998 resultados para Accumulation rate, benthic foraminiferal mass


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During the late Pliocene-middle Pleistocene, 63 species of elongate, bathyal-upper abyssal benthic foraminifera (Extinction Group = Stilostomellidae, Pleurostomellidae, some Nodosariidae) declined in abundance and finally disappeared in the northern Indian Ocean (ODP Sites 722, 758), as part of the global extinction of at least 88 related species at this time. The detailed record of withdrawal of these species differs by depth and geography in the Indian Ocean. In northwest Indian Ocean Site 722 (2045 m), the Extinction Group of 54 species comprised 2-15% of the benthic foraminiferal fauna in the earliest Pleistocene, but declined dramatically during the onset of the mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) at 1.2-1.1 Ma, with all but three species disappearing by the end of the MPT (~0.6 Ma). In northeast Indian Ocean Site 758 (2925 m), the Extinction Group of 44 species comprised 1-5% of the benthic foraminiferal fauna at ~3.3-2.6 Ma, but declined in abundance and diversity in three steps, at ~2.5, 1.7, and 1.2 Ma, with all but one species disappearing by the end of the MPT. At both sites there are strong positive correlations between the accumulation rate of the Extinction Group and proxies indicating low-oxygen conditions with a high organic carbon input. In both sites, there was a pulsed decline in Extinction Group abundance and species richness, especially in glacial periods, with some partial recoveries in interglacials. We infer that the glacial declines at the deeper Site 758 were a result of increased production of colder, well-ventilated Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), particularly in the late Pliocene and during the MPT. The Extinction Group at shallower water depths (Site 722) were not impacted by the deeper water mass changes until the onset of the MPT, when cold, well-ventilated Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW) production increased and may have spread into the Indian Ocean. Increased chemical ventilation at various water depths since late Pliocene, particularly in glacial periods, possibly in association with decreased or more fluctuating organic carbon flux, might be responsible for the pulsed global decline and extinction of this rather specialised group of benthic foraminifera.


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Deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 located in the southern South China Sea (SCS) were investigated to evaluate the relationship between faunal composition patterns and paleoceanographic changes during the last 6 million years (late Miocene to Holocene). We used multivariate statistics (correspondence analysis) to analyze carbon-flux-related changes in assemblage composition of benthic foraminifers. Additional proxies for carbon flux and deep-water ventilation include delta13C records of epifaunal Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and infaunal Uvigerina peregrina var. dirupta and Melonis pompilioides, benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates (BFARs), diversity indices, and relative abundances of indicator species. We observe three significant benthic faunal changes in the southern South China Sea during the last 6 million years. Strong fluctuations in BFAR and relative abundance of productivity indicator species between glacial and interglacial stages after the mid-Pleistocene revolution (MPR) at approximately 0.9 Ma, indicating stronger seasonal carbon flux fluctuations, are accompanied by the extinction of such species as Stilostomella spp. Increases in carbon flux indicator species are coupled with an overall decrease in benthic foraminifer diversity around 3.0 Ma in the late Pliocene. This may indicate increasing carbon flux in a period of productivity maximum caused by enhanced offshore upwelling from intensified winter monsoon wind strength.


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We analyzed foraminiferal and nannofossil assemblages and stable isotopes in samples from ODP Hole 807A on the Ontong Java Plateau in order to evaluate productivity and carbonate dissolution cycles over the last 550 kyr (kilo year) in the western equatorial Pacific. Our results indicate that productivity was generally higher in glacials than during interglacials, and gradually increased since MIS 13. Carbonate dissolution was weak in deglacial intervals, but often reached a maximum during interglacial to glacial transitions. Carbonate cycles in the western equatorial Pacific were mainly influenced by changes of deep-water properties rather than by local primary productivity. Fluctuations of the estimated thermocline depth were not related to glacial to interglacial alternations, but changed distinctly at ~280 kyr. Before that time the thermocline was relatively shallow and its depth fluctuated at a comparatively high amplitude and low frequency. After 280 kyr, the thermocline was deeper, and its fluctuations were at lower amplitude and higher frequency. These different patterns in productivity and thermocline variability suggest that thermocline dynamics probably were not a controlling factor of biological productivity in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. In this region, upwelling, the influx of cool, nutrient-rich waters from the eastern equatorial Pacific or of fresh waters from rivers have probably never been important, and their influence on productivity has been negligible over the studied period. Variations in the inferred productivity in general are well correlated with fluctuations in the eolian flux as recorded in the northwestern Pacific, a proxy for the late Quaternary history of the central East Asian dust flux into the Pacific. Therefore, we suggest that the dust flux from the central East Asian continent may have been an important driver of productivity in the western Pacific.