17 resultados para Abrus
Cinco bovinos imunizados contra a ação tóxica das sementes de Abrus precatorius L. ("tento", "jiquiriti") não adoeceram ou somente levemente pela administração das sementes de Ricinus communis L. ("mamona"), em doses que em bovinos que antes nunca ingeriram sementes de A. precatorius ou R. communis, causaram intoxicação de intensidade de grau moderado a acentuado ou até a morte. Um sexto bovino, que não ficou bem imunizado contra a ação tóxica das sementes de A. precatorius, adoeceu em grau acentuado pela administração de dose elevada das sementes de R. communis. Já dos cinco bovinos imunizados contra a ação tóxica das sementes de R. communis quatro adoeceram em grau acentuado, oquinto em grau moderado, pela administração das sementes de A. precatorias em doses que em bovinos que antes nunca ingeriram sementes de R. communis ou A. precatorius causaram intoxicação de intensidade leve a acentuada. Estes resultados permitem concluir que bovinos imunizados contra a ação tóxica das sementes de A. precatorius são resistentes à ação tóxica das sementes de R. communis, mas que o contrário não ocorre, isto é, bovinos imunizados contra a ação tóxica das sementes de R. communis, não se mostraram protegidos contra a intoxicação por A. precatorius. Estudos anteriores por outros autores mostraram que as toxalbuminas de A. precatorius e R. communis, respectivamente abrina e ricina, são diferentes do ponto de vista antigênico. Uma explicação para a divergência desses resultados com os nossos poderia estar no fato de que no presente estudo foram usados poligástricos que receberam as sementes por via oral, enquanto que nos estudos anteriores foram usados monogástricos em que as sementes ou as toxinas foram aplicadas por via parenteral. A administração de folhas frescas ou do pericarpo do fruto de R. communis a bovinos imunizados contra a ação das sementes desta planta tiveram o mesmo efeito tóxico que em animais não imunizados, demonstrando que a imunidade conferida pela ricina não inibe a ação da ricinina, o principio tóxico das folhas e do pericarpo.
Abrus pulchellus seeds contain at least seven closely related and highly toxic type 2 ribosome-inactivating pulchellins, each consisting of a toxic A-chain linked to a sugar binding B-chain. In the present study, four pulchellin isoforms (termed P I, P II, P III and P IV) were isolated by affinity, ion exchange and chromatofocusing chromatographies, and investigated with respect to toxicity and sugar binding specificity. Half maximal inhibitory concentration and median lethal dose values indicate that P I and P II have similar toxicities and that both are more toxic to cultured HeLa cells and mice than P III and P IV. Interestingly, the secondary structural characteristics and sugar binding properties of the respective pairs of isoforms correlate well with the two toxicity levels, in that P I/P II and P III/P IV form two specific subgroups. From the deduced amino acids sequences of the four isoforms, it is clear that the highest similarity within each subgroup is found to occur within domain 2 of the B-chains, suggesting that the disparity in toxicity levels might be attributed to subtle differences in B-chain-mediated cell surface interactions that precede and determine toxin uptake pathways.
Mimetic seeds simulate the appearance of fleshy fruits and arilled seeds without producing nutritive tissues as a reward for seed dispersers. In this strategy of seed dispersal, seeds may remain attached to the mother plant for long periods after maturity, increasing their availability to naive seed dispersers. The hypothesis that seed coat impermeability in many tropical Fabaceae with mimetic seeds serves as an exaptation to protect the seeds from deterioration and rotting while awaiting dispersal was investigated. Seed coat impermeability was evaluated in five mimetic-seeded species of tropical Fabaceae in south-eastern Brazil (Abarema langsdorffii, Abrus precatorius, Adenanthera pavonina, Erythrina velutina and Ormosia arborea) and in Erythrina speciosa, a `basal` species in its genus, which has monochromatic brown seeds and no mimetic displays. Seed hardness was evaluated as a defence against accelerated ageing (humid chamber at 41 degrees C for 144 h). Seed development and physiological potential of O. arborea was evaluated and the effect of holding mature seeds in pods on the mother plant in the field for a period of 1 year under humid tropical conditions was compared with seeds stored under controlled conditions (15 degrees C and 40 % relative air humidity). All five mimetic-seeded species, and E. speciosa, showed strong coat impermeability, which protected the seeds against deterioration in accelerated ageing. Most O. arborea seeds only became dormant 2 months after pod dehiscence. Germination of seeds after 1 year on the plant in a humid tropical climate was 56 %, compared with 80 % for seeds stored in controlled conditions (15 degrees C, 45 % relative humidity). Seedling shoot length after 1 year did not differ between seed sources. Dormancy acts in mimetic-seeded species as an exaptation to reduce seed deterioration, allowing an increase in their effective dispersal period and mitigating the losses incurred by low removal rates by naive avian frugivores.
This study reports the in vivo stimulatory effects of Cramoll 1,4 on rat spleen lymphocytes as evidenced by an increase in intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, Ca(2+) levels, and interleukin (IL)-1 beta expression. Cramoll 1,4 extracted from seeds of the Leguminosae Cratylia mollis Mart., is a lectin with antitumor and lymphocyte mitogenic activities. Animals (Nine-week-old male albino Wistar rats, Rattus norvegicus) were treated with intraperitoneal injection of Cramoll 1,4 (235 mu g ml(-1) single dose) and, 7 days later, spleen lymphocytes were isolated and analyzed for intracellular ROS, cytosolic Ca(2+), and IL-6, IL-10, and IL-1 mRNAs. Cell viability was investigated by annexin V-FITC and 7-amino-actinomycin D staining. The data showed that in lymphocytes activated by Cramoll 1,4 the increase in cytosolic and mitochondrial ROS was related to higher cytosolic Ca(2+) levels. Apoptosis and necrosis were not detected in statistically significant values and thus the lectin effector activities did not induce lymphocyte death. In vivo Cramoll 1,4 treatment led to a significant increase in IL-1 beta but IL-6 and -10 levels did not change. Cramoll 1,4 had modulator activities on spleen lymphocytes and stimulated the Th2 response.
The use of natural active principals is widespread among a great proportion of the rural population, or by people who do not have easy access to medical assistance. These active principles are used as food or medicines, and even for purposes of contraception. It becomes necessary to establish a relationship between the folklore habits and current information on the nature of anti-fertility substances, and knowledge of their mechanisms. Anti-fertility agents may exert their actions in a number of areas, (hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, oviduct, uterus, and vagina), inhibiting synthesis and/or liberation of hormones (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, and steroid hormones), ovulation, ovum transportation, and implantation process. Therefore, a review of literature was carried out, including of several plants used by women as abortifacient and anti-fertility agents to compare their effects with those obtained among laboratory animals.
Estudo da atividade anti-tumoral de abrina em tumor mamário murino e sua influência no sistema imune
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O termo “câncer” corresponde ao conjunto de cerca de 100 doenças que têm em comum o crescimento desordenado de células que invadem os tecidos e órgãos, podendo metastatisar para outras regiões do corpo. Os tumores de mama e colo do útero são os mais frequentes no sexo feminino. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito tóxico de injeções intratumorais de abrina e pulchelina com ou sem β-D-galactose sobre o desenvolvimento do tumor mamário murino, verificando sua influência sobre o sistema imune. Proteínas inativadoras de ribossomos (RIPs) abrina, obtida de sementes de Abrus precatorius, e pulchelina, de sementes maduras de Abrus pulchellus subsp. tenuiflorus, foram utilizadas e como droga controle foi usada a Doxorrubicina. As RIPs foram administradas em camundongos fêmeas Balb/c. A partir dos tumores retirados dos animais em estudo, verificou-se o percentual de inibição do crescimento tumoral, medindo-se o tamanho e os pesos dos tumore. A partir de culturas de macrófagos obtidos dos animais de estudo, avaliou-se a produção de NO, TNF-α e IL-12 pelas RIPs na presença ou ausência de β-D-galactose. A IL-10 foi quantificada a partir de linfócitos esplênicos. A viabilidade celular foi verificada quando as células foram sujeitas às ações das RIPs. Com base nos resultados obtidos, observou-se que as RIPs não apresentaram potencial antitumoral, pois não houve redução do tamanho do tumor em relação ao controle, exceto pela abrina (p<0,05). Contudo, verificou-se que houve um possível efeito inibitório da toxicidade de abrina e pulchelina pela galactose sobre as células tumorais. As substâncias testadas (abrina, pulchelina e doxorrubicina) nas concentrações utilizadas nos testes de citotoxicidade ...
Pulchellin is a Ribosome Inactivating Protein containing an A-chain (PAC), whose toxic activity requires crossing the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. In this paper, we investigate the interaction between recombinant PAC (rPAC) and Langmuir monolayers of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl glycerol (DPPG), which served as membrane model. Three catalytically active, truncated PACs with increasing deletion of the C-terminal region, possessing 244,239 and 236 residues (rPAC(244), rPAC(239) and rPAC(236)), were studied. rPAC had the strongest interaction with the DPPG monolayer, inducing a large expansion in its surface pressure-area isotherm. The affinity to DPPG decreased with increased deletion of the C-terminal region. When the C-terminal region was deleted completely (rPAC(236)), the interaction was recovered, probably because other hydrophobic regions were exposed to the membrane. Using Polarization Modulated-Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) we observed that at a bare air/water interface rPAC comprised mainly alpha-helix structures, the C-terminal region had unordered structures when interacting with DPPG. For rPAC(236) the alpha-helices were preserved even in the presence of DPPG. These results confirm the importance of the C-terminal region for PAC-ER membrane interaction. The partial unfolding only with preserved C-terminal appears a key step for the protein to reach the cytosol and develop its toxic activity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pollen and stable carbon (d13C) and hydrogen (dD) isotope ratios of terrestrial plant wax from the South Atlantic sediment core, ODP Site 1085, is used to reconstruct Miocene to Pliocene changes of vegetation and rainfall regime of western southern Africa. Our results reveal changes in the relative amount of precipitation and indicate a shift of the main moisture source from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean during the onset of a major aridification 8 Ma ago. We emphasise the importance of declining precipitation during the expansion of C4 and CAM (mainly succulent) vegetation in South Africa. We suggest that the C4 plant expansion resulted from an increased equator-pole temperature gradient caused by the initiation of strong Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation following the shoaling of the Central American Seaway during the Late Miocene.
The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation changes over the past 30,000 years on the adjacent continent. A transect of marine pollen sequences from the mouth of the river Congo (~5°S) to Walvis Bay and Lüderitz (~25°S) shows vegetation changes in Congo, Angola and Namibia from the last glacial period into the Holocene. The comparison of pollen records from different latitudes provides information about the latitudinal shift of open forest and savannahs (Poaceae pollen), the extension of lowland forest (rain forest pollen) and Afromontane forest (Podocarpus pollen), and the position of the desert fringe (pollen of Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae). High Cyperaceae pollen percentages in sediments from the last glacial period off the mouth of the river Congo suggest the presence of open swamps rather than savannah vegetation in the Congo Basin. Pollen from Restionaceae in combination with Stoebe-type pollen (probably from Elytropappus) indicates a possible northwards extension of winter rain vegetation during the last glacial period. The record of Rhizophora (mangrove) pollen is linked to erosion of the continental shelf and sea-level rise. Pollen influx is highest off river mouths (10-2000 grains year**-1 cm**-2), close to the coast (300-6000 grains year**-1 cm**-2), but is an order of magnitude lower at sites situated far from the continent (<10 grains year**-1 cm**-2).
The present-day condition of bipolar glaciation characterized by rapid and large climate fluctuations began at the end of the Pliocene with the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere continental glaciations. The global cooling steps of the late Pliocene have been documented in numerous studies of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites from the Northern Hemisphere. However, the interactions between oceans and between land and ocean during these cooling steps are poorly known. In particular, data from the Southern Hemisphere are lacking. Therefore I investigated the pollen of ODP Site 1082 in the southeast Atlantic Ocean in order to obtain a high-resolution record of vegetation change in Namibia between 3.4 and 1.8 Ma. Four phases of vegetation development are inferred that are connected to global climate change. (1) Before 3 Ma, extensive, rather open grass-rich savannahs with mopane trees existed in Namibia, but the extension of desert and semidesert vegetation was still restricted. (2) Increase of winter rainfall dependent Renosterveld-like vegetation occurred between 3.1 and 2.2 Ma connected to strong advection of polar waters along the Namibian coast and a northward shift of the Polar Front Zone in the Southern Ocean. (3) Climatically induced fluctuations became stronger between 2.7 and 2.2 Ma and semiarid areas extended during glacial periods probably as the result of an increased pole-equator thermal gradient and consequently globally enhanced atmospheric circulation. (4) Aridification and climatic variability further increased after 2.2 Ma, when the Polar Front Zone migrated southward and the influence of Atlantic moisture brought by the westerlies to southern Africa declined. It is concluded that the positions of the frontal systems in the Southern Ocean which determine the locations of the high-pressure cells over the South Atlantic and the southern Indian Ocean have a strong influence on the climate of southern Africa in contrast to the climate of northwest and central Africa, which is dominated by the Saharan low-pressure cell.
Both light quantity and quality affect the development and autoecology of plants under shade conditions, as in the understorey of tropical forests. However, little research has been directed towards the relative contributions of lowered photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) versus altered spectral distributions (as indicated by quantum ratios of 660 to 730 nm, or R:FR) of radiation underneath vegetation canopies. A method for constructing shade enclosures to study the contribution of these two variables is described. Three tropical leguminous vine species (Abrus precatorius L., Caesalpinia bondicela Fleming and Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC.) were grown in two shade enclosures with 3-4% of solar PPFD with either the R:FR of sunlight (1.10) or foliage shade (0.33), and compared to plants grown in sunlight. Most species treated with low R:FR differed from those treated with high R:FR in (1) percent allocation to dry leaf weight, (2) internode length, (3) dry stem weight/length, (4) specific leaf weight, (5) leaf size, and (6) chlorophyll a/b ratios. However, these plants did not differ in chlorophyll content per leaf dry weight or area. In most cases the effects of low R:FR and PPFD were additional to those of high R:FR and low PPFD. Growth patterns varied among the three species, but both low PPFD and diminished R:FR were important cues in their developmental responses to light environments. This shadehouse system should be useful in studying the effects of light on the developmental ecology of other tropical forest plants.