This article details the use of photographic rectification as support for the graphic documentation of historical and archaeological heritage and specifically the southern facade of the Torre del Pretori (Praetorium Tower) in Tarragona. The Praetorium Tower is part of a larger monumental complex and one of the towers that connected different parts of the Tarraco Provincial Forum, the politic-administrative centre of the ancient capital of Hispania Citerioris. It is therefore a valuable example of the evolution of Roman urban architecture. The aim of this project is to provide accurate graphic documentation of the structure to facilitate the restoration and conservation of the tower, as well as to provide a more profound architectural and archaeological understanding of the Roman forum. The use of photographic rectification enabled us to overcome the spatial and time difficulties involved in collecting data caused by the size and location of the building. Specific software made it easier to obtain accurate two-dimensional images. For this reason, in our case, photographic rectification helped us to make a direct analysis of the monument and facilitated interpretation of the architectural stratigraphy. We currently separate the line of research into two concepts: the construction processes and the architecture of the building. The documentation collected permitted various analyses: the characterisation of the building modules, identification of the tools used to work the building materials, etc. In conclusion, the use of orthoimages is a powerful tool that permits the systematic study of a Roman building that has evolved over the centuries and is now in a modern urban context.
The aim of this work is an approach using multisensor remote sensing techniques to recognize the potential remains and recreate the original landscape of three archaeological sites. We investigate the spectral characteristics of the reflectance parameter and emissivity in the pattern recognition of archaeological materials in several hyperspectral scenes of the prehispanic site in Palmar Sur (Costa Rica), the Jarama Valley site and the celtiberian city of Segeda in Spain. Spectral ranges of the visible-near infrared (VNIR), shortwave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) from hyperspectral data cubes of HyMAP, AHS, MASTER and ATM have been used. Several experiments on natural scenarios of Costa Rica and Spain of different complexity, have been designed. Spectral patterns and thermal anomalies have been calculated as evidences of buried remains and change detection. First results, land cover change analyses and their consequences in the digital heritage registration are discussed.
The application of conservation treatments, such as consolidation and protection ones, has been demonstrated ineffective in many cases, and even harmful. Evaluation studies should be a mandatory task, ideally before and after the intervention, but both tasks are complex and unusual in the case of archaeological heritage. This study is mainly focused on analyzing changes in petrophysical properties of stone material from archaeological sites of Merida (Spain), evaluating, both on site and in laboratory, effects derived from different conservation treatments applied in past interventions, throughout the integration of different non-destructive techniques (NDT) and portable devices of analysis available at the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC,UCM). These techniques allow, not only assessment of effectiveness and alteration processes, but also monitoring durability of treatments, focused mainly on 1996 intervention in the case of Roman Theater, as well as different punctual interventions from the 90?s until date in the House of Mitreo. Studies carried out on archaeological sites of Merida permit us to compare outcomes and also check limitations in the use of those equipments. In this paper we discuss about the use of some techniques, their integration and limits, for the assessment of conservation treatments, showing some examples of Merida?s case study.
In recent decades archaeological sites have been subject of many interventions. The application of conservation treatments, such us consolidation and protection ones by means of using, for instance, synthetic resins or organosilicic compounds, has been demonstrated inadequate in many cases, and even harmful for the heritage materials [1]. Evaluation studies should be a mandatory task, ideally before and after the intervention, but both tasks are complex and unusual in the case of archaeological heritage. Moreover, there is a general lack of knowledge in the mid and long term effects of these treatments, and how to act when these have resulted in deterioration of the original material. Remains of Roman Augusta Emerita, located in Merida (Spain), have gone through many interventions since the first archaeological campaign, in 1910. Some of them have demonstrated already to be harmful [2], others, more recent, must be evaluated in order to determine its effectiveness and durability, considering that many of these treatments are currently still applied. For this purpose a range of parameters has been measured such as color, surface hardness and roughness, mechanical or hydric properties, porosity, etc. on the original material (granite, marble and mortars mainly), and then the transformations of those same parameters analyzed after treatment, both in situ, in places where a intervention is documented, and in the laboratory, in samples. The study is being conducted both in the laboratory (Petrophysics Laboratory within IGEO) and in situ, on selected archaeological sites of Mérida (Theater and House of Mitreo). The comparison of results in untreated and treated areas of the site, and in treated-untreated samples, allows the distinction of variables that affect the interaction between products and stone material, issues such us effectiveness and durability of treatment and its validation or dismissal.
The application of conservation treatments, such as consolidation and protection ones, has been demonstrated ineffective in many cases, and even harmful. Evaluation studies should be a mandatory task, ideally before and after the intervention, but both tasks are complex and unusual in the case of archaeological heritage. This study is mainly focused on analyzing changes in petrophysical properties of stone material from archaeological sites of Merida (Spain), evaluating, both on site and in laboratory, effects derived from different conservation treatments applied in past interventions, throughout the integration of different non-destructive techniques (NDT) and portable devices of analysis available at the Institute of Geosciences (CSIC,UCM). These techniques allow, not only assessment of effectiveness and alteration processes, but also monitoring durability of treatments, focused mainly on 1996 intervention in the case of Roman Theater, as well as different punctual interventions from the 90’s until date in the House of Mitreo. Studies carried out on archaeological sites of Merida permit us to compare outcomes and also check limitations in the use of those equipments. In this paper we discuss about the use of some techniques, their integration and limits, for the assessment of conservation treatments, showing some examples of Merida’s case study.
O presente relatório resulta do estágio efetuado na Câmara Municipal da Chamusca. O mesmo teve como objetivo a realização de um inventário do património arqueológico do concelho da Chamusca, centrado nos períodos da época Romana à Moderna, elaborando conjuntamente uma observação sobre o respetivo povoamento do território. O inventário realizado compilou toda a informação identificada nas fontes bibliográficas nos documentos da época já publicados e nas informações orais que se foram recolhendo. Posteriormente, procedeu-se à confirmação dos dados no terreno, através de uma prospeção dirigida aos sítios nos quais havia indícios de ocorrências patrimoniais. O desenvolvimento deste projeto e deste tipo de investigação possibilitou a identificação/relocalização de um número muito significativo de sítios e potenciais sítios arqueológicos, num total de 136 sítios. O seu inventário foi sistematizado e permitiu, assim, a compilação do conhecimento do património arqueológico deste município, contribuindo diretamente para a sua salvaguarda, preservação e valorização junto da comunidade. A autarquia passou agora a ter um instrumento essencial para a definição das políticas de salvaguarda do património, bem como para a definição das estratégias de desenvolvimento do seu território.
En una sociedad que se transforma aceleradamente al dictado de las leyes capitalistas del mercado y del Pensamiento Único, la deriva finisecular de la arqueología hacia una disciplina de gestión del Patrimonio viene caracterizada por la mercantilización del pasado y la trivilización del conocimiento. El deretioro de la cosa pública, a causa de las políticas neoliberales y el abandono por parte del Estado de sus responsabilidades para con el patrimonio arqueológico, expulsan a la arqueología del proceso de creación de conocimiento, produciendo una grave dicotomía entre la arqeologia básica y la arqueología aplicada, que impide planificar su protección, conservación y disfrute en tanto que bien público. En este contexto de progresiva venalización, se reflexiona en torno al consumo político y lúdico del pasado, las formas de presentar sus restos y las nuevas percepciones inducidas por la sociedad del espectáculo.
En marge des recherches archéologiques traditionnelles, nous retrouvons aujourd’hui des compagnies privées qui contractent des accords et obtiennent des permis leur donnant le droit de prélever des objets à des fins lucratives sur les vestiges archéologiques submergés. Ces pratiques commerciales causent une controverse vive et enflammée au sein du monde archéologique. Le principal point de litiges concerne la mise en vente des objets extraits lors de fouille. La mise en marché du patrimoine archéologique éveille les fibres protectionnistes. Cela incite certains organismes à poser des gestes pour la protection du patrimoine. C’est le cas pour l’UNESCO qui fait la promotion depuis 2001 d’une Convention pour la protection du patrimoine submergé. Malgré tous les arguments à l’encontre des compagnies de « chasse aux trésors », cette Convention est loin de faire l’unanimité des gouvernements à travers le monde, qui ne semblent pas prêts à rendre ces pratiques illégales. Les méthodes utilisées par ces compagnies semblent aussi représenter un point de friction avec les archéologues. Toutefois, la connaissance de leurs pratiques sur le terrain semble très incomplète. De plus, contrairement à une certaine idée préconçue, ces compagnies ne sont pas des « pilleurs de tombes » œuvrant sous le couvert de l’anonymat, mais bien des compagnies dûment enregistrées, œuvrant en toute légalité et passant même des contrats avec les gouvernements. Ce mémoire a donc pour objectif de mettre en lumière les actions réelles des compagnies de chasse aux trésors subaquatiques en regardant leurs méthodes et leur fonctionnement, tels qu’on les voit dans les 10 dernières années. Pour mieux conceptualiser les pratiques de ces compagnies, nous nous interrogerons sur le rapport entre légalité et éthique et, plus précisément, sur l’éthique commerciale et archéologique.
El objetivo es presentar la experiencia de utilización del Software Libre y de Código Abierto en el desarrollo e implantación del Sistema de Información (SI) del yacimiento arqueológico de Casa Montero. Se muestra el potencial de combinar las Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales y las bases de datos orientadas a grafos en la gestión, investigación y difusión del Patrimonio Arqueológico (PA). Se ejemplifica la propuesta tecnológica a través del ejemplo de SI del yacimiento arqueológico de Casa Montero (Madrid), SILEX (Sistema de Información Locacional en XML). La implementación de sistemas de información para la gestión de PA colabora fuertemente en tres actividades básicas que han de ser realizadas sobre él. En primer lugar, la gestión, con el objetivo de protegerlo y conservarlo; en segundo término, la investigación, de cara a elaborar conocimiento histórico mediante el análisis arqueológico de los restos materiales del pasado; y en tercer lugar, la difusión, con la pretensión de divulgar el PA y el conocimiento histórico generado a partir del mismo entre la sociedad
The first protective activities of historical and archaeological heritage in the province of Girona (Catalonia, Spain), although some earlier precedents, were produced from the third decade of the nineteenth century. These arose as a reaction to this terrible destruction suffered as a result of the introduction of the liberal state and the disappearance of several regular orders. Preservationists actions were carried out by some pseudo-public entities, which acted at the request of local authorities. These entities include the the Diputación Arqueológica, the Sociedad de Amigos del País and the Comisión de Monumentos. These corporations, with significant human and economic constraints, began activities as important as the beginning of the excavations of the site of Ampurias, the formation of a provincial museum in Girona and the restoration of the monastery of Ripoll.
Desde a sua origem (1863) que a Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses primou por delinear uma ampla série de actividades tendentes a divulgar o diversificado legado patrimonial português, criando, já no dealbar da centúria de novecentos, secções de estudo correspondentes aos interesses preponderantes junto dos seus mais destacados membros, ditando, assim, o curso definitivo da sua História. De entre esses grupos, destacamos a Secção de Arqueologia Histórica, designação, por si só, expressiva de um modo próprio de olhar o passado, trabalhá-lo no presente e projectá-lo no futuro. Congregando nomes incontornáveis das artes e das letras nacionais, a Secção foi, com frequência, determinante no complexo processo de resgate patrimonial em todo o território português, privilegiando, embora, Lisboa, cidade onde se sediava, nas ruínas da igreja do convento do Carmo. É, pois, este o objecto de análise do trabalho dado agora à estampa, ao longo do qual acompanharemos as suas principais preocupações, desalentos, sucessos e projectos adiados, inserindo-os sempre no seu espaço e no seu tempo.
A Conferência Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura, reunida em Nova Delhi de 5 de novembro de 1956, em sua nona sessão, Estimando que a garantia mais eficaz de conservação dos monumentos e obras do passado reside no respeito e dedicação que lhes consagram os próprios povos e certa de que tais sentimentos podem ser enormemente favorecidos por uma acção apropriada, inspirada na vontade dos Estados Membros de desenvolver as ciências e as relações internacionais, Convencida de que os sentimentos que dão origem à contemplação e ao conhecimento das obras do passado podem facilitar grandemente a compreensão mútua entre os povos e que, para isso, é preciso beneficiá-los com uma cooperação internacional e favorecer por todos os meios a execução da missão social que lhes cabe.