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The male hypermethylated (MHM) region, located near the middle of the short arm of the Z chromosome of chickens, consists of approximately 210 tandem repeats of a BamHI 2.2-kb sequence unit. Cytosines of the CpG dinucleotides of this region are extensively methylated on the two Z chromosomes in the male but much less methylated on the single Z chromosome in the female. The state of methylation of the MHM region is established after fertilization by about the 1-day embryonic stage. The MHM region is transcribed only in the female from the particular strand into heterogeneous, high molecular-mass, non-coding RNA, which is accumulated at the site of transcription, adjacent to the DMRT1 locus, in the nucleus. The transcriptional silence of the MHM region in the male is most likely caused by the CpG methylation, since treatment of the male embryonic fibroblasts with 5-azacytidine results in hypo-methylation and active transcription of this region. In ZZW triploid chickens, MHM regions are hypomethylated and transcribed on the two Z chromosomes, whereas MHM regions are hypermethylated and transcriptionally inactive on the three Z chromosomes in ZZZ triploid chickens, suggesting a possible role of the W chromosome on the state of the MHM region.
Flotillin-1 was recently shown to be enriched on detergent-resistant domains of the plasma membrane called lipid rafts. These rafts, enriched in sphingolipids and cholesterol, sequester certain proteins while excluding others. Lipid rafts have been implicated in numerous cellular processes including signal transduction, membrane trafficking and molecular sorting. In this study, we demonstrate both morphologically and biochemically that lipid rafts are present on phagosomes, These structures are enriched in flotillin-1 and devoid of the main phagosomes membrane protein lysosomal-associated membrane protein (LAMP1), The flotillin-1 present on phagosomes does not originate from the plasma membrane during phagocytosis but accumulates gradually on maturing phagosomes, Treatment with bafilomycin A1, a compound that inhibits the proton pump ATPase and prevents the fusion of phagosomes with late endocytic organelles, prevents the acquisition of flotillin-1 by phagosomes, indicating that this protein might be recruited on phagosomes from endosomal organelles. A proteomic characterization of the lipid rafts of phagosomes indicates that actin, the alpha- and beta -subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins, as well as subunits of the proton pump V-ATPase are among the constituents of these domains. Remarkably, the intracellular parasite Leishmania donovani can actively inhibit the acquisition of flotillin-1-enriched lipid rafts by phagosomes and the maturation of these organelles. These results indicate that specialized functions required for phagolysosome biogenesis may occur at focal points on the phagosome membrane, and therefore represent a potential target of intracellular pathogens.
Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants expressing the three enzymes encoding the biosynthetic route to polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) are described. These plants accumulated more than 4% of their fresh weight (approximately 40% of their dry weight) in the form of PHB in leaf chloroplasts. These very high producers were obtained and identified following a novel strategy consisting of a rapid GC-MS analysis of a large number of transgenic Arabidopsis plants generated using a triple construct, thus allowing the parallel transfer of all three genes necessary for PHB synthesis in a single transformation event. The level of PHB produced was 4-fold greater than previously published values, thus demonstrating the large potential of plants to produce this renewable resource. However, the high levels of the polymer produced had severe effects on both plant development and metabolism. Stunted growth and a loss of fertility were observed in the high-producing lines. Analysis of the metabolite composition of these lines using a GC-MS method that we have newly developed showed that the accumulation of high levels of PHB was not accompanied by an appreciable change in either the composition or the amount of fatty acids. Substantial changes were, however, observed in the levels of various organic acids, amino acids, sugars and sugar alcohols.
Physical damage and disease are known to lead to changes in the oxylipin signature of plants. We searched for oxylipins produced in response to both wounding and pathogenesis in Arabidopsis leaves. Linoleic acid 9- and 13-ketodienes (KODEs) were found to accumulate in wounded leaves as well as in leaves infected with the pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst). Quantification of the compounds showed that they accumulated to higher levels during the hypersensitive response to Pst avrRpm1 than during infection with a Pst strain lacking an avirulence gene. KODEs are Michael addition acceptors, containing a chemically reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl group. When infiltrated into leaves, KODEs were found to induce expression of the GST1 gene, but vital staining indicated that these compounds also damaged plant cells. Several molecules typical of lipid oxidation, including malonaldehyde, also contain the alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl reactivity feature, and, when delivered in a volatile form, powerfully induced the expression of GST1. The results draw attention to the potential physiological importance of naturally occurring Michael addition acceptors in plants. In particular, these compounds could act directly, or indirectly via cell damage, as powerful gene activators and might also contribute to host cell death.
The role of regulatory T cell populations within the CNS in the regulation of CNS-autoimmunity is controversial. We show that during recovery from relapsing remitting experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, regulatory T cells accumulate within the CNS that express high levels of CD62L. These CD62L(high) Treg cells express increased amounts of CTLA-4, ICOS and TGF-β and are more potent than CD62L(low) Treg cells in suppressing proliferation and inducing apoptosis in effector T cells. CD62L(high) Treg cells thus represent a population of Treg cells that display superior immunosuppressive properties and accumulate in the CNS during recovery from CNS-autoimmunity.
Classic semiquantitative proteomic methods have shown that all organisms respond to a mild heat shock by an apparent massive accumulation of a small set of proteins, named heat-shock proteins (HSPs) and a concomitant slowing down in the synthesis of the other proteins. Yet unexplained, the increased levels of HSP messenger RNAs (mRNAs) may exceed 100 times the ensuing relative levels of HSP proteins. We used here high-throughput quantitative proteomics and targeted mRNA quantification to estimate in human cell cultures the mass and copy numbers of the most abundant proteins that become significantly accumulated, depleted, or unchanged during and following 4 h at 41 °C, which we define as mild heat shock. This treatment caused a minor across-the-board mass loss in many housekeeping proteins, which was matched by a mass gain in a few HSPs, predominantly cytosolic HSPCs (HSP90s) and HSPA8 (HSC70). As the mRNAs of the heat-depleted proteins were not significantly degraded and less ribosomes were recruited by excess new HSP mRNAs, the mild depletion of the many housekeeping proteins during heat shock was attributed to their slower replenishment. This differential protein expression pattern was reproduced by isothermal treatments with Hsp90 inhibitors. Unexpectedly, heat-treated cells accumulated 55 times more new molecules of HSPA8 (HSC70) than of the acknowledged heat-inducible isoform HSPA1A (HSP70), implying that when expressed as net copy number differences, rather than as mere "fold change" ratios, new biologically relevant information can be extracted from quantitative proteomic data. Raw data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD001666.
Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells are vital for peripheral tolerance and control of tissue inflammation. In this study, we characterized the phenotype and monitored the migration and activity of regulatory T cells present in the airways of allergic or tolerant mice after allergen challenge. To induce lung allergic inflammation, mice were sensitized twice with ovalbumin/aluminum hydroxide gel and challenged twice with intranasal ovalbumin. Tolerance was induced by oral administration of ovalbumin for 5 consecutive days prior to OVA sensitization and challenge. We detected regulatory T cells (Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells) in the airways of allergic and tolerant mice; however, the number of regulatory T cells was more than 40-fold higher in allergic mice than in tolerant mice. Lung regulatory T cells expressed an effector/memory phenotype (CCR4(high)CD62L(low)CD44(high)CD54(high)CD69(+)) that distinguished them from naive regulatory T cells (CCR4(int)CD62L(high)CD44(int)CD54(int)CD69(-)). These regulatory T cells efficiently suppressed pulmonary T-cell proliferation but not Th2 cytokine production.
Human T lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) -associated myelopathy/tropic spastic paraparesis is a demyelinating inflammatory neurologic disease associated with HTLV-1 infection. HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific cytotoxic T cells have been isolated from HLA-A2-positive patients. We have used a peptide-loaded soluble HLA-A2–Ig complex to directly visualize HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific T cells from peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid without in vitro stimulation. Five of six HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropic spastic paraparesis patients carried a significant number (up to 13.87%) of CD8+ lymphocytes specific for the HTLV-1 Tax11–19 peptide in their peripheral blood, which were not found in healthy controls. Simultaneous comparison of peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid from one patient revealed 2.5-fold more Tax11–19-specific T cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (23.7% vs. 9.4% in peripheral blood lymphocyte). Tax11–19-specific T cells were seen consistently over a 9-yr time course in one patient as far as 19 yrs after the onset of clinical symptoms. Further analysis of HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes in HAM/TSP patients showed different expression patterns of activation markers, intracellular TNF-α and γ-interferon depending on the severity of the disease. Thus, visualization of antigen-specific T cells demonstrates that HTLV-1 Tax11–19-specific CD8+ T cells are activated, persist during the chronic phase of the disease, and accumulate in cerebrospinal fluid, showing their pivotal role in the pathogenesis of this neurologic disease.
Neutrophils are important effector cells in immunity to microorganisms, particularly bacteria. Here, we show that the process of neutrophil apoptosis is delayed in several inflammatory diseases, suggesting that this phenomenon may represent a general feature contributing to the development of neutrophilia, and, therefore, in many cases to host defense against infection. The delay of neutrophil apoptosis was associated with markedly reduced levels of Bax, a pro-apoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family. Such Bax-deficient cells were also observed upon stimulation of normal neutrophils with cytokines present at sites of neutrophilic inflammation, such as granulocyte and granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factors, in vitro. Moreover, Bax-deficient neutrophils generated by using Bax antisense oligodeoxynucleotides demonstrated delayed apoptosis, providing direct evidence for a role of Bax as a pro-apoptotic molecule in these cells. Interestingly, the Bax gene was reexpressed in Bax-deficient neutrophils under conditions of cytokine withdrawal. Thus, both granulocyte expansion and the resolution of inflammation appear to be regulated by the expression of the Bax gene in neutrophils.
To investigate the role of filamentous actin in the endocytic pathway, we used the cell-permeant drug Jasplakinolide (JAS) to polymerize actin in intact polarized Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. The uptake and accumulation of the fluid-phase markers fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were followed in JAS-treated or untreated cells with confocal fluorescence microscopy, biochemical assays, and electron microscopy. Pretreatment with JAS increased the uptake and accumulation of fluid-phase markers in MDCK cells. JAS increased endocytosis in a polarized manner, with a marked effect on fluid-phase uptake from the basolateral surface but not from the apical surface of polarized MDCK cells. The early uptake of FITC-dextran and HRP was increased more than twofold in JAS-treated cells. At later times, FITC-dextran and HRP accumulated in clustered endosomes in the basal and middle regions of JAS-treated cells. The large accumulated endosomes were similar to late endosomes but they were not colabeled for other late endosome markers, such as rab7 or mannose-6-phosphate receptor. JAS altered transport in the endocytic pathway at a later stage than the microtubule-dependent step affected by nocodazole. JAS also had a notable effect on cell morphology, inducing membrane bunching at the apical pole of MDCK cells. Although other studies have implicated actin in endocytosis at the apical cell surface, our results provide novel evidence that filamentous actin is also involved in the endocytosis of fluid-phase markers from the basolateral membrane of polarized cells.
The recently discovered aging-dependent large accumulation of point mutations in the human fibroblast mtDNA control region raised the question of their occurrence in postmitotic tissues. In the present work, analysis of biopsied or autopsied human skeletal muscle revealed the absence or only minimal presence of those mutations. By contrast, surprisingly, most of 26 individuals 53 to 92 years old, without a known history of neuromuscular disease, exhibited at mtDNA replication control sites in muscle an accumulation of two new point mutations, i.e., A189G and T408A, which were absent or marginally present in 19 individuals younger than 34 years. These two mutations were not found in fibroblasts from 22 subjects 64 to 101 years of age (T408A), or were present only in three subjects in very low amounts (A189G). Furthermore, in several older individuals exhibiting an accumulation in muscle of one or both of these mutations, they were nearly absent in other tissues, whereas the most frequent fibroblast-specific mutation (T414G) was present in skin, but not in muscle. Among eight additional individuals exhibiting partial denervation of their biopsied muscle, four subjects >80 years old had accumulated the two muscle-specific point mutations, which were, conversely, present at only very low levels in four subjects ≤40 years old. The striking tissue specificity of the muscle mtDNA mutations detected here and their mapping at critical sites for mtDNA replication strongly point to the involvement of a specific mutagenic machinery and to the functional relevance of these mutations.
The infected cell protein no. 0 (ICP0), the product of the alpha 0 gene, and an important herpes simplex virus 1 regulatory protein is encoded by three exons. We report that intron 1 forms a family of four stable nonpolyadenylylated cytoplasmic RNAs sharing a common 5' end but differing in 3' ends. The 5' and 3' ends correspond to the accepted splice donor and four splice acceptor sites within the mapped intron domain. The most distant splice acceptor site yields the mRNA encoding the 775-aa protein known as ICP0. The mRNAs resulting from the use of alternative splice acceptor sites were also present in the cytoplasm of infected cells and would be predicted to encode proteins of 152 (ICP0-B), 87 (ICP0-C), and 90 (ICP0-D) amino acids, respectively. Both the stability of the alpha 0 mRNA and the utilization of at least one splice acceptor site was regulated by ICP22 and or US1.5 protein inasmuch as cells infected with a mutant from which these genes had been deleted accumulated smaller amounts of alpha 0 mRNA than would be predicted from the amounts of accumulated intron RNAs. In addition, one splice acceptor site was at best underutilized. These results indicate that both the splicing pattern and longevity of alpha 0 mRNA are regulated. These and other recent examples indicate that herpes simplex virus 1 regulates its own gene expression and that of the infected cells through control of mRNA splicing and longevity.
Palmitoyl-protein thioesterase is a lysosomal long-chain fatty acyl hydrolase that removes fatty acyl groups from modified cysteine residues in proteins. Mutations in palmitoyl-protein thioesterase were recently found to cause the neurodegenerative disorder infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a disease characterized by accumulation of amorphous granular deposits in cortical neurons, leading to blindness, seizures, and brain death by the age of three. In the current study, we demonstrate that [35S]cysteine-labeled lipid thioesters accumulate in immortalized lymphoblasts of patients with infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. The accumulation in cultured cells is reversed by the addition of recombinant palmitoyl-protein thioesterase that is competent for lysosomal uptake through the mannose-6-phosphate receptor. The [35S]cysteine-labeled lipids are substrates for palmitoyl-protein thioesterase in vitro, and their formation requires prior protein synthesis. These data support a role for palmitoyl-protein thioesterase in the lysosomal degradation of S-acylated proteins and define a major new pathway for the catabolism of acylated proteins in the lysosome.
Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) regulatory T cells are vital for peripheral tolerance and control of tissue inflammation. In this study, we characterized the phenotype and monitored the migration and activity of regulatory T cells present in the airways of allergic or tolerant mice after allergen challenge. To induce lung allergic inflammation, mice were sensitized twice with ovalbumin/aluminum hydroxide gel and challenged twice with intranasal ovalbumin. Tolerance was induced by oral administration of ovalbumin for 5 consecutive days prior to OVA sensitization and challenge. We detected regulatory T cells (Foxp3(+)CD25(+)CD4(+) T cells) in the airways of allergic and tolerant mice; however, the number of regulatory T cells was more than 40-fold higher in allergic mice than in tolerant mice. Lung regulatory T cells expressed an effector/memory phenotype (CCR4(high)CD62L(low)CD44(high)CD54(high)CD69(+)) that distinguished them from naive regulatory T cells (CCR4(int)CD62L(high)CD44(int)CD54(int)CD69(-)). These regulatory T cells efficiently suppressed pulmonary T-cell proliferation but not Th2 cytokine production.
The present study analyzed metallothionein (MT) excretion from liver to bile in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to sub-lethal copper concentrations (2mgL(-1)) in a laboratory setting. MTs in liver and bile were quantified by spectrophotometry after thermal incubation and MT metal-binding profiles were characterized by size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography coupled to ICP-MS (SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS). Results show that liver MT is present in approximately 250-fold higher concentrations than bile MT in non-exposed fish. Differences between the MT profiles from the control and exposed group were observed for both matrices, indicating differential metal-binding behavior when comparing liver and bile MT. This is novel data regarding intra-organ MT comparisons, since differences between organs are usually present only with regard to quantification, not metal-binding behavior. Bile MT showed statistically significant differences between the control and exposed group, while the same did not occur with liver MT. This indicates that MTs synthesized in the liver accumulate more slowly than MTs excreted from liver to bile, since the same fish presented significantly higher MT levels in liver when compared to bile. We postulate that bile, although excreted in the intestine and partially reabsorbed by the same returning to the liver, may also release MT-bound metals more rapidly and efficiently, which may indicate an efficient detoxification route. Thus, we propose that the analysis of bile MTs to observe recent metal exposure may be more adequate than the analysis of liver MTs, since organism responses to metals are more quickly observed in bile, although further studies are necessary.