22 resultados para Aalenian
The study of the radiolarian ribbon chert is a key in determining the origins of associated Mesozoic oceanic terranes and may help to achieve a general agreement regarding the basic principles on the evolution of the Caribbean Plate. The Bermeja Complex of Puerto Rico, which contains serpentinized peridotite, altered basalt, amphibolite, and chert (Mariquita Chert Formation), is one of these crucial oceanic terranes. The radiolarian biochronology presented in this work is mainly based by correlation on the biozonations of Baumgartner et al. (1995) and O'Dogherty (1994) and indicates an early Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (late Bajocian-early Callovian to late early Albian-early middle Cenomanian) age. The illustrated assemblages contain about 120 species, of which one is new (Pantanellium karinae), and belonging to about 50 genera. A review of the previous radiolarian published works on the Mariquita Chert Formation and the results of this study suggest that this formation ranges in age from Middle Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous (late Aalenian to early-middle Cenomanian) and also reveal a possible feature of the Bermeja Complex, which is the younging of radiolarian cherts from north to south, evoking a polarity of accretion. On the basis of a currently exhaustive inventory of the radiolarite facies s.s. on the Caribbean Plate, a re-examination of the regional distribution of Middle Jurassic sediments associated with oceanic crust, and a paleoceanographic argumentation on the water currents, we come to the conclusion that the radiolarite and associated Mesozoic oceanic terranes of the Caribbean Plate are of Pacific origin. Eventually, a discussion on the origin of the cherts of the Mariquita Formation illustrated by Middle Jurassic to middle Cretaceous geodynamic models of the Pacific and Caribbean realms bring up the possibility that the rocks of the Bermeja Complex are remnants of two different oceans.
Jurassic radiolarians from 220 samples in Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., Williston Lake, B.C., east-central Oregon, Baja California Sur, southern Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Turkey, Oman, Japan and Argentina were studied in order to construct global zonation for the Pliensbachian, Toarcian and Aalenian stages. Well-preserved faunas from continuous stratigraphic sections in Queen Charlotte Islands provide the most detailed record for this time interval, and all collections are tied to North American ammonite zones or assemblages. Collections from nearly all other areas lack independent dating except for early Toarcian carbon-isotope dating in Slovenia and late Aalenian ammonites in Spain. A database of 197 widely distributed updated taxonomic species was used to construct a Unitary Association (UA) zonation for the interval. A global sequence of 41 UAs was obtained for the top of the Sinemurian to the base of the Bajocian. The first and the last UAs represent the Late Sinemurian and the Early Bajocian respectively. The remaining 39 UAs were merged into nine zones (four Early Pliensbachian, one Late Pliensbachian, one Early Toarcian, one Middle-Late Toarcian, and two Aalenian) according to prominent radiolarian faunal breaks and ammonite data. The new zones are the Canutus tip pen - Katroma clara Zone (latest Sinemurian/earliest Pliensbachian); Zartus mostleri - Pseudoristola megaglobosa, Hsuum mulleri - Trillus elkhornensis and Gigi fustis - Lantus sixi zones (Early Pliensbachian); Eucyrtidiellum nagaiae - Praeparvicingula tlellensis Zone (Late Pliensbachian); Napora relica - Eucyrtidiellum disparile Zone (Early Toarcian); Elodium pessagnoi - Hexasaturnalis hexagonus Zone (Middle and Late Toarcian); Higumastra transversa - Napora nipponica Zone (early Aalenian); and Mirifusus proavus - Transhsuum hisuikyoense Zone (late Aalenian). These zones can be correlated worldwide and link previously established UA zonations for the Hettangian-Sinemurian and the Middle to Upper Jurassic. The new zonation allows high-resolution dating in the studied interval and provides a solid basis for analyzing faunal turnovers and the paleobiogeography of Jurassic radiolarians. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Geologia (Paleontologia e Estratigrafia), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2016
Algarve Province, Southern Portugal, corresponds in part to a meso-cenozoic basin running along the coast from Cabo S. Vicente to beyond Spanish border. Structurally it is a big monocline plunging southwards much deformed mainly by two East-West longitudinal flexures. Lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical studies dealt specially with Jurassic formations. This and the geological mapping of the post-Hercynian sedimentary formations allow us to define the following units: Triassic-Lower Liassic Arenitos de Silves (Silves sandstones sensu P. Choffat, pro parte) - At their base the Silves sandstones (0-150m) are represented mainly by cross-bedded red sandstones. This unit is Upper Triassic (Keuper) in age, on the evidence of some Brachiopoda. Complexo margo-carbonatado de Silves (Silves marl-limestone complex=Silves sandstones sensu P. Choffat, pro parte) (80-200m) overlies the preceding, it may be reported to the Upper Triassic-Hettangian. It consists of a thick pelite-marl-dolomite-limestone series with many intercalations of greenstones. Since no fossils were found it is not possible to conclude whether it is still Hettangian or if it does correspond, in the whole or in part, already to the Sinemurian. Liassic Dolomitos e calcários dolomíticos de Espiche (Espiche dolomite-rocks and dolomitic-limestones) - The usually massive and finely crystalline or saccharoidal dolomites and dolomitic-limestones are the toughest strata of the Algarve margin giving rise to several hills. Its thickness attains in certain points 60 metres at least. Based on geometry and on lithological similarities with the carbonated complex of the northern basin of Tagus river (Peniche, São Pedro de Muel, Quiaios), this formation can be accepted as Sinemurian in age. As it happens with the carbonated complex, here also the first dolomite beds are non-isochronal throughout the region; upper time-limit of the dolomitic facies is either Lower Carixian, Lower Toarcian or even Lower Dogger. The dolomitization is secondary but not much later than sedimentation. However, between Cabo S. Vicente-Vila do Bispo there is evidence of an even later secondary dolomitization related to the regional fault complex. Calcário dolomítico com nódulos de silex da praia de Belixe (Belixe beach dolomitic-limestone with silex nodules) (50-55m) - Ascribed to Lower or Middle Carixian on the basis of Platypleuroceras sp., Metaderoceras sp. nov. and M. gr. Venarense. Calcário cristalino compacto com Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras e ? Argutarpites de Belixe (Belixe compact crystalline limestone with Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras and ? Argutarpites) (30m) - Ascribed to Lower Domerian. Middle and Upper Domerian are indicated but by a single specimen of ? Argutarpites. Calcários margosos e margas com Dactylioceras semicelatum e Harpoceratídeos de Armação Nova (Armação Nova marly limestones and marls with D. semicelatum and Harpoceratidae) (25m) -Ascribed to Lower Toarcian. Middle and Upper Toarcian formations are not known in the Algarve. Dogger Calcários oolíticos, c. corálicos, c. pisolíticos, c. calciclásticos, c. dolomíticos e dolomitos de Almadena (Almadena oolitic-limestones, coral-reef-limestones, pisolite-limestones, limeclastic-limestones, dolomitic-limestones and dolomite-rocks) (more than 50 metres), with lagoonal facies. Ascribed to Aalenian-Bathonian-? Callovian. Margas acinzentadas e calcários detríticos com Zoophycos da praia de Mareta (Mareta beach greyish marls and detritical limestones with Zoophycos) (40m) - Pelagic transreef facies with Upper Bajocian and Bathonian ammonites. Calcários margosos e margas da praia de Mareta (Mareta beach pelagic marly-limestones and marls) (110m) - Ascribed to the Callovian on its ammonites. Malm Near Cabo S. Vicente and Sagres the first Upper Jurassic level consists of a yellowish-brown nodular, compact, locally phosphated and ferruginous, sometimes conglomeratic, marly limestone (0,35-1,50m) containing a rich macrofauna, which includes: 1) Callovian forms unknown at Lower Oxfordian; 2) Upper Callovian forms that still survived in Lower and Middle Oxfordian; 3) Lower Oxfordian forms (Mariae and Cordatum Zones); 4) Lower and Middle Oxfordian forms (Mariae to Plicatilis Zone); 5) Middle Oxfordian forms (plicatilis Zone), and some ones appearing in Middle Oxfordian. This condensed deposit is therefore dated from Middle Oxfordian (Plicatilis Zone). The other Upper Jurassic lithostratigraphical units were also mapped but their detailed study is not presented in this work. Correlations between lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical scales from P. Choffat, J. Pratsch, C. Palain and from the author are stated. Further correlations are attempted between zonc scales of Carixian-Lower Toarcian and Upper Bajocian-Middle Oxfordian of France, Spain (Asturias, Iberian and Betic Chains), Argel (Orania) and Portugal (northern Tagus basin and Algarve). The study of pyritous fossil assemblages common in Upper Bathonian-Lower Callovian marly levels of the praia da Mareta seems to suggest that these sediments were deposited in a bay or in an almost closed coastal re-entrance virtually without deep water circulation. Although such conditions may occur at any depth one may suppose that these ones actually correspond to an infralittoral neritic environment. The thaphocoenosis collected there are almost entirely composed of nektonic (ammonites, Belemnites) and planktonic (Bositra) faunas. The sedentary (crinoids, brachiopods) or free (sea-urchins, gastropods) epibenthonic forms are very scarce; endobenthonic forms are not known. The palaeontological study of all Nautiloids and Ammonoids of the Liassic and Dogger is presented (except Kosmoceratidae and Perisphinctaceae). Among the thirty one taxa dealt with, one is new (Metaderoceras sp. nov.) and the great majority of the others has been identified for the first time in Algarve. Some others have never been reported before in Portuguese formations. The evolution, during Jurassic times, of the sedimentary basins of the Portuguese plate margin is described. The absence of Cephalopods in the very extensive marly and dolomitic limestones, partly marine, suggests that, during Lower Liassic, palaeogeography underwent no great changes. Dolomitic-limestone with silex nodules from Cabo S. Vicente contain the first ammonites recorded at the base of the Middle Liassic. This facies, although very common in Tethys, is unknown north of the Tagus. The faunal assemblage has a mediterranean to submediterranean character. Comparisons between faunal assemblage" from Algarve with the ones known north of the Tagus show that communications between Boreal Europe and Tethys, virtually non-existent during Lower and Middle Carixian, became very easy during Lower Domerian. In earlier Pliensbachian times two distinct seas were adjacent to the Iberian plate. One, an epicontinental sea with a tethyan fauna, extended southwards from the Meseta margin. Another, was a boreal sea; during its transgressive episodes boreal faunas attained into the basin north of the Tagus. During Middle Carixian and Lower Domerian, owing to simultaneous transgressions, these two seas joined together allowing faunal exchanges along the epicontinental areas which limited the emerging hercynian chains belts. During Liassic, the Algarve belonged undoubtedly to the tethyan submediterranean province. The area north of the Tagus, on the contrary, was a complex realm where subboreal and tethyan affinities alternatively prevailed. In the Algarve the first Middle Jurassic deposits do frequently show lateral thickness reductions as well as unconformities contemporaneous with other generalized disturbances on the sedimentation processes in other parts of Europe. By this time, near Sagres, a barrier reef developed separating lagoonal or ante-reef facies from the transreef pelagic zone. The presence of tethyan fauna, the abundance of Phylloceratidae and the absence of boreal forms allow us to consider the Algarve basin as a submediterranean province. The presence of Callovian pelagic fossiliferous formations in the Loulé area shows that during Middle Jurassic the marl-limestone transreef sedimentation was not confined to the western Algarve. They would extend eastwards where they only can be seen in the core of some anticlines. This is due to the progressive sinking of the meso-cenozoic formations as we proceed towards the South of the Sagres-Algoz-Querença flexure. In the whole of the Peninsule, and as for the Middle Callovian, an important regression can be clearly recognized on the evidence of an erosion surface which strikes obliquely the Middle and Upper Callovian strata. The geographic boundaries of the different faunal provinces are not changed by the presence of many Kosmoceratidae in the phosphate nodules since they are but a minority in comparison with the tethyan forms. An abstract model can be constructed showing that in Western Europe the Kosmoceratidae may have migrated South and westwards through a channel of the sea that linked Paris basin to Poitou and Aquitaine. By migrating between the Iberian meseta and the Armorican massif this fauna reached northern Tagus basin at the beginning of Upper Callovian (Athleta Zone); this south and southwest bound migration would have proceeded, allowing such forms to reach Algarve basin only in latest Callovian times (Lamberti Zone). This migration means that during Middle Jurassic a widely spread North Atlantic sea would exist, flooding the western part of Portugal up to the Poitou.
The facies distribution along the Jurassic stages in an already well established stratigraphic frame is defined for the three portuguese basins: North of Tagus, Santiago de Cacém and Algarve. The deposits are organized in two sedimentary cycles. The first one from the Liassic to Calovian shows, in the Tagus Basin, a transgression from NW which did not surpass the Meseta present limits. The iniatilly brackish deposits only changed to marine by the end of Lotharingian. The sedimentation, mainly marly during the Liassic became more calcareous since the Aalenian. During the Dogger the basin differentiated into platform deposits towards East and South and open sea zone towards West. This zone underwent a progressive reduction and, during the Callovian, two small basins were individualized: Cabo Mondego basin in the North and Serra de El-Rei-Montejunto in the South. It is from the latter that the second sedimentary cycle (Middle Oxfordian-Portlandian) developed with open sea deposits along the Sintra–Torres Vedras axis surrounded by platform and litoral brackish formations. During the first sedimentary cycle only litoral platform deposits are known in Santiago de Cacém and Algarve basins. During the second sedimentary cycle temporary sea open deposits are known in Santiago de Cacém and Central Algarve.
According to P. Choffat, Odeáxere conglomerate was Oxfordian in age, and would represent the unconformity between Malm and Dogger. Choffat's opinion was based exclusively in a lithological comparison with conglomerates from Arrábida; these conglomerates are now reported to the Dogger, as they are intercalated between beds with Timidonella sarda. However, in the mesogean realm, the stratigraphical position of T. sarda in the Dogger is still not accurately known. Some authors think its range would extend from Aalenian until the Bajocian, yet others think it would be more restricted, from Aalenian to the lower Bajocian only. Its stratigraphical span seems to be even more restricted in Algarve: uppermost Aalenian to lowermost Bajocian.
New elements about the stratigraphy of the Serra de Candeeiros Dogger and Lower «Lusitanian» are presented. The Lower Aalenian was recognized for the first time. Bathonian (more than 50 metres thick) is dated on brachiopods and foraminifera. It corresponds to a series of massive micritic, biodetritical, coral-reef, chaetetid, bryozoa and oolitic-limestones. Callovian (120 m) begins by whitish or yellowish limestones with ammonites and brachiopods of the Gracilis zone. It is followed by regressive limestone sequences ending with thick oncolitic layers. The «Lusitanian» base is formed by greyish lagoon brackish limestones; it lies unconformably on the Dogger, with or without angular and/or cartographic unconformity. This radical facies change is related to tectonic deformation of several blocks between the Nazaré and Tagus faults during Oxfordian times.
In the Lusitanian Basin (Central Portugal), the Middle-Upper Liassic series are characterized by an expressive marly limestone accumulation, sediments that were deposited on a homoclinal carbonate ramp. These series belong to the Vale das Fontes, Lemede, S. Gião (and the lateral equivalents Prado and Cabo Carvoeiro Formations) and, partially, to the Póvoa da Lomba Formations. These units, in great part controlled by an accurate ammonite biostratigraphic scale, are organized into two secondorder transgressive-regressive sequences. The first one (SP) is dated of early Pliensbachian/lowermost early Toarcian age; the second (ST) is dated of early Toarcian to early Aalenian.
A continuous carbon isotope curve from Middle-Upper Jurassic pelagic carbonate rocks was acquired from two sections in the southern part of the Umbria-Marche Apennines in central Italy. At the Colle Bertone section (Terni) and the Terminilletto section (Rieti), the Upper Toarcian to Bajocian Calcari e Marne a Posidonia Formation and the Aalenian to Kimmeridgian Calcari e Marne a Posidonia and Calcari Diasprigni formations were sampled, respectively. Biostratigraphy in both sections is based on rich assemblages of calcareous nannofossils and radiolarians, as well as some ammonites found in the upper Toarcian-Bajocian interval. Both sections revealed a relative minimum of delta(13)C(PDB) close to + 2 parts per thousand in the Aalenian and a maximum around 3.5 parts per thousand in early Bajocian, associated with an increase in visible chert. In basinal sections in Umbria-Marche, this interval includes the very cherry base of the Calcari Diasprigni Formation (e.g. at Valdorbia) or the chert-rich uppermost portion of the Calcari a Posidonia (e.g at Bosso). In the Terminilletto section, the Bajocian-early Barthonian interval shows a gradual decrease in delta(13)C(PDB) values and a low around 2.3 parts per thousand. This part of the section is characterised by more than 40 m of almost chart-free limestones and correlates with a recurrence of limestone-rich facies in basinal sections at Valdorbia. A double peak with values of delta(13)C(PDB) around + 3 parts per thousand was observed in the Callovian and Oxfordian, constrained by well preserved radiolarian faunas. The maxima lie in the Callovian and the middle Oxfordian, and the minimum between the two peaks should be near the Callovian/Oxfordian boundary. In the Terminilletto section, visible chert increases together with delta(13)C(PDB) values from the middle Bathonian and reaches peak values in the Callovian-Oxfordian. In basinal sections in Umbria-Marche, a sharp increase in visible chert is observed at this level within the Calcari Diasprigni. A drop of delta(13)C values towards + 2 parts per thousand occurs in the Kimmeridgian and coincides with a decrease of visible chert in outcrop. The observed delta(13)C positive anomalies during the early Bajocian and the Callovian-Oxfordian may record changes in global climate towards warmer, more humid periods characterised by increased nutrient mobilisation and increased carbon burial. High biosiliceous (radiolarians, siliceous sponges) productivity and preservation appear to coincide with the delta(13)C positive anomalies, when the production of platform carbonates was subdued and ceased in many areas, with a drastic reduction of periplatform ooze input in many Tethyan basins. The carbon and silica cycles appear to be linked through global warming and increased continental weathering. Hydrothermal events related to extensive rifting and/or accelerated oceanic spreading may be the endogenic driving force that created a perturbation of the exogenic system (excess CO2 into the atmosphere and greenhouse conditions) reflected by the positive delta(13)C shifts and biosiliceous episodes.
During the Early Toarcian, major paleoenvironnemental and paleoceanographical changes occurred, leading to an oceanic anoxic event (OAE) and to a perturbation of the carbon isotope cycle. Although the standard biochronology of the Lower Jurassic is essentially based upon ammonites, in recent years biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts is increasingly used to date Jurassic rocks. However, the precise dating and correlation of the Early Toarcian OAE, and of the associated delta C-13 anomaly in different settings of the western Tethys, are still partly problematic, and it is still unclear whether these events are synchronous or not. In order to allow more accurate correlations of the organic rich levels recorded in the Lower Toarcian OAE, this account proposes a new biozonation based on a quantitative biochronology approach, the Unitary Associations (UA), applied to calcareous nannofossils. This study represents the first attempt to apply the UA method to Jurassic nannofossils. The study incorporates eighteen sections distributed across western Tethys and ranging from the Pliensbachian to Aalenian, comprising 1220 samples and 72 calcareous nannofossil taxa. The BioGraph [Savary, J., Guex, J., 1999. Discrete biochronological scales and unitary associations: description of the Biograph Computer program. Memoires de Geologie de Lausanne 34, 282 pp] and UA-Graph (Copyright Hammer O., Guex and Savary, 2002) softwares provide a discrete biochronological framework based upon multi-taxa concurrent range zones in the different sections. The optimized dataset generates nine UAs using the co-occurrences of 56 taxa. These UAs are grouped into six Unitary Association Zones (UA-Z), which constitute a robust biostratigraphic synthesis of all the observed or deduced biostratigraphic relationships between the analysed taxa. The UA zonation proposed here is compared to ``classic'' calcareous nannofossil biozonations, which are commonly used for the southern and the northern sides of Tethys. The biostratigraphic resolution of the UA-Zones varies from one nannofossil subzone or part of it to several subzones, and can be related to the pattern of calcareous nannoplankton originations and extinctions during the studied time interval. The Late Pliensbachian - Early Toarcian interval (corresponding to the UA-Z II) represents a major step in the Jurassic nannoplankton radiation. The recognized UA-Zones are also compared to the carbon isotopic negative excursion and TOC maximum in five sections of central Italy, Germany and England, with the aim of providing a more reliable correlation tool for the Early Toarcian OAE, and of the associated isotopic anomaly, between the southern and northern part of western Tethys. The results of this work show that the TOC maximum and delta C-13 negative excursion correspond to the upper part of the UA-Z II (i.e., UA 3) in the sections analysed. This suggests that the Early Toarcian OAE was a synchronous event within the western Tethys. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Based on internal structure, a new family of entactinarian radiolarians, the Kungalariidae, is described with three new genera and four species: Kungalaria newcombi, Cachecreekaria californiensis, Transylvanaria devaensis, and T. hattorii. Members of this family have an eccentric internal, nassellarian-type initial spicule with bar MB, rays A, V, L, I, and spine Ax; a medullary shell built above the plane of lateral rays as in the cephalis of many nassellarians; and a spherical to subspherical cortical shell around the medullary shell. This new family is part of a group of Triassic entactinarians structurally intermediate between Entactinaria, or spicule-bearing Spumellaria, and Nassellaria. The new genera and species described occur in the Rhaetian of Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Aalenian to early-mid Bajocian of central Japan, Cenomanian of California, and Coniacian of Romania.
A detailed carbon-isotope stratigraphic study for the uppermost Pliensbachian lowermost Aalenian interval in the Median Subbetic palaeogeographic domain (External zones of the Betic Cordillera, southern Spain) has been carried out. During the Early Jurassic, the Median Subbetic, which represents a typical basin of the Hispanic Corridor connecting the Tethys and the Eastern Pacific, was located in the westernmost Tethys. The analyzed sections encompass the entire Toarcian stage as represented in the southern Iberian palaeomargin. Rocks are mainly rhythmic sequences of grey marls and marly limestones containing a rich ammonite fauna, nannofossils, and benthic foraminifers-all these provide an accurate biostratigraphic control. The lower and upper Toarcian boundaries are well represented in some of these sections and therefore represent optimal sites to link the carbon-isotope curves to ammonite zones, and to nannofossil events. delta C-13 values of bulk carbonates from the different localities of the Subbetic basin have similar variations from the uppermost Pliensbachian to the lowermost Aalenian, suggesting changes in the original DIC carbon isotope composition along the Hispanic corridor. The transition from Pliensbachian to Toarcian is marked by increasing delta C-13 values from similar to 12 to 2.0 parts per thousand, interrupted in the Serpentinum Zone by a negative shift concomitant with the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE), with the major ammonite extinction event of the Toarcian, and an important turnover of calcareous nannoplankton. The negative shift observed in the Serpentinum Zone confirms the global perturbation of the carbon cycling documented along the Tethys and the palaeo-Pacific in organic material and in marine carbonates. However, the amplitude of the negative excursion (similar to - 1.5 parts per thousand) is not compatible with an isotopic homogeneous seawater DIC and/or CO2 atmospheric reservoirs. The interval from the middle to the top of the Toarcian delta C-13 shows relatively constant values, minor ammonite turnovers, and is associated with increasing diversity of calcareous nannoplankton. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The paleontological investigations of the Jurassic of Western Thailand, districts of Mae Sot (Tak-Mae Sot highway, Padaeng Tak and Ban Mae Kut Luang Zinc mines) and Umphang (Klo Tho), provide age constraints for the Late Indosinian orogeny, the Paleotethys closure and the timing of the marine Jurassic inundation of Sundaland. The basal conglomerate of the Jurassic is derived from the pelagic Triassic Mae Sariang substratum. Stratigraphy, microfacies and paleontology of the Jurassic marine strata focus especially on ammonites, bivalves, large benthic foraminifera and algae. Among ammonites, the Tethyan Catulloceras perisphinctoides Gemmellaro marks the Upper Toarcian (Aalensis Zone) along the Tak-Mae Sot highway and Riccardiceras longalvum (Vacek). Malladaites pertinax (Vacek), Abbasites sp. and Vacekia sp. indicate Middle Aalenian to lowermost Bajocian in the Padaeng Mine (SE of Mae Sot) and Klo-Tho (Umphang). Vacekia sp., Spinammatoceras schindewolfi Linares and Sandoval and Malladaites vaceki Linares and Sandoval indicate Middle Aalenian to lowermost Upper Aalenian at Ban Mae Kut Luang (NE of Mae Sot). Among foraminifers, the large benthic foraminifer Timidonella sarda Bassoullet, Chabrier and Fourcade in the Western Tethys is indicative for Aalenian-Bajocian times, as characterized in the section at the Tak-Padaeng Zinc mine and the Klo-Tho Formation near Umphang. The endemic foraminifer Gutnicella kaempferi characterizes the Pu Khloe Khi Formation near Umphang. Among bivalves, shallow marine, dominantly endemic fauna includes Parvamussium donaiense (Mansuy) and Bositra ornate (Quenstedt), from the Toarcian to the Early Bajocian. A consideration of the faunal affinity shows that the fauna is partly endemic with Northern Tethyan (Eurasian) affinity. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Association for Gondwana Research. All rights reserved.