142 resultados para APOCYNACEAE


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A floristic study of the family Apocynaceae im Poços de Caldas was carried out, since the family is well represented in the region and many species have phytochermical and ornamental value. The family is represented by 17 species distributed in 8 genera: Aspidosperma Mart e Zucc., Condylocarpon Desf., Forsteronia G.F.W. Mey., Macrosiphonia Muell. Arg., Mandevilla Lindl., Peltastes R.E. Woodson, Prestonia R. Br. and Rauvolfia L.


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The present study describes a survey of the Apocynaceae in different types of vegetation, in the region of Bauru, in the Center-West of São Paulo State. Of the 25 species encountered, distributed into 15 genera, representation ranges as follows: Forsteronia G. Mey, five species; Aspidosperma Mart., four species; Mandevilla Lindl., three species; Prestonia R. Br., two species; and Condylocarpon Desf., Hancornia Gomez, Himatanthus Willd. ex Roem. et Schult., Macrosiphonia Müll. Arg., Mesechites Müll. Arg., Odontadenia Benth, Peltastes Woodson, Rhodocalyx Müll Arg., Secondatia A. DC., Tabernaemontana L. and Temnadenia Miers, one species each. In addition to both distribution data, and flowering and fruiting times, identifications keys, descriptions and illustrations of the species are presented.


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The aim of this work was to describe the morphology and ontogeny of P. riedelii fruits to aid in taxonomic, ecological and phylogenetic studies in Apocynaceae. Fruits were fixed in FAA, embedded in plastic resin, sectioned at 10 ìm and stained with toluidine blue, for structural analysis. The fruit of P. riedelii is a follicarium, with two follicular fruitlets. The epicarp is one-cell-layered, with trichomes and thick cuticle. The mesocarp, originating from fundamental ovary tissue, is parenchymatous with laticifers, non-lignified fibers and vascular bundles. The endocarp sensu lato is two-celllayered of crossed sclereids, originating from the inner ovary epidermis and from a single layer of parenchyma cells of fundamental ovary tissue. Follicle dehiscence is lateral and the dehiscence process involves anatomical characteristics such as a dehiscence zone with thin-walled cells, non-lignified fibers in the mesocarp and crossed sclereids in the endocarp.


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Premise of the study: We developed a new set of microsatellite markers for studying the genome of the janaguba tree, Himatanthus drasticus (Mart.) Plumel, which is used in folk medicine in northeastern Brazil. These novel markers are being used to evaluate the effect of harvesting on the genetic structure and diversity of natural populations of this species. Methods and Results: Microsatellite loci were isolated from an enriched H. drasticus genomic library. Nine primer pairs successfully amplified polymorphic microsatellite regions, with an average of 8.5 alleles per locus. The average values of observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.456 and 0.601, respectively. Conclusions: The microsatellite markers described here are valuable tools for population genetics studies of H. drasticus. The majority of the primers also amplified sequences in the genome of another species of the same genus. This new set of markers may be useful in designing a genetic conservation strategy and a sustainable management plan for the species.


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Matelea quindecimlobata Farinaccio & W. D. Stevens, a new species of Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae, from Amazonas, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The most diagnostic aspect of this new species of Matelea. Aublet s. str. is the lobed, then fimbriate outer margin of the outer corona.


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A vista da discordância dos dados registrados na literatura (Cava, 1964, 1968 ; Jerry, 1963 e Matos, 1976) quanto aos alcalóides de Peschierra affinis, retomou-se seu estudo com o objetivo desta espécie. Foram analisados amostras das cascas e do lenho das raízes de material coletado em locais diferentes em altitude, longitude e latitude. Foram identificados além de substâncias de natureza alifática (sitosterol,β-amirina e lupenol). os seguintes alcalóides indólicos: coronaridina, voacangina, 20-epiheyneanina, voacristina, affinisina, vobasina, olivacina e uma mistura de 19-hidroxi-ibogamina e iboxigaína). Dentre estes, quatro são inéditos na espécie (voacangina, voacristina, 19-hidroxi-ibogaina e eboxigaína). Apenas pequenas diferenças foram observadas nos três materiais estudados, observando-se porém, acentuada diferença quando comparadas com os resultados obtidos no primeiro trabalho químico sobre os alcalóides desta espécie (Jerry, 1963).


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Uma nova espécie de Prestonia R. Br., endêmica dos estados do Acre e Amazonas, Brasil, é descrita e ilustrada e se discute as relações com taxas relacionadas.


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Amapá amargo (Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist) produz um látex, que se presume ter propriedades medicinais, pois é usado no tratamento da malária, problemas pulmonares, gastrite, e como um agente de cura. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar estrutural e histoquimicamente os locais de produção e/ou acumúlo de compostos biologicamente ativos, bem como realizar o doseamento de flavonóides presentes no limbo do amapá amargo. Para a análise estrutural e histoquímica foram utilizados protocolos padrão em anatomia vegetal. Considerando que, para o doseamento de flavonóides utilizou-se a espectrometria de absorção na região ultravioleta-visível. O sistema secretor das folhas de amapá amargo é constituído de idioblastos secretores e laticíferos ramificados. Os testes histoquímicos revelaram diferentes tipos de substâncias químicas nos protoplastos celulares de idioblastos e laticíferos. Propriedades farmacológicas do látex de amapa amargo podem ser atribuídas à dois compostos químicos (flavonoides e alcaloides) encontrados neste estudo, ambos estão presentes em idioblastos e laticíferos.


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Parahancornia amapa (Apocynaceae) é típica da região amazônica e conhecida popularmente como amapazeiro e muito utilizada na medicina popular da região Amazônica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi o estudo fitoquímico dos galhos e cascas dessa espécie. Do extrato diclorometânico dos galhos foram isolados o β-sitosterol, estigmasterol, além de triterpenóides pentacíclicos, α-amirina, β-amirina, lupeol e friedelina. Do extrato metanólico das cascas foi isolado o alcaloide indólico isositsiriquina. As estruturas desses compostos foram identificadas por análise dos espectros de massa de alta resolução, Ressonância Magnética Nuclear de ¹H e 13C e comparações com dados da literatura. Esse é o primeiro relato de isolamento de alcaloide neste gênero.


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RESUMOParahancornia amapa é uma espécie endêmica do Estado do Amapá, na região Amazônica. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade aguda do extrato metanólico das cascas do caule de P. amapa. Diferentes concentrações do extrato foram adicionadas aos camarões de salmoura (Artemia salina) e a concentração letal média (CL50) foi avaliada. Os resultados desse ensaio indicaram que o extrato não era tóxico. A toxicidade aguda foi estudada em ratos Wistar (machos e fêmeas) após dose única (2000 mg kg-1) por gavagem. Ingestão de água e comida, peso corporal, alterações comportamentais e mortalidade foram anotados. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para medições de parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos. Os animais foram eutanasiados e seus órgãos (coração, rins, fígado e pulmões) submetidos à análise macroscópica e histopatológica. Não houve mortalidade ou qualquer sinal de mudança de comportamento ou toxicidade observada após a administração oral do extrato. No entanto, observou-se um aumento significativo (p<0,05) sobre o consumo de água de ratas tratadas com o extrato de P. amapa (127,64 mL) quando comparadas ao grupo controle (101,93 mL). Um aumento significativo (p <0,05) na contagem das plaquetas também foi observado tanto em ratos machos (288,00x103 mm3) quanto em fêmeas (220,83x103 mm3, respectivamente) que receberam o extrato quando comparados com seus respectivos grupos controle (128,33x103 mm3; 109,50x103 mm3). Alterações histopatológicas não foram relacionadas ao tratamento com extrato em nenhum dos órgãos analisados. Estes resultados sugerem que o extrato de P. amapa tem um efeito geral não-tóxico.


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An aqueous extract prepared from Kernels of the fruit of Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schumann (Family : Apocynaceae) was found under experimental conditions, to be toxic ti the slug Laevicaulis alte (Férussac) and the snail Achatina fulica Bowdich, the important agrihorticultural pests of Indo-Pacific countries. Concentrations as low as 1% (w/v) killed all the slugs exposed in less than 981.00 (± SD 22.76) min, and 2% of the extract killed 100% of the slugs L. alte and 50%, 50% and 30% of the snail A. fulica in between 92.34 (± SD 6.63) - 321.33 (± SD 4.14) and 271.20 (± SD 17.54) - 298.26 (± SD 16.69) min respectively. The most effective concentration of the extract was 20%; it killed 100% of exposed slugs and snails within a short time (40-50 and 90-1440 min respectively) when the extract was exposed on the soil in experimental trays or when it was applied to potato slices offered as food to the gastropods.


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Infusions of Aspidosperma nitidum (Apocynaceae) wood bark are used to treat fever and malaria in the Amazon Region. Several species of this family are known to possess indole alkaloids and other classes of secondary metabolites, whereas terpenoids, an inositol and the indole alkaloids harmane-3 acid and braznitidumine have been described in A. nitidum . In the present study, extracts from the wood bark, leaves and branches of this species were prepared for assays against malaria parasites and cytotoxicity testing using human hepatoma and normal monkey kidney cells. The wood bark extracts were active against Plasmodium falciparum and showed a low cytotoxicity in vitro, whereas the leaf and branch extracts and the pure alkaloid braznitidumine were inactive. A crude methanol extract was subjected to acid-base fractionation aimed at obtaining alkaloid-rich fractions, which were active at low concentrations against P. falciparum and in mice infected with and sensitive Plasmodium berghei parasites. Our data validate the antimalarial usefulness of A. nitidum wood bark, a remedy that can most likely help to control malaria. However, the molecules responsible for this antimalarial activity have not yet been identified. Considering their high selectivity index, the alkaloid-rich fractions from the plant bark might be useful in the development of new antimalarials.


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Several species of Aspidosperma plants are used to treat diseases in the tropics, including Aspidosperma ramiflorum, which acts against leishmaniasis, an activity that is experimentally confirmed. The species, known as guatambu-yellow, yellowperoba, coffee-peroba andmatiambu, grows in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil in the South to the Southeast regions. Through a guided biofractionation of A. ramiflorum extracts, the plant activity against Plasmodium falciparum was evaluated in vitro for toxicity towards human hepatoma G2 cells, normal monkey kidney cells and nonimmortalised human monocytes isolated from peripheral blood. Six of the seven extracts tested were active at low doses (half-maximal drug inhibitory concentration < 3.8 µg/mL); the aqueous extract was inactive. Overall, the plant extracts and the purified compounds displayed low toxicity in vitro. A nonsoluble extract fraction and one purified alkaloid isositsirikine (compound 5) displayed high selectivity indexes (SI) (= 56 and 113, respectively), whereas compounds 2 and 3 were toxic (SI < 10). The structure, activity and low toxicity of isositsirikine in vitro are described here for the first time in A. ramiflorum, but only the neutral and precipitate plant fractions were tested for activity, which caused up to 53% parasitaemia inhibition of Plasmodium bergheiin mice with blood-induced malaria. This plant species is likely to be useful in the further development of an antimalarial drug, but its pharmacological evaluation is still required.


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In this study, drosophilids that bred in fruits of three common plant species of the Brazilian Savanna were investigated: Emmotum nitens, Hancornia speciosa and Anacardium humile, along with the temporal and spatial distribution of these insects among fruits obtained from six individuals of E. nitens. Fallen fruits were collected in natural environments, placed on moist sand in individual containers and all drosophilids that emerged from these resources during 15 days were collected, counted and identified. From 3,651 fruits collected (3,435 of E. nitens, 179 of A. humile and 37 of H. speciosa) 4,541 flies emerged and were classified into 19 species of Drosophilidae. Their distribution was unequal among the three resources, also over time, and among the six individuals of E. nitens. Such fluctuations probably reflect the availability of resources in time and space and probably the action of selective factors such as larval competition.