184 resultados para APACHE
Developing awareness of and maintaining interest in Korea and Korean culture for non-language secondary and tertiary students continues to challenge educators in Australia. A lack of appropriate and accessible creative and cultural materials is a key factor contributing to this challenge. In light of changes made to 'fair use' guidelines for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the United States in July 2010, and in order to prepare for a time in the near future when Australian copyright regulations might follow suit, this article offers a framework for utilizing film and digital media contents in the classroom. Case studies of the short digital animation film 'Birthday Boy' (2004) and the feature film The Divine Weapon (2008) are presented in order to illustrate new educational approaches to popular Korean films---the cinematic component of the 'Korean Wave' ('Hanryu' or 'Hallyu' in Korean). It is hoped that this work-in-progress will enable teachers to inspire students with limited language skills to learn more about Korean popular culture, history, and tradition as well as media, politics, and genre studies in dynamic ways through the use of films as cultural texts in the classroom.
El diagnóstico oportuno en pancreatitis aguda es clave para abordar adecuadamente al paciente, para disminuir complicaciones. En la evaluación de la severidad de la pancreatitis, se cuenta con la escanografía; útil en la determinación de complicaciones locales; sin embargo, es necesario establecer su correlación con el curso clínico del paciente, evaluado mediante la escala APACHE II que cuenta con diversas variables. METODOLOGIA: Determinar la correlación entre las escalas clínica e imagenológica en la evaluación de severidad de la pancreatitis. Para esto, se revisan historias clínicas de la Fundación Cardio - Infantil de pacientes con pancreatitis aguda, se revisa si cumplen criterios de inclusión, y se emplea análisis estadístico descriptivo en SPSS, para establecer correlación entre las variables. RESULTADOS: Existe pobre correlación entre las variables, porque son escalas que evalúan parámetros diferentes, lo que hace que estas escalas se complementen. DISCUSION: Se analizaron 189 pacientes, de una población de 264; los restantes no cumplían criterios de inclusión. Las características demográficas y la etiología de la pancreatitis son muy similares a las descritas en otros estudios. Se tomaron paraclínicos para definir criterios de Ramson; y se les realizó escanografía abdominal para buscar complicaciones locales; de acuerdo a la escala BALTHAZAR-INDICE DE SEVERIDAD; y la evaluación clínica APACHE II, para hacer seguimiento clínico. El criterio de ingreso a UCI se evalúa con la escala APACHE II que puede hacerse periódicamente; posteriormente se evaluó coeficientes de correlación entre las variables con mayor impacto en pronóstico. PALABRAS CLAVES: Pancreatitis aguda, Severidad, Apache II, BALTHAZAR
Background: Total enteral nutrition (TEN) within 48 h of admission has recently been shown to be safe and efficacious as part of the management of severe acute pancreatitis. Our aim was to ascertain the safety of immediate TEN in these patients and the effect of TEN on systemic inflammation, psychological state, oxidative stress, plasma glutamine levels and endotoxaemia. Methods: Patients admitted with predicted severe acute pancreatitis (APACHE II score 15) were randomised to total enteral (TEN; n = 8) or total parenteral nutrition (TPN; n = 9). Measurements of systemic inflammation (C-reactive protein), fatigue ( visual analogue scale), oxidative stress ( plasma thiobarbituric acid- reactive substances), plasma glutamine and anti-endotoxin IgG and IgM antibody concentrations were made on admission and repeated on days 3 and 7 thereafter. Clinical progress was monitored using APACHE II score. Organ failure and complications were recorded. Results: All patients tolerated the feeding regime well with few nutrition-related complications. Fatigue improved in both groups but more rapidly in the TEN group. Oxidative stress was high on admission and rose by similar amounts in both groups. Plasma glutamine concentrations did not change significantly in either group. In the TPN group, 3 patients developed respiratory failure and 3 developed non-respiratory single organ failure. There were no such complications in the TEN group. Hospital stay was shorter in the TEN group [ 7 (4-14) vs. 10 (7-26) days; p = 0.05] as was time to passing flatus and time to opening bowels [1 (0-2) vs. 2 (1-5) days; p = 0.01]. The cost of TEN was considerably less than of TPN. Conclusion: Immediate institution of nutritional support in the form of TEN is safe in predicted severe acute pancreatitis. It is as safe and as efficacious as TPN and may be beneficial in the clinical course of this disease. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel and IAP.
Over the years the use of application frameworks designed for the View and Controller layers of MVC architectural pattern adapted to web applications has become very popular. These frameworks are classified into Actions Oriented and Components Oriented , according to the solution strategy adopted by the tools. The choice of such strategy leads the system architecture design to acquire non-functional characteristics caused by the way the framework influences the developer to implement the system. The components reusability is one of those characteristics and plays a very important role for development activities such as system evolution and maintenance. The work of this dissertation consists to analyze of how the reusability could be influenced by the Web frameworks usage. To accomplish this, small academic management applications were developed using the latest versions of Apache Struts and JavaServer Faces frameworks, the main representatives of Java plataform Web frameworks of. For this assessment was used a software quality model that associates internal attributes, which can be measured objectively, to the characteristics in question. These attributes and metrics defined for the model were based on some work related discussed in the document
Este artigo apresenta um estudo experimental de técnicas de identificação paramétrica aplicadas à modelagem dinâmica de um servidor web Apache. Foi desenvolvido um arranjo experimental para simular variações de carga no servidor. O arranjo é composto por dois computadores PC, sendo um deles utilizado para executar o servidor Apache e o outro utilizado como um gerador de carga, solicitando requisições de serviço ao servidor Apache. Foram estimados modelos paramétricos auto-regressivos (AR) para diferentes pontos de operação e de condição de carga. Cada ponto de operação foi definido em termos dos valores médios para o parâmetro de entrada MaxClients (parâmetro utilizado para definir o número máximo de processos ativos) e a saída percentual de consumo de CPU (Central Processing Unit) do servidor Apache. Para cada ponto de operação foram coletadas 600 amostras, com um intervalo de amostragem de 5 segundos. Metade do conjunto de amostras coletadas em cada ponto de operação foi utilizada para estimação do modelo, enquanto que a outra metade foi utilizada para validação. Um estudo da ordem mais adequada do modelo mostrou que, para um ponto de operação com valor reduzido de MaxClients, um modelo AR de 7a ordem pode ser satisfatório. Para valores mais elevados de MaxClients, os resultados mostraram que são necessários modelos de ordem mais elevada, devido às não-linearidades inerentes ao sistema.
Studio di fattibilità per la realizzazione di un modulo ERP con l'utilizzo di Apache Struts 2.
This dissertation deals with the translation into Italian of selected passages from the Young Adult historical novel Apache – Girl Warrior by English author Tanya Landman. The book was chosen after contacting Italian publisher Settenove, dedicated to preventing gender-based violence through children's books and essays. The novel, set in the second half of the Nineteenth Century, tells the story of Siki, a fourteen years old Native American girl who decides to become a warrior in order to avenge her family, killed by the Mexicans. The story also deals with the contact and conflict between Native Americans and white settlers during the so-called Apache Wars. Chapter I deals with Apache's genre; it consists in an overview of the historical novel form and its diffusion, both in Italy and in the English-speaking world. Typical features and themes are also dealt with in this chapter. Chapter II is dedicated to Apache's author. Landman's other works and her mission as a writer are taken into account, as well as the inspirations that led her to writing the novel and the process of research on American history it involved. This chapter also includes a comparison between Tanya Landman's and Louise Erdrich's works. In chapter III, Apache is compared to two well-known novels for children and young adults, The little house on the prairie and Caddie Woodlawn; the aim of this is to demonstrate how widespread misrepresentations about Native Americans are in mainstream literature. Chapter IV analyzes the novel and serves as an introduction to its translation, focusing on its plot, themes, characters and language, while chapter V presents the passages I've chosen to translate; their translation can be found later in the same chapter. In chapter VI, I comment on the choices made during the translation process; translation problems are divided into culture-specific, stylistic, semantic and linguistic.
Big data è il termine usato per descrivere una raccolta di dati così estesa in termini di volume,velocità e varietà da richiedere tecnologie e metodi analitici specifici per l'estrazione di valori significativi. Molti sistemi sono sempre più costituiti e caratterizzati da enormi moli di dati da gestire,originati da sorgenti altamente eterogenee e con formati altamente differenziati,oltre a qualità dei dati estremamente eterogenei. Un altro requisito in questi sistemi potrebbe essere il fattore temporale: sempre più sistemi hanno bisogno di ricevere dati significativi dai Big Data il prima possibile,e sempre più spesso l’input da gestire è rappresentato da uno stream di informazioni continuo. In questo campo si inseriscono delle soluzioni specifiche per questi casi chiamati Online Stream Processing. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è di proporre un prototipo funzionante che elabori dati di Instant Coupon provenienti da diverse fonti con diversi formati e protocolli di informazioni e trasmissione e che memorizzi i dati elaborati in maniera efficiente per avere delle risposte in tempo reale. Le fonti di informazione possono essere di due tipologie: XMPP e Eddystone. Il sistema una volta ricevute le informazioni in ingresso, estrapola ed elabora codeste fino ad avere dati significativi che possono essere utilizzati da terze parti. Lo storage di questi dati è fatto su Apache Cassandra. Il problema più grosso che si è dovuto risolvere riguarda il fatto che Apache Storm non prevede il ribilanciamento delle risorse in maniera automatica, in questo caso specifico però la distribuzione dei clienti durante la giornata è molto varia e ricca di picchi. Il sistema interno di ribilanciamento sfrutta tecnologie innovative come le metriche e sulla base del throughput e della latenza esecutiva decide se aumentare/diminuire il numero di risorse o semplicemente non fare niente se le statistiche sono all’interno dei valori di soglia voluti.
Il focus di questo elaborato è sui sistemi di recommendations e le relative caratteristiche. L'utilizzo di questi meccanism è sempre più forte e presente nel mondo del web, con un parallelo sviluppo di soluzioni sempre più accurate ed efficienti. Tra tutti gli approcci esistenti, si è deciso di prendere in esame quello affrontato in Apache Mahout. Questa libreria open source implementa il collaborative-filtering, basando il processo di recommendation sulle preferenze espresse dagli utenti riguardo ifferenti oggetti. Grazie ad Apache Mahout e ai principi base delle varie tipologie di recommendationè stato possibile realizzare un applicativo web che permette di produrre delle recommendations nell'ambito delle pubblicazioni scientifiche, selezionando quegli articoli che hanno un maggiore similarità con quelli pubblicati dall'utente corrente. La realizzazione di questo progetto ha portato alla definizione di un sistema ibrido. Infatti l'approccio alla recommendation di Apache Mahout non è completamente adattabile a questa situazione, per questo motivo le sue componenti sono state estese e modellate per il caso di studio. Siè cercato quindi di combinare il collaborative filtering e il content-based in un unico approccio. Di Apache Mahout si è mantenuto l'algoritmo attraverso il quale esaminare i dati del data set, tralasciando completamente l'aspetto legato alle preferenze degli utenti, poichè essi non esprimono delle valutazioni sugli articoli. Del content-based si è utilizzata l'idea del confronto tra i titoli delle pubblicazioni. La valutazione di questo applicativo ha portato alla luce diversi limiti, ma anche possibili sviluppi futuri che potrebbero migliorare la qualità delle recommendations, ma soprattuto le prestazioni. Grazie per esempio ad Apache Hadoop sarebbe possibile una computazione distribuita che permetterebbe di elaborare migliaia di dati con dei risultati più che discreti.
BACKGROUND: The early hemodynamic normalization of polytrauma patients may lead to better survival outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic quality of trauma and physiological scores from widely used scoring systems in polytrauma patients. METHODS: In total, 770 patients with ISS > 16 who were admitted to a trauma center within the first 24 hours after injury were included in this retrospective study. The patients were subdivided into three groups: those who died on the day of admission, those who died within the first three days, and those who survived for longer than three days. ISS, NISS, APACHE II score, and prothrombin time were recorded at admission. RESULTS: The descriptive statistics for early death in polytrauma patients who died on the day of admission, 1--3 days after admission, and > 3 days after admission were: ISS of 41.0, 34.0, and 29.0, respectively; NISS of 50.0, 50.0, and 41.0, respectively; APACHE II score of 30.0, 25.0, and 15.0, respectively; and prothrombin time of 37.0%, 56.0%, and 84%, respectively. These data indicate that prothrombin time (AUC: 0.89) and APACHE II (AUC: 0.88) have the greatest prognostic utility for early death. CONCLUSION: The estimated densities of the scores may suggest a direction for resuscitative procedures in polytrauma patients.Trial registration: "Retrospektive Analysen in der Chirurgischen Intensivmedizin" StV01-2008.http://www.kek.zh.ch/internet/gesundheitsdirektion/kek/de/home.html.
Based on the empirical evidence that the ratio of email messages in public mailing lists to versioning system commits has remained relatively constant along the history of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), this paper has as goal to study what can be inferred from such a metric for projects of the ASF. We have found that the metric seems to be an intensive metric as it is independent of the size of the project, its activity, or the number of developers, and remains relatively independent of the technology or functional area of the project. Our analysis provides evidence that the metric is related to the technical effervescence and popularity of project, and as such can be a good candidate to measure its healthy evolution. Other, similar metrics -like the ratio of developer messages to commits and the ratio of issue tracker messages to commits- are studied for several projects as well, in order to see if they have similar characteristics.
Modern compilers present a great and ever increasing number of options which can modify the features and behavior of a compiled program. Many of these options are often wasted due to the required comprehensive knowledge about both the underlying architecture and the internal processes of the compiler. In this context, it is usual, not having a single design goal but a more complex set of objectives. In addition, the dependencies between different goals are difficult to be a priori inferred. This paper proposes a strategy for tuning the compilation of any given application. This is accomplished by using an automatic variation of the compilation options by means of multi-objective optimization and evolutionary computation commanded by the NSGA-II algorithm. This allows finding compilation options that simultaneously optimize different objectives. The advantages of our proposal are illustrated by means of a case study based on the well-known Apache web server. Our strategy has demonstrated an ability to find improvements up to 7.5% and up to 27% in context switches and L2 cache misses, respectively, and also discovers the most important bottlenecks involved in the application performance.