999 resultados para Accumulation curves


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Species accumulation curves (SACs) chart the increase in recovery of new species as a function of some measure of sampling effort. Studies of parasite diversity can benefit from the application of SACs, both as empirical tools to guide sampling efforts and predict richness, and because their properties are informative about community patterns and the structure of parasite diversity. SACs can be used to infer interactivity in parasite infra-communities, to partition species richness into contributions from different spatial scales and different levels of the host hierarchy (individuals, populations and communities) or to identify modes of community assembly (niche versus dispersal). A historical tendency to treat individual hosts as statistically equivalent replicates (quadrats) seemingly satisfies the sample-based subgroup of SACs but care is required in this because of the inequality of hosts as sampling units. Knowledge of the true distribution of parasite richness over multiple host-derived and spatial scales is far from complete but SACs can improve the understanding of diversity patterns in parasite assemblages.


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Palynology provides the opportunity to make inferences on changes in diversity of terrestrial vegetation over long time scales. The often coarse taxonomic level achievable in pollen analysis, differences in pollen production and dispersal, and the lack of pollen source boundaries hamper the application of diversity indices to palynology. Palynological richness, the number of pollen types at a constant pollen count, is the most robust and widely used diversity indicator for pollen data. However, this index is also influenced by the abundance distribution of pollen types in sediments. In particular, where the index is calculated by rarefaction analysis, information on taxonomic richness at low abundance may be lost. Here we explore information that can be extracted from the accumulation of taxa over consecutive samples. The log-transformed taxa accumulation curve can be broken up into linear sections with different slope and intersect parameters, describing the accumulation of new taxa within the section. The breaking points may indicate changes in the species pool or in the abundance of high versus low pollen producers. Testing this concept on three pollen diagrams from different landscapes, we find that the break points in the taxa accumulation curves provide convenient zones for identifying changes in richness and evenness. The linear regressions over consecutive samples can be used to inter- and extrapolate to low or extremely high pollen counts, indicating evenness and richness in taxonomic composition within these zones. An evenness indicator, based on the rank-order-abundance is used to assist in the evaluation of the results and the interpretation of the fossil records. Two central European pollen diagrams show major changes in the taxa accumulation curves for the Lateglacial period and the time of human induced land-use changes, while they do not indicate strong changes in the species pool with the onset of the Holocene. In contrast, a central Swedish pollen diagram shows comparatively little change, but high richness during the early Holocene forest establishment. Evenness and palynological richness are related for most periods in the three diagrams, however, sections before forest establishment and after forest clearance show high evenness, which is not necessarily accompanied by high palynological richness, encouraging efforts to separate the two.


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Pelagic sediments from DSDP Hole 5O3B contain, in their carbonate abundance data, a clear record of glacial-interglacial cycles. The eolian component of those sediments was analyzed over the past four carbonate cycles, and the mass accumulation rate (MAR) and grain size of the eolian component was determined. Eolian MARs range from 24 to 169 mg/cm**2/10**3y. and commonly are higher by a factor of three to five during times of glacial retreat. Reduced contribution during periods of glaciation most likely reflects glacial-age humidity in the American source. Grain-size values (phi50) range from 8.25 to a minimum of 8.79phi-a variation in grain mass by a factor of 3.1. Larger grains reflect more vigorous atmospheric circulation, but sizes do not covary with the carbonate or eolian accumulation curves. These data suggest that the intensity of atmospheric circulation in the tropics may reflect the 42,000 y.-tilt cycle rather than the 100,000 y.-cycle of glacial advance.


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1 Species-accumulation curves for woody plants were calculated in three tropical forests, based on fully mapped 50-ha plots in wet, old-growth forest in Peninsular Malaysia, in moist, old-growth forest in central Panama, and in dry, previously logged forest in southern India. A total of 610 000 stems were identified to species and mapped to < Im accuracy. Mean species number and stem number were calculated in quadrats as small as 5 m x 5 m to as large as 1000 m x 500 m, for a variety of stem sizes above 10 mm in diameter. Species-area curves were generated by plotting species number as a function of quadrat size; species-individual curves were generated from the same data, but using stem number as the independent variable rather than area. 2 Species-area curves had different forms for stems of different diameters, but species-individual curves were nearly independent of diameter class. With < 10(4) stems, species-individual curves were concave downward on log-log plots, with curves from different forests diverging, but beyond about 104 stems, the log-log curves became nearly linear, with all three sites having a similar slope. This indicates an asymptotic difference in richness between forests: the Malaysian site had 2.7 times as many species as Panama, which in turn was 3.3 times as rich as India. 3 Other details of the species-accumulation relationship were remarkably similar between the three sites. Rectangular quadrats had 5-27% more species than square quadrats of the same area, with longer and narrower quadrats increasingly diverse. Random samples of stems drawn from the entire 50 ha had 10-30% more species than square quadrats with the same number of stems. At both Pasoh and BCI, but not Mudumalai. species richness was slightly higher among intermediate-sized stems (50-100mm in diameter) than in either smaller or larger sizes, These patterns reflect aggregated distributions of individual species, plus weak density-dependent forces that tend to smooth the species abundance distribution and 'loosen' aggregations as stems grow. 4 The results provide support for the view that within each tree community, many species have their abundance and distribution guided more by random drift than deterministic interactions. The drift model predicts that the species-accumulation curve will have a declining slope on a log-log plot, reaching a slope of O.1 in about 50 ha. No other model of community structure can make such a precise prediction. 5 The results demonstrate that diversity studies based on different stem diameters can be compared by sampling identical numbers of stems. Moreover, they indicate that stem counts < 1000 in tropical forests will underestimate the percentage difference in species richness between two diverse sites. Fortunately, standard diversity indices (Fisher's sc, Shannon-Wiener) captured diversity differences in small stem samples more effectively than raw species richness, but both were sample size dependent. Two nonparametric richness estimators (Chao. jackknife) performed poorly, greatly underestimating true species richness.


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This work is a case study of applying nonparametric statistical methods to corpus data. We show how to use ideas from permutation testing to answer linguistic questions related to morphological productivity and type richness. In particular, we study the use of the suffixes -ity and -ness in the 17th-century part of the Corpus of Early English Correspondence within the framework of historical sociolinguistics. Our hypothesis is that the productivity of -ity, as measured by type counts, is significantly low in letters written by women. To test such hypotheses, and to facilitate exploratory data analysis, we take the approach of computing accumulation curves for types and hapax legomena. We have developed an open source computer program which uses Monte Carlo sampling to compute the upper and lower bounds of these curves for one or more levels of statistical significance. By comparing the type accumulation from women’s letters with the bounds, we are able to confirm our hypothesis.


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As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize condition of macroinfaunal assemblages and levels of chemical contaminants in sediments and biota relative to a baseline survey carried out in spring 2000. Distribution and abundance of macrobenthos were related foremost to sediment type (median particle size, % gravel), which in turn varied according to bottom-habitat mesoscale features (e.g., association with live bottom versus flat or rippled sand areas). Overall abundance and diversity of soft-bottom benthic communities were similar between the two years, though dominance patterns and relative abundances of component species were less repeatable. Seasonal summer pulses of a few taxa (e.g., the bivalve Ervilia sp. A) observed in 2000 were not observed in 2005. Concentrations of chemical contaminants in sediments and biota, though detectable in both years, were consistently at low, background levels and no exceedances of sediment probable bioeffect levels or FDA action levels for edible fish or shellfish were observed. Near-bottom dissolved oxygen levels and organic-matter content of sediments also have remained within normal ranges. Highly diverse benthic assemblages were found in both years, supporting the premise that GRNMS serves as an important reservoir of marine biodiversity. A total of 353 taxa (219 identified to species) were collected during the spring 2005 survey. Cumulatively, 588 taxa (371 identified to species) have been recorded in the sanctuary from surveys in 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2005. Species Accumulation Curves indicate that the theoretical maximum should be in excess of 600 species. Results of this study will be of value in advancing strategic science and management goals for GRNMS, including characterization and long-term monitoring of sanctuary resources and processes, as well as supporting evolving interests in ecosystem-based management of the surrounding South Atlantic Bight (SAB) ecosystem. (PDF contains 46 pages)


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For efficient use of conservation resources it is important to determine how species diversity changes across spatial scales. In many poorly known species groups little is known about at which spatial scales the conservation efforts should be focused. Here we examined how the community turnover of wood-inhabiting fungi is realised at three hierarchical levels, and how much of community variation is explained by variation in resource composition and spatial proximity. The hierarchical study design consisted of management type (fixed factor), forest site (random factor, nested within management type) and study plots (randomly placed plots within each study site). To examine how species richness varied across the three hierarchical scales, randomized species accumulation curves and additive partitioning of species richness were applied. To analyse variation in wood-inhabiting species and dead wood composition at each scale, linear and Permanova modelling approaches were used. Wood-inhabiting fungal communities were dominated by rare and infrequent species. The similarity of fungal communities was higher within sites and within management categories than among sites or between the two management categories, and it decreased with increasing distance among the sampling plots and with decreasing similarity of dead wood resources. However, only a small part of community variation could be explained by these factors. The species present in managed forests were in a large extent a subset of those species present in natural forests. Our results suggest that in particular the protection of rare species requires a large total area. As managed forests have only little additional value complementing the diversity of natural forests, the conservation of natural forests is the key to ecologically effective conservation. As the dissimilarity of fungal communities increases with distance, the conserved natural forest sites should be broadly distributed in space, yet the individual conserved areas should be large enough to ensure local persistence.


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High-latitude seas are mostly covered by multi-year ice, which impacts processes of primary production and sedimentation of organic matter. Because of the warming effect of West Spitsbergen Current (WSC), the waters off West Spitsbergen have only winter ice cover. That is uncommon for such a high latitude and enables to separate effects of multiyear-ice cover from the latitudinal patterns. Macrofauna was sampled off Kongsfjord (79°N) along the depth gradient from 300 to 3000 m. The density, biomass and diversity at shallow sites situated in a canyon were very variable. Biomass was negatively correlated with depth (R=-0.86R=-0.86, p<0.001), and ranged from 61 g ww m−2 (212 m) to 1 g ww m−2 (2025 m). The biomasses were much higher than in the multiyear-ice covered High Arctic at similar depths, while resembling those from temperate and tropical localities. Species richness (expressed by number of species per sample and species–area accumulation curves) decreased with depth. There was no clear depth-related pattern in diversity measures: Hurbert rarefaction, Shannon–Wiener or Pielou. The classic increase of species richness and diversity with depth was not observed. Species richness and diversity of deep-sea macrofauna were much lower in our study than in comparable studies of temperate North Atlantic localities. That is related to geographic isolation of Greenland–Icelandic–Norwegian (GIN) seas from the Atlantic pool of species.


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Studies to determine mite species richness in natural environments are still scarce, and have been conducted mainly in tropical ecosystems. The aim of this study was to determine the species richness of mites on two common native plants in fragments of the semideciduous seasonal forest in the Northwest of São Paulo State, Brazil. In each of eight fragments, 10 specimens of Actinostemon communis (Euphorbiaceae) and 10 of Trichilia casaretti (Meliaceae) were selected and marked. In total, 124 species of mites belonging to 21 families were found on the two plants. Tarsonemidae had the highest diversity (34 species), followed by Phytoseiidae (31), Tetranychidae (9) and Tenuipalpidae (8). Species accumulation curves for the two sampled plants did not reach an asymptote, even with the large sampling effort. Hence, it is estimated that a greater sampling effort may lead to an increase in species richness compared with what was found in this study. The richness of this mite fauna suggests that preservation of these plant species is important to maintain the mite diversity in these forest fragments. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A Estação Científica Ferreira Penna (ECFP), com aproximadamente 33.000 hectares, está localizada na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Pará. Com o objetivo de implementar um protocolo estruturado de inventario da fauna de aranhas de serapilheira da ECFP, foi obtido um total de 400 amostras concentradas de 1m² de serapilheira, nos períodos chuvoso e seco. As aranhas foram segregadas através da combinação das técnicas de triagem manual e de extratores de Winkler. Estas amostras foram provenientes de cinco parcelas. Três parcelas estão localizadas em mata de terra firme (LBA-EXP, LBA-CON e TF-IMC) e duas em mata de igapó (1G-N e IG-S). Uma das parcelas de terra firme sofre estresse hídrico (LBA-EXP), sendo a chuva excluída do solo por meio de painéis e calhas. Foram coletados 2230 indivíduos (5,6 indivíduos / m², em média), pertencentes a 34 famílias. Sete famílias foram representadas apenas por animais imaturos: Nesticidae, Pisauridae, Gnaphosidae, Mimetidae, Deinopidae, Oxiopidae, Uloboridae. As famílias mais abundantes foram Salticidae, Theridiidae, Ctenidae, Oonopidae e Linyphiidae. Foi obtido um total de 876 indivíduos adultos, atribuídos a 120 espécies ou morfo-espécies, em 27 famílias. As espécies com maior abundância relativa foram Styposis sp.3 (Theridiidae) com 16,55% do total de indivíduos adultos, Pseudanapis sp.1 (Anapidae) com 6,96%, Meioneta sp.1 (Linyphiidae) com 6,39%, Oonopidae sp.1 com 5,59% e Salticidae sp.1 com 4,56%. Para a maioria das análises, foram excluídas 15 espécies consideradas como ocasionais na serapilheira. As curvas de acumulação de espécies observadas para o total de amostras e para cada uma das parcelas não atingiram assíntotas ao final da adição de amostras. Os padrões de abundância e incidência destas espécies indicam a existência de uma riqueza real de 123 a 184 espécies. As maiores estimativas de riqueza em espécies foram encontradas na parcela LBA-EXP (75 - 110 espécies). As menores estimativas foram observadas em IG-N (25 - 59 espécies). Apesar da riqueza em espécies e a abundância de aranhas ter sido maior na parcela LBA-EXP, a diversidade foi maior nas parcelas LBA-CON e TF-IMC. A diversidade no igapó foi mais baixa do que na terra firme. A composição de espécies diferiu entre os ambientes de terra firme e igapó, de acordo com coeficientes de similaridade e complementaridade percentual. A abundância e a riqueza de espécies de aranhas de serapilheira aumentam no período seco e diminuem com o aumento da umidade residual do solo.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a diversidade de Drosophilidae (Diptera) frugívoros, da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Melgaço, Pará, Brasil, através da implementação de um protocolo estruturado. Entre 2003 e 2004 foram realizadas duas expedições, onde procederam-se coletas com armadilhas contendo isca de banana fermentada, distribuídas em 12 transectos de 1 km, sendo dois deles em cada um dos seis interflúvios ao norte da baía de Caxiuanã, na Estação Científica Ferreira Pena, FLONA Caxiuanã. Foi obtido um total de 4.320 indivíduos, distribuídos em 35 táxons, pertencentes aos gêneros Drosophila, em sua maioria, e Neotanygastrella. A espécie dominante foi D. willistoni com 33,96% dos indivíduos coletados, seguido por D. paulistorum (21,94%), D. sturtevanti (18,73%), D. tropicalis (11,39%) e D. equinoxiahs (37%). Cinco espécies cosmopolitas do grupo melanogaster ocorreram em Caxiuanã, porém a freqüência do grupo foi apenas de 1,75%. As curvas de acumulação de espécies, com 315 amostras, aproximaram-se da assíntota, com estimativas que variaram entre 40 e 53 espécies para Caxiuanã. O estimador Chao2 produziu curvas que chegaram a estabilização, com estimativa de 50 espécies. As análises da matriz de incidência e abundância mostraram que os sítios são similares entre si, compartilhando entre 40% e 66% em composição (Jaccard), com distribuições de abundância praticamente iguais (Morisita entre 85% e 100%). O percentual de completitude do inventário (79%) indica que seriam necessárias somente 83 amostras adicionais (21% de incremento de esforço, sem adição de singletons), para acessar a diversidade total de Drosophilidae na FLONA Caxiuanã. Estes resultados refletem bem a eficiência do método utilizado para estimar diversidade de drosofilídeos de frutos. Das 23 espécies do subgênero Sophophora, identificadas nesse estudo, foram registradas 4 novas ocorrências para o Brasil (D. dacunhai, D. mil/cri, D. saltans e D. septentriosaltans) e 8 para Amazônia brasileira (D. austrosaltans, D. dacunhai, D. magalhaesi, D. milleri, D. neocordata, D. neoelhptica, D. saltam e D. septentriosaltans).