893 resultados para AVR, ZigBee, microcontrollori, IEEE, 802, 15, 4, wireless, Arduino, XBee, sensori


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Studio e realizzazione di una rete wireless di microcontrollori dotati di sensori, che comunicano mediante protocollo ZigBee (basato sul protocollo IEEE 802.15.4).


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In this paper, we analyze the performance limits of the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism of IEEE 802.15.4 in the beacon-enabled mode for broadcast transmissions in WSNs. The motivation for evaluating the beacon-enabled mode is due to its flexibility for WSN applications as compared to the non-beacon enabled mode. Our analysis is based on an accurate simulation model of the slotted CSMA/CA mechanism on top of a realistic physical layer, with respect to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard specification. The performance of the slotted CSMA/CA is evaluated and analyzed for different network settings to understand the impact of the protocol attributes (superframe order, beacon order and backoff exponent) on the network performance, namely in terms of throughput (S), average delay (D) and probability of success (Ps). We introduce the concept of utility (U) as a combination of two or more metrics, to determine the best offered load range for an optimal behavior of the network. We show that the optimal network performance using slotted CSMA/CA occurs in the range of 35% to 60% with respect to an utility function proportional to the network throughput (S) divided by the average delay (D).


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In many network applications, the nature of traffic is of burst type. Often, the transient response of network to such traffics is the result of a series of interdependant events whose occurrence prediction is not a trivial task. The previous efforts in IEEE 802.15.4 networks often followed top-down approaches to model those sequences of events, i.e., through making top-view models of the whole network, they tried to track the transient response of network to burst packet arrivals. The problem with such approaches was that they were unable to give station-level views of network response and were usually complex. In this paper, we propose a non-stationary analytical model for the IEEE 802.15.4 slotted CSMA/CA medium access control (MAC) protocol under burst traffic arrival assumption and without the optional acknowledgements. We develop a station-level stochastic time-domain method from which the network-level metrics are extracted. Our bottom-up approach makes finding station-level details such as delay, collision and failure distributions possible. Moreover, network-level metrics like the average packet loss or transmission success rate can be extracted from the model. Compared to the previous models, our model is proven to be of lower memory and computational complexity order and also supports contention window sizes of greater than one. We have carried out extensive and comparative simulations to show the high accuracy of our model.


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Faced with an imminent restructuring of the electric power system, over the past few years many countries have invested in a new paradigm known as Smart Grid. This paradigm targets optimization and automation of electric power network, using advanced information and communication technologies. Among the main communication protocols for Smart Grids we have the DNP3 protocol, which provides secure data transmission with moderate rates. The IEEE 802.15.4 is another communication protocol also widely used in Smart Grid, especially in the so-called Home Area Network (HAN). Thus, many applications of Smart Grid depends on the interaction of these two protocols. This paper proposes modeling, in the traditional network simulator NS-2, the integration of DNP3 protocol and the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard for low cost simulations of Smart Grid applications.


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IEEE 802.15.4 standard is a relatively new standard designed for low power low data rate wireless sensor networks (WSN), which has a wide range of applications, e.g., environment monitoring, e-health, home and industry automation. In this paper, we investigate the problems of hidden devices in coverage overlapped IEEE 802.15.4 WSNs, which is likely to arise when multiple 802.15.4 WSNs are deployed closely and independently. We consider a typical scenario of two 802.15.4 WSNs with partial coverage overlapping and propose a Markov-chain based analytical model to reveal the performance degradation due to the hidden devices from the coverage overlapping. Impacts of the hidden devices and network sleeping modes on saturated throughput and energy consumption are modeled. The analytic model is verified by simulations, which can provide the insights to network design and planning when multiple 802.15.4 WSNs are deployed closely. © 2013 IEEE.


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With the features of low-power and flexible networking capabilities IEEE 802.15.4 has been widely regarded as one strong candidate of communication technologies for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It is expected that with an increasing number of deployments of 802.15.4 based WSNs, multiple WSNs could coexist with full or partial overlap in residential or enterprise areas. As WSNs are usually deployed without coordination, the communication could meet significant degradation with the 802.15.4 channel access scheme, which has a large impact on system performance. In this thesis we are motivated to investigate the effectiveness of 802.15.4 networks supporting WSN applications with various environments, especially when hidden terminals are presented due to the uncoordinated coexistence problem. Both analytical models and system level simulators are developed to analyse the performance of the random access scheme specified by IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control (MAC) standard for several network scenarios. The first part of the thesis investigates the effectiveness of single 802.15.4 network supporting WSN applications. A Markov chain based analytic model is applied to model the MAC behaviour of IEEE 802.15.4 standard and a discrete event simulator is also developed to analyse the performance and verify the proposed analytical model. It is observed that 802.15.4 networks could sufficiently support most WSN applications with its various functionalities. After the investigation of single network, the uncoordinated coexistence problem of multiple 802.15.4 networks deployed with communication range fully or partially overlapped are investigated in the next part of the thesis. Both nonsleep and sleep modes are investigated with different channel conditions by analytic and simulation methods to obtain the comprehensive performance evaluation. It is found that the uncoordinated coexistence problem can significantly degrade the performance of 802.15.4 networks, which is unlikely to satisfy the QoS requirements for many WSN applications. The proposed analytic model is validated by simulations which could be used to obtain the optimal parameter setting before WSNs deployments to eliminate the interference risks.


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IEEE 802.15.4 standard is a relatively new standard designed for low power low data rate wireless sensor networks (WSN), which has a wide range of applications, e.g., environment monitoring, e-health, home and industry automation. In this paper, we investigate the problems of hidden devices in coverage overlapped IEEE 802.15.4 WSNs, which is likely to arise when multiple 802.15.4 WSNs are deployed closely and independently. We consider a typical scenario of two 802.15.4 WSNs with partial coverage overlapping and propose a Markov-chain based analytical model to reveal the performance degradation due to the hidden devices from the coverage overlapping. Impacts of the hidden devices and network sleeping modes on saturated throughput and energy consumption are modeled. The analytic model is verified by simulations, which can provide the insights to network design and planning when multiple 802.15.4 WSNs are deployed closely. © 2013 IEEE.


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Many context-aware applications rely on the knowledge of the position of the user and the surrounding objects to provide advanced, personalized and real-time services. In wide-area deployments, a routing protocol is needed to collect the location information from distant nodes. In this paper, we propose a new source-initiated (on demand) routing protocol for location-aware applications in IEEE 802.15.4 wireless sensor networks. This protocol uses a low power MAC layer to maximize the lifetime of the network while maintaining the communication delay to a low value. Its performance is assessed through experimental tests that show a good trade-off between power consumption and time delay in the localization of a mobile device.


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Cluster scheduling and collision avoidance are crucial issues in large-scale cluster-tree Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The paper presents a methodology that provides a Time Division Cluster Scheduling (TDCS) mechanism based on the cyclic extension of RCPS/TC (Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Temporal Constraints) problem for a cluster-tree WSN, assuming bounded communication errors. The objective is to meet all end-to-end deadlines of a predefined set of time-bounded data flows while minimizing the energy consumption of the nodes by setting the TDCS period as long as possible. Sinceeach cluster is active only once during the period, the end-to-end delay of a given flow may span over several periods when there are the flows with opposite direction. The scheduling tool enables system designers to efficiently configure all required parameters of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee beaconenabled cluster-tree WSNs in the network design time. The performance evaluation of thescheduling tool shows that the problems with dozens of nodes can be solved while using optimal solvers.


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While the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack is being considered as a promising technology for low-cost low-power Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), several issues in the standard specifications are still open. One of those ambiguous issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for ensuring QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multihop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This paper tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes a synchronization mechanism based on Time Division Beacon Scheduling to construct cluster-tree WSNs. We also propose a methodology for an efficient duty cycle management in each router (cluster-head) of a cluster-tree WSN that ensures the fairest use of bandwidth resources. The feasibility of the proposal is clearly demonstrated through an experimental test bed based on our own implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol.


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The IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols are gaining increasing interests in both research and industrial communities as candidate technologies for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications. In this paper, we present an open-source implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack under the TinyOS operating system for the MICAz motes. This work has been driven by the need for an open-source implementation of the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee protocols, filling a gap between some newly released complex C implementations and black-box implementations from different manufacturers. In addition, we share our experience on the challenging problem that we have faced during the implementation of the protocol stack on the MICAz motes. We strongly believe that this open-source implementation will potentiate research works on the IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocols allowing their demonstration and validation through experimentation.


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In the context of wireless sensor networks, we are motivated by the design of a tree network spanning a set of source nodes that generate packets, a set of additional relay nodes that only forward packets from the sources, and a data sink. We assume that the paths from the sources to the sink have bounded hop count, that the nodes use the IEEE 802.15.4 CSMA/CA for medium access control, and that there are no hidden terminals. In this setting, starting with a set of simple fixed point equations, we derive explicit conditions on the packet generation rates at the sources, so that the tree network approximately provides certain quality of service (QoS) such as end-to-end delivery probability and mean delay. The structures of our conditions provide insight on the dependence of the network performance on the arrival rate vector, and the topological properties of the tree network. Our numerical experiments suggest that our approximations are able to capture a significant part of the QoS aware throughput region (of a tree network), that is adequate for many sensor network applications. Furthermore, for the special case of equal arrival rates, default backoff parameters, and for a range of values of target QoS, we show that among all path-length-bounded trees (spanning a given set of sources and the data sink) that meet the conditions derived in the paper, a shortest path tree achieves the maximum throughput. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We develop an approximate analytical technique for evaluating the performance of multi-hop networks based on beaconless IEEE 802.15.4 ( the ``ZigBee'' PHY and MAC), a popular standard for wireless sensor networks. The network comprises sensor nodes, which generate measurement packets, relay nodes which only forward packets, and a data sink (base station). We consider a detailed stochastic process at each node, and analyse this process taking into account the interaction with neighbouring nodes via certain time averaged unknown variables (e.g., channel sensing rates, collision probabilities, etc.). By coupling the analyses at various nodes, we obtain fixed point equations that can be solved numerically to obtain the unknown variables, thereby yielding approximations of time average performance measures, such as packet discard probabilities and average queueing delays. The model incorporates packet generation at the sensor nodes and queues at the sensor nodes and relay nodes. We demonstrate the accuracy of our model by an extensive comparison with simulations. As an additional assessment of the accuracy of the model, we utilize it in an algorithm for sensor network design with quality-of-service (QoS) objectives, and show that designs obtained using our model actually satisfy the QoS constraints (as validated by simulating the networks), and the predictions are accurate to well within 10% as compared to the simulation results in a regime where the packet discard probability is low. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The simulation analysis is important approach to developing and evaluating the systems in terms of development time and cost. This paper demonstrates the application of Time Division Cluster Scheduling (TDCS) tool for the configuration of IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee beaconenabled cluster-tree WSNs using the simulation analysis, as an illustrative example that confirms the practical applicability of the tool. The simulation study analyses how the number of retransmissions impacts the reliability of data transmission, the energy consumption of the nodes and the end-to-end communication delay, based on the simulation model that was implemented in the Opnet Modeler. The configuration parameters of the network are obtained directly from the TDCS tool. The simulation results show that the number of retransmissions impacts the reliability, the energy consumption and the end-to-end delay, in a way that improving the one may degrade the others.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 is the most widespread used protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and it is being used as a baseline for several higher layer protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN or WirelessHART. Its MAC (Medium Access Control) supports both contention-free (CFP, based on the reservation of guaranteed time-slots GTS) and contention based (CAP, ruled by CSMA/CA) access, when operating in beacon-enabled mode. Thus, it enables the differentiation between real-time and best-effort traffic. However, some WSN applications and higher layer protocols may strongly benefit from the possibility of supporting more traffic classes. This happens, for instance, for dense WSNs used in time-sensitive industrial applications. In this context, we propose to differentiate traffic classes within the CAP, enabling lower transmission delays and higher success probability to timecritical messages, such as for event detection, GTS reservation and network management. Building upon a previously proposed methodology (TRADIF), in this paper we outline its implementation and experimental validation over a real-time operating system. Importantly, TRADIF is fully backward compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, enabling to create different traffic classes just by tuning some MAC parameters.