1000 resultados para Accumulation rate, < 63 µm


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Site 1123 is located on the northeastern flank of the Chatham Rise. Sedimentological and clay mineralogical analyses indicate a very fine grained carbonate-rich sediment. Smectite and illite are the main constituents of the clay mineral assemblage. High smectite values in the Eocene decrease in younger sediment sequences. Illite and chlorite concentrations increase in younger sediments with significant steps at 13.5, 9, and 6.4 Ma. The kaolinite content is near the detection limit and not significant. We observed only small fluctuations of the clay mineral composition, which indicates a uniform sedimentation process, probably driven by long-term processes. Good correspondence is shown between increasing illite and chlorite values and the tectonic uplift history of the Southern Alps.


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Instrumental monitoring of the climate at high northern latitudes has documented the ongoing warming of the last few decades. Climate modelling has also demonstrated that the global warming signal will be amplified in the polar region. Such temperature increases would have important implications on the ecosystem and biota of the Barents Sea. This study therefore aims to reconstruct the climatic changes of the Barents Sea based on benthic foraminifera over approximately the last 1400 years at the decadal to sub-decadal scale. Oxygen and carbon isotope analysis and benthic foraminiferal species counts indicate an overall warming trend of approximately 2.6°C through the 1400-year record. In addition, the well-documented cooling period equating to the 'Little Ice Age' is evident between c. 1650 and 1850. Most notably, a series of highly fluctuating temperatures are observed over the last century. An increase of 1.5°C is shown across this period. Thus for the first time we are able to demonstrate that the recent Arctic warming is also reflected in the oceanic micro-fauna.


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This study tests the hypothesis that the late Miocene to early Pliocene constriction and closure of the Central American Seaway (CAS), connecting the tropical Atlantic and East quatorial Pacific (EEP), caused a decrease in productivity in the Caribbean, due to decreased coastal upwelling and an end to the connection with high-productivity tropical Pacific waters. The present study compared paleoceanographic proxies for the interval between 8.3 and 2.5 Ma in 47 samples from south Caribbean ODP Site 999 with published data on EEP DSDP Site 503. Proxies for Site 999 include the relative abundance of benthic foraminiferal species representing bottom current velocity and the flux of organic matter to the sea floor, the ratio of infaunal/epifaunal benthic foraminiferal species and benthic foraminifer accumulation rates (BFARs). In addition, we calculated % resistant planktic foraminifers species and used the previously published % sand fraction and benthic carbon isotope values from Site 999. During early shoaling of the Isthmus (8.3-7.9 Ma) the Caribbean was under mesotrophic conditions, with little ventilation of bottom waters and low current velocity. The pre-closure interval (7.6-4.2 Ma) saw enhanced seasonal input of phytodetritus with even more reduced ventilation, and enhanced dissolution between 6.8 and 4.8 Ma. During the post-closure interval (4.2-2.5 Ma) in the Caribbean, paleoproductivity decreased, current velocity was reduced, and ventilation improved, while the seasonality of phytodetrital input was reduced dramatically, coinciding with the establishment of the Atlantic-Pacific salinity contrast at 4.2 Ma. Our data support the hypothesis that late Miocene constriction of the CAS at 7.9 Ma and its closure at 4.2 Ma caused a gradual decrease in paleoproductivity in the Caribbean, consistent with decreased current velocity and seasonality of the phytodetrital input.


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Snow-accumulation rates and rates of ice-thickness change (mass balance) are studied at several sites on Siple Dome, West Antarctica. Accumulation rates are derived from analyses of gross beta radioactivity in shallow firn cores located along a 60 km transect spanning both flanks and the crest of the dome. There is a north-south gradient in snow-accumulation rate across the dome that is consistent with earlier radar mapping of internal stratigraphy. Orographic processes probably control this distribution. Mass balance is inferred from the difference between global positioning system (GPS)-derived vertical velocities and snow-accumulation rates for sites close to the firn-core locations. Results indicate that there is virtually no net thickness change at four of the five sites. The exception is at the northernmost site where a small amount of thinning is detected, that appears to be inconsistent with other studies. A possible cause of this anomalous thinning is recent retreat of the grounding line of Ice Stream D.


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Snow-accumulation rates are known to be sensitive to local changes in ice-sheet surface slope because of the effect of katabatic winds. These topographic effects can be preserved in ice cores that are collected at non-ice-divide locations. The trajectory of an ice-core site at South Pole is reconstructed using measurements of ice-sheet motion to show that snow was probably deposited at places of different surface slope during the past 1000 years. Recent accumulation rates, derived from shallow firn cores, vary along this trajectory according to surface topography, so that on a relatively steep flank mean annual accumulation is similar to 18% smaller than on a nearby topographic depression. These modern accumulation rates are used to reinterpret the cause of accumulation rate variability with time in the long ice-core record as an ice-dynamics effect and not a climate-change signal. The results highlight the importance of conducting ancillary ice-dynamics measurements as part of ice-coring programs so that topographic effects can be deconvolved from potential climate signals.


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Thirteen annually resolved accumulation-rate records covering the last similar to 200 years from the Pine Island-Thwaites and Ross drainage systems and the South Pole are used to examine climate variability over West Antarctica. Accumulation is controlled spatially by the topography of the ice sheet, and temporally by changes in moisture transport and cyclonic activity. A comparison of mean accumulation since 1970 at each site to the long-term mean indicates an increase in accumulation for sites located in the western sector of the Pine Island-Thwaites drainage system. Accumulation is negatively associated with the Southern Oscillation Index (Sol) for sites near the ice divide, and periods of sustained negative Sol (1940-42, 1991-95) correspond to above-mean accumulation at most sites. Correlations of the accumulation-rate records with sea-level pressure (SLP) and the SOI suggest that accumulation near the ice divide and in the Ross drainage system may be associated with the midlatitudes. The post-1970 increase in accumulation coupled with strong SLP-accumulation-rate correlations near the coast suggests recent intensification of cyclonic activity in the Pine Island-Thwaites drainage system.


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Annual-layer thickness data, spanning AD 1534-2001, from an ice core from East Rongbuk Coll on Qomolangma (Mount Everest, Himalaya) yield an age-depth profile that deviates systematically from a constant accumulation-rate analytical model. The profile clearly shows that the mean accumulation rate has changed every 50-100 years. A numerical model was developed to determine the magnitude of these multi-decadal-scale rates. The model was used to obtain a time series of annual accumulation. The mean annual accumulation rate decreased from similar to 0.8 m ice equivalent in the 1500s to similar to 0.3 m in the mid-1800s. From similar to 1880 to similar to 1970 the rate increased. However, it has decreased since similar to 1970. Comparison with six other records from the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau shows that the changes in accumulation in East Rongbuk Col are broadly consistent with a regional pattern over much of the Plateau. This suggests that there may be an overarching mechanism controlling precipitation and mass balance over this area. However, a record from Dasuopu, only 125 km northwest of Qomolangma and 700 m higher than East Rongbuk Col, shows a maximum in accumulation during the 1800s, a time during which the East Rongbuk Col and Tibetan Plateau ice-core and tree-ring records show a minimum. This asynchroneity may be due to altitudinal or seasonal differences in monsoon versus westerly moisture sources or complex mountain meteorology.


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A series of ice cores from sites with different snow-accumulation rates across Law Dome, East Antarctica, was investigated for methanesulphonic acid (MSA) movement. The precipitation at these sites (up to 35 km apart) is influenced by the same air masses, the principal difference being the accumulation rate. At the low-accumulation-rate W20k site (0.17 in ice equivalent), MSA was completely relocated from the summer to winter layer. Moderate movement was observed at the intermediate-accumulation-rate site (0.7 in ice equivalent), Dome Summit South (DSS), while there was no evidence of movement at the high-accumulation-rate DE08 site (1.4 in ice equivalent). The main DSS record of MSA covered the epoch AD 1727-2000 and was used to investigate temporal post-depositional changes. Co-deposition of MSA and sea-salt ions was observed of the surface layers, outside of the main summer MSA peak, which complicates interpretation of these peaks as evidence of movement in deeper layers. A seasonal study of the 273 year DSS record revealed MSA migration predominantly from summer into autumn (in the up-core direction), but this migration was suppressed during the Tambora (1815) and unknown (1809) volcanic eruption period, and enhanced during an epoch (1770-1800) with high summer nitrate levels. A complex interaction between the gradients in nss-sulphate, nitrate and sea salts (which are influenced by accumulation rate) is believed to control the rate and extent of movement of MSA.