a Mayo 2000 se realizó el presente estudio, en Managua, el cual se basó en la recopilación de información sobre las plagas asociadas a las semillas de cucurbitáceas. El objetivo del estudio fue proporcionar elementos técnicos a Cuarentena Vegetal para la toma de decisiones y aplicación de medidas fitosanitarias en la importación de semillas de cucurbitáceas para siembra procedente de Estados Unidos. La información fue obtenida de Bases de Datos Internacionales de Plagas, Centros de Documentación, Organismos internacionales, consultas a especialistas en foto protección, listado de plagas presentes en los cultivos de Nicaragua y búsqueda en Internet. Para el ordenamiento de la información se realizaron fichas técnicas para cada plaga. De un listado inicial de 1O plagas, solamente 8 plagas fueron sujetas a evaluación y análisis para el manejo del riesgo, después de pasar por las tres etapas de Evaluación de un Análisis de Riesgo de Plagas según la Norma Centroamericana del OIRSA. A las plagas consideradas como cuarentenarias para Nicaragua y que pueden causar grandes daños al país si se llegan a introducir, se les evaluó el riesgo de introducción, establecimiento y dispersión, además se determinaron las medidas de manejo del riesgo de plagas. De las plagas analizadas el hongo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp niveum, el virus Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus, el virus Melón Necrotic Spot Carmovirus, la bacteria Acidovorax avenae subsp.citrulli y el virus Cucumber Mosaic Cucumovirus, son las especies que presentan mayor riesgo fitosanitario.


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Plant pathogens are a serious problem for seed export, plant disease control and plant quarantine. Rapid and accurate screening tests are urgently required to protect and prevent plant diseases spreading worldwide. A novel multiplex detection method was developed based on microsphere immunoassays to simultaneously detect four important plant pathogens: a fruit blotch bacterium Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac), chilli vein-banding mottle virus (CVbMV, potyvirus), watermelon silver mottle virus (WSMoV, tospovirus serogroup IV) and melon yellow spot virus (MYSV, tospovirus). An antibody for each plant pathogen was linked on a fluorescence-coded magnetic microsphere set which was used to capture corresponding pathogen. The presence of pathogens was detected by R-phycoerythrin (RPE)-labeled antibodies specific to the pathogens. The assay conditions were optimized by identifying appropriate antibody pairs, blocking buffer, concentration of RPE-labeled antibodies and assay time. Once conditions were optimized, the assay was able to detect all four plant pathogens precisely and accurately with substantially higher sensitivity than enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) when spiked in buffer and in healthy watermelon leaf extract. The assay time of the microsphere immunoassay (1 hour) was much shorter than that of ELISA (4 hours). This system was also shown to be capable of detecting the pathogens in naturally infected plant samples and is a major advancement in plant pathogen detection. © 2013 Charlermroj et al.


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We have made a comparison of (a) different surface chemistries of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor chips (such as carboxymethylated dextran and carboxymethylated C1) and (b) of different assay formats (direct, sandwich and subtractive immunoassay) in order to improve the sensitivity of the determination of the model bacteria Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli (Aac). The use of the carboxymethylated sensor chip C1 resulted in a better sensitivity than that of carboxymethylated dextran CM5 in all the assay formats. The direct assay format, in turn, exhibits the best sensitivity. Thus, the combination of a carboxymethylated sensor chip C1 with the direct assay format resulted in the highest sensitivity for Aac, with a limit of detection of 1.6x106 CFU mL-1. This SPR immunosensor was applied to the detection of Aac in watermelon leaf extracts spiked with the bacteria, and the lower LOD is 2.2x107 CFU mL-1.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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禾谷孢囊线虫严重影响禾谷类作物的产量,在小麦中由禾谷孢囊线虫引起的产量损失可达30-100%。尤其在澳大利亚、欧洲、印度和中东危害严重,目前禾谷孢囊线虫已成为危害我国作物的主要病源。控制禾谷孢囊线虫的方法主要有:作物轮作、杀线虫剂、寄主抗性等等,其中基因工程方法培育抗线虫小麦品种被认为是最经济有效的方法。分离抗禾谷类孢囊线虫基因对揭示抗性基因结构与功能及其表达调控具有重要意义。 尽管小麦是重要的粮食作物,在小麦中已发现的抗禾谷孢囊线虫的基因很少,而比其近缘属如节节麦、易变山羊草、偏凸山羊草中含有丰富的抗源。目前已鉴定出禾谷孢囊线虫抗性位点Cre,并发现了9个禾谷孢囊线虫抗性基因(Cre1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and R) ,其中只有Cre1和Cre8直接从普通小麦中获得。从节节麦中获得的Cre3基因能最有效的控制线虫数量,其次是Cre1和Cre8。这些基因的克隆对于了解禾谷孢囊线虫抗性机制及进一步的育种应用都是非常关键的。然而,目前为止仅有Cre3基因通过图位克隆的方法从节节麦中被分离得到。该基因已被克隆得到的多数线虫抗性基因一样均属于核苷酸结合位点区(NBS)-亮氨酸重复序列区(LRR)基因家族。目前,已有很多抗性基因被分离,这些已知的NBS-LRR类抗性基因的保守序列为应用PCR的方法克隆新的抗性基因提供了可能。 因此本课题的目的是采用保守区同源克隆、3′RACE 和5′RACE 等方法从抗禾谷孢囊线虫小麦-易变山羊草小片段易位系E10 中克隆小麦抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因全序列,进而通过半定量PCR 和荧光定量PCR 研究该基因的表达模式。同时通过mRNA 差别显示技术和任意引物PCR(RAP-PCR)技术分离克隆植物禾谷孢囊线虫抗性基因及其相关基因,为阐明植物抗病性分子机制以及改良作物抗病性和作物育种提供基础,为通过分子标记辅助育种和基因工程方法实现高效、定向转移抗病基因到优良小麦品种奠定了重要的理论和物质基础。主要研究结果: 1. 本实验根据此前从抗禾谷孢囊线虫材料E-10 扩增得到的与来自节节麦的抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3 基因及其他的NBS-LRR 类抗性基因的NBS 和LRR 保守区序列设计了两对特异性引物,从E10 中扩增到532bp 和1175bp 的两个目标条带,它们有一个32bp 的共同序列,连接构成总长为1675bp 的NBS-LRR 编码区(命名为RCCN)。根据RCCN设计引物,利用NBS-LRR区序列设计引物,通过5′RACE 和3′RACE 技术采用3′-Full RACE Core Set(TaKaRa)和5'-Full RACE Kit (TaKaRa)试剂盒,反转录后通过嵌套引物GSP1 和GSP2 分别进行两轮基因特异性扩增,分别将NBS_LRR 区向5′端和3′端延伸了1173bp 和449bp,并包含了起始密码子和终止密码子。根据拼接的得到的序列重新设计引物扩增进行全基因扩增的结果与上面获得的一致。拼接后得到全长2775 bp 的基因序列(记作CreZ, GenBank 号:EU327996)。CreZ 基因包括完整的开放阅读框,全长2775 bp,编码924个氨基酸。序列分析表明它与已知的禾谷孢囊线虫抗性基因Cre3的一致性很高,并且它与已经报到的NBS-LRR 类疾病抗性基因有着相同的保守结构域。推测CreZ基因可能是一个新的NBS-LRR 类禾谷孢囊线虫抗性基因,该基因的获得为通过基因工程途径培育抗禾谷孢囊线虫小麦新品种奠定了基础,并为抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因的调控表达研究提供了参考。 2. 通过半定量PCR和SYBR Green荧光定量PCR技术对CreZ基因的相对表达模式进行了研究。以α-tubulin 2作为参照,采用半定量PCR 分析CreZ 基因在不同接种时期1d, 5d, 10, 15d 的E-10的根和叶的的表达情况。在内参扩增一致的条件下,CreZ 在E-10的根部随着侵染时间的增加表达量有明显的增加,在没有侵染的E-10的根部其表达量没有明显变化,而在叶中没有检测表达,说明该基因只在抗性材料的根部表达。SYBR Green定量PCR分析接种前后E10根部基因CreZ基因的表达水平为检测CreZ基因的表达建立了一套灵敏、可靠的SYBRGreen I 荧光定量PCR 检测方法。接种禾谷孢囊线虫后E10根内CreZ基因的相对表达水平显著高于接种前。随接种时间的延长持续增加,最终CreZ基因的相对表达量达到未接种的对照植株的10.95倍。小麦禾谷孢囊线虫抗性基因CreZ的表达量与胁迫呈正相关,表明其与小麦的的禾谷孢囊线虫抗性密切相关,推测CreZ基因可能是一个新的禾谷孢囊线虫候选抗性基因。 3. 针对小麦基因组庞大、重复序列较多,禾谷孢囊线虫抗性基因及其相关基因的片断难以有效克隆的问题,通过mRNA 差别显示技术及RAP-PCR 技术分离克隆植物禾谷孢囊线虫抗性及其相关基因。试验最终得到154 条差异表达条带,将回收得到的差异条带的二次PCR 扩增产物经纯化后点到带正电的尼龙膜上,进行反向Northern 杂交筛选,最终筛选得到102 个阳性差异点。将其中81 个进行测序,并将序列提交到Genbank 中的dbEST 数据库,分别获得登录号(FE192210 -FE192265,FE193048- FE193074 )。序列比对分析发现,其中26 个序列与已知功能的基因序列同源;有28 条EST 序列在已有核酸数据库中未找到同源已知基因和EST,属新的ESTs 序列;另外27 个EST 序列与已知核酸数据库中的ESTs 具有一定相似性,但功能未知。其所得ESTs 序列补充了Genbank ESTs 数据库,为今后进一步开展抗禾谷类孢囊线虫基因研究工作打下了基础。结合本试验功能基因的相关信息,对小麦接种禾谷孢囊线虫后产生的抗性机制进行了探讨。接种禾谷孢囊线虫后植物在mRNA 水平上的应答是相当复杂的,同时植物的抗病机制是一个复杂的过程,涉及到多个代谢途径的相互作用。 The cereal cyst nematode (CCN), Heterodera avenae Woll, causes severe yieldreductions in cereal crops. The losses caused by CCN can be up to 30-100% in somewheat fields. At present, cereal cyst nematode has become the major disease sourcein China and it also damaged heavily in Australia, Europe, India and Middle East.The damage caused by CCN can be mitigated through several methods, includingcrop rotation, nematicide application, cultural practice, host resistance, and others.Of these methods, incorporating resistance genes into wheat cultivars and breedingresistant lines is considered to be the most cost-effective control measure forreducing nematode populations. Although wheat is an economically important crop around the world, far fewergenes resistant to CCN were found in wheat than were detected in its relatives, suchas Aegilops taucchi, Aegilops variabilis and Aegilops ventricosa. Cloning these genesis essential for understanding the mechanism of this resistance and for furtherapplication in breeding. Because of the huge genome and high repeat sequencescontent, the efficient methods to clone genes from cereal crops, are still lacking. A resistance locus, Cre, has been identified and 9 genes resistant to CCN (designatedCre1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and R) have been described, in which Cre1 and Cre8 werederived directly from common wheat. The Cre3 locus, which was derived from Ae.tauschii, has the greatest impact on reducing the number of female cysts, followed byCre1 and Cre8. Cloning these genes is essential for understanding the mechanism ofthis resistance and for further application in breeding. However, to this point, only Cre3, a NBS-LRR disease resistance gene, has been obtained through mappingcloning in Ae. tauschii. The majority of nematode resistance genes cloned so far belong to a super familywhich contains highly conserved nucleotide-binding sites (NBS) and leucine-richrepeat (LRR) domains. To date, many NBS-LRR resistance genes have been isolated.The conserved sequences of these recognized NBS-LRR resistance genes provide thepossibility to isolate novel resistance genes using a PCR-based strategy. The aim of the present study was to clone the resistance gene of CCN fromWheat/Aegilops variabilis small fragment chromosome translocation line E10 whichis resistant to CCN and investigate the espression profiles of this gene withsemi-quantitative PCR and real-time PCR. Another purpose of this study is cloningthe relational resistance gene for CCN by mRNA differential display PCR andRAP-PCR. These works will offer a foundation for disease defence of crop andbreeding and directional transferring resistance gene into wheat with geneengineering. Primary results as following: 1.According to the conversed motif of NBS and LRR region of cereal cystnematode resistance gene Cre3 from wild wheat (Triticum tauschlii) and the knownNBS-LRR group resistance genes, we designed two pairs of specific primers for NBSand LRR region respectively. One band of approximately 530bp was amplified usingthe specific primers for conversed NBS region and one band of approximately 1175bpwas amplified with the specific primers for conversed LRR region. After sequencing,we found that these two sequences included 32bp common nucleotide having 1675bpin total, which was registered as RCCN in the Genbank. Based on the conservedregions of known resistance genes, a NBS-LRR type CCN resistance gene analog wasisolated from the CCN resistant line E-10 of the wheat near isogenic lines (NILs), by5′RACE and 3′ RACE.designated as CreZ (GenBank accession number: EU327996) .It contained a comlete ORF of 2775 bp and encoded 924 amino acids. Sequencecomparison indicated that it shared 92% nucleotide and 87% amino acid identitieswith those of the known CCN-resistance gene Cre3 and it had the same characteristic of the conserved motifs as other established NBS-LRR disease resistance genes. 2. Usingα-tubulin 2 as exoteric reference, semi-quantitative PCR and real-timePCR analysis were conducted. The expression profiling of CreZ indicated that it wasspecifically expressed in the roots of resistant plants and its relative expression levelincreased sharply when the plants were inoculated with cereal cyst nematodes. therelative expression level of the 15days-infected E10 is the 10.95 times as that ofuninfected E10,ultimately. It was inferred that the CreZ gene be a novel potentialresistance gene to CCN. 3.We cloned the relational resistance gene for CCN by mRNA differentialdisplay PCR and arbitrarily primed PCR fingerprinting of RNA from wheat whichpossess huge and high repeat sequence content genomes. Total 154 differentialexpression bands were separated and second amplified by PCR. The products werenylon membrane. The 102 positive clones were filtrated by reverse northern dot blotand 81 of those were sent to sequence. The EST sequences were submitted toGenbank (Genbank accession: FE192210 - FE192265, FE193048 - FE193074). Thesequences alignment analysis indicated 26 of them were identical with known genes;28 were not found identical sequence in nucleic acid database; another 27 ests wereidentical with some known ests, but their functions were not clear. These ESTsenriched Genbank ESTs database and offered foundation for further research ofresistance gene of CCN.


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O aumento da área de cultivo da aveia branca no Brasil, principalmente em plantio direto, tem ocasionado o aumento na intensidade da mancha foliar e do grão causada por Pyrenophora avenae. Por ser um patógeno necrotrófico, é extremamente dependente dos restos culturais da aveia para sobreviver entre uma estação de cultivo e outra. Assim, a suscetibilidade do hospedeiro, a presença de inóculo do patógeno e condições ambientais favoráveis tem sido as principais causas da ocorrência freqüente de epidemias no sul do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar a fase do desenvolvimento das sementes que é mais suscetível para o estabelecimento do fungo e correlacioná-la com a quantidade de inóculo produzida nas folhas basais mortas. Sob condições de campo, panículas de aveia foram expostas ao inóculo por determinados períodos de tempo desde a sua emergência, em diferentes condições de temperatura e precipitação pluviométrica. As sementes em formação, expostas ao inóculo durante o estágio de grão leitoso e massa mole, apresentaram as maiores incidências do patógeno. A temperatura e a quantidade de chuva do período de observação não influenciaram a porcentagem de sementes infectadas pelo patógeno. No entanto, condições ambientais como temperaturas altas, acumulo de chuvas e ocorrência de outras moléstias, anteciparam a senescência das folhas basais das plantas de aveia, favorecendo uma maior produção de conídios pelo patógeno. O uso de cultivares que ofereçam resistência ou escape das sementes à infecção, a rotação de culturas e a aplicação de fungicidas no momento correto, são algumas medidas que podem ser adotadas para minimizar os prejuízos provocados por esse patógeno.


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A helmintosporiose, incitada por Drechslera avenae (teleomorfo, Pyrenophora avenae), constitui fator limitante à produção e à qualidade do grão de aveia (Avena sativa L). A caracterização biológica e molecular da interação aveia - D. avenae pode contribuir para o manejo e a determinação de estratégias de controle da doença. Para a caracterização biológica, foram avaliadas trinta cultivares de aveia quanto à percentagem de área foliar com sintomas da doença e o tipo de lesão, inicialmente sob condições de inoculação artificial com três isolados do fungo e, após, no campo, sob condições naturais de infecção. Os resultados demonstraram haver interações significativas entre os genótipos da planta e isolados do patógeno. Classificaram-se como mais resistentes ao fungo OR 4, UFRGS 7, UFRGS 14, UFRGS 18 e UPF 19. Para a caracterização molecular da interação, cinco genótipos (CTC 5, ORLA 975, preta-comum, UFRGS 18 e UPF 17), não inoculados e inoculados com dois isolados do fungo, foram investigados para a análise de expressão diferencial de genes após 12, 24 e 72 horas após a inoculação. A partir do RNA total extraído das plantas submetidas aos tratamentos, realizaram-se a síntese de cDNA (RT-PCR), o isolamento de cDNAs expressados diferencialmente e a produção de sondas para a verificação de mRNAs induzidos, os quais foram hibridizados por meio de “Southern blot” e “Reverse Northern”. Foram observadas diferenças na expressão de genes, em nível de mRNA, entre plantas sadias e infectadas, tendo-se obtido sete fragmentos de cDNAs relacionados à interação com D. avenae, os quais foram comparados quanto a sua similaridade com seqüências depositadas no banco de dados do Genbank. Pela análise de “Reverse Northern”, pôde-se identificar um cDNA denominado E3-IFCO, relacionado com a resposta de defesa da planta.


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Bacterial fruit blotch of cucurbits (BFB), caused by the seed borne Gramnegative bacterium Acidovorax citrulli is a serious threat to cucurbit industry worldwide. Since late 1980`s after devastating outbreaks in watermelon fields in southern United States, BFB has spread worldwide and has been reported in other cucurbit crops such as melon, pumpkin, cucumber and squash. To date, there is evidence for the existence of at least two genetically and pathogenically distinct populations of A. citrulli. In Brazil, the first report of BFB was in 1991, in a watermelon field in São Paulo. Although widespread in the country, BFB has been a major problem to melon production. More precisely, BFB has caused significant yield losses to melon production in northeastern Brazil, which concentrates > 90% of the country`s melon production. Despite the management efforts and the recent advances in A. citrulli research, BFB is still a continuous threat to the cucurbit industry, including seed producers, growers and transplant nurseries. To better understand the population structure of A. citrulli strains in Brazil, and to provide a basis for the integrated management of BFB, we used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of housekeeping and virulence-associated genes and pathogenicity tests on different cucurbit seedlings to characterize a Brazilian population of A. citrulli strains from different hosts and regions. Additionally, we conducted for the first time a comparative analysis of the A. citrulli group I and II population at genomic level and showed that these two groups differ on their genome sizes due to the presence of eight DNA segments, which are present in group II and absent in group I genomes. We also provide the first evidence to suggest that temperature might be a driver in the ecological adaptation of A. citrulli populations under nutrient-rich or -depleted conditions. Finally, in order to improve the routine detection of A. citrulli on melon seedlots, we designed a new primer set that is able to detect the different Brazilian haplotypes, thus minimizing the risk of false-negatives on PCR-based seed health testing.


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Abstract Background Some organisms can survive extreme desiccation by entering a state of suspended animation known as anhydrobiosis. The free-living mycophagous nematode Aphelenchus avenae can be induced to enter anhydrobiosis by pre-exposure to moderate reductions in relative humidity (RH) prior to extreme desiccation. This preconditioning phase is thought to allow modification of the transcriptome by activation of genes required for desiccation tolerance. Results To identify such genes, a panel of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) enriched for sequences upregulated in A. avenae during preconditioning was created. A subset of 30 genes with significant matches in databases, together with a number of apparently novel sequences, were chosen for further study. Several of the recognisable genes are associated with water stress, encoding, for example, two new hydrophilic proteins related to the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein family. Expression studies confirmed EST panel members to be upregulated by evaporative water loss, and the majority of genes was also induced by osmotic stress and cold, but rather fewer by heat. We attempted to use RNA interference (RNAi) to demonstrate the importance of this gene set for anhydrobiosis, but found A. avenae to be recalcitrant with the techniques used. Instead, therefore, we developed a cross-species RNAi procedure using A. avenae sequences in another anhydrobiotic nematode, Panagrolaimus superbus, which is amenable to gene silencing. Of 20 A. avenae ESTs screened, a significant reduction in survival of desiccation in treated P. superbus populations was observed with two sequences, one of which was novel, while the other encoded a glutathione peroxidase. To confirm a role for glutathione peroxidases in anhydrobiosis, RNAi with cognate sequences from P. superbus was performed and was also shown to reduce desiccation tolerance in this species. Conclusions This study has identified and characterised the expression profiles of members of the anhydrobiotic gene set in A. avenae. It also demonstrates the potential of RNAi for the analysis of anhydrobiosis and provides the first genetic data to underline the importance of effective antioxidant systems in metazoan desiccation tolerance.


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Bibliography: p. 19-23.


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禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)是严重危害禾谷类作物的病原线虫之一,它广泛分布于澳大利亚、欧洲、北美、印度和中国等世界主要小麦产区,使作物严重减产,造成巨大的经济损失。目前最有效的防治措施之一是将外源抗性基因导入栽培小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),培育抗禾谷孢囊线虫的新品种。但迄今为止抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因克隆研究的相关报道却很少。 本实验根据此前从抗禾谷孢囊线虫材料E-10扩增得到的与来自节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)的抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因Cre3高度同源的序列Rccn4,设计出三条嵌套引物,采用SON-PCR(single oligonucleotide nested PCR)方法,从E-10基因组DNA中得到一个长为1264 bp的扩增产物(命名为Rccn-L),测序比对结果显示,这一序列将Rccn4的3’端延伸了1209 bp,与抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3基因核苷酸同源性为86﹪,核苷酸编码区长1026 bp,含一个不完整的开放阅读框,一个终止密码子,没有起始密码子和内含子结构,编码一个342个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。该蛋白质等电点为5.19,分子量为38112.6Da。从序列的第113位开始到第332位是NBS-LRR类抗病性基因LRR区,呈现XXLXXLXXL重复。LRR编码区内亮氨酸残基的含量达17﹪,与抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3基因LRR编码区的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为89﹪和78﹪。本实验首次将SON-PCR成功地运用于植物基因克隆,为植物基因克隆提供了又一有效方法。 此外,还根据Cre3基因及其他的NBS-LRR类植物抗性基因的NBS和LRR区保守序列设计了两对特异性引物,从禾谷孢囊线虫抗性材料易变山羊草基因组DNA中扩增到两个相应的目标条带。测序分析结果表明,它们的长度分别为532bp和1175bp,构成了一个有32bp的共同序列的NBS-LRR编码区。其序列总长为1675bp(命名为RCCN),含有一个不完整的开放阅读框,没有起始密码子、终止密码子和内含子结构。其中编码序列为1673bp,可编码一个557个氨基酸的蛋白质,等电点(pI)为5.39,分子量为63537.5Da。与Cre3的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为87.8﹪和77﹪。RCCN氨基酸序列中含有已知抗病基因NBS区域的几个保守模体:kinase2区的ILDD、kinase3的(ⅰ)ESKILVTTRSK,(ⅱ)KGSPLAARTVGG,(ⅲ)RRCFAYCS及EGF。RCCN NBS区与Cre3 NBS区的核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性分别为96.4﹪和94﹪。从氨基酸序列的274位到548位为LRR保守区,呈现不规则的aXXLXXLXXL(其中a代表I,V,L,F或M)重复,其中亮氨酸的含量为15.6﹪。该区域与Cre3的LRR区的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为80.8﹪和74﹪。推测该序列可能为一个抗禾谷孢囊线虫的新基因。 本文对抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因的克隆研究,为进一步克隆基因全序列,探索其结构与功能,和研究该基因表达与调控提供了关键信息。同时也为通过基因工程途径将抗性基因向优良小麦品种高效、定向转移,最终培育出小麦抗禾谷孢囊线虫新品种奠定了基础。 Cereal cyst nematode (CCN) is a damaging pathogen of broad acre cereal crops in Australia, Europe, North America, India and China. It affects wheat, barley, oat and triticale and causes yield loss of up to 80%. At present, Transferring resistance genes against CCN into wheat cultivars and breeding varieties are considered one of the most effective methods for controlling the CCN. However, there are very limited reports concerning the cloning studies of resistance genes against the cereal cyst nematode. According to the sequence of Rccn4 which had high similarity to the nucleotide binding site (NBS) coding region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene, Cre3, We designed three 3’ nested primers. Using single oligonucleotide nested PCR (SON-PCR) we successfully amplified one band, Rccn-L, of 1264bp from E-10 which is the wheat-Ae.variabilis translocation line containing the cereal cyst nematode resistance gene of Ae.variabilis. We found that this band of interesting is the 3’ flanking sequence of 1209bp in size of Rccn4. The coding region was 1026bp, which contained an incomplete open reading frame and a terminator codon, without initiation codon and intron, encoding a peptide of 342 amino acid residues, and shared 86﹪nucleotide sequence identity with Cre3. This peptide had a conserved LRR domain, containing the imperfect repeats,XXLXXLXXL, which contains 17﹪ leucine residues and shares, respectively, 89﹪ nucleotide sequence and 78﹪ amino acid sequence identity with the LRR sequence of Cre3 locus. This research firstly used SON-PCR in the research of plant genome successfully, which indicated that SON-PCR is another method of cloning plant gene. At the same time, According to the conversed motif of NBS and LRR region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene Cre3 from wild wheat (Triticum tauschlii L.) and the known NBS-LRR group resistance genes, we designed two pairs of specific primers for NBS and LRR region respectively. One band of approximately 530bp was amplified using the specific primers for conversed NBS region and one band of approximately 1200bp was amplified with the specific primers for conversed LRR region. After sequencing, we found that these two sequences included 32bp common nucleotide sequence and have 1675 bp in total, which was registered as RCCN in the Genbank. RCCN contained a NBS-LRR domain and an incomplete open reading frame without initiation codon, terminator codon and inxon. Its exon encodes a peptide of 557 amino acid residues. The molecular weight of the protein from the amino acid was 63.537 KDa. The amino acid sequence of RCCN contained conserved motif: ILDD, ESKILVTTRSK, KGSPLAARTVGG, RRCFAYCS, EGF,LRR. RCCN shares 87.8﹪ nucleotide sequence and 77﹪ amino acid sequence identity with cereal cyst nematode gene Cre3. It might be a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene. These research results of cloning the resistance genes against cereal cyst nematode bring a great promise for transferring resistance genes into wheat cultivars and breeding new wheat varieties against cereal cyst nematode by gene engineering. And these results also lay the hard foundation for the expressing researches of these genes.


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Procedimento para identificação dos fungos das sementes de trigo; Descrição diagnostica dos principais fungos das sementes de trigo; Sclerotium Tode; Rhizoctonia DC; Chaetomium Kunze; Pleospora Rabenh; Sporobolomyces Kluy. & Niel; Rhodotorula Harrison; Phoma Sacc.; Septoria tritici Rob; Stagonospora nodorum (Berk.) Cas. & Germ.; Stagonospora avenae (Frank) Bisset f. sp. triticae; Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wilson; Fusarium tricinctum (Corda) Sacc; Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon; Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc; Fusarium acuminatum Ell. & Kellerm; Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc.; Fusarium graminearum Schw.; Mucor Micheli; Rhizopus Ehrenb; Aspergillus Link.; Penicillium Link.; Alternaria Nees; Epicoccum Link; Cladosporium Link; Nigrospora Zimm; Curvularia Boedijn; Drechslera tritici-repentis (Died.) Drech; Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorok.) Shoem; Chave sistemática dos principais fungos de sementes de trigo; Ilustrações dos principais fungos encontrados em sementes de trigo.


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Procedimento para identificação dos fungos das sementes de trigo; Descrição diagnostica dos principais fungos das sementes de trigo; Sclerotium Tode; Rhizoctonia DC; Chaetomium Kunze; Pleospora Rabenh; Sporobolomyces Kluy. & Niel; Rhodotorula Harrison; Phoma Sacc.; Septoria tritici Rob; Stagonospora nodorum (Berk.) Cas. & Germ.; Stagonospora avenae (Frank) Bisset f. sp. triticae; Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) Wilson; Fusarium tricinctum (Corda) Sacc; Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon; Fusarium avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc; Fusarium acuminatum Ell. & Kellerm; Fusarium equiseti (Corda) Sacc.; Fusarium graminearum Schw.; Mucor Micheli; Rhizopus Ehrenb; Aspergillus Link.; Penicillium Link.; Alternaria Nees; Epicoccum Link; Cladosporium Link; Nigrospora Zimm; Curvularia Boedijn; Drechslera tritici-repentis (Died.) Drech; Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorok.) Shoem; Chave sistemática dos principais fungos de sementes de trigo; Ilustrações dos principais fungos encontrados em sementes de trigo.


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Prokaryotes represent one-half of the living biomass on Earth, with the vast majority remaining elusive to culture and study within the laboratory. As a result, we lack a basic understanding of the functions that many species perform in the natural world. To address this issue, we developed complementary population and single-cell stable isotope (C-13)-linked analyses to determine microbial identity and function in situ. We demonstrated that the use of rRNA/mRNA stable isotope probing (SIP) recovered the key phylogenetic and functional RNAs. This was followed by single-cell physiological analyses of these populations to determine and quantify in situ functions within an aerobic naphthalene-degrading groundwater microbial community. Using these culture-independent approaches, we identified three prokaryote species capable of naphthalene biodegradation within the groundwater system: two taxa were isolated in the laboratory (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida), whereas the third eluded culture (an Acidovorax sp.). Using parallel population and single-cell stable isotope technologies, we were able to identify an unculturable Acidovorax sp. which played the key role in naphthalene biodegradation in situ, rather than the culturable naphthalene-biodegrading Pseudomonas sp. isolated from the same groundwater. The Pseudomonas isolates actively degraded naphthalene only at naphthalene concentrations higher than 30 mu M. This study demonstrated that unculturable microorganisms could play important roles in biodegradation in the ecosystem. It also showed that the combined RNA SIP-Raman-fluorescence in situ hybridization approach may be a significant tool in resolving ecology, functionality, and niche specialization within the unculturable fraction of organisms residing in the natural environment.