886 resultados para Accreditation of the degree programmes
Self-Assessment Report was made for the accreditation of degree programmes in Energy Technology. The report includes the following items: the content,concept and implementation of of the degree programmes, the resources, the quality management and further development of the degree programmes.
Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Tietotekniikan kandidaatin ja maisterin tutkinto-ohjelmien itsearviointi toteutettiin v. 2012 kansainvälistä akkreditointia varten. Itsearviointiraportissa kuvataan tutkinto-ohjelmien tavoitteet, toteutus ja arviointimenettelyt sekä tulokset.
Porous polymer membranes based on poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers, P(VDF-TrFE)/PEO, are prepared through the, from partial to total, elimination of PEO, leading to interconnected micropores in the polymer blends. Electrolyte uptake, thermal and mechanical properties depend on the amount of PEO present in the polymer blend. Further, the degree of crystallinity of PEO and the elastic modulus (E´) of the polymer blend decrease with increasing PEO removal. Electrical properties of the polymer blend membranes are influenced by the porosity and are dominated by diffusion. The temperature dependence of ionic conductivity follows the Arrhenius behavior. It is the highest for the membranes with a volume fraction of pores of 44% (i.e, 90% PEO removal), reaching a value of 0.54 mS.cm-1 at room temperature. Battery performance was determined by assembling Li/C-LiFePO4 swagelok cells. The polymer blends with 90% PEO removal exhibit rate (124 mAhg-1 at C/5 and 47 mAhg-1 at 2C) and cycling capabilities suitable for lithium ion battery applications.
Kemiantekniikan kandidaatin ja diplomi-insinöörin tutkinto-ohjelmien itsearviointiraportissa käsitellään tutkinto-ohjelmien osaamistavoitteita ja niiden saavuttamista. Raportissa käydään läpi myös käytössä olevat resurssit sekä tutkinto-ohjelmiin liittyviä tunnuslukuja. Itsearviointi on toteutettu kansainvälisen akkreditointijärjestön kriteerien mukaisesti (ASIIN ja EUR-ACE).
Recent reports showing a decrease in sperm count in men have brought new concerns about male infertility. Animal models have been widely used to provide some relevant information about the human male gamete, and extrapolations are made to men and to the clinical context. The present study assesses one of the methods used for separation of germ cells of the adult rat testis, namely centrifugal elutriation followed by density gradients (Percoll®). This method was chosen since it presents the best results for cell purity in separating germ cells from the rat testis. A comparison between continuous and discontinuous Percoll® gradients was performed in order to identify the best type of gradient to separate the cells. Maximal cell purity was obtained for spermatocytes (81 ± 8.2%, mean ± SEM) and spermatids (84 ± 2.6%) using centrifugal elutriation followed by continuous Percoll® gradients. A significant difference in purity was observed between elongating spermatids harvested from continuous Percoll® gradients and from discontinuous gradients. Molecular analysis was used to assess cell contamination by employing specific probes, namely transition protein 2 (TP2), mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase II (COX II), and sulfated glycoprotein 1 (SGP1). Molecular analysis of the samples demonstrated that morphological criteria are efficient in characterizing the main composition of the cell suspension, but are not reliable for identifying minimal contamination from other cells. Reliable cell purity data should be established using molecular analysis
Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates obtained by the enzymatic hydrolysis of okara using an endopeptidase (Alcalase) and exopeptidase (Flavourzyme). The reaction was monitored by the pH-stat procedure in which five aliquots were collected during the hydrolysis by each enzyme, corresponding to different degrees of hydrolysis (DH). The antioxidant activities of the aliquots were evaluated by the ABTS, DPPH and FRAP methods. For the hydrolysates obtained using Alcalase, the antioxidant activities increased from: 68.6 to 99.5% (ABTS), 14.5 to 17.7% (DPPH) and 222.6 to 684.9 µM Trolox (FRAP), when the DH varied from 0 to 33.6%. With respect to Flavourzyme, the results were: 67.2 to 88.2% (ABTS), 9.5 to 18.5% (DPPH) and 168.0 to 360.3 µM Trolox (FRAP), when the DH increased up to 5.8%. The results showed that the protein hydrolysates had antioxidant capacities, which were influenced by the degree of hydrolysis and the type of enzyme.
This report is a formal documentation of the results of an assessment of the degree to which Lean Principles and Practices have been implemented in the US Aerospace and Defense Industry. An Industry Association team prepared it for the DCMA-DCAAIndustry Association “Crosstalk” Coalition in response to a “Crosstalk” meeting action request to the industry associations. The motivation of this request was provided by the many potential benefits to system product quality, affordability and industry responsiveness, which a high degree of industry Lean implementation can produce.
The objective of this work was to study the color, opacity, crystallinity, and the thermal and mechanical properties of films based on blends of gelatin and five different types of PVA [poly(vinyl alcohol)], with and without a plasticizer. The effect of the degree of hydrolysis of the PVA and the glycerol concentration on these properties was studied using colorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and tensile mechanical tests. All films were essentially colorless (Delta E* < 5) and with low opacity ( Y <= 2.1). The DSC results were typical of partially crystalline materials, showing some phase separation characterized by a glass transition (T(g) = 40-55 degrees C), related to the amorphous part of the material, followed by two endothermic peaks related to the melting (T(m) = 100-160 and 170-210 degrees C) of the crystallites. The XRD results confirmed the crystallinity of the films. The film produced with PVA Celvol((R)) 418 (DH = 91.8%) showed the highest tensile resistance (tensile strength = 38 MPa), for films without plasticizer. However, with glycerol, the above-mentioned PVA and the PVA Celvol((R)) 504 produced the least resistant films of all the PVA types. But, although the mechanical properties of the blended films depended on the type of PVA used, there was no direct relationship between these properties and the degree of hydrolysis of the PVA. The properties studied were more closely dependent on the glycerol concentration. Finally, the mechanical resistance of the films presented a linear relationship with the glass transition temperature of the films. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two techniques, namely UV-vis- and FTIR spectroscopy, have been employed in order to calculate the degree of substitution (DS) of cellulose carboxylic esters, including acetates, CAs, butyrates, CBs, and hexanoates, CHs. Regarding UV-vis spectroscopy, we have employed a novel approach, based on measuring the dependence of lambda(max) of the intra-molecular charge-transfer bands of polarity probes adsorbed on DS of the ester films (solvatochromism). Additionally, we have revisited the use of FTIR for DS determination. Several methods have been used in order to plot Beer`s law graph, namely: Absorption of KBr pellets, pre-coated with CA: reflectance (DRIFTS) of CAs-KBr solid-solid mixtures with, or without the use of 1.4-dicyanobenzene as an internal reference; reflectance of KBr powder pre-coated with CA. The methods indicated are simple, fast, and accurate, requiring much less ester than the titration method. The probe method is independent of the experimental variables examined. (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most widely used techniques for measurement of conversion degree in dental composites. However, to obtain good quality spectra and quantitative analysis from spectral data, appropriate expertise and knowledge of the technique are mandatory. This paper presents important details to use infrared spectroscopy for determination of the conversion degree.
This work consisted of determining the degree of humification of humic substances (HS) extracted from six different Amazonian soils collected from flooded and unflooded regions at different depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-40, and 60 cm). The humic substances were extracted according to procedures recommended by the International Humic Substances Society and characterized using elemental analysis, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and fluorescence spectroscopy. The findings on semiquinone-type free radical concentrations in HS showed variations of 0.10-7.55x10(18) spins g(-1) of carbon (g C)(-1), indicating considerable differences between the humification levels of HS extracted from Amazonian soils. The results showed an average of 1.71 +/- 0.04 x 10(18) spins (g C)(-1), which is congruent with other data reported in the literature on Tropical soils. It was found that, on average, HS extracted from flooded soil contained higher semiquinone-type free radical concentrations than HS extracted from unflooded soils, indicating the influence of humidity in the humification process of organic matter. The humification process varies according to the profile, and the 10-20- and 0-10-cm profiles generally showed more humified HS. The degree of humification of the HS studied here displayed a similar behavior when exposed to fluorescence (excitation at 465 nm) and EPR (R=0.85). However, the low correlation between the C/H, C/O, and C/N atomic ratios and the semiquinone-type free radical concentration/fluorescence intensities indicated that data obtained by these techniques with regard to the degree of humification of HS may lead to different conclusions. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Environmental factors strongly affect mangrove crabs, and some factors modulate population structure and habitat partitioning during the crabs' life cycle. However, the effect of these environmental factors on habitat selection by mangrove crabs is still unknown. We evaluated habitat selection by the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus in mangrove forests with different degrees of predominance of Rhizophora mangle, Laguncularia racemosa or Avicennia schaueriana, two tidal flooding levels (less- and more-flooded), and two biological periods (breeding and non-breeding seasons). Sampling was conducted in four mangrove forests with different influences of these biotic and abiotic parameters. We used the data for sex ratio to explain environmental partitioning by this species. Females predominated in R. mangle mangroves, independently of the biological period (breeding or non-breeding seasons), and males predominated only in the less-flooded L. racemosa mangroves. The flooding level affected the sex ratio of U. cordatus, with a predominance of males in less-flooded mangroves, independently of the biological period; and a gender balance in the more-flooded mangroves only during the breeding season. Outside the breeding season, the largest specimens were recorded in the R. mangle mangroves, but in the breeding season, the largest crabs were recorded in the L. racemosa mangroves with a higher level of flooding. These results suggest that tree-species composition and tidal flooding level can have a significant effect on the habitat partitioning of sexes and sizes of the mangrove crab U. cordatus both during and outside the breeding season. © 2012 Springer-Verlag and AWI.
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the influence of methadone on cardiorespiratory parameters, electrocardiogram and clinical sedation in dogs. Further possible side effects are reported.Study designProspective experimental cross-over study.DogsEight, 1-4-year-old, various breeds of dogs of both genders weighing 9-36kg.MethodsEach dog was treated three times: methadone 0.3mgkg(-1) (M0.3), 0.5mgkg(-1) (M0.5) and 1.0mgkg(-1) (M1.0) intramuscularly. Respiratory rate, heart rate and arterial blood pressure were recorded as well as electrocardiographic evaluation of lead II. Clinical sedation in each treatment received a score (0-3) after drug administration and at 30minute intervals until scores and measurements returned to baseline values.ResultsA significant decrease in heart rate was seen with each dose of methadone and bradycardia (HR<60bpm) was noted in a few dogs at each dose. A clinically significant arrhythmia occurred in one dog at 1mgkg(-1) that required reversal with butorphanol. There was no significant difference in SAP, MAP and DAP between treatments. Some side effects such as salivation, defecation, vocalization and panting, after administration of methadone were observed. There were no differences in mean values of heart rate, P-wave and QRS complex duration and QT interval between treatments.Conclusion and clinical relevanceMethadone administration was associated with panting and a decrease in heart rate at all doses tested in this study. The cardiac rhythm should be monitored carefully in dogs when methadone is administered on its own, especially at higher doses.
The properties of films of carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC, of different degree of substitution, DS, have been examined by the use of perichromic indicators (probes). The film properties that have been determined are: empirical polarity, E-T(33); "acidity", alpha; "basicity", beta; and dipolarity/polarizability, pi*. This has been achieved by employing the following perichromic probes: 4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline, and 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, WB. The correlations between both E-T(33)- or pi* and DS were found to be linear; that between beta and DS is a second order polynomial; no obvious correlation was found between alpha and DS. The polarities of CMC films are in the range of those of butyl alcohols. As models for CMC, we have employed cellulose plus CMC of high DS; oxidized cellulose with degree of oxidation = 0.5; sodium glucuronate. The former model behaved akin to CMC, but the plots of the perichromic properties versus DS showed different slopes/intercepts. FTIR data and molecular dynamics simulations on the solvation of WB have shown that this difference can be traced to more efficient hydrogen bonding between the film of the model and the probe. This affects the intra-molecular charge-transfer energy of the latter, leading to different responses to the variation of DS. Based on the excellent linear correlation between E-T(33) and DS, for CMC from different origins, we suggest that perichromism is a simple, accurate, and expedient alternative for the determination of DS of the biopolymer derivative.