999 resultados para ARTERIAL LESIONS


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An endovascular approach is increasingly used for the treatment of peripheral arterial trauma (PAT), but evidence supporting this approach is lacking. The objective of our study was to assess outcomes for endovascular repair (ER) versus operative repair (OR) in PAT.


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Morphometric, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies were carried out on the diffuse intimal thickening (DIT) in arteries of 7 sheep with clinical signs of naturally occurring enzootic calcinosis due to ingestion of the plant Nierembergia veitchii. Arterial lesions consisted of medial deposition of calcium salts and DIT. Calcification of the intima was rare, mild and located near the elastic lamina. By immunohistochemistry a-actin was detected in cells of the media and in cells forming the intimal thickening. Receptors for 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 were detected in nuclei of intimal, medial and endothelial cells. DIT was irregularly distributed and was neither proportionally related to the intensity of the underlying mineralization area nor to the thickening of the remaining media. Ultrastructural morphometry in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the media and thickened intima revealed, in the latter, an increase of 318% in the volumetric fraction of those organelles involved in synthesis and a proportional decrease in contractile elements when compared to normal values of media cells. There were histological and ultrastructural evidences of modification of SMCs and their migration to the intima, where they proliferated causing DIT. It was concluded that DIT is a consistent component of arteriosclerotic lesions in N. veitchii induced calcinosis of sheep and that the predominant cell in this process is the SMCs originated from its predecessors of the media. It is suggested that the inducing factor for the arterial changes is 1,25(OH)2 D3 present in N. veitchii.


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L’athérosclérose est une maladie qui cause, par l’accumulation de plaques lipidiques, le durcissement de la paroi des artères et le rétrécissement de la lumière. Ces lésions sont généralement localisées sur les segments artériels coronariens, carotidiens, aortiques, rénaux, digestifs et périphériques. En ce qui concerne l’atteinte périphérique, celle des membres inférieurs est particulièrement fréquente. En effet, la sévérité de ces lésions artérielles est souvent évaluée par le degré d’une sténose (réduction >50 % du diamètre de la lumière) en angiographie, imagerie par résonnance magnétique (IRM), tomodensitométrie ou échographie. Cependant, pour planifier une intervention chirurgicale, une représentation géométrique artérielle 3D est notamment préférable. Les méthodes d’imagerie par coupe (IRM et tomodensitométrie) sont très performantes pour générer une imagerie tridimensionnelle de bonne qualité mais leurs utilisations sont dispendieuses et invasives pour les patients. L’échographie 3D peut constituer une avenue très prometteuse en imagerie pour la localisation et la quantification des sténoses. Cette modalité d’imagerie offre des avantages distincts tels la commodité, des coûts peu élevés pour un diagnostic non invasif (sans irradiation ni agent de contraste néphrotoxique) et aussi l’option d’analyse en Doppler pour quantifier le flux sanguin. Étant donné que les robots médicaux ont déjà été utilisés avec succès en chirurgie et en orthopédie, notre équipe a conçu un nouveau système robotique d’échographie 3D pour détecter et quantifier les sténoses des membres inférieurs. Avec cette nouvelle technologie, un radiologue fait l’apprentissage manuel au robot d’un balayage échographique du vaisseau concerné. Par la suite, le robot répète à très haute précision la trajectoire apprise, contrôle simultanément le processus d’acquisition d’images échographiques à un pas d’échantillonnage constant et conserve de façon sécuritaire la force appliquée par la sonde sur la peau du patient. Par conséquent, la reconstruction d’une géométrie artérielle 3D des membres inférieurs à partir de ce système pourrait permettre une localisation et une quantification des sténoses à très grande fiabilité. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche consistait donc à valider et optimiser ce système robotisé d’imagerie échographique 3D. La fiabilité d’une géométrie reconstruite en 3D à partir d’un système référentiel robotique dépend beaucoup de la précision du positionnement et de la procédure de calibration. De ce fait, la précision pour le positionnement du bras robotique fut évaluée à travers son espace de travail avec un fantôme spécialement conçu pour simuler la configuration des artères des membres inférieurs (article 1 - chapitre 3). De plus, un fantôme de fils croisés en forme de Z a été conçu pour assurer une calibration précise du système robotique (article 2 - chapitre 4). Ces méthodes optimales ont été utilisées pour valider le système pour l’application clinique et trouver la transformation qui convertit les coordonnées de l’image échographique 2D dans le référentiel cartésien du bras robotisé. À partir de ces résultats, tout objet balayé par le système robotique peut être caractérisé pour une reconstruction 3D adéquate. Des fantômes vasculaires compatibles avec plusieurs modalités d’imagerie ont été utilisés pour simuler différentes représentations artérielles des membres inférieurs (article 2 - chapitre 4, article 3 - chapitre 5). La validation des géométries reconstruites a été effectuée à l`aide d`analyses comparatives. La précision pour localiser et quantifier les sténoses avec ce système robotisé d’imagerie échographique 3D a aussi été déterminée. Ces évaluations ont été réalisées in vivo pour percevoir le potentiel de l’utilisation d’un tel système en clinique (article 3- chapitre 5).


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Foram feitos estudos morfométrico, imunoistoquímico e ultra-estrutural do espessamento intimal difuso (DIT) das artérias de 7 ovinos com sinais clínicos de calcinose enzoótica espontânea causada pela ingestão da planta Nierembergia veitchii. As lesões caracterizavam-se por deposição de sais de cálcio na média como placas e estrias que, com frequência faziam saliência para a luz, criando rugosidades e irregularidades da íntima. Não foram observadas calcificações na artéria pulmonar e no sistema venoso. Microscopicamente, as calcificações das artérias restringiam-se quase que exclusivamente à média. Na imunoistoquimica, foi verificada a-actina nas células da média e nas do espessamento intimal. Receptores para 1,25(OH)2D3 foram evidenciados nos núcleos das células musculares da média, da íntima e das células endoteliais. As análises morfométricas em microscopia ótica revelaram, nas artérias, DIT irregularmente distribuido sem relação com a intensidade dos processos de calcificação subjacente nem com a espessura da média remanescente. A morfometria das alterações ultra-estruturais das células musculares lisas da média e da íntima espessada, mostrou que nessas últimas foi verificado aumento de até 318% na fração volumétrica das organelas de síntese em detrimento dos elementos contráteis, quando comparados com os valores das células da média. Essas modificações indicam a transformação das células musculares lisas de um tipo contrátil para células de tipo sintético. Entre essses dois extremos foram evidenciadas diversas formas intermediárias. Foram observadas evidências histológicas e ultra-estruturais da transformação e migração de células da média através das fenestras da lâmina elástica interna, para a íntima, onde proliferam e formam o DIT. Foi concluído que o DIT é um componente constante nas lesões arterioscleróticas nas calcinoses dos ovinos induzidas pela planta N. veitchii e que as células predominantes são células musculares lisas provenientes de predecessoras da média. Foi constatado que o DIT só excepcionalmente apresenta calcificação, vascularização, presença de células espumosas e fendas de colesterol. Não foram vistas áreas de necrose. Sugere-se que o fator indutor das alterações arteriais é o 1,25(OH)2D3 contido em N. veitchii.


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No data are currently available on the role of oral sirolimus in the prevention of recurrent stenosis in the periphery. We report the effects of oral sirolimus in the prevention of recurrent infrainguinal obstructions in patients with complex peripheral arterial disease. Three patients with ischemic rest pain of the lower limbs and repeated short-term need for surgical and/or endovascular revascularization: 9 times within 12 months, 7 times within 15 months, 11 times within 26 months, respectively. Oral sirolimus on a case by case basis, resulted in less frequent restenosis and longer intervention-free intervals: three re-interventions within 37 months in the first patient, one balloon angioplasty within 17 months in the second, and three re-interventions within 21 months in the third patient, respectively. Side effects, in particular dyspepsia and diarrhoea, were mild and tolerable. To our knowledge, this is the first report to show that oral sirolimus was successfully administered in patients with recurrent excessive neointimal proliferation after revascularization of peripheral arterial lesions lowering the necessity of re-intervention and hence prolonging intervention-free intervals.


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PURPOSE To explore the cost-effectiveness of using drug-eluting balloon (DEB) angioplasty for the treatment of femoropopliteal arterial lesions, which has been shown to significantly lower the rates of target lesion revascularization (TLR) compared with standard balloon angioplasty (BA). METHODS A simplified decision-analytic model based on TLR rates reported in the literature was applied to baseline and follow-up costs associated with in-hospital patient treatment during 1 year of follow-up. Costs were expressed in Swiss Francs (sFr) and calculated per 100 patients treated. Budgets were analyzed in the context of current SwissDRG reimbursement figures and calculated from two different perspectives: a general budget on total treatment costs (third-party healthcare payer) as well as a budget focusing on the physician/facility provider perspective. RESULTS After 1 year, use of DEB was associated with substantially lower total inpatient treatment costs when compared with BA (sFr 861,916 vs. sFr 951,877) despite the need for a greater investment at baseline related to higher prices for DEBs. In the absence of dedicated reimbursement incentives, however, use of DEB was shown to be the financially less favorable treatment approach from the physician/facility provider perspective (12-month total earnings: sFr 179,238 vs. sFr 333,678). CONCLUSION Use of DEBs may be cost-effective through prevention of TLR at 1 year of follow-up. The introduction of dedicated financial incentives aimed at improving DEB reimbursements may help lower total healthcare costs.


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Background: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty has been used with increasing frequency in the treatment of infrainguinal arterial occlusive disease. This meta-analysis aimed to assess the middle-term outcomes after crural angioplasty in patients with chronic critical limb ischemia and compare results with a meta-analysis of popliteal-to-distal vein bypass graft. Methods: Data were retrieved from 30 articles published from 1990 through 2006 (63% of articles published between 2000 and 2006). All studies used survival analysis, reported a 12-month cumulative rate of patency or limb salvage, and included at least 15 infrapopliteal angioplasties. The outcome measures were immediate technical success, primary and secondary patency, limb salvage, and patient survival. Data from life-tables, survival curves, and texts were used. Results. The pooled estimate of success was 89.0% +/- 2.2% for immediate technical result. Results at 1 and 36 months were 77.4% +/- 4.1% and 48.6% +/- 8.0% for primary patency, 83.3% +/- 1.4% and 62.9% +/- 11.0% for secondary patency, 93.4% +/- 2.3% and 82.4% +/- 3.4% for limb salvage, and 98.3% +/- 0.7% and 68.4% +/- 5.5% for patient survival, respectively. Studies with >75% of the limbs with tissue loss fared worse than their respective comparative subgroup for technical success and patency but not for limb salvage or survival. No publication bias was detected. Conclusion: The technical success and subsequent durability of crural angioplasty are limited compared with bypass surgery, but the clinical benefit is acceptable because limb salvage rates are equivalent to bypass surgery. Further studies are necessary to determine the proper role of infrapopliteal angioplasty.


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Graft vasculopathy is an accelerated form of coronary artery disease that occurs in transplanted hearts. Despite major advances in immunosuppression, the prevalence of the disease has remained substantially unchanged during the last two decades. According to the 'response to injury' paradigm, graft vasculopathy is the result of a continuous inflammatory response to tissue injury initiated by both alloantigen-dependent and independent stress responses. Experimental evidence suggests that these responses may become self-sustaining, as allograft re-transplantation into the donor strain at a later stage fails to prevent disease progression. Histological evidence of endothelitis and arteritis, in association with intima fibrosis and atherosclerosis, reflects the central role of alloimmunity and inflammation in the development of arterial lesions. Experimental results in gene-targeted mouse models indicate that cellular and humoral immune responses are both involved in the pathogenesis of graft vasculopathy. Circulating antibodies against donor endothelium are found in a significant number of patients, but their pathogenic role is still controversial. Alloantigen-independent factors include donor-transmitted coronary artery disease, surgical trauma, ischaemia-reperfusion injury, viral infections, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, and glucose intolerance. Recent therapeutic advances include the use of novel immunosuppressive agents such as sirolimus (rapamycin), HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Optimal treatment of cardiovascular risk factors remains of paramount importance.


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The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for patients infected with HIV has significantly prolonged the life expectancy and to some extent has restored a functional immune response. However, the premature introduction of HAART has led to a significant and alarming increase in cardiovascular complications, including myocardial infarction and the appearance of abnormal distribution of body fat seen as lipodystrophy. One key element in the development of ischemic coronary artery disease is the presence of circulating and tissue-fixed modified low density lipoprotein (mLDL) that contributes to the initiation and progression of arterial lesions and to the formation of foam cells. Even though not completely elucidated, the most likely mechanism involves mLDL in the inflammatory response and the induction of a specific immune response against mLDL. Circulating antibodies against mLDL can serve as an indirect marker of the presence of circulating and vessel-fixed mLDL. In the present study, we measured antibodies to mLDL and correlated them with immune status (i.e., number of CD4+ T cells) in 59 HIV patients and with the clinical manifestation of lipodystrophy in 10 patients. We observed a significant reduction in anti-mLDL antibody levels related both to lipodystrophy and to an immunocompromised state in HIV patients. We speculate that these antibodies may explain in part the rapid development of ischemic coronary artery disease in some patients.


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OBIETTIVO : Quantificare le CECs/ml nei pazienti affetti da ischemia critica (IC) degli arti inferiori, eventuali correlazioni tra i fattori di rischio, lo stadio clinico con l’ aumento delle CECs. Valutare i cambiamenti strutturali (calcificazione ed infiltratto infiammatorio) e l’ angiogenesi (numero di capillari /sezione) della parete arteriosa. MATERIALI E METODI: Da Maggio 2006 ad Aprile 2008 in modo prospettico abbiamo arruolato paziente affetti da IC da sottoporre ad intervento chirurgico. In un data base abbiamo raccolto : caratteristiche demografiche, fattori di rischio, stadiazione dell'IC secondo Leriche-Fontaine (L-F), il tipo di intervento chirurgico. Per ogni paziente abbiamo effettuato un prelievo ematico di 2 ml per la quantificazione immunomagnetica delle CECs e prelievo di parete arteriosa. RISULTATI: In modo consecutivo abbiamo arruolato 33 pazienti (75.8% maschi) con età media di 71 aa (range 34-91aa), affetti da arteriopatia ostruttiva cronica periferica al IV stadio di L-F nel 84.8%, da cardiopatia ischemica cronica nel 60.6%, da ipertensione arteriosa nel 72.7% e da diabete mellito di II tipo nel 66.6%. Il valore medio di CECs/ml è risultato significativamente più elevato (p= 0.001) nei soggetti affetti da IC (CECs/ml =531.24 range 107- 3330) rispetto ai casi controllo (CECs/ml = 125.8 range 19-346 ). Le CECs/ml nei pazienti diabetici sono maggiori rispetto alle CECs/ml nei pazienti non diabetici ( 726.7 /ml vs 325.5/ml ), p< 0.05 I pazienti diabetici hanno presentato maggior incidenza di lesioni arteriose complesse rispetto ai non diabetici (66% vs 47%) e minor densità capillare (65% vs 87%). Conclusioni : Le CECs sono un marker sierologico attendibile di danno vascolare parietale, la loro quantità è maggiore nei pazienti diabetici e ipertesi. La minor capacità angiogenetica della parete arteriosa in presenza di maggior calcificazioni ed infiltrato infiammatorio nei diabetici, dimostra un danno istopatologico di parete maggiore .


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Antecedentes: El trasplante renal es la mejor alternativa terapéutica para la enfermedad renal crónica terminal. Los medicamentos inmunosupresores previenen el rechazo. El rechazo mediado por anticuerpos es frecuente y disminuye la función y duración del injerto. Objetivo: Evaluar sistemáticamente la evidencia disponible relacionada con la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento para el rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en pacientes trasplantados renales. Metodologia: Revisión sistemática en bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus y Biblioteca virtual de la salud. Literatura gris google scholar, google academico, www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu, and https://clinicaltrials.gov/. Búsqueda manual referencias artículos pre-seleccionados así como de revisiones previamente publicadas. Se siguieron las recomendacioes guia PRISMA para la identificacion de artículos potenciales, tamizaje y selección teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusion. Extracción datos de acuerdo a las variables, revisión calidad de los artículos elegidos utilizando evaluación riesgo de segos de Cochrane. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 9 ensayos clínicos publicados entre 1980 y 2016, incluyeron 222 pacientes (113 brazo de intervención y 109 en el control), seguimiento promedio 16 meses. Intervenciones evaluadas plasmaféresis, inmunoadsorción y rituximab. Hubo una amplia heterogeneidad en la definición de criterios de inclusión, criterios diagnósticos de rechazo y medidas de evaluación de eficacia de las intervenciones. Tres estudios encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de tratamiento. Conclusiones: La evidencia sobre la eficacia de los tratamientos del rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en injertos renales es de baja calidad. Son necesarios ensayos clínicos controlados para poder definir el tratamiento óptimo de estos pacientes.


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La monitorització ambulatòria de la pressió arterial (MAPA) és la millor tècnica pel diagnòstic d’hipertensió arterial i es relaciona millor amb l’afectació d’òrgans diana respecte la pressió arterial clínica. Recentment, s’ha descrit un indicador de rigidesa arterial que s’ estima a partir de la MAPA, l’ Ambulatory Arterial Stiffnes Index (AASI). En aquest treball es valora si els pacients amb obesitat mòrbida presenten rigidesa arterial mesurada a través de la MAPA i s’identifiquen factors de risc associats amb la lesió glomerular i vascular.


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AIMS: This study was performed to compare the sensitivity of ultrasonography, computerized tomography during arterial portography, delayed computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging to detect focal liver lesions. Forty three patients with primary or secondary malignant liver lesions were studied prior to surgical intervention. METHODS: The results of the imaging studies were compared with intraoperative examination of the liver, intraoperative ultrasonography and pathology results (29 patients). In the non-operated (14 patients) group, we compared the number of lesions detected by each technique. RESULTS: One hundred and forty six lesions were detected. There was 84% sensitivity with computerized tomography during arterial portography, 61.3% with delayed scan, 63.3% with magnetic resonance imaging and 51% with ultrasonography in operated patients. In patients who did not undergo surgery, magnetic resonance imaging was more sensitive in detecting lesions. CONCLUSIONS: In operated and non-operated patients series, CT during arterial portography had the highest sensitivity, but magnetic resonance imaging had the most consistent overall results.