898 resultados para Ability to take risks
There were three purposes to this study. The first purpose was to determine how learning can be influenced by various factors i~ the rock climbing experience. The second purpose was to examine what people can learn from the rock climbing experience. The third purpose was to investigate whether that learning can transfer from the rock climbing experience to the subjects' real life in the workplace. Ninety employees from a financial corporation in the Niagara Region volunteered for this study. All subjects were surveyed throughout a one-day treatment. Ten were purposefully selected one month later for interviews. Ten themes emerged from the subjects in terms of what was learned. Inspiration, motivation, and determination, preparation, goals and limitations, perceptions and expectations, confidence and risk taking, trust and support, teamwork, feedback and encouragement, learning from failure, and finally, skills and flow. All participants were able to transfer what was learned back to the workplace. The results of this study suggested that subjects' learning was influenced by their ability to: take risks in a safe environment, fail without penalty, support each other, plan without time constraints, and enjoy the company of fellow workers that they wouldn't normally associate with. Future directions for research should include different types of treatments such as white water rafting, sky diving, tall ship sailing, or caving.
O conceito de Empreendedorismo não se restringe apenas ao processo de criação de novos negócios independentes, Covin e Slevin (1991), e tampouco ao estudo das características individuais do empreendedor, Gartner (1985), Lumpkin e Dess (1996). Miller (1983) concluiu que uma organização empreendedora desenvolve e foca três dimensões: Inovação; Capacidade de assumir riscos; e Proatividade. Tendo como contraponto que uma organização não empreendedora inova muito pouco, tem aversão a riscos, e não age proativamente perante seus competidores, é aquela que apenas imita os produtos e serviços existentes no mercado competidor. Os estudos de Miller (1983) e de Covin e Slevin (1989, 1990) serviram de base para que Lumpkin e Dess (1996) atribuíssem à concepção de espírito empreendedor a conceituação de Orientação Empreendedora, visando diferençá-la do conceito de Empreendedorismo, e incluíram as dimensões Autonomia e Competitividade agressiva às três dimensões atribuídas por Miller (1983). Estas dimensões podem ou não estar presentes quando uma empresa está em busca de um novo negócio, no entanto, novos negócios bem sucedidos também podem ser alcançados quando apenas alguns destes fatores ou dimensões estão presentes, pois eles variam de forma independente por serem influenciados pela diversidade de contextos ambientais e organizacionais aos quais as empresas estão sujeitas, Lumpkin e Dess (1996). A Orientação Empreendedora está sendo correlacionada com o desempenho favorável da organização, sugerindo que ela pode influenciar positivamente a performance da organização, destacamos os estudos de Miller (1983), Covin e Slevin (1991), Zahra (1993), Zahra e Covin (1995), Lumpkin e Dess (1996), Wiklund e Shepherd (2005). A Pesquisa de Campo realizada para perceber a presença ou não dos fatores da Orientação Empreendedora nas Unidades Lotéricas em São Paulo/SP na região de abrangência da SR Ipiranga, teve como resultado que os fatores que mais se destacam e contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das UL são: Autonomia; Capacidade de inovar; e Competitividade agressiva. Por outro lado, os fatores que menos se destacam e contribuem para sobrevivência e êxito das Unidades Lotéricas em São Paulo/SP na região de abrangência da SR Ipiranga são: Capacidade de assumir riscos; e Capacidade de agir de forma proativa.
A importância das micro e pequenas empresas na economia brasileira já é sentida desde há muito tempo, pois esse segmento é fundamental na geração de riqueza para a sociedade. Apesar da importância econômica, ainda persiste um elevado grau de descontinuidade nas mesmas, o que lhes outorga dificuldades de transporem os dois primeiros e mais críticos anos de existência. Esta pesquisa visa identificar os fatores determinantes da sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas do setor industrial na cidade de Santos. A relevância do estudo se intensifica em decorrência da cidade de Santos estar vivenciando um momento de desenvolvimento econômico impulsionado pelas descobertas de petróleo na camada do pré-sal. Isso poderá aumentar ainda mais o número de criação de MPEs, principalmente no setor industrial, e que provavelmente necessitarão de informações nas quais possam se espelhar. O estudo é de caráter exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram colhidos por meio de uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de um questionário baseado em quatro dimensões: empreendedorismo, ambiental, recursos financeiros e organização interna. A pesquisa apresentou como principais fatores de sobrevivência o tempo dedicado à empresa; a adequação dos produtos a demanda; a capacidade de assumir riscos e a liderança do gestor. A amostra de estudo foi definida por conveniência, constituída de MPEs pertencentes ao setor econômico industrial, pois é o mais aderente à cadeia de exploração de petróleo. Foram consideradas as empresas que ultrapassaram os dois primeiros anos de existência, de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de sobrevivência adotado pelo SEBRAE (2011).
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence managers to take advantage of coachable moments in day-to-day management. Interviews with ten managers found that time, skills, and relationships were key factors considered by managers, but that these were considered within the context of potential “risk” to the manager. This paper elaborates on these findings and makes recommendations for further research into how managers consciously assess the risks associated with coaching, in order to decide whether to take advantage of an informal coaching opportunity.
The paper presents initial findings from an Austroads funded project NT1782 Ability to Absorb Information through Electronic and Static Signs. The paper aims to investigate how easily messages displayed on co-located signs can be absorbed, and if drivers can absorb messages and take appropriate action without any adverse impact on the safety and efficiency of driving. Co-location of three types of signs under motorway conditions was investigated: direction signs (DS), variable message signs (VMS) and variable speed limits/lane control signs (VSL/LCS). The authors reviewed global wide practices and research evidence on different types of sign co-locations. It was found that dual co-location of VSL/LCS, VMS and/or DS is a practical arrangement which has been widely practised overseas and in Australia. Triple co-location of VSL/LCS, VMS and DS is also practised overseas but is still new to the Australian driving community. The NT1782 project also employed an advanced driving simulator (ADS) to further investigate the possible impacts of sign co-location on drivers’ responses in an emergency situation and there were no obviously adverse impacts have been identified from the ADS study. The authors consolidated all findings and concluded that although there is no clear evidence showing that triple co-location gives rise to riskier behaviour, this proposition should be viewed with caution. Further evaluation of triple co-location in a real-life setting is called for.
Skin-draining LN contain several phenotypically distinguishable DC populations, which may be immature or mature. Mature DC are generally considered to have lost the capacity to acquire and present newly encountered Ag. Using antibody-opsonized liposomes as Ag carriers, we show that mature DC purified from skin explants are able to efficiently capture liposomes, process Ag encapsulated within them and activate Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. Explant DC from mice with Langerhans cells (LC) expressing the primate diphtheria toxin receptor that were exposed to diphtheria toxin in vivo presented Ag as well as explant DC from wild-type mice, indicating that LC are not required and dermal DC are probably responsible for this presentation. We further show that all DC subtypes from LN that capture opsonized Ag are capable of cross-presenting it to CD8(+) T cells. Induction of additional maturation in vivo by LPS or treatment with double-stranded RNA did not alter the Ag presentation capacity of the skin or LN DC subtypes. These results suggest that mature DC present in skin-draining LN may play an important role in the induction of primary and/or secondary immune responses against Ag delivered to the LN that they take up by receptor-mediated endocytosis.
This article presents some results of a study investigating the use of the simulator VLAB, developed by Carnegie Mellon University, to increase the capacity of graduate students in Chemistry in the preparation of experimental procedures. The activity was conducted in two stages, first the students were asked a manuscript describing in detail the procedure and equipment used in the technique of dissolution and delivering it to the teacher. Later in the computer lab, each student performed the same procedure using the simulator. The activity has been proposed to determine if there could be accuracy gains of the description of the process when performed by the simulator. One of the main positive aspects obtained using the simulator students was the recognition of error, important in that the great majority recognized omitted or confused any process step. This reflection showed the students that in addition to testing a procedure using the simulator facilitates the organization of thought and helps arrange it logically. With the use of simulators, students are encouraged to take risks, to explore, to experience a new way, and a real lab usually offers much less room for risk, exploitation and failure.
In light of the recent economic downfall, there has been significant media coverage on the topic of fair value accounting. There are many critics of the accounting rule, who place blame on it for the destruction of billions of dollars in capital between financial institutions. Other commentators, however, see the rule as necessary and applaud its ability to bring the turmoil in the economy into the spotlight promptly so that it could be addressed effectively. This paper will begin by conducting a study of fair-value accounting from its inception in previous standards and then follow it through to Statement No. 157. I will then discuss the SEC’s most recent study of FAS157 and their decision as a result of the study.
This paper examines the determinants of short-term wage dynamics, using a sample of large Hungarian companies for the period of 1996-1999. We test the basic implications of an efficient contract model of bargaining between the incumbent employees and the managers, which we are unable to reject. In particular, there are structural differences between the ownership sectors consistent with our prior knowledge on relative bargaining strength and unionisation measures. Stronger bargaining position of workers leads to higher ability to pay elasticity of wages, and lower outside option elasticity. Our results indicate that while bargaining position of workers in domestic privatised firms may be weaker than in the state sector, the more robust difference relate to state sector workers versus the privatised firms with the majority foreign ownership. We examine several extensions. We augment the bargaining specification by controls related to workers' skills and find that the basic findings are robust to that. We take a closer look at the outside options of the workers. We find some interactive effects, where unemployment modify the impact of availability of rents on wages. We interpret our results as an indication that bargaining power of workers may be affected by changes in their outside options. We also experiment with one concise indicator of reservation wage which is closest to the theoretical model specification and combines sectoral wages, unemployment benefits and regional unemployment levels,. We found that measure performing well. Finally, we found that while responsiveness of wages towards ability to pay is higher in the state sector, variation in wage dynamics is lower. This may indicate some wage smoothing in the state sector, consistent with the preferences of employees.
Over the last three years, in our Early Algebra Thinking Project, we have been studying Years 3 to 5 students’ ability to generalise in a variety of situations, namely, compensation principles in computation, the balance principle in equivalence and equations, change and inverse change rules with function machines, and pattern rules with growing patterns. In these studies, we have attempted to involve a variety of models and representations and to build students’ abilities to switch between them (in line with the theories of Dreyfus, 1991, and Duval, 1999). The results have shown the negative effect of closure on generalisation in symbolic representations, the predominance of single variance generalisation over covariant generalisation in tabular representations, and the reduced ability to readily identify commonalities and relationships in enactive and iconic representations. This chapter uses the results to explore the interrelation between generalisation and verbal and visual comprehension of context. The studies evidence the importance of understanding and communicating aspects of representational forms which allowed commonalities to be seen across or between representations. Finally the chapter explores the implications of the studies for a theory that describes a growth in integration of models and representations that leads to generalisation.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effects of hearing impairment and distractibility on older people's driving ability, assessed under real-world conditions. DESIGN: Experimental cross-sectional study. SETTING: University laboratory setting and an on-road driving test. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred seven community-living adults aged 62 to 88. Fifty-five percent had normal hearing, 26% had a mild hearing impairment, and 19% had a moderate or greater impairment. ---------- MEASUREMENTS: Hearing was assessed using objective impairment measures (pure-tone audiometry, speech perception testing) and a self-report measure (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly). Driving was assessed on a closed road circuit under three conditions: no distracters, auditory distracters, and visual distracters. RESULTS: There was a significant interaction between hearing impairment and distracters, such that people with moderate to severe hearing impairment had significantly poorer driving performance in the presence of distracters than those with normal or mild hearing impairment. CONCLUSION: Older adults with poor hearing have greater difficulty with driving in the presence of distracters than older adults with good hearing.