342 resultados para Acacia auriculiformis
Importância energética da lenha. Pólo oleiro de Iranduba e Manacapuru. Biomassa, fator de empilhamento, densidade e teor de umidade. Estimativa da produção. Rendimento das espécies na olaria.
Investigations on the water relations and gas exchange of/tcacia aun'culiji_2rmis were carried out in natural and controlled environments. The experiments were performed in both seedlings and five year old trees. Different sets of experiments were conducted in Acacia plantations, at Kothachira, Palakkad District and in .seedlings, at KFRI campus nursery mainly during the summer months. Investigations were also extended to seedlings of A.mangium, Aaulacocarpa and /Lholocericea, which are also phyllodinous species with the intention of comparing their physiology with Acacia auriculifomus. Potted seedlings of four species of Acacia viz., A. auriculi/E)/7r:i.r, /I. aulacocarpa, A. holocericea and A. mangium were used for the study. Measurements of relative water content (RWC), water potential, photosynthetic rate, transpiration, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency etc. of phyllodes were measured diumally in plants subjected to three stress conditions namely, drought, salinity and flooding
Rural population of India constitutes about 70% of the total population and traditional fuels account for 75% of the rural energy needs. Depletion of woodlands coupled with the persistent dependency on fuel wood has posed a serious problem for household energy provision in many parts. This study highlights that the traditional fuels still meet 85-95% of fuel needs in rural areas of Kolar district: people prefer fuel wood for cooking and agriculture residues for water heating and other purposes. However, rapid changes in land cover and land use in recent times have affected these traditional fuels availability necessitating inventorying, mapping and monitoring of bioresources for sustainable management of bioresources. Remote sensing data (Multispectal and Panchromatic), Geographic Information System (GIS), field surveys and non-destructive sampling were used to assess spatially the availability and demand of energy. Field surveys indicate that rural household depends on species such as Prosopis juliflora, Acacia nilotica, Acacia auriculiformis to meet fuel wood requirement for domestic activities. Hence, to take stock of fuel wood availability, mapping was done at species level (with 88% accuracy) considering villages as sampling units using fused multispectral and panchromatic data. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.
A Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental possui 7,5 hectares de plantios para teste das espécies Acacia mangium, Acacia auriculiformis, Sclerobium paniculatum (taxi-branco) e Bambusa vulgaris var. vitatta (bambu), que, em experimentos preliminares, mostram-se promissoras para produção de energia.
O processo de beneficiamento do zinco, extraído em Vazante pela Companhia Mineira de Metais - CMM produz um rejeito alcalino e com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização de espécies leguminosas noduladas e micorrizadas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Neste sentido, foram instalados dois experimentos de campo onde foi realizado o plantio prévio de Brachiaria sp. O primeiro experimento foi composto por 36 tratamentos que foram formados por uma combinação de 17 espécies + 1 testemunha (ausência de plantas) na presença e na ausência de esterco de curral (2,0 L) na cova de plantio. Cada unidade experimental foi formada por 20 exemplares da mesma espécie que foram plantadas em covas abertas manualmente (25 x 25 x 25 cm) num espaçamento de 2 x 2 m. Todas as covas receberam a adubação básica formada por 125 g de superfosfato simples e 60 g de cloreto de potássio. Entre as 17 espécies avaliadas, 3 não pertencem a família Leguminosae e receberam, além da adubação básica, cerca de 25 g de sulfato de amônio por cobertura. O segundo experimento foi montado com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de espécies leguminosas beneficiarem o estabelecimento e crescimento de espécies não leguminosas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Foram utilizadas três espécies leguminosas (Enterolobium scomburkii, Acacia mangium e Acacia holosericea) e três não leguminosas (Lithraea brasiliensis, Cinnamomum glaziovii e Eugenia jambolana) num esquema fatorial (3 x 3) + 1 testemunha, formando dez tratamentos distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Cada parcela foi formada por 20 plantas (10 leguminosas + 10 não leguminosas) plantadas em espaçamento 2 x 2 m e com a mesma adubação básica utilizada no primeiro experimento. Todas as espécies leguminosas utilizadas foram previamente inoculadas com estirpes selecionadas de bactérias fixadoras de Nitrogênio atmosférico e com uma mistura de fungos micorrízicos provenientes da Embrapa/Agrobiologia. Os experimentos foram avaliados quanto ao estabelecimento e crescimento de plantas (altura e diâmetro do colo) aos 4, 12 e 24 meses após o plantio. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que dentre as espécies avaliadas, as mais indicadas para a primeira etapa da revegetação da barragem de rejeito da CMM são: Acacia holosericea, Acacia farnesiana, Acacia auriculiformis, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa birmucronata, Enterolobium schomburkii e Prosopis juliflora. O sucesso do consórcio de espécies leguminosas e não leguminosas depende da escolha das espécies a serem combinadas, de maneira que não exista uma efetiva competição por água, nutrientes e luz que possa prejudicar as espécies de menor plasticidade. Das combinações avaliadas, as de maiores potencialidades para o programa de revegetação das barragens de rejeito da CMM são aquelas envolvendo a espécieLithraea brasiliensis.
This paper examines the use of Acacia as a nurse crop to overcome some of the ecological and economic impediments to reforestation of degraded areas dominated by grasses including Imperata cylindrica. The study site at Hai Van Pass in central Vietnam was initially reforested using Acacia auriculiformis. After 8 years these stands were thinned and under-planted with Hopea odorata, Dipterocarpus alatus, Parashorea chinensis, Tarrietia javanica, Parashorea stellata, Scaphium lychnophorum, Peltophorum dasyrhachis var. tonkinensis and other high-value native species. At the time of field assessment (early 2004), the Acacia trees were aged between 16 and 18 years and basal area ranged from 9 to 13 m(2) ha(-1) after several thinnings. Acacias facilitated the establishment of native species, but after 6-7 years of growth, further thinning is needed to maintain growth rates. In addition to assisting the establishment of native species, the Acacia nurse crop should provide a revenue stream (NPV about US$ 180, or IRR 19%) sufficient to cover the establishment costs of the underplanted native species (about US$ 100). (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
En République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), les savanes couvrent 76,8 millions d’hectares et constituent le second type d’écosystème après les forêts denses qui représentent 10% des forêts au niveau mondial. Ces formations herbeuses et arbustives offrent des potentialités importantes de séquestration du dioxyde de carbone pouvant contribuer par le fait même à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique. C’est dans cette optique que se situe cette thèse intitulée « Évolution naturelle de savanes mises en défens à Ibi-village sur le plateau des Bateke en République Démocratique du Congo» dans le cadre du projet puits carbone d’IBI-Bateke. L’objectif général de notre recherche est d’étudier l’évolution naturelle en absence de feu de savanes situées dans des zones climatiques avec précipitations abondantes. Le plateau des Bateke nous a servi d’analyse de cas. Les inventaires floristiques et dendrométriques de la strate arbustive et arborescente de nos dispositifs hiérarchiques, ont permis de suivre ce processus naturel en tenant compte du gradient écologique dans les trois types de formations végétales (îlot forestier, la galerie forestière et la plantation d’Acacia auriculiformis). Nous avons mis en défens des savanes arbustives du plateau des Bateke pour étudier leur évolution naturelle vers une forêt, leur établissement, qualité, régénération forestière et en déterminer le taux de séquestration du carbone à l’aide des équations allométriques de Chave et al. (2005). Nous avons obtenu des valeurs moyennes de 107,477 t/ha de biomasse totale soit 51,05 Mg C/ha dans la galerie forestière, 103,772 t/ha de biomasse totale soit 49,29 Mg C/ha dans l’Îlot forestier, et 22,336 t/ha de biomasse totale soit 10,60 Mg C/ha dans la plantation. La mise en défens a stimulé l’installation des espèces forestières, et par le fait même accéléré la production de biomasse et donc la fixation de carbone. La comparaison de la richesse et la diversité spécifiques de l’Îlot et la galerie montre 22 familles botaniques inventoriées avec 55 espèces dans l’îlot forestier contre 27 familles dont 58 espèces dans la galerie. L’analyse canonique réalisée entre les variables de croissance et les variables environnementales révèle qu’il existe effectivement des relations fortes d’interdépendance entre les deux groupes de variables considérées. Cette méthodologie appropriée à la présente étude n’avait jamais été évoquée ni proposée par des études antérieures effectuées par d’autres chercheurs au plateau des Bateke. Mots Clés : Galerie forestière, Îlot forestier, mise en défens, plantation d’Acacia auriculiformis, reforestation, régénération naturelle, République Démocratique du Congo, savanes.
During the nineteenth century and in the early years of the twentieth century wattle was circulated by botanists, botanical institutions, interested individuals, commercial seedsmen and government authorities. Wattle bark was used in the production of leather and was the subject of debate regarding its commercial development and conservation in Australia. It was also trialled in many other locations including America, New Zealand, Hawaii and Russia. In the process, South Africa became a major producer of wattle bark for a global market. At the same time wattle was also promoted as a symbol of Australian nationalism. This paper considers this movement of wattles, wattle material and wattle information by examining the career of one active agent in these botanical transfers: Joseph Maiden. In doing so it demonstrates that these seemingly different uses of the wattle overlap transnational and national spheres.
The Acacia Light Wall is a permanent public artwork within the 3 stage Eden on the Yarra – a residential / commercial development on Victoria Street Abbotsford, Melbourne. The work was commissioned by the Hampton Group for Acacia Place, the first building in the development. The stylised screen was inspired by tangled wattle trees (Australia’s most common Acacia). The work consists of two walls, made from laser cut aluminium screen, acrylic ‘windows” Philips Colour Kinetic controllable LED (1250 nodes), Philips Colour Kinetics control ‘iPlayers”. One wall is 10 m long x 3 to 5 metres and the second is 12m by 3m. The windows are lit by an array of 600+ LED’s in each wall. These lights change colour from week to week marking the progress of the seasons. We worked with the project horticulturalist to develop a palate of colours for each week’s ‘light show’ that was drawn from local flowers and foliage likely to be in bloom that week. The lighting display is not static but rather a very slow moving (morphing) light show. It isn’t fast and flashy. Instead it’s restful and profound.
Prickly acacia, a Weed of National Significance or WONS, is a serious problem in Queensland particularly the Mitchell grass downs where it was once planted to provide shade for livestock. The chapter summarises current knowledge about the taxonomy, biology, distribution, ecology, impacts and biological control of the weed. Queensland has been trying to achieve biological control of prickly acacia since 1980 when it began foreign exploration in Pakistan. Since then further exploration was undertaken in Kenya, South Africa and presently India. Six insects have been released in Queensland but only two of these are established. Greater emphasis is being placed on climate matching, plant response to herbivory and genotype matching in present work and it is hoped that this approach will allow more rigorous evaluations of agent performance and better understanding of reasons for success or failure of agents.
Two geometrid moths Chiasmia inconspicua and Chiasmia assimilis, identified as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia Acacia nilotica subsp. indica, were collected in Kenya and imported into quarantine facilities in Australia where laboratory cultures were established. Aspects of the biologies of both insects were studied and CLIMEX® models indicating the climatically favourable areas of Australia were developed. Host range tests were conducted using an approved test list of 74 plant species and no-choice tests of neonate larvae placed on both cut foliage and potted plants. C. inconspicua developed through to adult on prickly acacia and, in small numbers, Acacia pulchella. C. assimilis developed through to adult on prickly acacia and also in very small numbers on A. pulchella, A. deanei, A. decurrens, and A. mearnsii. In all experiments, the response on prickly acacia could be clearly differentiated from the responses on the non-target species. Both insects were approved for release in Australia. Over a three-year period releases were made at multiple sites in north Queensland, almost all in inland areas. There was no evidence of either insect's establishment and both colonies were terminated. A new colony of C. assimilis was subsequently established from insects collected in South Africa and releases of C. assimilis from this new colony were made into coastal and inland infestations of prickly acacia. Establishment was rapid at one coastal site and the insect quickly spread to other infestations. Establishment at one inland area was also confirmed in early 2006. The establishment in coastal areas supported a CLIMEX model that indicated that the climate of coastal areas was more suitable than inland areas.
Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon R. Br.) is a valuable leguminous cabinetwood species which is commonly found as a canopy or subcanopy tree in a broad range of mixed-species moist forests on tablelands and coastal escarpments in eastern Australia. This paper reports on the competitive light environment of a commercially valuable multi-species regrowth forest in NW Tasmania, in order to define some of the functional interactions and competitive dynamics of these stands. Comparative observations were made of the internal forest light environment in response to small-gap silvicultural treatments, in a young regenerative mix of three codominant tree species. Light measurements were made during periods of maximum external irradiance of the regrowth Eucalyptus obliqua/A. melanoxylon forest canopy at age 10.5 years. This was at a time of vigourous stand development, 4.5 years following the application of three experimental silvicultural treatments whose effects were observed in comparison with an untreated canopy sample designed as a control. Minimal irradiance was observed within and beneath the dense subcanopy of the native nurse species (Pomaderris apetala) which closely surrounds young blackwood regeneration. Unlike current plantation nurse systems, the dense foliage of the native broadleaved Pomaderris all but eliminated direct side-light and low-angle illumination of the young blackwood, from the beginning of tree establishment. The results demonstrated that retention of these densely stocked native codominants effectively suppressed both size and frequency of blackwood branches on the lower bole, through effective and persistent interception of sunlight. Vigorous young blackwood crowns later overtopped the codominant nurse species, achieving a predictable height of branch-free bole. This competitive outcome offers a valuable tool for management of blackwood crown dynamics, stem form and branch habit through manipulation of light environment in young native regrowth systems. Results demonstrate that effective self-pruning in the lower bole of blackwood is achieved through a marked reduction in direct and diffuse sunlight incident on the lower crown, notably to less than 10-15% of full sunlight intensity during conditions of maximum insolation. The results also contain insights for the improved design of mixed-species plantation nurse systems using these or functionally similar species' combinations. Based on evidence presented here for native regrowth forest, plantation nurse systems for blackwood will need to achieve 85-90% interception of external side-light during early years of tree development if self-pruning is to emulate the results achieved in the native nurse system.
Understanding plant response to herbivory facilitates the prioritisation of guilds of specialist herbivores as biological control agents based on their potential impacts. Prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica ssp. indica) is a weed of national significance in Australia and is a target for biological control. Information on the susceptibility of prickly acacia to herbivory is limited, and there is no information available on the plant organ (i.e. leaf, shoot and root in isolation or in combination) most susceptible to herbivory. We evaluated the ability of prickly acacia seedlings, to respond to different types of simulated herbivory (defoliation, shoot damage, root damage and combinations), at varying frequencies (no herbivory, single, two and three events of herbivory) to identify the type and frequency of herbivory that will be required to reduce the growth and vigour. Defoliation and shoot damage, individually, had a significant negative impact on prickly acacia seedlings. For the defoliation to be effective, more than two defoliation events were required, whereas a single bout of shoot damage was enough to cause a significant reduction in plant vigour. A combination of defoliation + shoot damage had the greatest negative impact. The study highlights the need to prioritise specialist leaf and shoot herbivores as potential biological control agents for prickly acacia.