960 resultados para ASTHMATIC AIRWAY


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In order to raise public awareness of the importance of early detection of airway obstruction and to enable many people who had not been tested previously to have their lung function measured, the European Lung Foundation and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) organised a spirometry testing tent during the annual ERS Congresses in 2004-2009. Spirometry was performed during the ERS Congresses in volunteers; all participants answered a simple, brief questionnaire on their descriptive characteristics, smoking and asthma. Portable spirometers were freely provided by the manufacturer. Nurses and doctors from pulmonary departments of local hospitals/universities gave their service for free. Lower limit of normal (LLN) and Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) criteria for diagnosing and grading airway obstruction were used. Of 12,448 participants in six congress cities, 10,395 (83.5%) performed acceptable spirometry (mean age 51.0 ± 18.4 yrs; 25.5% smokers; 5.5% asthmatic). Airway obstruction was present in 12.4% of investigated subjects according to LLN criteria and 20.3% according to GOLD criteria. Through multinomial logistic regression analysis, age, smoking habits and asthma were significant risk factors for airway obstruction. Relative risk ratio and 95% confidence interval for LLN stage I, for example, was 2.9 (2.0-4.1) for the youngest age (≤ 19 yrs), 1.9 (1.2-3.0) for the oldest age (≥ 80 yrs), 2.4 (2.0-2.9) for current smokers and 2.8 (2.2-3.6) for reported asthma diagnosis. In addition to being a useful advocacy tool, the spirometry tent represents an unusual occasion for early detection of airway obstruction in large numbers of city residents with an important public health perspective.


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Vascular remodeling is an important feature in asthma pathophysiology. Although investigations suggested that nitric oxide (NO) is involved in lung remodeling, little evidence established the role of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) isoform in bronchial vascular remodeling. The authors investigated if iNOS contribute to bronchial vascular remodeling induced by chronic allergic pulmonary inflammation. Guinea pigs were submitted to ovalbumin exposures with increasing doses (1 similar to 5 mg/mL) for 4 weeks. Animals received 1400W (iNOS-specific inhibitor) treatment for 4 days beginning at 7th inhalation. Seventy-two hours after the 7th inhalation, animals were anesthetized, mechanical ventilated, exhaled NO was collected, and lungs were removed and submitted to picrosirius and resorcin-fuchsin stains and to immunohistochemistry for matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Collagen and elastic fiber deposition as well as MMP-9, TIMP-1, and TGF-beta expression were increase in bronchial vascular wall in ovalbumin-exposed animals. The iNOS inhibition reduced all parameters studied. In this model, iNOS inhibition reduced the bronchial vascular extracellular remodeling, particularly controlling the collagen and elastic fibers deposition in pulmonary vessels. This effect can be associated to a reduction on TGF-beta and on metalloproteinase-9/TIMP-1 vascular expression. It reveals new therapeutic strategies and some possible mechanism related to specific iNOS inhibition to control vascular remodeling.


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Th2-solujen erilaistumista ohjaavat säätelyverkostot ja niiden tutkiminen proteomiikan avulla Astma ja allergiat ovat laajalle levinneitä ja vakavia sairauksia, joista kärsivät miljoonat ihmiset ympäri maailmaa. Koe-eläimillä tehdyt tutkimukset osoittavat, että interleukiini-4 (IL-4) on tärkeä allergisen astman ja allergioiden kehittymiselle ja kroonistumiselle. Se ohjaa T-auttajasolujen (Th-solujen) kehittymistä Th2-tyypin soluiksi, joilla on merkittävä rooli näiden tautien puhkeamisessa. Th2-solut tuottavat myös itse IL-4:ä, joka edesauttaa taudin seuraavien vaiheiden kehittymistä. Erityisesti STAT6-proteiini, joka aktivoituu IL-4-stimulaation seurauksena, on tarpeen Th2- vasteen syntymiselle ja kroonistumiselle antigeenin aiheuttamassa keuhkoputkien astmaattisessa tulehduksessa. Väitöskirjatyöni tarkoituksena oli käyttää kaksidimensionaaliseen elektroforeesiin (2- DE) perustuvaa proteomiikkaa ja massaspektrometriaa uusien Th2-solujen erilaistumista säätelevien proteiinien tunnistamiseksi. Erilaistumattomat Th-solut eristettiin vastasyntyneen napaverestä tai hiiren pernasta. Solut aktivoitiin Tsolureseptorin ja ns. ko-stimulatoristen reseptorien kautta ja erilaistettiin joko Th1- tai Th2-suuntaan vastaavasti erilaistavien IL-12- ja IL-4-sytokiinien avulla. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa in vitro -erilaistettujen Th1- ja Th2-solujen proteomeja verrattiin keskenään proteiinien ilmenemisessä tai proteiinimodifikaatioissa olevien erojen tunnistamiseksi. Kaksi muuta päätutkimusta keskittyivät IL-4:n aiheuttamaan proteiinitason säätelyyn ensimmäisen vuorokauden aikana T-soluaktivaation jälkeen. Näistä ensimmäisessä IL-4:n aiheuttamia eroja tunnistettiin aktivoiduista ihmisen Thsoluista. IL-4:n todettiin säätelevän useita proteiineja kaspaasien välittämissä signalointiteissä sekä lisäävän T-solujen elävyyttä ja aktivoitumista. Toisessa tutkimuksessa STAT6-poistogeenisten hiirien lymfosyyttien proteomia verrattiin villityypin kontrollisoluihin T-soluaktivaation ja IL-4-stimulaation jälkeen. Näissä tutkimuksissa karakterisoitiin useita uusia IL-4:n ja STAT6:n kohdeproteiineja ja löydettiin uusia säätelyverkostoja. Tutkimustulokset ovat johtaneet uusiin Th2-erilaistumismekanismeja koskeviin hypoteeseihin.


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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease whose prevalence is increasing in the western world. Recently research has begun to focus on the role the microbiome plays in asthma pathogenesis in the hope of further understanding this respiratory disorder. Considered sterile until recently, the lungs have revealed themselves to contain a unique microbiota. A shift towards molecular methods for the quantification and sequencing of microbial DNA has revealed that the airways harbour a unique microbiota with apparent, reproducible differences present between healthy and diseased lungs. There is a hope that in classifying the microbial load of the asthmatic airway an insight may be afforded as to the possible role pulmonary microbes may have in propagating an asthmatic airway response. This could potentially pave the way for new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of chronic lung conditions such as asthma.


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MENDES, F. A. R., F. M. ALMEIDA, A. CUKIER, R. STELMACH, W. JACOB-FILHO, M. A. MARTINS, and C. R. F. CARVALHO. Effects of Aerobic Training on Airway Inflammation in Asthmatic Patients. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 197-203, 2011. Purpose: There is evidence suggesting that physical activity has anti-inflammatory effects in many chronic diseases; however, the role of exercise in airway inflammation in asthma is poorly understood. We aimed to evaluate the effects of an aerobic training program on eosinophil inflammation (primary aim) and nitric oxide (secondary aim) in patients with moderate or severe persistent asthma. Methods: Sixty-eight patients randomly assigned to either control (CG) or aerobic training (TG) groups were studied during the period between medical consultations. Patients in the CG (educational program + breathing exercises; N = 34) and TG (educational program + breathing exercises + aerobic training; N = 34) were examined twice a week during a 3-month period. Before and after the intervention, patients underwent induced sputum, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), pulmonary function, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Asthma symptom-free days were quantified monthly, and asthma exacerbation was monitored during 3 months of intervention. Results: At 3 months, decreases in the total and eosinophil cell counts in induced sputum (P = 0.004) and in the levels of FeNO (P = 0.009) were observed after intervention only in the TG. The number of asthma symptom-free days and (V) over dotO(2max) also significantly improved (P < 0.001), and lower asthma exacerbation occurred in the TG (P < 0.01). In addition, the TG presented a strong positive relationship between baseline FeNO and eosinophil counts as well as their improvement after training (r = 0.77 and r = 0.9, respectively). Conclusions: Aerobic training reduces sputum eosinophil and FeNO in patients with moderate or severe asthma, and these benefits were more significant in subjects with higher levels of inflammation. These results suggest that aerobic training might be useful as an adjuvant therapy in asthmatic patients under optimized medical treatment.


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A wealth of evidence supports increased NO (NO⋅) in asthma, but its roles are unknown. To investigate how NO participates in inflammatory airway events in asthma, we measured NO⋅ and NO⋅ chemical reaction products [nitrite, nitrate, S-nitrosothiols (SNO), and nitrotyrosine] before, immediately and 48 h after bronchoscopic antigen (Ag) challenge of the peripheral airways in atopic asthmatic individuals and nonatopic healthy controls. Strikingly, NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{3}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} was the only NO⋅ derivative to increase during the immediate Ag-induced asthmatic response and continued to increase over 2-fold at 48 h after Ag challenge in contrast to controls [P < 0.05]. NO\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} was not affected by Ag challenge at 10 min or 48 h after Ag challenge. Although SNO was not detectable in asthmatic airways at baseline or immediately after Ag, SNO increased during the late response to levels found in healthy controls. A model of NO⋅ dynamics derived from the current findings predicts that NO⋅ may have harmful effects through formation of peroxynitrite, but also subserves an antioxidant role by consuming reactive oxygen species during the immediate asthmatic response, whereas nitrosylation during the late asthmatic response generates SNO, safe reservoirs for removal of toxic NO⋅ derivatives.


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We have investigated the effect of pcDNA3-CpG and pcDNA-IL-12, delivered by intradermal gene gun administration, on the blood/lung eosinophilia, airway hyperresponsiveness as well as the immune response in a murine model of toxocariasis. Our results demonstrated that pcDNA-IL-12 but not pcDNA3-CpG vaccination Led to a persistent tower blood/bronchoalveolar eosinophilia following Toxocaro conis infection, as pcDNA3-CpG led only to an early transient blockage of eosinophil transmigration into bronchoalveolar fluid following T canis infection. Prominent Type-1 immune response was pointed out as the halt-mark of T canis infection following pcDNA-IL-12 vaccination. Outstanding IFN-gamma/IL-4 ratio besides tow levels of IgG1 with subsequent high IgG2a/IgG1 ratio further characterized a Type-1 polarized immunological profile in pcDNA-IL-12-vaccinated animals. Nevertheless, only pcDNA3-CpG was able to prevent airway hyperresponsiveness induced by T canis infection. The persistent airway hyperresponsiveness observed in pcDNA-IL-12-vaccinated animals demonstrated that the airway constriction involved other immunological mediator than those blocked by pcDNA-IL-12. Together, these data indicated that pcDNA-IL-12 and pcDNA3-CpG vaccines have distinct therapeutic benefits regarding the eosinophilic inflammation/airway hyperresponsiveness triggered by T canis infection, suggesting their possible use in further combined therapeutic interventions. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory airways affecting people of all ages, and constitutes a serious public health problem worldwide (6). Such a chronic inflammation is invariably associated with injury and repair of the bronchial epithelium known as remodelling (11). Inflammation, remodelling, and altered neural control of the airways are responsible for both recurrent exacerbations of asthma and increasingly permanent airflow obstruction (11, 29, 34). Excessive airway narrowing is caused by altered smooth muscle behaviour, in close interaction with swelling of the airway walls, parenchyma retractile forces, and enhanced intraluminal secretions (29, 38). All these functional and structural changes are associated with the characteristic symptoms of asthma – cough, chest tightness, and wheezing –and have a significant impact on patients’ daily lives, on their families and also on society (1, 24, 29). Recent epidemiological studies show an increase in the prevalence of asthma, mainly in industrial countries (12, 25, 37). The reasons for this increase may depend on host factors (e.g., genetic disposition) or on environmental factors like air pollution or contact with allergens (6, 22, 29). Physical exercise is probably the most common trigger for brief episodes of symptoms, and is assumed to induce airflow limitations in most asthmatic children and young adults (16, 24, 29, 33). Exercise-induced asthma (EIA) is defined as an intermittent narrowing of the airways, generally associated with respiratory symptoms (chest tightness, cough, wheezing and dyspnoea), occurring after 3 to 10 minutes of vigorous exercise with a maximal severity during 5 to 15 minutes after the end of the exercise (9, 14, 16, 24, 33). The definitive diagnosis of EIA is confirmed by the measurement of pre- and post-exercise expiratory flows documenting either a 15% fall in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), or a ≥15 to 20% fall in peak expiratory flow (PEF) (9, 24, 29). Some types of physical exercise have been associated with the occurrence of bronchial symptoms and asthma (5, 15, 17). For instance, demanding activities such as basketball or soccer could cause more severe attacks than less vigorous ones such as baseball or jogging (33). The mechanisms of exercise-induced airflow limitations seem to be related to changes in the respiratory mucosa induced by hyperventilation (9, 29). The heat loss from the airways during exercise, and possibly its post-exercise rewarming may contribute to the exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) (27). Additionally, the concomitant dehydration from the respiratory mucosa during exercise leads to an increased interstitial osmolarity, which may also contribute to bronchoconstriction (4, 36). So, the risk of EIB in asthmatically predisposed subjects seems to be higher with greater ventilation rates and the cooler and drier the inspired air is (23). The incidence of EIA in physically demanding coldweather sports like competitive figure skating and ice hockey has been found to occur in up to 30 to 35% of the participants (32). In contrast, swimming is often recommended to asthmatic individuals, because it improves the functionality of respiratory muscles and, moreover, it seems to have a concomitant beneficial effect on the prevalence of asthma exacerbations (14, 26), supporting the idea that the risk of EIB would be smaller in warm and humid environments. This topic, however, remains controversial since the chlorified water of swimming pools has been suspected as a potential trigger factor for some asthmatic patients (7, 8, 20, 21). In fact, the higher asthma incidence observed in industrialised countries has recently been linked to the exposition to chloride (7, 8, 30). Although clinical and epidemiological data suggest an influence of humidity and temperature of the inspired air on the bronchial response of asthmatic subjects during exercise, some of those studies did not accurately control the intensity of the exercise (2, 13), raising speculation of whether the experienced exercise overload was comparable for all subjects. Additionally, most of the studies did not include a control group (2, 10, 19, 39), which may lead to doubts about whether asthma per se has conditioned the observed results. Moreover, since the main targeted age group of these studies has been adults (10, 19, 39), any extrapolation to childhood/adolescence might be questionable regarding the different lung maturation. Considering the higher incidence of asthma in youngsters (30) and the fact that only the works of Amirav and coworkers (2, 3) have focused on this age group, a scarcity of scientific data can be identified. Additionally, since the main environmental trigger factors, i.e., temperature and humidity, were tested separately (10, 28, 39) it would be useful to analyse these two variables simultaneously because of their synergic effect on water and heat loss by the airways (31, 33). It also appears important to estimate the airway responsiveness to exercise within moderate environmental ranges of temperature and humidity, trying to avoid extreme temperatures and humidity conditions used by others (2, 3). So, the aim of this study was to analyse the influence of moderate changes in air temperature and humidity simultaneously on the acute ventilatory response to exercise in asthmatic children. To overcome the above referred to methodological limitations, we used a 15 minute progressive exercise trial on a cycle ergometer at 3 different workload intensities, and we collected data related to heart rate, respiratory quotient, minute ventilation and oxygen uptake in order to ensure that physiological exercise repercussions were the same in both environments. The tests were done in a “normal” climatic environment (in a gymnasium) and in a hot and humid environment (swimming pool); for the latter, direct chloride exposition was avoided.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina


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ABSTRACT Allergic asthma is a major complication of atopy. Its severity correlates with the presence of activated T lymphocytes and eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Mechanisms that protect against asthma are poorly understood. Based on oral models of mucosal tolerance induction, models using the nasal route showed that uptake of important amounts of antigen can induce tolerance and reverse the allergic phenotype. 1L-10 producing regulatory T cells were proposed as key players in tolerance induction, but other players, e.g. dendritic cells (DC), B cells and epithelial cells may have to be taken into consideration. The objective of the present study is to characterize the effects of a therapeutic intranasal treatment (INT) in a murine model of asthma and to determine, in this model, the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to protection against asthma. First, we established an asthma model by sensitizing the BALB/c mouse to ovalbumin (OVA) by two intraperitoneal injections of alum-adsorbed OVA and three inhalations of aerosolized OVA. Then OVA was applied to the nasal mucosa of OVA- sensitized mice. Mice were later re-exposed to OVA aerosols to assess the protection induced by OVA INT. OVA sensitization induced strong eosinophil recruitment, OVA-specific T cell proliferation and IgE production. Three intranasal treatments at 24-hour intervals with 1.5 mg OVA drastically reduced inflammatory cell recruitment into the BALF and inhibited OVA-specific IgE production upon allergen re-exposure. T cell proliferation in ex vivo bronchial lymph node (BLN) cells was inhibited, as well as TH2 cytokine production. Protection against OVA-induced bronchial inflammation was effective for an extended period of time and treated mice resisted a second re-exposure. Transfer of CD4+ cells from BLN and lungs of OVA-treated mice protected asthmatic recipient mice from subsequent aerosol challenge indicating an involvement of CD4+ T regulatory cells in this protection. RESUME L'asthme allergique est une manifestation clinique majeure de l'atopie. La sévérité de l'asthme est liée à la présence de lymphocytes T activés ainsi que d'éosinophiles dans le lavage broncho-alvéolaire (LBA). Les mécanismes permettant de se prémunir contre l'asthme sont mal connus. Basés sur des modèles muqueux d'induction de tolérance par la voie orale, des modèles utilisant la voie nasale ont montré que d'importantes quantités d'antigène peuvent induire une tolérance et ainsi reverser le phénotype allergique. Des cellules régulatrices produisant de l'IL-10 pourraient jouer un rôle clé dans l'induction de la tolérance mais d'autres acteurs tels que les cellules dendritiques, les cellules B et les cellules épithéliales doivent aussi être prises en compte. L'objectif de la présente étude est de caractériser les effets d'un traitement intranasal thérapeutique dans un modèle murin d'asthme et de déterminer dans ce modèle les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires conférant une protection contre l'asthme. En premier lieu, un modèle d'asthme allergique a été établi en sensibilisant des souris BALB/c à l'ovalbumine (OVA) par deux injections intraperitonéales d'OVA adsorbé sur de l'alum et trois séances d'OVA en aérosol. Dans un second temps, de l'OVA a été administrée sur la muqueuse nasale des souris sensibilisées à l'OVA. Les souris furent ensuite challengées par des aérosols d'OVA afin d'évaluer la protection conférée par le traitement intranasal à l'OVA. La sensibilisation à l'OVA a induit un fort recrutement d'éosinophiles, une réponse proliférative des cellules T à l'OVA ainsi qu'une production d'lgE spécifiques. Trois traitements intranasaux à 24 heures d'intervalle avec 1.5 mg d'OVA ont permis de réduire drastiquement le recrutement des cellules inflammatoires dans le LBA ainsi que d'inhiber la production d'lgE spécifiques à l'OVA produits lors d'une ré-exposition à l'OVA. La prolifération en réponse à l'OVA de cellules extraites ex vivo de ganglions bronchiques a, elle aussi, été inhibée de même que la production de cytokines TH2. La protection contre l'inflammation provoquée par l'aérosol est efficace pour une longue période et les souris traitées résistent à une seconde ré- exposition. Le transfert de cellules CD4+ issues de ganglions bronchiques et de poumons de souris traitées à l'OVA protège les souris asthmatiques receveuses contre les effets inflammatoires d'un aérosol, indiquant que des cellules T CD4+ régulatrices pourraient être impliquées dans cette protection. RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC L'asthme est une affection des voies respiratoires qui se caractérise par une contraction de la musculature des voies aériennes, une production de mucus et d'anticorps de l'allergie (IgE). On parle d'asthme allergique lorsque les facteurs déclenchant l'asthme sont des allergènes inhalés tels que acariens, pollens ou poils d'animaux. Le système immunitaire des patients asthmatiques a un défaut de programmation qui le rend réactif à des substances qui sont normalement inoffensives. Le traitement actuel de l'asthme repose sur le soulagement des symptômes grâce à des produits à base de stéroïdes. Les techniques permettant de reprogrammer le système immunitaire (immunothérapie) ne sont pas efficaces pour tous les antigènes et prennent beaucoup de temps. En conséquence, il est nécessaire de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-tendant une telle reprogrammation afin d'en améliorer le rendement et l'efficacité. Dans ce but, des modèles d'immunothérapie ont été mis au point chez la souris. Ils permettent une plus grande liberté d'investigation. Dans cette étude, un modèle d'asthme allergique dans la souris a été établi par une sensibilisation à un antigène particulier : l'ovalbumine (OVA). Ce modèle présente les caractéristiques principales de l'asthme humain : recrutement de cellules inflammatoires dans les poumons, augmentation de la production d'anticorps et de la résistance des bronches aux flux respiratoires. Cette souris asthmatique a ensuite été traitée par application nasale d'OVA. Comparées aux souris non traitées, les souris traitées à l'OVA ont moins de cellules inflammatoires dans leurs poumons et produisent moins d'anticorps IgE. D'autres marqueurs inflammatoires sont aussi fortement diminués. Des cellules de poumons ou de ganglions bronchiques prélevées sur des souris traitées injectées dans des souris asthmatiques améliorent les symptômes de l'asthme. Ces cellules pourraient donc avoir un rôle régulateur dans l'asthme. Les caractériser et les étudier afin d'être capable de les générer est crucial pour les futures thérapies de l'asthme.


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Techniques for collecting exhaled nitric oxide (ENO) recommend the use of antibacterial filters of 0.3 µm. The aim of the present study was to compare the measurements of ENO obtained with two different filtering devices. Air samples from 17 asthmatic and 17 non-asthmatic subjects were collected by a recommended off-line technique using two different mouthpieces: 1) the Sievers disposable tool (A) under a breathing pressure of 18 cmH2O, and 2) a mouthpiece containing a HEPA filter (B) under a breathing pressure of 12 cmH2O. The nitric oxide samples were collected into an impermeable reservoir bag. Values for ENO were compared using two-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by the Tukey test. Agreement was assessed by Bland-Altman analysis. ENO values obtained with mouthpieces A and B were comparable for asthmatic (mean ± SEM, 42.9 ± 6.9 vs 43.3 ± 6.6 ppb) and non-asthmatic (13.3 ± 1.3 vs 13.7 ± 1.1 ppb) subjects. There was a significant difference in ENO between asthmatics and non-asthmatics using either mouthpiece A (P<0.001) or B (P<0.001). There was a positive correlation between mouthpiece A and mouthpiece B for both groups. The Bland-Altman limits of agreement were considered to be acceptable. Mouthpiece B was less expensive than A, and these data show that it can be used without compromising the result. Our data confirm reports of higher ENO values in the presence of airway inflammation.


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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). One strategy to treat allergic diseases is the development of new drugs. Flavonoids are compounds derived from plants and are known to have antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. To investigate whether the flavonoid kaempferol glycoside 3-O-[beta-D-glycopiranosil-(1 -> 6)-alpha-L-ramnopiranosil]-7-O-alpha-L-ramnopiranosil-kaempferol (GRRK) would be capable of modulating allergic airway disease (AAD) either as a preventive (GRRK P) or curative (GRRK C) treatment in an experimental model of asthma. At weekly intervals, BALB/c mice were subcutaneously (sc) sensitized twice with ovalbumin (OVA)/alum and challenged twice with OVA administered intranasally. To evaluate any preventive effects GRRK was administered 1 h (hour) before each OVA-sensitization and challenge, while to analyze the curative effects mice were first sensitized with OVA, followed by GRRK given at day 18 through 21. The onset: of AAD was evaluated 24 h after the last OVA challenge. Both treatments resulted in a dose-dependent reduction in total leukocyte and eosinophil counts in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL). GRRK also decreased CD4(+), B220(+), MHC class II and CD40 molecule expressions in BAL cells. Histology and lung mechanic showed that GRRK suppressed mucus production and ameliorated the AHR induced by OVA challenge. Furthermore, GRRK impaired Th2 cytokine production (IL-5 and IL-13) and did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. These findings demonstrate that GRRK treatment before or after established allergic lung disease down-regulates key asthmatic features. Therefore. GRRK has a potential clinical use for the treatment of allergic asthma. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background/Aims: Epidemiological studies suggest that stress has an impact on asthmatic exacerbations. We evaluated if repeated stress, induced by forced swimming, modulates lung mechanics, distal airway inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling in guinea pigs with chronic allergic inflammation. Methods: Guinea pigs were submitted to 7 ovalbumin or saline aerosols (1-5 mg/ml during 4 weeks; OVA and SAL groups). Twenty-four hours after the 4th inhalation, guinea pigs were submitted to the stress protocol 5 times a week during 2 weeks (SAL-S and OVA-S groups). Seventy-two hours after the 7th inhalation, guinea pigs were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. Resistance and elastance of the respiratory system were obtained at baseline and after ovalbumin challenge. Lungs were removed, and inflammatory and extracellular matrix remodeling of distal airways was assessed by morphometry. Adrenals were removed and weighed. Results: The relative adrenal weight was greater in stressed guinea pigs compared to non-stressed animals (p < 0.001). Repeated stress increased the percent elastance of the respiratory system after antigen challenge and eosinophils and lymphocytes in the OVA-S compared to the OVA group (p < 0.001, p = 0.003 and p < 0.001). Neither collagen nor elastic fiber contents were modified by stress in sensitized animals. Conclusions: In this animal model, repeated stress amplified bronchoconstriction and inflammatory response in distal airways without interfering with extracellular matrix remodeling. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Airway smooth muscle constriction induced by cholinergic agonists such as methacholine (MCh), which is typically increased in asthmatic patients, is regulated mainly by muscle muscarinic M3 receptors and negatively by vagal muscarinic M2 receptors. Here we evaluated basal (intrinsic) and allergen-induced (extrinsic) airway responses to MCh. We used two mouse lines selected to respond maximally (AIRmax) or minimally (AIRmin) to innate inflammatory stimuli. We found that in basal condition AIRmin mice responded more vigorously to MCh than AIRmax. Treatment with a specific M2 antagonist increased airway response of AIRmax but not of AIRmin mice. The expression of M2 receptors in the lung was significantly lower in AIRmin compared to AIRmax animals. AIRmax mice developed a more intense allergic inflammation than AIRmin, and both allergic mouse lines increased airway responses to MCh. However, gallamine treatment of allergic groups did not affect the responses to MCh. Our results confirm that low or dysfunctional M2 receptor activity is associated with increased airway responsiveness to MCh and that this trait was inherited during the selective breeding of AIRmin mice and was acquired by AIRmax mice during allergic lung inflammation


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Asthma is a heterogeneous inflammatory airway disorder that involves eosinophilic and noneosinophilic phenotypes. Unlike in healthy lungs, eosinophils are often present in atopic asthmatic airways, although a subpopulation of asthmatic subjects predominantly experience neutrophilic inflammation. Recently, it has been demonstrated that eosinophils and neutrophils generate bactericidal extracellular traps consisting of DNA and cytotoxic granule proteins.