893 resultados para Acaiá MG-1474
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar técnica e economicamente o efeito da irrigação por gotejamento na produção do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) Acaiá MG-1474. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: L0 = sem irrigação; L40 = 40%; L60 = 60%; L80 = 80% e L100 = 100% da Evaporação do Tanque Classe A (ECA). Para realizar a análise econômica, utilizou-se dos dados de produção acumulada das seis primeiras safras: 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 e 2004. A análise dos custos da lavoura irrigada foi baseada na teoria dos custos de produção. A produtividade média dos tratamentos foi de 52,88; 66,99; 70,00; 71,93 e 79,50 sacas por hectare, para L0, L40, L60, L80 e L100, respectivamente. Considerando o preço da saca de café a R$ 212,00, a situação econômica analisada mostrou que, neste nível de preço, é economicamente viável a produção de café, quer seja irrigado, quer não, sendo que, para os tratamentos irrigados, o manejo da irrigação, com a lâmina de reposição de 100% da Evaporação do Tanque Classe A, proporcionou maiores lucros.
It was evaluated the effect of irrigation management on the production characteristics of coffee cultivar Acaiá MG-1474, planted in spacing of 3.00 m x 0.60 m, pruned in 2004, and irrigated by drip since the planting, in 1997. The experimental designed used was of randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of irrigation management strategies, applying or not applying controlled moisture deficit in layer of 0 to 0.4m, in dry seasons of the year: A = no irrigation (control), B = irrigation during all year considering the factor of water availability in the soil (f) equal to 0.75, C = irrigation during all year considering f = 0.25, D = irrigation during all year, but in January /February /March /July /October /November /December with f = 0.25 and April /May /June /August /September with f = 0.75, E = irrigation only during April /May /June /August /September with f = 0.25. From July /2005 to June /2007 the applied water depth was defined based on Class A pan evaporation (ECA) and the period from July/2007 to June/2008 based on readings of matric potential of soil obtained from Watermark® sensors. Each plot consisted of three rows with ten plants per row, considering as useful plot five plants of center line. The results indicated that the E irrigation management was the most suitable for technical reasons.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A espécie Coffea arabica L é cultivada em todas as regiões cafeeiras do Estado de Minas Gerais, com predominância dos cultivares Catuaí e Mundo Novo, por seu vigor vegetativo, alto potencial produtivo e boa qualidade de bebida. Visando a identificar e selecionar progênies de cafeeiro com boas características agronômicas, foi instalado e conduzido um experimento na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, no município de Três Pontas, MG. Foram avaliadas 39 progênies na 4ª geração de autofecundação, após o 2º retrocruzamento entre 'Catuaí' e 'Mundo Novo' (genitor recorrente), desenvolvidas pelo programa de melhoramento genético da Epamig. Os cultivares Catuaí Vermelho MG 99, Rubi MG 1192 e Acaiá Cerrado MG 1474 foram utilizados como testemunhas. Foram analisadas as características: produção de café beneficiado em sc.ha-1 de oito safras (1998/1999 a 2005/2006), vigor vegetativo, percentagem de frutos chochos e classificação quanto à peneira. Ficou evidente que existe variabilidade genética dentro do grupo de progênies estudadas. As maiores produtividades foram encontradas na sétima e oitava colheita. As progênies 1189-9-80-1 e 1189-9-80-3 apresentaram melhor desempenho, em todas as características avaliadas e serão selecionadas para futuros trabalhos de melhoramento genético, sendo lançadas como cultivar ou utilizadas em hibridações.
A ocorrência do fungo Cladosporium sp. em frutos do cafeeiro é freqüente e coincide com o período de controle de doenças desta cultura. O fungo Cladosporium sp. tem sido relatado associado a cafés de boa qualidade portanto, é importante que os fungicidas sejam seletivos aos agentes antagonistas de fungos deletérios à qualidade do café sendo o Cladosporium sp incluído neste grupo. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi testar a seletividade de alguns produtos utilizados visando o controle de doenças do cafeeiro sobre o fungo Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) de Vries. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em uma lavoura da cultivar Acaiá Cerrado MG 1474, com 6 anos de idade no espaçamento adensado de 2,0 x 0,6 m, onde foram testados produtos preventivos, a base de cobre, e sistêmico, aplicados isoladamente e associados. Foram empregados como produtos cúpricos o oxicloreto de cobre (50% de cobre metálico) e Calda Viçosa comercial e como sistêmico o epoxiconazole. A avaliação da incidência de C. cladosporioides foi realizada através de notas subjetivas, em quatro épocas, registrando em porcentagem a área com crescimento fúngico sobre os frutos do cafeeiro. Verificou-se que enquanto nos tratamentos com fungicida epoxiconazole aplicado isoladamente ou associado ao fungicida cúprico o fungo apresentava-se inicialmente com baixa incidência, aumentando progressivamente a partir do mês de maio, nos tratamentos com apenas fungicidas cúpricos a incidência do fungo mostrou-se elevada desde maio, indicando não ter sido afetada e/ou mesmo favorecida por pulverizações anteriores do produto.
In Brazil, although the coffee plantations are predominantly grown under full sunlight, the use of agroforestry systems can lead to socioeconomic advantages, thus providing a favorable environment to the crop by promoting its sustainability as well as environmental preservation. However, there is a lack of information on physiological quality of the coffee seeds produced under different levels of solar radiation. Within this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different levels of solar radiation and maturation stages on the physiological quality of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) seeds, cv. Acaiá Cerrado MG-1474. Three levels of solar radiation (plants grown under full sunlight; under plastic screens of 35% shading; and under plastic screens of 50% shading) and three maturation stages (cherry, greenish-yellow and green) were assessed. Physiological quality of seeds was assessed by using germination test, first count of germination, abnormal seedlings, dead seeds, and seedlings with open cotyledonary leaves. Electrophoretic analysis of isoenzymes catalase, esterase, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase was also performed. With the evolution of development the coffee seeds presents increases on physiological quality, and at its beginning the seeds show improvements on quality with the reduction of solar radiation.
This study aimed to examine the sensory characteristics of the grains of 21 cultivars of Coffea arabica L. and Coffea canephora Pierre from the essays of genetic improvement of EPAMIG, located in Patrocinio Municipality, Minas Gerais State, where they were collected through cloths stripping method and washed. Subsequently to dry (11 to 12% moisture b.u.), we obtained the coffee designated as natural. The evaluated varieties were: Acaia Cerrado MG 1474; Bourbon Vermelho DATERRA; Catigua MG 1; Catigua MG 2; Catual Amarelo IAC 62; Catuai Vermelho IAC 15; H 419-3-1-4-2; H 419-6-2 -5-2; H 419-6-2-5-3; H 419-6-2-7-3 Vermelho; H 493-1-2-10; H 514-7-10-1 Vermelho; H 514-7-10-6; H 515-4-2-2; H 518-3-6-1; Icatu Amarelo IAC 3282; Mundo Novo 379-19; Mundo Novo TAO 376-4; Rubi MG 1192; Sacramento MG 1 and Topazio MG 1190, from 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 seasons. The cultivars according to the first principal component with notes above 80 points, regarded as superior drink according to attributes with the highest scores (flavor, sweetness, balance, acidity, clean drink, and aspect) were: Catigua MG2, Rubi MG 1192, 514-7-10-6 H, H 419-3-1-4-2, H 419-6-2-5-2, 493-1-2-10 H, H 514-7-10-1 Vermelho, Catigua MG1, Sacramento MG1, 419-6-2-5-3 H, H 515-9-2-2 and Catuai Amarelo IAC 62.
Avaliou-se o efeito da aplicação de extratos vegetais em induzir resistência à ferrugem, à cercosporiose e à mancha de Phoma em cafeeiro orgânico. O ensaio foi instalado em lavoura orgânica em Santo Antônio do Amparo, MG, cultivada com cafeeiros cv. "Acaiá MG-474-19", de quatro anos. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: 1. Testemunha pulverizada com Viça-café plus® aplicado em dezembro, janeiro e fevereiro; 2. Testemunha pulverizada com água; 3. Extrato aquoso de casca de fruto de café (CFC); 4. Extrato aquoso de folha de café com ferrugem (EFID); 5. Extrato aquoso de lobeira (Solanum lycocarpum) infectada com Crinipellis perniciosa (VLA) e 6. Extrato comercial de biomassa cítrica (Ecolife®). Os cafeeiros foram pulverizados mensalmente de 4 de março a 26 de junho de 2005. CFC e EFID reduziram a incidência da ferrugem, da cercosporiose e da mancha de Phoma comparativamente aos percentuais de doença observados nas testemunhas pulverizadas com água e com Viça-café. CFC reduziu a severidade da cercosporiose em 47%, comparado ao tratamento pulverizado com água. EFID e VLA reduziram a severidade da ferrugem em 31 e 27%. O melhor resultado foi proporcionado pelo EFID ao reduzir em 61% a incidência de Phoma em relação à testemunha pulverizada com água. O produto Ecolife® teve um desempenho intermediário aos melhores tratamentos e às testemunhas. EFID, CFC e VLA levaram a maior acúmulo de lignina nos tecidos foliares, diferenciando-se das testemunhas.
Avaliou-se o progresso da cercosporiose em cafeeiros sob sistemas de produção orgânico e convencional no município de Santo Antônio do Amparo, MG, entre novembro/2003 e novembro/2005. As lavouras, que são vizinhas, encontravam-se sob condições similares de clima, solo e relevo e eram formadas por cafeeiros cv. Acaiá MG-474-19, de dez anos. A doença foi mais intensa no sistema de produção convencional, cuja média de dois anos consecutivos de avaliações demonstrou área abaixo da curva de progresso da cercosporiose maior (3,905) do que o orgânico (2,529). Isso ficou demonstrado também pela incidência máxima nas folhas, equivalente a 28% em 2004 e 29% em 2005, enquanto no sistema orgânico foi de 9% e 12%, respectivamente. Nos frutos, a incidência foi de 18,2% em 2004 e 22% em 2005, enquanto no orgânico foi de 11,5% e 15%, respectivamente. A maior suscetibilidade dos cafeeiros à cercosporiose no sistema convencional coincidiu com menores teores de cálcio e magnésio foliares nas fases de granação e maturação dos frutos comparados ao orgânico, conseqüência da maior carga pendente que resultou em uma produtividade superior em 26,8 sc/ha ao orgânico em 2004 (alta carga pendente). Em 2005 a produtividade foi estatisticamente semelhante em ambos os sistemas. Houve menor alternância entre a produtividade das duas safras consecutivas no sistema orgânico (34% menor em 2005) quando comparada à convencional (64% menor) sugerindo uma tendência de menor efeito da doença sobre a safra seguinte dos cafeeiros no sistema orgânico de produção, comparado ao convencional.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different irrigation managements on flower induction and bloom of coffee trees. The study was carried out at the experimental area of the Engineering Department at Universidade Federal de Lavras, on Acaia Cerrado MG-1474 coffee cultivar, planted 3.0 meters between rows and 0.6 meters between plants and drip irrigated since planting in 1997. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replicates and 5 irrigation treatment: A= non irrigated; B= irrigated throughout the whole year every time the water available was at most 25% of total available water (TAW); C= irrigated during the whole year every time the water available was at most 75% of TAW; D = treatment C during January, February, March, July, October, November and December and treatment B during April, May, June, August and September; E= treatment C during April, May, June, August and September. Each plot was composed of 10 plants and used 2 plants for the evaluation of secondary branches, number of flowers per flowering, number of fruit and fruit set between September and May during the growing seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The different irrigation managements did not significantly influence the total number of flowers, number of branches and percentage of flowers that resulted in fruits. Comparing data from two harvests verified the biennial effect in the total number of flowers, percentage of fruit set and branch gain.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Acai, the fruit of a palm native to the Amazonian basin, is widely distributed in northern South America, where it has considerable economic importance. Whereas individual polyphenolics compounds in Acai have been extensively evaluated, studies of the intact fruit and its biological properties are lacking. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to investigate the in vivo genotoxicity of Acai and its possible antigenotoxicity on doxorubicin (DXR)-induced DNA damage. The Acai pulp doses selected were 3.33, 10.0 and 16.67 g/kg b.w. administered by gavage alone or prior to DXR (16 mg/kg b.w.) administered by intraperitoneal injection. Swiss albino mice were distributed in eight groups for acute treatment with acai pulp (24 h) and eight groups for subacute treatment (daily for 14 consecutive days) before euthanasia. The negative control groups were treated in a similar way. The results of chemical analysis suggested the presence of carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolic. and flavonoids in Acai pulp. The endpoints analyzed were micronucleus induction in bone marrow and peripheral blood cells polychromatic erythrocytes, and DNA damage in peripheral blood, liver and kidney cells assessed using the alkaline (pH > 13) comet assay. There were no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) between the negative control and the groups treated with the three doses of Acai pulp alone in all endpoints analyzed, demonstrating the absence of genotoxic effects. The protective effects of Acai pulp were observed in both acute and subacute treatments, when administered prior to DXR. In general, subacute treatment provided greater efficiency in protecting against DXR-induced DNA damage in liver and kidney cells. These protective effects can be explained as the result of the phytochemicals present in Acai pulp. These results will be applied to the developmental of food with functional characteristics, as well as to explore the characteristics of Acai as a health promoter. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of pectinase enzyme treatment of acai pulp on cross-flow microfiltration (CFMF) performance and on phytochemical and functional characteristics of their compounds. Analyses of fouling mechanisms were carried out through resistance in series and blocking in law models. The enzymatic treatment was conducted using Ultrazym(R) AFPL (Novozymes A/S) at 500 mg kg(-1) of acai pulp for 30 min at 35 degrees C. Before microfiltrations, untreated and enzyme-treated acai pulps were previously diluted in distilled water (1:3; w/v). CFMFs were conducted using commercial alpha-alumina (alpha-Al2O3) ceramic membranes (Andritz AG, Austria) of 0.2 mu m and 0.8 mu m pore sizes, and 0.0047 m(2) of filtration area. The microfiltration unit was operated in batch mode for 120 min at 25 degrees C and the fluid-dynamic conditions were transmembrane pressure of Delta P = 100 kPa and cross-flow velocity of 3 m s(-1) in turbulent flow. The highest values of permeate flux and accumulated permeate volume were obtained using enzyme-treated pulp and 0.2 mu m pore size membranes with steady flux values exceeding 100 L h(-1) m(-2). For the 0.8 mu m pore size membrane, the estimated total resistance after the microfiltration of enzyme-treated acai pulp was 21% lower than the untreated pulp, and for the 0.2 mu m pore size membrane, it was 18%. Cake filtration was the dominant mechanism in the early stages of most of the CFMF processes. After approximately 20 min, however, intermediate pore blocking and complete pore blocking contributed to the overall fouling mechanisms. The reduction of the antioxidant capacity of the permeates obtained after microfiltration of the enzyme-treated pulp was higher (p < 0.01) than that obtained using untreated pulp. For total polyphenols, on the contrary, the permeates obtained after microfiltration of the enzyme-treated pulp showed a lower mean reduction (p < 0.01) than those from the untreated pulp. The results show that the enzymatic treatment had a positive effect on the CFMF process of acai pulp. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ofloxacin is an antimicrobial agent frequently found in significant concentrations in wastewater and surface water. Its continuous introduction into the environment is a potential risk to non-target organisms or to human health. In this study, ofloxacin degradation by UV/TiO2 and UV/TiO2/H2O2, antimicrobial activity (E. coli) of samples subjected to these processes, and by-products formed were evaluated. For UV/TiO2, the degradation efficiency was 89.3% in 60 min of reaction when 128 mg L(-1) TiO2 were used. The addition of 1.68 mmol L(-1) hydrogen peroxide increased degradation to 97.8%. For UV/TiO2, increasing the catalyst concentration from 4 to 128 mg L(-1) led to an increase in degradation efficiency. For both processes, the antimicrobial activity was considerably reduced throughout the reaction time. The structures of two by-products are presented: m/z 291 (9-fluoro-3-methyl-10-(methyleneamino)-7-oxo-2,3-dihydro-7H-[1,4]oxazino[2,3,4-ij]quinoline-6-carboxylic acid) and m/z 157 ((Z)-2-formyl-3-((2-oxoethyl)imino)propanoic acid).
Aspects related to the nature of stem thickening in monocotyledons have been the subject of many studies. Primary thickening has been attributed to the Primary Thickening Meristem (PTM). According to most authors, it gives rise, besides the adventitious roots, to the vascular tissues and part of the cortex. In other words, it has centripetal and centrifugal activity. For some authors, however, it gives rise only to the vascular system, and for others, only to part of the cortex. However, this work demonstrated that PTM corresponds to the pericycle in the meristematic phase or to the pericycle associated with the endodermis, also with meristematic activity. It was observed that the pericycle was responsible for the formation of the vascular system of the rhizome and of the adventitious roots; the endodermis gave rise to cell layers with radial disposition which comprised the inner portion of the stem cortex, and which corresponded to the region known as the derivatives of the meristematic endodermis (DME). A continuity was also demonstrated between the tissues of the stem and root in species of Scleria Berg. (Cyperaceae).