976 resultados para Abundance, diatoms including resting stage per unit dry sediment mass


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Sediment traps were deployed inside the anoxic inner basin of Effingham Inlet and at the oxygenated mouth of the inlet from May 1999 to September 2000 in a pilot study to determine the annual depositional cycle and impact of the 1999-2000 La Niña event within a western Canadian inlet facing the open Pacific Ocean. Total mass flux, geochemical parameters (carbon, nitrogen, opal, major and minor element contents, and stable isotope ratios) and diatom assemblages were determined and compared with meteorological and oceanographic data. Deposition was seasonal, with coarser grained terrestrial components and benthic diatoms settling in the autumn and winter, coincident with the rainy season. Marine sedimentary components and abundant pelagic diatoms were coincident with coastal upwelling in the spring and summer. Despite the seasonal differences in deposition, the typical temperate-zone Thalassiosira-Skeletonema-Chaetoceros bloom succession was muted. A July 1999 total mass flux peak and an increase in biogenous components coincided with a rare bottom-water oxygen renewal event in the inlet. Likewise, there were cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) just outside the inlet, and unusually high abundances of a previously undescribed cool-water marine diatom (Fragilariopsis pacifica sp. nov.) within the inlet. Each of these occurrences likely reflects a response to the strong La Niña that followed the year after the strongest-ever recorded El Niño event of 1997-1998. By the autumn of 1999, SSTs had returned to average, and F. pacifica had all but disappeared from the remaining trap record, indicating that oceanographic conditions had returned to normal. Oxygenation events were not witnessed in the inlet in the years before or after 1999, suggesting that a rare oceanographic and climatic event was captured by this sediment trap time series. The data from this record can therefore be used as a benchmark for identifying anomalous environmental conditions on this coast.


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Coastal upwelling systems account for approximately half of global ocean primary production and contribute disproportionately to biologically driven carbon sequestration. Diatoms, silica-precipitating microalgae, constitute the dominant phytoplankton in these productive regions, and their abundance and assemblage composition in the sedimentary record is considered one of the best proxies for primary production. The study of the sedimentary diatom abundance (SDA) and total organic carbon content (TOC) in the five most important coastal upwelling systems of the modern ocean (Iberia-Canary, Benguela, Peru-Humboldt, California and Somalia-Oman) reveals a global-scale positive relationship between diatom production and organic carbon burial. The analysis of SDA in conjunction with environmental variables of coastal upwelling systems such as upwelling strength, satellite-derived net primary production and surface water nutrient concentrations shows different relations between SDA and primary production on the regional scale. At the global-scale, SDA appears modulated by the capacity of diatoms to take up silicic acid, which ultimately sets an upper limit to global export production in these ocean regions.


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In this study, we present a unique high-resolution Holocene record of oceanographic and climatic change based on analyses of diatom assemblages combined with biomarker data from a sediment core collected from the Vega Drift, eastern Antarctic Peninsula (EAP). These data add to the climate framework already established by high-resolution marine sedimentary records from the Palmer Deep, western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). Heavy sea ice conditions and reduced primary productivity were observed prior to 7.4 ka B.P. in relation with the proximity of the glacial ice melt and calving. Subsequent Holocene oceanographic conditions were controlled by the interactions between the Westerlies-Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC)-Weddell Gyre dynamics. A warm period characterized by short seasonal sea ice duration associated with a southern shift of both ACC and Westerlies field persisted until 5 ka B.P. This warm episode was then followed by climate deterioration during the middle-to-late Holocene (5 to 1.9 ka B.P.) with a gradual increase in annual sea ice duration triggered by the expansion of the Weddell Gyre and a strong oceanic connection from the EAP to the WAP. Increase of benthic diatom species during this period was indicative of more summer/autumn storms, which was consistent with changes in synoptic atmospheric circulation and the establishment of low- to high-latitude teleconnections. Finally, the multicentennial scale variability of the Weddell Gyre intensity and storm frequency during the late Holocene appeared to be associated with the increased El Niño-Southern Oscillation frequency.


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This study focuses on the analysis of lake sediments retrieved from the deepest part of Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau). One gravity core of 115 cm length, covering the last ~ 4000 cal BP, was analyzed for geochemical and biological parameters. High organic content at ~ 4000 cal BP and the coinciding presence of pyrite framboids until ~ 2000 cal BP point to hampered decomposition of organic material due to anoxic conditions within the lake sediments. At the same time sedimentological and biological proxies suggest a rather high lake level, but still ~ 5 m below the recent one, with less saline lake water due to enhanced monsoonal activity. During this time a change in the source of organic matter to lowered input of terrestrial components is observed. A rather quick shift to a dry environment with less monsoonal influence and a lake level ~ 15 m lower than today at ~ 2000 cal BP lead to the oxygenation of sediment, the degradation of organic matter and the absence of pyrite. Oscillations of the lake level thereafter were of minor amplitude and not able to establish anoxia at the lake bottom again. A wet spell between ~ 1500 cal BP and ~ 1150 cal BP is visible in proxies referring to catchment hydrology and the ostracod-based water depth transfer function gives only a slightly elevated lake level. The last ~ 300 years are characterized by low TOC and rising TN values reflecting enhanced nutrient supply and hence an advancing influence of human activity in the catchment. Decreasing TOC/TN values point to a complete shift to almost solely aquatic biomass production. These results show that hydrological variations in terms of lake level change based on monsoonal strength can be linked to redox conditions at the lake bottom of Nam Co. Comparison with other archives over larger parts of the Tibetan Plateau and beyond exhibits a rather homogeneous climatic pattern throughout the late Holocene.


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Oxygen isotope records, radiocarbon AMS data, carbonate and opal stratigraphy, sediment magnetic susceptibility, tephrachronology, and paleontological results were used to obtain detailed sediment stratigraphy and an age model for the studied cores. For studying sea-ice sedimentation an analysis of lithogenic grain number in >0.15 mm grain size fraction of bottom sediments was carried out. For quantitative estimation of intensity ice-rafting debris sedimentation number of IRD particles per sq cm per ka was calculated. Obtained results allowed to plot IRD AR distribution for the first oxygen isotope stage (0-12.5 14C ka, 14C) and for the second stage (12.5-24 14C ka). The first stage was subdivided into the latest deglaciation and the beginning of Holocene (6-12.5 14C ka) (transitive period), when the sea level was changing significantly, and the second part of Holocene (0-6 14C ka), when climate conditions and the sea level were similar to modern estimates. Data clearly show strong increase in ice formation in the glacial Sea of Okhotsk and its extent in the middle part of the sea. Average annual duration of ice coverage during glaciation was longer than that for interglaciation. However the sea ice cover was not continuous all the year round and disappeared in summer time except the far northwestern part of the sea.


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An exceptional triple palynological signal (unusually high abundance of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial palynomorphs) recovered from a core collected during the 2007 ANDRILL (Antarctic geologic drilling program) campaign in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, provides constraints for the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. Compared to elsewhere in the core, this signal comprises a 2000-fold increase in two species of dinoflagellate cysts, a synchronous five-fold increase in freshwater algae, and up to an 80-fold increase in terrestrial pollen, including a proliferation of woody plants. Together, these shifts in the palynological assemblages ca. 15.7 Ma ago represent a relatively short period of time during which Antarctica became abruptly much warmer. Land temperatures reached 10 °C (January mean), estimated annual sea-surface temperatures ranged from 0 to 11.5 °C, and increased freshwater input lowered the salinity during a short period of sea-ice reduction.


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ENGLISH: Comparison of physical and biological environmental factors affecting the aggregation of tunas with the success of fishing by the commercial fleets, requires that catch and effort data be examined in greater detail than has been presented in these publications. Consequently, the United States Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, San Diego, to serve the needs of its program of research on causes of variations in tuna abundance, made arrangements with the Tuna Commission to summarize these catch and effort data by month, by one-degree area, by fishing vessel size-class, for the years 1951-1960 for bait boats and 1953-1960 for purse-seiners. The present paper describes the techniques employed in summarizing these data by automatic data processing methods. It also presents the catch and effort information by months, by five-degree areas and certain combinations of five-degree areas for use by fishermen, industry personnel, and research agencies. Because of space limitations and other considerations, the one-degree tabulations are not included but are available at the Tuna Commission and Bureau laboratories. SPANISH: La comparación de los factores ambientales físicos y biológicos que afectan la agrupación del atún, con el éxito obtenido en la pesca por las flotas comerciales, requiere que los datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo sean examinados con mayor detalle de lo que han sido presentados en estas publicaciones. En consecuencia, el Laboratorio Biológico del Buró de Pesquerías Comerciales de los Estados Unidos, situado en San Diego, a fin de llenar los requisitos de su programa de investigación sobre las causas de las variaciones en la abundancia del atún, hizo arreglos con la Comisión del Atún para sumarizar esos datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de un grado, por clases de tamaño de las embarcaciones de pesca durante los años 1951-1960 en lo que concierne a los barcos de carnada y durante el período 1953-1960 en lo que respecta a los barcos rederos. El presente trabajo describe la técnica empleada en la sumarización de dichos datos mediante métodos automáticos de manejo de datos. También se da aquí la información sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de cinco grados y ciertas combinaciones de áreas de cinco grados para el uso de los pescadores, del personal de la industria y de las oficinas de investigación. Por falta de espacio y otras razones, las tabulaciones de las áreas de un grado no han sido incluídos en este trabajo, pero están a la disposición de quien tenga interés en los laboratorios de la Comisión del Atún y del Buró.