977 resultados para Acúmulo de forragem


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O trabalho foi conduzido na EEA/UFRGS em 2003. O objetivo foi avaliar a eficiência do disco medidor de forragem, do bastão graduado e do medidor de capacitância em predizer a massa de forragem de azevém bem como o de avaliar as diferenças nas variáveis morfogênicas (taxa de elongação de folhas, taxa de surgimento de folhas, tempo de vida da folha) e estruturais da pastagem (numero de folhas verdes, comprimento de folhas e densidade de perfilhos) pela técnica de perfilhos marcados em função dos tratamentos adotados (intensidades e métodos de pastejo). Para determinar a eficiência dos instrumentos foram realizados dois experimentos: o experimento 1 avaliandose a eficiência do disco, bastão e medidor de capacitância em predizer a massa de forragem da pastagem na fase de estabelecimento num delineamento completamente casualizado com 32 repetições e três tratamentos e o experimento 2 avaliando-se a eficiência do disco medidor e do bastão graduado como preditores da massa de forragem sob lotação rotacionada em duas intensidades de pastejo (baixa e moderada) definidas por ofertas de forragem representando, respectivamente, 2,5 ou 5,0 vezes o potencial de consumo dos cordeiros num delineamento em blocos casualizados em arranjo fatorial com quatro repetições. Para determinar as variáveis morfogênicas, estruturais e o fluxo de tecidos os tratamentos foram duas intensidades (baixa e moderada) e dois métodos de pastejo (pastejo com lotação contínua e rotacionada). No experimento 1 o bastão graduado apresentou a melhor correlação com a massa de forragem (r2=0,65). No 2 as melhores correlações foram obtidas quando avaliadas as faixas de pós-pastejo para o disco medidor (r2=0,47) e as de pré-pastejo para o bastão graduado (r2=0,36). Para as variáveis morfogênicas e estruturais as intensidades de pastejo foram responsáveis por diferenças na taxa de elongação de folhas (intensidade baixa resultou em maior taxa de elongação) e nas características estruturais (intensidade baixa resultou em menor densidade de perfilhos, maior comprimento e número de folhas vivas). Os métodos de pastejo influenciaram as características morfogênicas (lotação contínua resultou em maior taxa de elongação de folhas, maior taxa de surgimento e tempo de vida das folhas no ciclo de observação I) e estruturais (lotação contínua resultou em maior densidade de perfilhos); bem como foi obtida interação com as intensidades e com os ciclos de avaliação. O fluxo de crescimento (favorecido por lotação rotacionada a baixa intensidade) e de senescência (favorecido por lotação contínua a baixa intensidade) foram afetados pelos tratamentos, enquanto que o fluxo de consumo não foi alterado pelos tratamentos.


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The objective of this scientific work was to evaluate the tillering and mass production of Brachiaria brizantha Piatã and Marandu grasses with two statures of post-grazing. The experimental lineation was in factorial arrangement (2 pastures x 2 residue stature) with subplots (grazing cycle). The experimental period was from March to October of 2012. The target stature on pre-grazing was 50 cm and on post-grazing 15 and 25 for each cultivar. The following variables were analyzed: tiller population density, forage mass, morphological components, accumulation and accumulation rate. Three grazing cycles were obtained. Marandu grass presented larger forage mass on pre-grazing and lower stem production than piatã grass. No difference was observed between the two cultivars regarding the leaf blade production. There was no difference on forage mass, leaf blade, stem, and dead material production between the two statures of post-grazing. The pastures managed at 25 cm presented accumulation rate compared to those with 15 cm. Concerning the accumulation rate on the two cultivars, piatã and marandu grasses, Marandu grass presented higher amount than the piatã grass, and also presented higher values on the rate of basal tiller appearing on 15 cm stature post-pasture feature. Piatã grass managed at 25 cm developed smaller tiller amount on the second generation and greater tiller amount on the third generation than marandu grass. The greater tiller population density was observed on 25cm post-grazing pastures. There was no statistical difference of density between the two cultivars and between the cycles. Accordingly, it is concluded that piatã and marandu cultivars can be managed with 15cm and 25 cm post-grazing statures


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate CO2 emission, canopy characteristics and herbage accumulation in pastures of pensacola bahiagrass under frequencies of defoliation. The experiment was conducted at the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary of UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil. The experimental period was from May 3rd to July 26th 2012. The experimental area comprised 28 m² of pensacola bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge), divided into 10 plots for allocation of treatment (frequencies of defoliation = 2 or 4 weeks). The following variables were studied: canopy height, light interception, leaf area index, herbage accumulation, tiller density, CO2 emissions, soil temperature and moisture. The frequencies of defoliation in the months of May, June and July slightly affect pensacola bahiagrass characteristics. CO2, soil temperature and moisture are more associated to environmental conditions (months of evaluation) than to the frequencies of defoliation imposed to the canopies.


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O azevém Ponteio e o cornichão Posteiro são cultivares forrageiras recentemente lançadas para uso na Região Sul do Brasil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The proper use of management strategies, such as grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization are primordial to the success of integrated crop-livestock system. Several studies have demonstrated the influence of grazing intensity and nitrogen fertilization on dynamics of forage production and nutrient cycling. However, most this researches studying these strategies in isolation and little is known about the interaction of these factors in the management of an integrated crop-livestock system. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the best management strategy involving sward height and nitrogen fertilization, permitting greater forage production and improved efficiency in the use of nitrogen soil by a black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture in integrated crop-livestock system. The experiment was realized in Abelardo Luz – SC, in an area of 14 ha, where has been conducted an experiment in long term with integrated crop-livestock system under no-tillage since 2012. The experimental design is a randomized block design with three replications in a factorial design (2x2), the first factor was the grazing intensity (high and low), characterized by two sward height management (10 and 25 cm), and the second included the time factor application of N in the system: N applied on pasture (N-pasture) and N applied on the culture of grain (N-grain), at dose of 200 kg N ha stocking and variable stocking rate. The previous crop to pasture was corn. The nitrogen fertilization of pasture increased tiller density, forage density, participation of ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ and percentage of ryegrass leaves in forage mass. Forage mass was less at low sward height on average, however the percentage of ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ and rye leaves was greater and dead material was lower in this treatment. With nitrogen fertilization of pasture it was possible to double the amount of forage accumulated in periods with further development of ryegrass, furthermore, the total production of DM was increased in 38.4% and the shoot N concentration in 28.6%. When the nitrogen fertilization is applied in pasture, it is possible to keep black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture with an average sward height of 11 cm. The residual effect of N applied at corn was not sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of pasture and the forage production was affected by periods with N deficiency, while a single application of 200 kg N ha was sufficient to meet the N requirements throughout the forage accumulation period. The black oat ‘BRS 139’ plus ryegrass ‘Barjumbo’ pasture is efficient in use and recovery of the nitrogen applied in both treatments of sward height.


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O experimento foi conduzido no município de Cachoeira do Sul de out/2001 a out/2002, objetivando avaliar a dinâmica vegetacional e o desempenho animal (31/05/02 a 16/09/02), em uma pastagem nativa submetida a diferentes métodos de controle de plantas indesejáveis. O local corresponde à região fisiográfica denominada Serra do Sudeste, com predominância das espécies Paspalum notatum (grama forquilha), Andropogon lateralis (capim caninha), além de Arachis burkartii e Desmodium incanum. Como plantas classificadas como indesejáveis encontram-se Baccharis trimera (carqueja), Vernonia nudiflora (alecrim) e Psidium luridum (araçá do campo). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi um fatorial em blocos (4 x 2), com duas repetições de campo. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: testemunha (T); roçada de primavera (P); roçada de primavera + outono (O) e roçada de primavera + controle químico (Q), todos em duas ofertas de forragem, média (8%) e alta (14%). Os animais testes foram três novilhas por repetição, mantidas em pastejo contínuo com lotação variável. A massa de forragem foi obtida através de avaliações visuais usando padrões de referência, o acúmulo de forragem através do uso de gaiolas de exclusão e a composição botânica pelo método do ponto. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros de desempenho individual, carga animal, ganho de peso vivo por área e a dinâmica vegetacional. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância através do pacote estatístico SAS. O nível alto de oferta permitiu uma menor perda de peso vivo por área. Os tratamentos P e Q proporcionaram um melhor desempenho individual e menor perda de peso vivo por área, quando comparados a T. Os tratamentos P, O e Q foram eficientes no controle de Baccharis trimera. A. burkartii e Eriyngium horridum foram incrementados pela média intensidade de pastejo. Aristida laevis teve sua participação aumentada pela interação tratamento Q e baixa intensidade de pastejo.


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O manejo do pastejo e a suplementação estratégica permitem maximizar a produção de carne bovina em pastagens de forma sustentável. A intensidade de pastejo influencia diretamente o crescimento individual, taxas de aparecimento e mortalidade de perfilhos, a determinar o acúmulo de forragem e a estrutura do dossel. Dessa forma, nas águas, é função do manejo do pastejo adequar a frequência e intensidade de desfolhação para que o animal possa colher forragem com idade fisiológica e valor nutritivo adequados. A idade e tamanho dos perfilhos determinam a proporção de tecidos de suporte lignificados que reduzem a digestibilidade da forragem. No período seco, o manejo do pasto e a estratégia de diferimento, ao final do período das águas, são determinantes na obtenção de forragem de melhor valor nutritivo. Assim, o manejo das pastagens visa, primeiramente, à produção de forragens com altos teores de fibra potencialmente digestíveis. A partir de então, a caracterização da quantidade e qualidade da forragem são primordiais à adequação dos nutrientes fornecidos, via suplementos, para otimizar a utilização dos recursos forrageiros basais. A suplementação da dieta dos animais em pastejo, com concentrado, permite aumentar o desempenho dos animais, o que reduz a idade de abate e melhora a qualidade da carcaça e da carne obtida, além dos benefícios na preparação dos animais terminados em confinamento. Portanto, o manejo do pastejo e a suplementação da dieta dos animais permitem aumento de produtividade e maior qualidade dos produtos.


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He aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characters, herbage accumulation, nutritive value and performance of sheep in different tropical pastures. The treatments were two cultivars and two of the genera Panicum Brachiaria pastures under intermittent stocking and variable stocking rate, in the rainy season. We evaluated the masses and the components of herbage pre grazing in two layers, and after grazing. Chemical analyzes were made of the stems and leaf blades pre grazing in two layers. We used 48 male sheep and whole for the assessment of individual weight gain and area, and anestrous females to adjust the stocking rate. In the cv. Massai showed the highest herbage mass, leaf blades and dead material, and the largest volume density and leaf blade: stem pre grazing. There was no difference among cultivars for the percentage of leaf blade (PLB) in both strata, but the higher the PLB was higher than the bottom. The highest percentage of dead material (PDM) was observed in cvs. Massai and Marandu in the two strata. In cvs. Massai and Piatã were observed lower levels of crude protein in stem and leaf. In stratum 0-25 cm lower nutritional value was observed in the stem in the leaf blades did not grant the nutritional value among the strata. Herbage mass, leaf blade, PLB and proportion of stem in the residue of the Massai pastures were higher than cv. Aruana. There was no difference for efficiencies in harvest leaf and stem between the cultivars. The cv. Massai got the higher accumulation of leaf per cycle per day. Animals kept in grass swards Aruana had the highest average daily gain. The higher stocking rates and earnings per area were observed in grass swards and Marandu Massai. The cultivars are suitable for sheep meat production in the rainy season


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The low quality of tropical pastures in the dry season justifies the use of dietary supplements to meet the nutritional needs of sheep to meat production. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of massaigrass in the dry season and the effect of protein supplements in the performance and productivity of sheep to meat production grazing. The protein supplements evaluated were: soybean meal, Leucena hay, Gliricidia hay and multiple mixture. The animals were managed in massaigrass pastures under rotational stocking and supplemented daily. Were used 24 sheep ½ Santa Inês x ½ SPRD (without defined breed), males uncastrated, mean age 90 days in a completely randomized design. Performance of sheep was evaluated for average daily gain of live weight gain per area and stocking rate (animals of 25 kg/ha). The pasture was evaluated for forage mass of pre and post-grazing, the percentages of participation of morphological constituents and their nutritional values and rates of herbage accumulation. The total herbage mass decreased throughout the dry season. Crude protein and in vitro digestibility of organic matter of the leaf were higher in the upper 15 cm of the canopy stratum. The average daily weight gain of the animals supplemented with legume hay was similar to that gained by animals supplemented with soybean meal in the four grazing cycles. The total live weight gain of animals supplemented with legume hay was higher than the animals supplemented only with multiple mixing the first two grazing cycles. Hays of Leucena and Gliricidia can be given for supplementation of sheep maintained on pasture


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of supplements feeding on growth of calves grazing a Panicum maximum cv. Mombaça pasture during the dry season. The experimental design was a randomized blocks with three treatments and three replications. The treatments were: mineral salt ad libidum; multiple mixture (MM) fed at 0.2% of live weight (PV); and, concentrate feed (SC) fed at 0.7% of PV. Thirty six weaned calves averaging eight months and 192 kg of initial live weight were utilized. The masses and pasture components, nutritive value and rate of forage growth were evaluated. Animal performance was measured as average daily gain (ADG) and live weight gain (LWG). The supplemental feeding was adjusted after weighing. There was no difference between periods for forage mass and leaf: stem ratio. The highest values for forage green mass, leaf blades mass and stem percentage were observed in the first trial period. The canopy height and the available forage on offer did not differ among treatments. The percentage of dead was higher for the last periods of evaluation. The leaf: stem ratio and the leaf percentage were greater in the second period. There was significant difference (p<0,05) among treatments for the ADG and were 250, 460 and 770 g/day for salt, MM and SC, respectively. The biggest LWG was observed in the treatment SC. contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA on leaf blades, thatched roofs and dead material dead not differ among treatments. The highest GPV was observed in the SC treatment. The contents of PB, DIVMO, NDF and LDA for leaf blades stem and dead material did not differ among treatments. Independent of the use supplements , it is possible to keep steers gaining weight, during dry season, since the stocking rate is appropriately adjusted