974 resultados para Acid treated starch


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O amido é o polissacarídeo mais abundante presente em plantas, composto por amilose e amilopectina. O amido de milho ceroso apresenta somente amilopectina. A modificação do amido é recomendada para melhorar suas aplicações. A hidrólise ácida é utilizada para alterar as propriedades físico-químicas sem modificar o grânulo e o meio alcoólico ajuda na recuperação da molécula após o tratamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi o tratamento químico com HCl 0,5 mol L-1 durante 1 hora em 100 ml de água, etanol ou metanol. Os equipamentos SETSYS Evolução TGADTA / DSC e Rápido Visco-Analisador (RVA-4) foram usados para avaliar as alterações dos amidos. As curvas TG mostraram três eventos (desidratação, estabilidade e decomposição), com resultados similares para todas as amostras. Este resultado pode estar relacionado a resistência da amilopectina para a hidrólise ácida. Na análise reológica (RVA) o tratamento das amostras mostrou valores mais baixos de perfis de viscosidade. A solução ácida forneceu mudanças nas propriedades de pasta do amido e a solução etanólica (solvente mais apolar) foi maior que as demais soluções. Conclui-se portanto que o tratamento dos amidos forneceu produtos com características térmicas similares e com diferentes respostas mecânicas


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Pore structure of dealuminated kaolin and metakaolin was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Both parent kaolin and metakaolin have about 10% of the total pore volume provided by globular pores with 105 Å mean pore size. Their surface area is about 14 m2/g. Acid dealumination of kaolin causes an increase of its globular pore volume without an appreciable change in the mean pore size, its surface area increasing up to about 90 m2/g. Acid dealumination of metakaolin enhances the globular pore volume, although there is generation of slit-shaped pores with a narrow thickness distribution whose mean value is 14 Å. This interlayer spacing causes an increase in surface area of about 190 m2/g by SAXS. © 1994.


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One of the major problems associated with the use of polypyrrole (PPy) in a practical engineering application is its poor thermal stability at elevated temperatures, especially in the presence of oxygen and moisture. Several authors have shown that enhanced stability can be achieved through treatment with simple acids and bases. This paper presents a summary of the possible structural changes which occur as a result of these treatments and those that appear to be related to enhanced conductivity stability. A slight increase in conductivity (10–20%) is observed for acid treated PPy films which is found to be the result of protonation of the pyrrole structure. This effect is dramatically enhanced by treatment at high temperatures where an increase in conductivity of >84% can be achieved. Base treatment of the PPy films results in the deprotonation of the pyrrole structure leading to the loss of conductivity (>40%). Preliminary X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) results indicate that both acid and base treatment resulted in the elimination of reactive sites for oxygen. Long term thermal ageing of these treated films were conducted at 150 °C in air. The conductivity decay behaviour was found to follow multiple first order chemical reaction kinetics.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The effect of HCl on authigenic chlorite in three different sandstones has been examined uisng an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM), together with conventional analytical techniques. The ESEM enabled chlorites to be directly observed in situ at high magnifications during HCl treatment, and was particularly effective in allowing the same chlorite areas to be closely compared before and after acid treatment. Chlorites were reacted with 1M to 10M HCl at temperatures up to 80°C and for periods up to five months. After all treatments, chlorites show extensive leaching of iron, magnesium and aluminum, and their crystalline structure is destroyed. However, despite these major compositional and structural changes, chlorites show little or no visible evidence of acid attack, with precise morphological detail of individual plates preserved in all samples following acid treatments. Chlorite dissolution, sensu stricto, did not occur as a result of acidization of the host sandstones. Acid-treated chlorides are likely to exits in a structurally weakened state that may make them susceptible to physical disintegration during fluid flow. Accordingly, fines migration may be a significant engineering problem associated with the acidization of chlorite-bearing sandstones. © 1993.


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The initial structural alteration of RNAase A due to acid denaturation (0.5 N HCl, 30 degrees C) that accompanies deamidation (without altering enzymic activity) has been dectected by spectrophotometric titration, fluorescence and ORD/CD measurements. It is shown that acid treated RNAase A has an altered conformation at neutral pH, 25 degrees C. This is characterized by the increased accessibility of buried tyrosine residue(s) towards the solvent. The most altered conformation of RNAase A is found in the 10 h acid-treated derivative. This has about 1.5 additional exposed tyrosine residues and a lesser amount of secondary structure than RNAase A. All three methods (titration, fluorescence and CD) established that the structural transition of RNAase A is biphasic. The first phase occurs within 1 h and the resulting subtle conformational change is constant up to 7 h. Following this, after the release of 0.55 mol of ammonia, the major conformational change begins. The altered conformation of the acid-denatured RNAase A could be reversed completely to the native state through a conformational change induced by substrate analogs like 2'- or 3'-CMP. Thus the monodeamidated derivative isolated from the acid-denatured RNAase A by phosphate is very similar to RNAase A in over-all conformation. The results suggest the possibility of flexibility in the RNAase A molecule that does not affect its catalytic activity, as probed through the tyrosine residues.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDIs) have attracted considerable attention as potential drug molecules in tumour biology. In order to optimise chemotherapy, it is important to understand the mechanisms of regulation of histone deacetylase (HDAC) enzymes and modifications brought by various HDIs. In the present study, we have employed Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (FT-IRMS) to evaluate modifications in cellular macromolecules subsequent to treatment with various HDIs. In addition to CH3 (methyl) stretching bands at 2872 and 2960 cm1, which arises due to acetylation, we also found major changes in bands at 2851 and 2922 cm1, which originates from stretching vibrations of CH2 (methylene) groups, in valproic acid treated cells. We further demonstrate that the changes in CH2 stretching are concentration-dependent and also induced by several other HDIs. Recently, HDIs have been shown to induce propionylation besides acetylation [1]. Since propionylation involves CH2 groups, we hypothesized that CH2 vibrational frequency changes seen in HDI treated cells could arise due to propionylation. As verification, pre-treatment of cells with propionyl CoA synthetase inhibitor resulted in loss of CH2 vibrational changes in histones, purified from valproic acid treated cells. This was further proved by western blot using propionyl-lysine specific antibody. Thus we demonstrate for the first time that propionylation could be monitored by studying CH2 stretching using IR spectroscopy and further provide a platform for monitoring HDI induced multiple changes in cells. (C) 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)


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The effects of polyunsaturated n-6 linoleic acid on monocyte-endothelial interactions were investigated with particular emphasis on the expression of platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule (PECAM)-1 and the role of protein kinase C (PKC) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). As a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids may favour atherosclerosis in hyperglycaemia, this study was performed in both normal and high-glucose media using human aortic endothelial cells (HAEC). The HAEC were preincubated with normal (5 mM) or high (25 mM) d-glucose for 3 days before addition of fatty acids (0.2 mM) for 3 days. Linoleic acid enhanced PECAM-1 expression independently of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a and significantly increased TNF-a-induced monocyte adhesion to HAEC in comparison to the monounsaturated n-9 oleic acid. Chronic glucose treatment (25 mM, 6 days) did not modify the TNF-a-induced or fatty acid-induced changes in monocyte binding. The increase in monocyte binding was accompanied by a significant increase in E-selectin and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1 expression and could be abrogated by an interleukin (IL)-8 neutralising antibody and by the PKC and COX inhibitors. Inhibition of PKC-d reduced VCAM-1 expression regardless of experimental condition and was accompanied by a significant decrease in monocyte binding. Conditioned medium from linoleic acid-treated HAEC grown in normal glucose conditions significantly increased THP-1 chemotaxis. These results suggest that linoleic acid-induced changes in monocyte chemotaxis and subsequent binding are not solely mediated by changes in adhesion molecule expression but may be due to secreted factors such as IL-8, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 or prostaglandins (PGs) such as PGE2, as IL-8 neutralisation and COX-2 inhibition reduced monocyte binding without changes in adhesion molecule expression.


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The effects of forage conservation method on plasma lipids, mammary lipogenesis, and milk fat were examined in 2 complementary experiments. Treatments comprised fresh grass, hay, or untreated (UTS) or formic acid treated silage (FAS) prepared from the same grass sward. Preparation of conserved forages coincided with the collection of samples from cows fed fresh grass. In the first experiment, 5 multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows (229 d in milk) were used to compare a diet based on fresh grass followed by hay during 2 consecutive 14-d periods, separated by a 5-d transition during which extensively wilted grass was fed. In the second experiment, 5 multiparous Finnish Ayrshire cows (53 d in milk) were assigned to 1 of 2 blocks and allocated treatments according to a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design, with 14-d periods to compare hay, UTS, and FAS. Cows received 7 or 9 kg/d of the same concentrate in experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Arterial concentrations of triacylglycerol (TAG) and phospholipid were higher in cows fed fresh grass, UTS, and FAS compared with hay. Nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations and the relative abundance of 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3 in TAG of arterial blood were also higher in cows fed fresh grass than conserved forages. On all diets, TAG was the principle source of fatty acids (FA) for milk fat synthesis, whereas mammary extraction of NEFA was negligible, except during zero-grazing, which was associated with a lower, albeit positive calculated energy balance. Mammary FA uptake was higher and the synthesis of 16:0 lower in cows fed fresh grass than hay. Conservation of grass by drying or ensiling had no influence on mammary extraction of TAG and NEFA, despite an increase in milk fat secretion for silages compared with hay and for FAS than UTS. Relative to hay, milk fat from fresh grass contained lower 12:0, 14:0, and 16:0 and higher S3,R7,R11,15-tetramethyl-16:0, cis-9 18:1, trans-11 18:1, cis-9,trans-11 18:2, 18:2n-6, and 18:3n-3 concentrations. Even though conserved forages altered mammary lipogenesis, differences in milk FA composition were relatively minor, other than a higher enrichment of S3,R7,R11,15-tetramethyl-16:0 in milk from silages compared with hay. In conclusion, differences in milk fat composition on fresh grass relative to conserved forages were associated with a lower energy balance, increased uptake of preformed FA, and decreased synthesis of 16:0 de novo in the mammary glands, in the absence of alterations in stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase activity.


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The dispersion state of individual MWCNT in the polymer matrix influences the mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of the resulting composite. One method of obtaining a good dispersion state of MWCNT in a polymer matrix is to functionalize the surface of MWCNT using various treatments to enhance the surface energy and increase the dispersibility of MWCNT. In this study, wettability and surface energy of UV/Oand acid-treated multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and its polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) polymer nanocomposites were measured using contact angle analysis in various solvent media. Contact angle analysis was based on ethylene glycol-water-glycerol probe liquid set and data was further fitted into geometric mean (Fowkes), van Oss-Chaudhury-Good (GvOC), and Chang-Qing-Chen (CQC) models to determine both nonpolar and acid base surface energy components. Analysis was conducted on MWCNT thin films subjected to different levels of UV/Oand acid treatments as well as their resulting MWCNT/PMMA nanocomposites. Contact angle analysis of thin films and nanocomposites revealed that the total surface energy of all samples was well fitted with each other. In addition, CQC model was able to determine the surface nature and polarity of MWCNT and its nanocomposites. Results indicated that the wettability changes in the thin film and its nanocomposites are due to the change in surface chemistry. Finally, electrical properties of nanocomposites were measured to investigate the effect of surface functionality (acid or basic) on the MWCNT surfaces.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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El principal objetivo de esta tesis fue incrementar la eficiencia proteica en las dietas de rumiantes mediante el uso de proteínas protegidas (harina de girasol y guisante de primavera), así como mejorar la predicción de los aportes de proteína microbiana. Una partida de harinas comerciales de girasol (HG) y de guisante de primavera (GP) fueron tratadas con soluciones 4 N de ácido málico (268,2 g/L) o ácido ortofosfórico (130,6 g/L). Para cada harina, ácido y día de tratamiento, dos fracciones de 12,5 kg fueron pulverizadas sucesivamente en una hormigonera con la solución de ácido correspondiente mediante un pulverizador de campo. Las dos fracciones fueron mezcladas posteriormente y se dejaron reposar durante 1 h a temperatura ambiente. La mezcla fue luego secada en una estufa de aire forzado a 120 ºC durante 1 h. La estufa fue apagada inmediatamente después y el material tratado se mantuvo dentro de ésta hasta la mañana siguiente. El material fue removido durante el proceso de secado cada 30 min durante las primeras 2 h y cada 60 min durante las 5 h posteriores. Este proceso se repitió hasta conseguir las cantidades de harinas tratadas necesarias en los distintos ensayos. En el primer experimento (capitulo 3) se llevaron a cabo estudios de digestión ruminal e intestinal para evaluar los efectos de la aplicación de las soluciones ácidas indicadas y calor a fin de proteger las proteínas de HG y GP contra la degradación ruminal. Estos estudios se realizaron con tres corderos canulados en el rumen y en el duodeno. El estudio de digestión ruminal fue realizado en tres periodos experimentales en los que los corderos fueron alimentados sucesivamente con tres dietas isoproteicas que incluían HG y GP, sin tratar o tratadas con ácidos málico u ortofosfórico. Cada periodo experimental de 21 días incluyó sucesivamente: 10 días de adaptación a las dietas, un estudio del tránsito ruminal de las partículas de HG y GP (días 11 a 14), y la incubación de las muestras de ambos alimentos en bolsas de nailon (días 15–21). Las harinas incubadas en cada periodo experimental correspondieron a las que fueron incluidas en las dietas. Las bacterias ruminales fueron marcadas desde el día 11 hasta el día 21 del periodo experimental mediante infusión intra-ruminal continua con una fuente de 15N. Tras finalizar las incubaciones in situ el día 21 el rumen fue vaciado en cada periodo para aislar las bacterias asociadas a la fase sólida y liquida del rumen. El estudio de digestión intestinal fue realizado veinte días después del final del estudio ruminal a fin de eliminar el enriquecimiento en 15N de la digesta. En este estudio se incubaron muestras compuestas obtenidas mediante la combinación de los diferentes residuos no degradados en el rumen de forma que fuesen representativas de la composición química de la fracción no degradada en el rumen (RU). En esta fase los corderos fueron alimentados con la dieta sin tratar para determinar la digestibilidad de las harinas tanto tratadas como sin tratar mediante la técnica de las bolsas móviles. Además, las proteínas contenidas en las harinas tratadas y sin tratar, así como en las muestras correspondientes a los residuos a 0 h, las muestras compuestas anteriormente indicadas y las muestras no digeridas intestinalmente fueron extraídas y sometidas a electroforesis para determinar el sitio de digestión de las diferentes fracciones proteicas. Las estimaciones de la RU y la digestibilidad intestinal de la materia seca, la materia orgánica (solamente para RU), la proteína bruta (PB) y el almidón (solamente en GP) fueron obtenidos considerando la contaminación microbiana y las tasas de conminución y salida de partículas. Las estimaciones de RU y de la digestibilidad intestinal disminuyeron en todas las fracciones evaluadas de ambos alimentos al corregir por la contaminación microbiana acaecida en el rumen. Todas las estimaciones de RU aumentaron con los tratamientos de protección, incrementándose también la digestibilidad intestinal de la materia seca en la HG. Los bajos valores de la digestibilidad de la proteína de GP tratado y sin tratar sugieren la presencia de algún factor antitripsico no termolábil es esta harina. Los tratamientos de protección incrementaron consistentemente la fracción de materia seca y PB digerida intestinalmente en los dos alimentos, mientras que la fracción de almidón en la muestra de GP solamente aumentó numéricamente (60,5% de media). Sin embargo, los tratamientos también redujeron la fermentación de la materia orgánica, lo cual podría disminuir la síntesis de proteína microbiana. Los estudios de electroforesis muestran la práctica desaparición de la albumina por la degradación ruminal en ambos alimentos, así como que los cambios en otras proteínas de la muestra RU fueron más pronunciados en GP que en HG. La composición de las bacterias asociadas con las fases de digesta ruminal sólida (BAS) y líquida (BAL) fue estudiada para revisar la precisión de un sistema de predicción previo que determinaba la infravaloración del aporte de nutrientes correspondiente a las BAS cuando de usa 15N como marcador y las BAL como referencia microbiana (capitulo 4). Al comparar con BAS, BAL mostraron menores contenidos en materia orgánica, polisacáridos de glucosa y lípidos totales y un mayor contenido en PB, así como un mayor enriquecimiento en 15N. Los datos obtenidos en el estudio actual se ajustan bien a la ecuación previa que predice el enriquecimiento en 15N de las BAS a partir del mismo valor en BAL. Esta nueva ecuación permite establecer que se produce una infravaloración de un 22% en el aporte de PB al animal a partir de las BAS sintetizadas si las BAL son usadas como muestras de referencia. Una segunda relación calculada utilizando los valores medios por dieta expuestos en numerosos trabajos encontrados en la literatura confirma la magnitud de este error. Esta infravaloración asociada al uso de BAL como referencia fue mayor para el aporte de glucosa (43,1%) y todavía mayor para el aporte de lípidos (59,9%), como consecuencia de los menores contenidos de ambas fracciones en BAL frente a SAB. Estos errores deberían ser considerados para obtener mayor precisión en la estimación del aporte de nutrientes microbianos y mejorar la nutrición de los rumiantes. En el experimento 2 se realizó un estudio de producción (capitulo 5) para evaluar los efectos del tratamiento de las harinas HG y GP con soluciones de ácido málico o ácido ortofosfórico sobre el crecimiento, el consumo de concentrado y el rendimiento y engrasamiento de las canales de corderos de engorde. Noventa corderos machos de cruce entrefino procedentes de tres granjas comerciales (peso inicial medio = 14,6, 15,3 y 13,3 kg, respectivamente) fueron asignados aleatoriamente a cinco dietas con diferentes niveles de proteína y diferentes tratamientos con ácidos y engordados hasta un peso medio al sacrificio de 25 kg. Las fuentes de proteína en el pienso control (C; PB=18,0%) fueron harina de soja, HG y GP sin tratar. En tres de los piensos experimentales, las harinas tratadas con ácido ortofosfórico sustituyeron a las de HG y GP sin tratar (Control Ortofosfórico, PC; PB=18,0% sobre materia seca), sustituyéndose, además, la harina de soja parcialmente (Sustitución Media Ortofosfórico, MSP; PB=16,7%) o totalmente (Sustitución Total Ortofosfórico, TSP; PB=15,6%). Finalmente, en uno de los piensos el ácido ortofosfórico fue reemplazo por acido málico para proteger ambas harinas (Sustitución Media Málico, MSM; PB= 16,7%). La paja de trigo (fuente de forraje) y el concentrado fueron ofrecidos ad libitum. Dieciocho corderos fueron distribuidos en seis cubículos con tres animales para cada dieta. Los datos fueron analizados según un análisis factorial considerando el peso inicial como covariable y la granja de procedencia como bloque. Los datos de consumo de concentrado y eficiencia de conversión fueron analizados usando el cubículo como unidad experimental, mientras que los datos sobre ganancia media diaria, rendimiento a la canal, grasa dorsal y grasa pélvico renal fueron analizados usando el cordero como unidad experimental. No se encontró ningún efecto asociado con el nivel de PB sobre ninguna variable estudiada. Esto sugiere que usando proteínas protegidas es posible utilizar concentrados con 15,6% de PB (sobre materia seca) disminuyendo así la cantidad de concentrados de proteína vegetal a incluir en los piensos y la calidad de los concentrados proteicos. Los corderos alimentados con la dieta MSM tuvieron mayores ganancias medias diarias (15,2%; P= 0,042), y mejores rendimiento a la canal en caliente (1,3 unidades porcentuales; P= 0,037) que los corderos alimentados con el concentrado MSP. Esto podría ser explicado por los efectos benéficos ruminales del malato o por el mayor efecto de protección conseguido con el ácido málico. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis project was to increase the protein efficiency in ruminant diets by using protected protein (sunflower meal and spring pea), and improving the prediction of microbial protein supply. Commercial sunflower meal (SFM) and spring pea (SP) were treated with 4 N solutions (200 mL/kg) of malic acid (268.2 g/L) or orthophosphoric acid (130.6 g/L). Daily, two fractions of 12.5 kg of one of these meals were successively sprayed with the tested acid solution in a concrete mixer using a sprayer. Both fractions were then mixed and allowed to rest for 1 h at room temperature. The blend was then dried in a forced air oven at 120 ºC for 1 h. Then the oven was turned off and the treated material was left in the oven overnight. During the drying process, the material was stirred every 30 min during the first 2 h and then every 60 min for the subsequent 5 h. This process was repeated until the amounts of treated flour needed for the different trials performed. In the first experiment (chapter 3), ruminal and intestinal digestion trials were conducted to study the effects of the application of these acid solutions and heat to protect proteins of SFM and SP against ruminal degradation using three wethers fitted with rumen and duodenum cannulae. The ruminal digestion study was carried out in three experimental periods in which the wethers were successively fed three isoproteic diets including SFM and SP, untreated or treated with malic or orthophosphoric acids. The experimental periods of 21 days included successively: 10 days of diet adaptation, SFM and SP particle ruminal transit study (days 11–14) and ruminal nylon-bag incubations (days 15–21). The meals incubated in each experimental period were those corresponding to the associated diet. Rumen bacteria were labelled from days 11 to 21 by continuous intra-ruminal infusion of a 15N source and the rumen was emptied at the end of in situ incubations in each period to isolate solid adherent bacteria and liquid associate bacteria. The intestinal digestion trial was conducted twenty days after the end of the ruminal studies to eliminate the 15N enrichment in the digesta. The tested samples were composite samples obtained pooling the different ruminally undegraded residues to be representative of the chemical composition of the ruminally undegraded fraction (RU). Wethers were fed the untreated diet to determine the intestinal digestibility of untreated and treated meals using the mobile nylon bag technique. In addition, protein in untreated and treated meals and their 0 h, composite and intestinally undigested samples were extracted and subjected to electrophoresis to determine the digestion site of the different protein fractions. Estimates of the RU and its intestinal digestibility of dry matter, organic matter (only for RU), crude protein (CP) and starch (only in SP) were obtained considering ruminal microbial contamination and particle comminution and outflow rates. When corrected for the microbial contamination taking place in the rumen, estimates of RU and intestinal digestibility decreased in all tested fractions for both feeds. All RU estimates increased with the protective treatments, whereas intestinal digestibility-dry matter also increased in SFM. Low intestinal digestibility-CP values in untreated and treated samples suggested the presence of non-heat labile antitrypsin factors in SP. Protective treatments of both feeds led to consistent increases in the intestinal digested fraction of dry matter and CP, being only numerically different for SP-starch (60.5% as average). However, treatments also reduced the organic matter fermentation, which may decrease ruminal microbial protein synthesis. Electrophoretic studies showed albumin disappearance in both SFM and SP, whereas changes in other RU proteins were more pronounced in SP than SFM. The chemical composition of bacteria associated with solid (SAB) and liquid (LAB) rumen-digesta phases was studied to examine the accuracy of a previous regression system determining the underevaluation of SAB-nutrient supply using 15N as marker and LAB as microbial reference (chapter 4). Compared with SAB, LAB showed lower contents of organic matter, polysaccharide-glucose and total lipids and the opposite for the CP content and the 15N enrichment. Present data fitted well to the previous relationship predicting the 15N enrichment of SAB from the same value in LAB. This new equation allows establishing an underevaluation in the supply of CP from the synthesized SAB in 22.0% if LAB is used as reference. Another relationship calculated using mean diet values from the literature confirmed the magnitude of this error. This underevaluation was higher for the supply of glucose (43.1%) and still higher for the lipid supply (59.9%) as a consequence of the lower contents of these both fractions in LAB than in SAB. These errors should be considered to obtain more accurate estimates of the microbial nutrient supply and to improve ruminant nutrition. A production study was performed in experiment 2 (chapter 5) to examine the effects of treating SFM and SP meals with orthophosphoric or malic acid solutions on growth performance, concentrate intake, and carcass yield and fatness of growing-fattening lambs. Ninety "Entrefino" cross male lambs from three commercial farms (average initial body weights (BW) = 14.6, 15.3 and 13.3 kg) were randomly assigned to five diets with different acid treatment and protein levels, and fattened to an average slaughter weight of 25 kg. Protein sources in the control concentrate (C; CP=18%) were soybean meal and untreated SFM and SP. In three of the experimental concentrates, orthophosphoric acid-treated meals substituted untreated SFM and SP (Orthophosphoric Control, PC; CP=18% dry matter basis), and soybean meal was partially (Medium Substitution Orthophosphoric, MSP; CP=16.7%) or totally removed (Total Substitution Orthophosphoric, TSP; CP=15.6%). In addition, in one concentrate orthophosphoric acid was replaced by malic acid to protect these meals (Medium Substitution Malic, MSM; CP= 16.7%). Wheat straw (roughage source) and concentrate were offered ad libitum. Eighteen lambs were allocated to six pens of three animals on each diet. Data were analyzed using a factorial analysis with initial body weight BW as covariate and farm of origin as block. Data on concentrate intake and feed conversion efficiency were analyzed using pen as experimental unit, while data on average daily gain, carcass yield, dorsal fat, and kidney-pelvic-fat were analyzed with lamb as experimental unit. No effect associated with the CP level was observed on any parameter. This suggests that with protected proteins it is possible to feed concentrates with 15.6% CP (dry matter basis) reducing the quantity of vegetable protein meals to include in the concentrate as well as the quality of the protein concentrates. Lambs feed MSM had higher average daily gains (15.2%; P= 0.042), and better hot carcass yields (1.3 percentage points; P= 0.037) than lambs feed MSP. This probably can be explained by ruminal malate actions and by greater protection effects obtained with malic acid.