995 resultados para AREA DE URGENCIAS
Los médicos responsables del manejo de la vía aérea en urgencias se pueden beneficiar de una capacitación específica para ese fin, como lo es el curso de Apoyo Integral Respiratorio en Emergencias (AIRE). Objetivos: Establecer si la capacitación ofrecida por el curso AIRE genera cambios en la técnica de intubación orotraqueal. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo de intervención, en el cual, antes y después del curso, se evaluó a los participantes del curso AIRE sobre conocimientos teóricos en técnica de intubación y en secuencia rápida de intubación. Se midió el número de intentos de intubación, el tiempo requerido para una intubación exitosa y el grado de laringoscopia obtenido empleando la secuencia rápida de intubación (SRI). Resultados: El tiempo de intubación final fue 28 segundos menor que el inicial (p = 0,010); el número de intubaciones en el primer intento final fue de 93,1%, en comparación con el 75% inicial (p = 0,047). El grado de laringoscopia final fue I: 75,9%, II: 24,1%, en comparación con la inicial, I: 37,2%, II: 48,3% y III: 10,3 (p = 0,000). El promedio del examen teórico final fue 1,91 mayor que en el examen teórico inicial (p = 0,000). Conclusiones: El curso AIRE mejoró significativamente la técnica del manejo de la vía aérea, y la convirtió en una herramienta útil para el personal médico de urgencias
Se realiza estudio ecosonográfico con transductor lineal multifrecuencial de 7 - 9Mhz, a 118 pacientes que llegaron al servicio de emergencia del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, con sospecha de apendicitis aguda, se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico a todo paciente diagnosticado clínicamente por anatomía patológica de la pieza anatómica (como prueba de oro). De los 118 pacientes sometidos a este estudio se obtuvo 86 con resultado verdaderos positivos, 4 verdaderos negativos, 2 falsos positivos y 26 falsos negativos. Se obtuvo una sensibilidad del 76-79, una especificidad del 66.67, un valor predictivo positivo del 97.73, y un valor predictivo negativo del 13.33. Conclusiones: Tomando en cuneta las disponibilidades del hospital y que la ecografía es una técnica no invasiva, de bajo costo, fácil realización, recomendaríamos a la combinación entre ecografía, examen de laboratorio (Indice de Gibson) como la de mayor rendimiento ante un paciente con sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda. La ecografía está aindicada en pacientes con sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda, con alto valor diagnóstico y predictivo positivo para hallazgos intraoperativos y patologías concomitantes, siendo de mayor utilidad en pacientes femeninas en edad reaproductiva y patologías dudosas
INTRODUCCIÓN: El control rápido y seguro de la vía aérea es una de las habilidades más importantes que se debe tener para el manejo de pacientes críticamente enfermos y traumatizados en los departamentos de emergencias de todo el mundo, en nuestro medio no contamos con estadísticas que cuantifiquen el éxito y complicaciones en este aspecto. METODOLOGIA: Se realizo un estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, que recolecto los datos de las intubaciones realizadas en la sala de emergencias del Hospital Universitario Mayor “Mederi” por parte de especialistas en medicina de emergencias, medicina interna, médicos generales o personal en entrenamiento, durante el periodo comprendido entre noviembre de 2010 y junio de 2011. RESULTADOS: Se recolecto una muestra de 92 pacientes en el estudio, la causa mas frecuente de intubación orotraqueal fue falla respiratoria 77,2%, el éxito en el primer intento fue de 51,5%, se uso secuencia de intubación rápida como método de intubación en el 56,5% de los pacientes y se presento alguna complicación en el 61% de los pacientes. DISCUSIÓN: El éxito en la intubación orotraqueal es menor y las complicaciones superiores a los de países desarrollados, esto puede estar en relación con la falta del desarrollo de la medicina de emergencias y programas de entrenamiento formal en el manejo de la vía aérea.
[ES] Un servicio de urgencias de una zona ofrece asistencia sanitaria y tiene como principal objetivo atender la patología urgente que acude al hospital y el nivel de compromiso que se asume consiste en diagnosticar, tratar y estabilizar, en la medida posible, dicha patología urgente. Otro objetivo es gestionar la demanda de atención urgente por parte del ciudadano a través de un sistema de selección prioritaria inicial (Triaje) que selecciona, prioriza, organiza y gestiona la demanda de atención. Para poder controlar y realizar el trabajo de la forma más eficaz se utilizan herramientas de gestión necesarias para el control de los pacientes, desde que se realiza su ingreso en el servicio de urgencias hasta el alta del mismo. Las aplicaciones desarrolladas son las siguientes: Gestión de Pacientes en Urgencias: Esta aplicación asignará un estado inicial al paciente y permitirá ir cambiando el estado del mismo usando el método del Triaje (valoración), el más difundido en la medicina de urgencias. Además, se podrán solicitar pruebas diagnósticas y la visualización de marcadores de analíticas para comprobar su evolución. Finalmente, se podrá desarrollar un informe de alta para el paciente. Informadores de Urgencias: La aplicación gestiona la localización física del paciente dentro del servicio de urgencias, permitiendo asimismo el cambio entre las distintas localizaciones y el control para la información a los familiares de los mismos, pudiendo almacenar los familiares y teléfonos de contactos para que estos puedan ser informados. El desarrollo se ha realizado utilizando el MVC (modelo - vista - controlador) que es patrón de arquitectura que separa los datos de una aplicación, la interfaz gráfica de usuario y la lógica de control de componentes. El software utilizado para el desarrollo de las aplicaciones es CACHÉ de Intersystems que permite la creación de una base de datos multidimensional. El modelo de objetos de Caché se basa en el estándar ODMG (Object Database Management Group, Grupo de gestión de bases de datos de objetos) y soporta muchas características avanzadas. CACHÉ dispone de Zen, una biblioteca completa de componentes de objetos preconstruidos y herramientas de desarrollo basadas en la tecnología CSP (Caché Server Pages) y de objetos de InterSystems. ZEN es especialmente apropiado para desarrollar una versión Web de las aplicaciones cliente/servidor creadas originalmente con herramientas como Visual Basic o PowerBuilder.
With the rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, low-emission technologies with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) provide one option for transforming the global energy infrastructure into a more environmentally, climate sustainable system. However, like many technology innovations, there is a social risk to the acceptance of CCS. This article presents the findings of an engagement process using facilitated workshops conducted in two communities in rural Queensland, Australia, where a demonstration project for IGCC with CCS has been announced. The findings demonstrate that workshop participants were concerned about climate change and wanted leadership from government and industry to address the issue. After the workshops, participants reported increased knowledge and more positive attitudes towards CCS, expressing support for the demonstration project to continue in their local area. The process developed is one that could be utilized around the world to successfully engage communities on the low carbon emission technology options.
The effects of particulate matter on environment and public health have been widely studied in recent years. A number of studies in the medical field have tried to identify the specific effect on human health of particulate exposure, but agreement amongst these studies on the relative importance of the particles’ size and its origin with respect to health effects is still lacking. Nevertheless, air quality standards are moving, as the epidemiological attention, towards greater focus on the smaller particles. Current air quality standards only regulate the mass of particulate matter less than 10 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) and less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5). The most reliable method used in measuring Total Suspended Particles (TSP), PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 is the gravimetric method since it directly measures PM concentration, guaranteeing an effective traceability to international standards. This technique however, neglects the possibility to correlate short term intra-day variations of atmospheric parameters that can influence ambient particle concentration and size distribution (emission strengths of particle sources, temperature, relative humidity, wind direction and speed and mixing height) as well as human activity patterns that may also vary over time periods considerably shorter than 24 hours. A continuous method to measure the number size distribution and total number concentration in the range 0.014 – 20 μm is the tandem system constituted by a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) and an Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS). In this paper, an uncertainty budget model of the measurement of airborne particle number, surface area and mass size distributions is proposed and applied for several typical aerosol size distributions. The estimation of such an uncertainty budget presents several difficulties due to i) the complexity of the measurement chain, ii) the fact that SMPS and APS can properly guarantee the traceability to the International System of Measurements only in terms of number concentration. In fact, the surface area and mass concentration must be estimated on the basis of separately determined average density and particle morphology. Keywords: SMPS-APS tandem system, gravimetric reference method, uncertainty budget, ultrafine particles.
This research investigates wireless intrusion detection techniques for detecting attacks on IEEE 802.11i Robust Secure Networks (RSNs). Despite using a variety of comprehensive preventative security measures, the RSNs remain vulnerable to a number of attacks. Failure of preventative measures to address all RSN vulnerabilities dictates the need for a comprehensive monitoring capability to detect all attacks on RSNs and also to proactively address potential security vulnerabilities by detecting security policy violations in the WLAN. This research proposes novel wireless intrusion detection techniques to address these monitoring requirements and also studies correlation of the generated alarms across wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) sensors and the detection techniques themselves for greater reliability and robustness. The specific outcomes of this research are: A comprehensive review of the outstanding vulnerabilities and attacks in IEEE 802.11i RSNs. A comprehensive review of the wireless intrusion detection techniques currently available for detecting attacks on RSNs. Identification of the drawbacks and limitations of the currently available wireless intrusion detection techniques in detecting attacks on RSNs. Development of three novel wireless intrusion detection techniques for detecting RSN attacks and security policy violations in RSNs. Development of algorithms for each novel intrusion detection technique to correlate alarms across distributed sensors of a WIDS. Development of an algorithm for automatic attack scenario detection using cross detection technique correlation. Development of an algorithm to automatically assign priority to the detected attack scenario using cross detection technique correlation.
Objective: This study examined the association between area socioeconomic status (SES) and food purchasing behaviour.----- Setting: Melbourne city, Australia, 2003.----- Participants: Residents of 2,564 households located in 50 small areas.----- Design: Data were collected by mail survey (64.2% response rate). Area SES was indicated by the proportion of households in each area earning less than Aus$400 per week, and individual-level socioeconomic position was measured using education, occupation, and household income. Food purchasing was measured on the basis of compliance with dietary guideline recommendations (for grocery foods) and variety of fruit and vegetable purchase. Multilevel regression examined the association between area SES and food purchase after adjustment for individual-level demographic (age, sex, household composition) and socioeconomic factors.----- Results: Residents of low SES areas were significantly less likely than their counterparts in advantaged areas to purchase grocery foods that were high in fibre and low in fat, salt, and sugar; and they purchased a smaller variety of fruits. There was no evidence of an association between area SES and vegetable variety.----- Conclusions In Melbourne, area SES was associated with some food purchasing behaviours independent of individual-level factors, suggesting that areas in this city may be differentiated on the basis of food availability, accessibility, and affordability, making the purchase of some types of foods more difficult in disadvantaged areas.
Objectives. To evaluate the performance of the dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy technique in the assessment of tear film surface quality with and without the presence of soft contact lenses on eye. Methods. Retrospective data from a tear film study using basic high-speed videokeratoscopy, captured at 25 frames per second, (Kopf et al., 2008, J Optom) were used. Eleven subjects had tear film analysis conducted in the morning, midday and evening on the first and seventh day of one week of no lens wear. Five of the eleven subjects then completed an extra week of hydrogel lens wear followed by a week of silicone hydrogel lens wear. Analysis was performed on a 6 second period of the inter-blink recording. The dynamic-area high-speed videokeratoscopy technique uses the maximum available area of Placido ring pattern reflected from the tear interface and eliminates regions of disturbance due to shadows from the eyelashes. A value of tear film surface quality was derived using image rocessing techniques, based on the quality of the reflected ring pattern orientation. Results. The group mean tear film surface quality and the standard deviations for each of the conditions (bare eye, hydrogel lens, and silicone hydrogel lens) showed a much lower coefficient of variation than previous methods (average reduction of about 92%). Bare eye measurements from the right and left eyes of eleven individuals showed high correlation values (Pearson’s correlation r = 0.73, p < 0.05). Repeated measures ANOVA across the 6 second period of measurement in the normal inter-blink period for the bare eye condition showed no statistically significant changes. However, across the 6 second inter-blink period with both contact lenses, statistically significant changes were observed (p < 0.001) for both types of contact lens material. Overall, wearing hydrogel and silicone hydrogel lenses caused the tear film surface quality to worsen compared with the bare eye condition (repeated measures ANOVA, p < 0.0001 for both hydrogel and silicone hydrogel). Conclusions. The results suggest that the dynamic-area method of high-speed videokeratoscopy was able to distinguish and quantify the subtle, but systematic worsening of tear film surface quality in the inter-blink interval in contact lens wear. It was also able to clearly show a difference between bare eye and contact lens wearing conditions.
A new method for noninvasive assessment of tear film surface quality (TFSQ) is proposed. The method is based on high-speed videokeratoscopy in which the corneal area for the analysis is dynamically estimated in a manner that removes videokeratoscopy interference from the shadows of eyelashes but not that related to the poor quality of the precorneal tear film that is of interest. The separation between the two types of seemingly similar videokeratoscopy interference is achieved by region-based classification in which the overall noise is first separated from the useful signal (unaltered videokeratoscopy pattern), followed by a dedicated interference classification algorithm that distinguishes between the two considered interferences. The proposed technique provides a much wider corneal area for the analysis of TFSQ than the previously reported techniques. A preliminary study with the proposed technique, carried out for a range of anterior eye conditions, showed an effective behavior in terms of noise to signal separation, interference classification, as well as consistent TFSQ results. Subsequently, the method proved to be able to not only discriminate between the bare eye and the lens on eye conditions but also to have the potential to discriminate between the two types of contact lenses.