938 resultados para ASPERGILLUS INFECTIONS


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We thank the Clinical Directors from the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP for their support: Prof. Jose Otávio Costa Auler Junior, Prof. Tarcísio Eloi Pessoa de Barros Filho and Prof. Eloísa Bonfá


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The permanent contact with cork may lead to constant exposure to fungi, raising awareness as a potential occupational hazard in the cork industry.The presence of fungi belonging to the Penicillium glabrum complex has been associated with the development of respiratory diseases such as suberosis, one of the most prevalent diseases among workers from cork industries, besides occupational asthma. Azoles are used as pesticides but also the first line therapy in the treatment of Aspergillus infections; azole-resistance as been described as to have also an environmental source and is considered an emerging public health problem.The aim of this work was to characterize fungal distribution and to evaluate the presence of azole-resistant Aspergillus isolates in nose swab samples from the cork industry workers.


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Invasive candidiasis and aspergillosis are major complications in surgical and onco-hematological patients, and still associated with an important morbidity and mortality. A large number of studies highlighted the potential role of host genetic polymorphisms that may influence susceptibility to fungal pathogens, but many were limited by insufficient statistical power, problematic design, and/or lack of replication. However, some relevant polymorphisms are now emerging from well-conducted studies whose associations have been replicated and/or are supported by strong biological evidence. Such polymorphisms together with other biomarkers may play a role in the prediction, diagnosis, and management of severe fungal infections in high-risk patients in the coming years.


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To study emerging diseases, I employed a model pathogen-host system involving infections of insect larvae with the opportunistic fungus Aspergillus flavus, providing insight into three mechanisms ofpathogen evolution namely de novo mutation, genome decay, and virulence factoracquisition In Chapter 2 as a foundational experiment, A. flavus was serially propagated through insects to study the evolution of an opportunistic pathogen during repeated exposure to a single host. While A. flavus displayed de novo phenotypic alterations, namely decreased saprobic capacity, analysis of genotypic variation in Chapter 3 signified a host-imposed bottleneck on the pathogen population, emphasizing the host's role in shaping pathogen population structure. Described in Chapter 4, the serial passage scheme enabled the isolation of an A. flavus cysteine/methionine auxotroph with characteristics reminiscent of an obligate insect pathogen, suggesting that lost biosynthetic capacity may restrict host range based on nutrient availability and provide selection pressure for further evolution. As outlined in Chapter 6, cysteine/methionine auxotrophy had the pleiotrophic effect of increasing virulence factor production, affording the slow-growing auxotroph with a modified pathogenic strategy such that virulence was not reduced. Moreover in Chapter 7, transformation with a virulence factor from a facultative insect pathogen failed to increase virulence, demonstrating the necessity of an appropriate genetic background for virulence factor acquisition to instigate pathogen evolution.


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A incidência de infecções fúngicas invasivas vem aumentando nos últimos anos. Estas infecções, em geral, apresentam altas taxas de mortalidade. A profilaxia com antifúngicos ainda é a estratégia mais comum na contenção da mortalidade e prevenção contra infecções fúngicas invasivas, porém, apresenta baixa eficiência, e relatos de resistência às drogas. Além disso, a terapia antifúngica é limitada a um pequeno grupo de drogas, como os polienos, azóis e equinocandinas. Desta forma, a busca de novos alvos de drogas é fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos antifúngicos. Estudos in silico indicaram quatro genes como potenciais alvo de drogas em fungos patogênicos. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a expressão das proteínas codificadas por dois destes possíveis genes alvo, a proteína erg6, na fração microssomal, e trr1, na fração citosólica, em hifas de A. fumigatus. Visando alcançar este objetivo, foram primeiramente padronizadas todas as etapas de fracionamento celular visando isolar estas duas subfrações celulares de A. fumigatus. Posteriormente, foi otimizado o protocolo de extração e reidratação de proteínas microssomais bem como reidratação de proteínas citosólicas. Estes extratos foram submetidos a diferentes protocolos de fracionamento proteico em um sistema de eletroforese OFFGEL (OGE). Os resultados de Western immunoblot mostraram que estas duas proteínas, erg6 e trr1, são de fato expressas na fase filamentosa de A. fumigatus. O extrato proteico da fração microssomal submetido ao OGE em doze subfrações apresentou três subunidades da proteína erg6, reconhecidas pelo anticorpo monoclonal, com massas moleculares e pI distintos: uma subunidade de aproximadamente 79 kDa com pI entre 5,91 e 6,49, e outras duas subunidades de aproximadamente 35 kDa e 32 kDa, ambas com pI entre 6,49 e 7,08. A enzima erg6 foi descrita como um homotetrâmero em outros fungos. Porém, nossos resultados sugerem que, em A. fumigatus, a erg6 possui uma estrutura heterotetramérica. Quanto à proteína trr1, tanto no extrato total quanto nas frações resultantes do fracionamento em OGE, uma banda única de aproximadamente 40 kDa, com pI na faixa de 4,79 e 5,33, foi reconhecida pelo anticorpo policlonal. Desta forma, esta proteína parece ter uma estrutura homodimérica, assim como descrito em outros micro-organismos.


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Apesar do desenvolvimento de novas drogas antifúngicas e da sua utilização como terapia profilática visando à prevenção de infecções fúngicas invasivas, estas ainda constituem-se num problema emergente, com elevadas taxas de mortalidade. Neste contexto, destaca-se a aspergilose invasiva, uma infecção fúngica oportunista que acomete pacientes com neutropenia profunda e prolongada, principalmente os pacientes com leucemia aguda ou submetidos a transplante de medula óssea. Aspergillus fumigatus, um fungo filamentoso, é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, sendo um patógeno angioinvasivo. As hifas deste fungo são capazes de causar injúria e ativação endotelial, induzindo o endotélio a um fenótipo pró-trombótico, que por sua vez, é mediado pela secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, em especial, o TNF-α. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a capacidade de cepas mutantes de A. fumigatus em ativar células endoteliais, avaliando o perfil de secreção de citocinas em meio condicionado e a expressão de fator tecidual. Resumidamente, monocamadas confluentes de células endoteliais isoladas da veia umbilical humana foram incubadas com conídios e tubos germinativos de cepas selvagens (Af293 e Ku80) e mutantes (Δugm1, ΔcalA, ΔcrzA, ΔprtT) de A. fumigatus. A taxa de adesão e endocitose destas cepas às monocamadas de HUVEC foi avaliada a partir de um ensaio quantitativo de imunofluorescência diferencial. O perfil cinético de secreção de citocinas foi determinado em meio condicionado das HUVECs, por ensaio de multiplex para IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-α. A ativação endotelial, por sua vez, foi determinada pela expressão de fator tecidual por RT-PCR em tempo real. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a mutante para o gene ugm1, responsável por codificar a enzima UDP-galactopiranose mutase, que converte resíduos de galactopiranose a galactofuranose, apresentou um fenótipo hiperaderente às células endoteliais e um estímulo 10 vezes maior à secreção de TNF-α e 2,5 vezes maior a secreção de IL-6, quando comparada a ativação observada para as cepas selvagens. A galactofuranose é um componente importante de glicoconjugados da parede celular de A. fumigatus. Dessa forma, a ausência desse monossacarídeo na célula fúngica leva a um mecanismo compensatório caracterizado por um aumento na expressão de moléculas de galactosaminogalactana na parede celular. De maneira contrária, mutantes para os genes calA e crzA, apresentaram um fenótipo hipoaderente às HUVECs e uma perda na capacidade de induzir a secreção de citocinas e ativar o endotélio. Essas mutantes apresentam deleções que interferem na via de cálcio/calcineurina, responsável por regular a morfogênese e virulência de A. fumigatus, além de apresentarem alterações no conteúdo de beta-1-3 glucana. Já a cepa ΔprtT, mutante para o fator de transcrição prtT que regula a secreção de múltiplas proteases, apresentou um fenótipo de adesão, estímulo e ativação endotelial semelhante ao observado para as cepas selvagens. A comparação entre a capacidade de conídios e tubos germinativos em ativar células endoteliais, corroborou achados anteriores da literatura que reportam que só hifas são capazes de ativar células endoteliais, independentemente da sua viabilidade. Os dados deste estudo permitiram concluir que dentre os componentes de superfície celular de A. fumigatus, os polímeros de galactose, em especial a galactosaminogalactana, parecem ser responsáveis, pelo menos em parte, pelos mecanismos de interação e ativação endotelial.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal infections (IFIs) are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among organ transplant recipients. Multicenter prospective surveillance data to determine disease burden and secular trends are lacking. METHODS: The Transplant-Associated Infection Surveillance Network (TRANSNET) is a consortium of 23 US transplant centers, including 15 that contributed to the organ transplant recipient dataset. We prospectively identified IFIs among organ transplant recipients from March, 2001 through March, 2006 at these sites. To explore trends, we calculated the 12-month cumulative incidence among 9 sequential cohorts. RESULTS: During the surveillance period, 1208 IFIs were identified among 1063 organ transplant recipients. The most common IFIs were invasive candidiasis (53%), invasive aspergillosis (19%), cryptococcosis (8%), non-Aspergillus molds (8%), endemic fungi (5%), and zygomycosis (2%). Median time to onset of candidiasis, aspergillosis, and cryptococcosis was 103, 184, and 575 days, respectively. Among a cohort of 16,808 patients who underwent transplantation between March 2001 and September 2005 and were followed through March 2006, a total of 729 IFIs were reported among 633 persons. One-year cumulative incidences of the first IFI were 11.6%, 8.6%, 4.7%, 4.0%, 3.4%, and 1.3% for small bowel, lung, liver, heart, pancreas, and kidney transplant recipients, respectively. One-year incidence was highest for invasive candidiasis (1.95%) and aspergillosis (0.65%). Trend analysis showed a slight increase in cumulative incidence from 2002 to 2005. CONCLUSIONS: We detected a slight increase in IFIs during the surveillance period. These data provide important insights into the timing and incidence of IFIs among organ transplant recipients, which can help to focus effective prevention and treatment strategies.


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Fungi of the genus Aspergillus are widespread in the environment. Some Aspergillus species, most commonly Aspergillus fumigatus, may lead to a variety of allergic reactions and life-threatening systemic infections in humans. Invasive aspergillosis occurs primarily in patients with severe immunodeficiency, and has dramatically increased in recent years. There are several factors at play that contribute to aspergillosis, including both fungus and host-related factors such as strain virulence and host pulmonary structure/immune status, respectively. The environmental tenacity of Aspergilllus, its dominance in diverse microbial communities/habitats, and its ability to navigate the ecophysiological and biophysical challenges of host infection are attributable, in large part, to a robust stress-tolerance biology and exceptional capacity to generate cell-available energy. Aspects of its stress metabolism, ecology, interactions with diverse animal hosts, clinical presentations and treatment regimens have been well-studied over the past years. Here, we synthesize these findings in relation to the way in which some Aspergillus species have become successful opportunistic pathogens of human- and other animal hosts. We focus on the biophysical capabilities of Aspergillus pathogens, key aspects of their ecophysiology and the flexibility to undergo a sexual cycle or form cryptic species. Additionally, recent advances in diagnosis of the disease are discussed as well as implications in relation to questions that have yet to be resolved.


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Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat avaient pour but de mettre au point des nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sous forme de nanoparticules polymériques (NP) en vue d’améliorer l’efficacité et la spécificité des traitements antifongiques sur des souches sensibles ou résistantes de Candida spp, d’Aspergillus spp et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé un polymère à base de polyester-co-polyéther branché avec du poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG-g-PLA). En plus d’être original et innovant, ce co-polymère a l’avantage d’être non-toxique et de posséder des caractéristiques de libération prolongée. Trois antifongiques couramment utilisés en clinique et présentant une biodisponibilité non optimale ont été choisis, soient deux azolés, le voriconazole (VRZ) et l’itraconazole (ITZ) et un polyène, l’amphotéricine B (AMB). Ces principes actifs (PA), en plus des problèmes d’administration, présentent aussi d’importants problèmes de toxicité. Des NP polymériques encapsulant ces PA ont été préparées par une technique d’émulsion huile-dans-l’eau (H/E) suivie d’évaporation de solvant. Une fois fabriquées, les NP ont été caractérisées et des particules de d’environ 200 nm de diamètre ont été obtenues. Les NP ont été conçues pour avoir une structure coeur/couronne avec un coeur constitué de polymère hydrophobe (PLA) et une couronne hydrophile de PEG. Une faible efficacité de chargement (1,3% m/m) a été obtenue pour la formulation VRZ encapsulé dans des NP (NP/VRZ). Toutefois, la formulation AMB encapsulée dans des NP (NP/AMB) a montré des taux de chargement satisfaisants (25,3% m/m). En effet, le caractère hydrophobe du PLA a assuré une bonne affinité avec les PA hydrophobes, particulièrement l’AMB qui est le plus hydrophobe des agents sélectionnés. Les études de libération contrôlée ont montré un relargage des PA sur plusieurs jours. La formulation NP/AMB a été testée sur un impacteur en cascade, un modèle in vitro de poumon et a permis de démontrer le potentiel de cette formulation à être administrée efficacement par voie pulmonaire. En effet, les résultats sur l’impacteur en cascade ont montré que la majorité de la formulation s’est retrouvée à l’étage de collecte correspondant au niveau bronchique, endroit où se situent majoritairement les infections fongiques pulmonaires. Dans la deuxième partie de ces travaux, nous avons testé les nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sur des souches planctoniques de Candida spp., d’Aspergillus spp. et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm selon les procédures standardisées du National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Les souches choisies ont démontré des résistances aux azolés et aux polyènes. Les études d’efficacité in vitro ont permis de prouver hors de tout doute que les nouvelles formulations offrent une efficacité nettement améliorée comparée à l’agent antifongique libre. Pour mettre en lumière si l’amélioration de l’efficacité antifongique était due à une internalisation des NP, nous avons évalué le comportement des NP avec les cellules de champignons. Nous avons procédé à des études qualitatives de microscopie de fluorescence sur des NP marquées avec de la rhodamine (Rh). Tel qu’attendu, les NP ont montré une localisation intracellulaire. Pour exclure la possibilité d’une simple adhésion des NP à la surface des levures, nous avons aussi confirmé leur internalisation en microscopie confocale de fluorescence. Il est important de noter que peu d’études à ce jour ont mis l’accent sur l’élaboration de nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques à base de polymères non toxiques destinées aux traitements des mycoses, donnant ainsi une grande valeur et originalité aux travaux effectués dans cette thèse. Les résultats probants obtenus ouvrent la voie vers une nouvelle approche pour contourner les problèmes de résistances fongiques, un problème de plus en plus important dans le domaine de l’infectiologie.


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We previously observed that hypoxia is an important component of host microenvironments during pulmonary fungal infections. However, mechanisms of fungal growth in these in vivo hypoxic conditions are poorly understood. Here, we report that mitochondrial respiration is active in hypoxia (1% oxygen) and critical for fungal pathogenesis. We generated Aspergillus fumigatus alternative oxidase (aoxA) and cytochrome C (cycA) null mutants and assessed their ability to tolerate hypoxia, macrophage killing and virulence. In contrast to ?aoxA, ?cycA was found to be significantly impaired in conidia germination, growth in normoxia and hypoxia, and displayed attenuated virulence. Intriguingly, loss of cycA results in increased levels of AoxA activity, which results in increased resistance to oxidative stress, macrophage killing and long-term persistence in murine lungs. Thus, our results demonstrate a previously unidentified role for fungal mitochondrial respiration in the pathogenesis of aspergillosis, and lay the foundation for future research into its role in hypoxia signalling and adaptation.


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Background. The number of infections of cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED) continues to escalate out of proportion to the increase rate of device implantation. Staphylococcal organisms account for 70% to 90% of all CIED infections. However, little is known about non-staphylococcal infections, which have been described only in case reports, small case series or combined in larger studies with staphylococcal CIED infections, thereby diluting their individual impact. ^ Methods. A retrospective review of hospital records of patients admitted with a CIED-related infections were identified within four academic hospitals in Houston, Texas between 2002 and 2009. ^ Results. Of the 504 identified patients with CIED-related infection, 80 (16%) had a non-staphylococcal infection and were the focus of this study. Although the demographics and comorbities of subjects were comparable to other reports, our study illustrates many key points: (a) the microbiologic diversity of non-staphylococcal infections was rather extensive, as it included other Gram-positive bacteria like streptococci and enterococci, a variety of Gram-negative bacteria, atypical bacteria including Nocardia and Mycobacteria, and fungi like Candida and Aspergillus; (b) the duration of CIED insertion prior to non-staphylococcal infection was relatively prolong (mean, 109 ± 27 weeks), of these 44% had their device previously manipulated within a mean of 29.5 ± 6 weeks; (c) non-staphylococcal organisms appear to be less virulent, cause prolonged clinical symptoms prior to admission (mean, 48 ± 12.8 days), and are associated with a lower mortality (4%) than staphylococcal organisms; (d) thirteen patients (16%) presented with CIED-related endocarditis; (e) although not described in prior reports, we identified 3 definite and 2 suspected cases of secondary Gram-negative bacteremia seeding of the CIED; and (f) inappropriate antimicrobial coverage was provided in approximately 50% of patients with non-staphylococcal infections for a mean period of 2.1 days. ^ Conclusions. Non-staphylococcal CIED-related infections are prevalent and diverse with a relatively low virulence and mortality rate. Since non-staphylococcal organisms are capable of secondarily seeding the CIED, a high suspicion for CIED-related infection is warranted in patients with bloodstream infection. Additionally, in patients with suspected CIED infection, adequate Gram positive and -negative antibacterial coverage should be administered until microbiologic data become available.^


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Fungi are ubiquitous organisms in nature and can be found in association with healthy eyes. The incidence of actual fungal infection of the eye, however, is relatively low compared with that attributable to viruses and bacteria. Nevertheless, fungal infection of the eye is increasing especially in immuno-compromised patients and a wide variety of fungal infections have now been described worldwide with species of Fusarium, Aspergillus, Candida, and dematiaceous fungi predominating. At present there are a limited number of compounds available to control ocular mycoses while resistance to anti-fungal agents has been growing in recent years, especially to azoles. Several mechanisms of resistance have been identified including modification of sterol synthesis pathways by the fungus, modification of enzymes to reduce the binding of azoles to fungal components and increased efficiency of removal of the azole within fungal cells. Although resistance to amphotericin-B has been reported, it continues to be the most important treatment for life-threatening conditions and more severe ophthalmic infections. Natamycin is often first choice for filamentous fungal keratitis and topical amphotericin-B for Candida keratitis. Continued monitoring of the behaviour of ocular fungi will be essential in future together with the development of new anti-fungal agents.


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Background: Aspergillosis has been identified as one of the hospital acquired infections but the contribution of water and inhouse air as possible sources of Aspergillus infection in immunocompromised individuals like HIV-TB patients have not been studied in any hospital setting in Nigeria. Objective: To identify and investigate genetic relationship between clinical and environmental Aspergillus species associated with HIV-TB co infected patients. Methods: DNA extraction, purification, amplification and sequencing of Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) genes were performed using standard protocols. Similarity search using BLAST on NCBI was used for species identification and MEGA 5.0 was used for phylogenetic analysis. Results: Analyses of sequenced ITS genes of selected fourteen (14) Aspergillus isolates identified in the GenBank database revealed Aspergillus niger (28.57%), Aspergillus tubingensis (7.14%), Aspergillus flavus (7.14%) and Aspergillus fumigatus (57.14%). Aspergillus in sputum of HIV patients were Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. tubingensis and A. flavus. Also, A. niger and A. fumigatus were identified from water and open-air. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences yielded genetic relatedness between clinical and environmental isolates. Conclusion: Water and air in health care settings in Nigeria are important sources of Aspergillus sp. for HIV-TB patients.