868 resultados para Achillea millefolium, cover


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As radiações ultravioleta (divididas em ultravioleta A, B e C), por possuírem diferentes energias e comprimentos de onda, apresentam diferentes atividades sobre os organismos, sendo que algumas destas atividades são benéficas e outras, não. A fim de evitar os malefícios causados por estas radiações, existem produtos denominados fotoprotetores. Uma vez que os flavonóides são considerados um fator importante de proteção contra a radiação ultravioleta, alguns estudos concentram-se na avaliação da atividade fotoprotetora que algumas plantas, compostas por flavonóides, possam apresentar. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade fotoprotetora de extratos das flores e folhas de Achillea millefolium L. através de testes in vitro por espectrofotometria no ultravioleta. Embora a literatura descreva a presença de flavonóides nas flores e folhas de A. millefolium, não foi encontrada atividade fotoprotetora nos extratos testados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A eficácia antimicrobiana de conservantes empregados em formulações cosméticas foi avaliada usando Phenova® e Imidazolinidil uréia que inibiram o crescimento de Bacillus subtilis no extrato de Achillea millefolium L. e Nipagin®/ Nipasol® 0,2% em propilenoglicol não apresentaram efeito microbicida.


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Macrófagos são as primeiras células a participarem da resposta imunológica, e quando são ativados liberam mais de cem compostos ao meio extracelular, entre os compostos reativos intermediários de nitrogênio (NO). Neste trabalho determinou-se a liberação de óxido nítrico em culturas de macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos em presença de óleo essencial bruto e extrato etanólico 70% bruto obtidos a partir de folhas de Achillea millefolim L. (Asteraceae). Diferentes diluições do óleo essencial foram testadas (1:50, 1:100 e 1:200). Apenas a diluição 1:100 produziu uma maior quantidade de óxido nítrico (NO). em relação ao extrato etanólico 70%, observou-se nas amostras mais concentradas (6 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL e 10 mg/mL) maior produção de NO. Analisando-se os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho, pode-se sugerir que tanto o óleo essencial quanto o extrato etanólico 70% bruto de A. millefolium L são agentes moduladores da ativação de macrófagos, nas concentrações de 20, 10 e 5 mg/mL, quando comparado com LPS (lipopolissacarídeo-potente estimulador da produção de NO).


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This study was designed to separately evaluate the analgesic capacity of 15% tea from Achillea millefolium leaves and florid ends. Three different tests were performed. The animals were separated in 3 groups: group I (control) that received water, group II that received florid end tea, and group III that received leaf tea. The first test was the writhing test induced by intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid in male Swiss mice. The second test consisted of the measurement of tail flick reflex latency (TFRL) in male Wistar rats after receiving a painful thermal stimulus. The groups received the teas or water per os, prior to observation. In the third test, the Wistar rats were submitted to an approximately 1 cm long incision in their tails to test the effect of the teas on induced inflammatory pain. The results showed that the effect of the 15% leaf tea on the mice writhing and TFRL test were not statistically significant. The florid ends tea showed a significantly increase in number of writhes in mice and TFRL in rats after administration. With regard to the effect of the teas on inflammatory pain, ingestion of both preparations caused an increase in the force threshold necessary for the avoidance reflex, indicating antihyperalgesic action of both the leaf and florid ends 15% teas of Achillea millefolium.


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Plants are a valuable source of natural products for the maintenance of human health. The purpose of this paper was the study of immunologic activity of yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.), a largely used plant in popular medicine that has many different properties such as: antiinflammatory, astringent, antiseptic and antispasmodic. Macrophages stimulation was evaluated by the determination of H2O2, NO and TNF-α in supernatants of peritoneal macrophages cultures of mice in the presence of the yarrow leaves extract. The thin layer chromatography of extract was also analyzed, showing rutin. All concentrations showed a moderate release of H2O2 and the concentrations of 6, 8 and 10mg/mL had a higher release of NO. The TNF-a was produced in all concentrations, but the best result was obtained at 4mg/mL. Analyzing the results, it is suggested that the yarrow ethanolic extract can modulate the macrophages activation.


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Elicitation with chitosan is a tool used to improve the responses of plant defense by inducing secondary metabolism routs. In addition, the adequate application of this elicitor on medicinal plants can promote the increase of major components in the composition of the oil. However, we lack information concerning which are the main physiological processes responsible for the changes in the composition of the oil. Thus, we aimed at evaluating the action of chitosan and determine an ideal concentration for optimizing the production of essential oil in Achillea millefolium L. and the changes in the physiological processes responsible for this increase. The research was conducted in greenhouse of the Plant Physiology sector of the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) with A. millefolium plants. The treatments consisted of control (water); acetic acid solvent (with no elicitor); and chitosan in the concentrations of 2, 4 and 6 g L -1 . The measurements of growth, gas exchange, enzyme activity of the antioxidant system and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), in addition to the production and composition of the essential oil. We verified that the application of chitosan promoted decrease in plant growth. However, the concentration of 4 g L -1 of chitosan induced an increase in the content and yield of the essential oil. In the oil, there was predominance of sesquiterpenic compounds, including the major compounds borneol, β-caryophyllene, β-cubebene, α-farnesene and chamazulene. The elicitation with chitosan at 4 g L -1 promoted an increase of the photosynthetic rate, activity of the antioxidant system and of PAL, however, this increase occurred in short-term, only in the first days after elicitation.


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Emulsões são utilizadas especialmente na área de cosméticos. São sistemas dispersos constituídos de duas fases líquidas imiscíveis (oleosa e aquosa), onde a fase dispersa ou interna é finamente dividida e distribuída em outra fase contínua ou externa. A estabilidade da emulsão é garantida com o uso de agentes emulsificantes, podendo ser melhorada com a ajuda de agentes espessantes, que aumentam a viscosidade. Os agentes espessantes podem ser: polímeros, álcoois, ácidos ou ésteres graxos e ceras naturais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade de um sistema emulsionado não-iônico, apresentando como tensoativo emulsificante uma base auto emulsionável não-iônica e incorporado de óleo essencial em diferentes concentrações, para posterior avaliação da atividade antiirritante em cosméticos pós-barba e pós depilação. Para isto, foi necessário realizar os teste de estabilidade, que fornecem informações sobre a confiabilidade e a segurança das preparações, além da caracterização reológica completa, como auxiliar do desenvolvimento da preparação e do estudo de estabilidade. Foram realizados testes de estabilidade preliminar, que auxiliam na triagem das formulações e também realizou-se testes de estabilidade acelerada, com o objetivo de estimar o prazo de validade do produto. Com o objetivo de analisar o comportamento do produto durante o armazenamento e no momento do uso, estudou-se o comportamento reológico das preparações, onde avaliou-se as curvas de fluxo, a tixotropia e os testes oscilatórios. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a emulsão proposta é estável frente aos testes de estabilidade, não apresentando alterações significativas quanto aos parâmetros analisados. Foi verificado que ela pode receber um ativo e liberá-lo, no entanto, as concentrações de óleo essencial de Achillea millefolium incorporadas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This collection contains measurements of vegetation and soil surface cover measured on the plots of the different sub-experiments at the field site of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. The following series of datasets are contained in this collection: 1. Measurements of vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the species that have been sown into the plots to create the gradient of plant diversity.


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This data set contains information on vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the sown species. Data presented here is from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2009, vegetation cover was estimated twice in May and August just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the Main Experiment. Cover was visually estimated in a central area of each plot 3 by 3 m in size (approximately 9 m²) using a decimal scale (Londo). Cover estimates for the individual species (and for target species + weeds + bare ground) can add up to more than 100% because the estimated categories represented a structure with potentially overlapping multiple layers. In 2009, in addition to the four community level cover estimates, cover of the moss layer was estimated.


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This data set contains information on vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the sown species. Data presented here is from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2010, vegetation cover was estimated twice in May and August just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the Main Experiment. Cover was visually estimated in a central area of each plot 3 by 3 m in size (approximately 9 m²) using a decimal scale (Londo). Cover estimates for the individual species (and for target species + weeds + bare ground) can add up to more than 100% because the estimated categories represented a structure with potentially overlapping multiple layers.


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This data set contains information on vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the sown species. Data presented here is from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2013, vegetation cover was estimated twice in May and August just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the Main Experiment. Cover was visually estimated in a central area of each plot 3 by 3 m in size (approximately 9 m²) using a decimal scale (Londo). Cover estimates for the individual species (and for target species + weeds + bare ground) can add up to more than 100% because the estimated categories represented a structure with potentially overlapping multiple layers.


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This data set contains information on vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the sown species. Data presented here is from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2008, vegetation cover was estimated twice in May and August just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the Main Experiment. Cover was visually estimated in a central area of each plot 3 by 3 m in size (approximately 9 m²) using a decimal scale (Londo). Cover estimates for the individual species (and for target species + weeds + bare ground) can add up to more than 100% because the estimated categories represented a structure with potentially overlapping multiple layers.


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This data set contains information on vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the sown species. Data presented here is from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2002, vegetation cover was estimated only once in Septemper just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the Main Experiment. Cover was visually estimated in a central area of each plot 3 by 3 m in size (approximately 9 m²) using a decimal scale (Londo). Cover estimates for the individual species (and for target species + weeds + bare ground) can add up to more than 100% because the estimated categories represented a structure with potentially overlapping multiple layers. In 2002, cover on the community level was only estimated for the sown plant community, weed plant community and bare soil. In contrast to later years, cover of dead plant material was not estimated.


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This data set contains information on vegetation cover, i.e. the proportion of soil surface area that is covered by different categories of plants per estimated plot area. Data was collected on the plant community level (sown plant community, weed plant community, dead plant material, and bare ground) and on the level of individual plant species in case of the sown species. Data presented here is from the Main Experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In 2003, vegetation cover was estimated twice in May and August just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass) on all experimental plots of the Main Experiment. Cover was visually estimated in a central area of each plot 3 by 3 m in size (approximately 9 m²) using a decimal scale (Londo). Cover estimates for the individual species (and for target species + weeds + bare ground) can add up to more than 100% because the estimated categories represented a structure with potentially overlapping multiple layers. In 2003, cover on the community level was only estimated for the sown plant community, weed plant community and bare soil. In contrast to later years, cover of dead plant material was not estimated.