998 resultados para ANTI-IGA


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Immunoglobulin A deficiency (IgAD) is considered the most common form of primary immunodeficiency. The majority of IgA-deficient individuals are considered asymptomatic, even though IgAD has been associated with an increased frequency of recurrent infections, allergy, and autoimmune diseases. In this study we evaluate the Natural autoantibodies (NatAbs) reactivity to phosphorylcholine (PC) and to some pro-inflammatory molecules in IgAD with or without autoimmune disorders. We observed that in the absence of IgA there is an enhancement of IgG subclasses functioning as NatAbs against PC. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) against lipopolysaccharide, C-reactive protein, and IgA was found in IgAD, regardless of the autoimmune manifestations. Nonetheless, IgAD patients with autoimmune disease showed significantly higher IgG reactivity against pro-inflammatory molecules, such as cardiolipin, oxidized low-density lipoproteins, and phosphatidylserine, with positive correlation between them. In conclusion, the IgG NatAbs against PC may represent a compensatory defense mechanism against infections and control excess of inflammation, explaining the asymptomatic status in the IgA deficiency.


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Background: Sensitivity and specificity of anti-human tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-htTGA) seem to be superior to those of anti-tissue transglutaminase of guinea pig (anti-gptTGA) for screening patients with celiac disease (CD), but there are still controversies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of two INOVA ELISA kits to detect IgA anti-htTGA and anti-gptTGA in patients with and without CD. Methods: The study groups were comprised of 49 anti-endomysial antibody (EMA)-positive untreated-CD, and 123 controls (EMA-negative treated CD, EMA-negative chronic diarrhea, autoimmune hepatitis, inflammatory bowel disease and healthy people). Results: The agreement between the two ELISAs was statistically significant in all study groups and there was no significant difference between them (92.7% agreement; kappa=0.70; kappa p=0.001; McNemar p=1). All patients with serum reactivity of more than 100 units had histologic diagnosis of CD. In seven of 10 patients with treated-CD who had control biopsies, villous atrophy was still present in four who tested positive by both kits. Two of three celiacs with histologic remission tested positive for both anti-tTGA. Conclusions: the anti-gptTGA and anti-htTGA determination were equally efficient in identifying patients with untreated-CD with high titers of EMA. Whatever the anti-tTGA ELISA used, the reactivity above 100 units was always related to active CD diagnosed by histologic alterations in intestinal biopsies. The anti-tTGA reactivity by both kits was not only similar in determining histologic activity in the follow-up of CD after a gluten free diet, but also in identifying positive sera from the control groups, regardless if CD has been confirmed by duodenal biopsies. (Clin. Lab. 2010;56:29-35)


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The Authors describe an anti-Leishmania IgA-ELISA assay in mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. Increased titers were found in leishmaniasis patients, mainly in the first and second year of infection and in deep mycoses patients showing either mucosal involvement or widespread disease.


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Um estudo duplo-cego foi conduzido em pacientes portadores de lepra lepromatosa estável, para avaliar a resposta à administração de talidomida 100 mg por dia, por 18 dias, dos níveis séricos de IgM e IgA e dos títulos de fator reumatóide e isohemaglutininas anti-A e anti-B. Nenhum efeito significativo foi detectado ao fim deste período.


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We studied the frequency of specific anti-Toxoplasma IgM, IgA and IgE antibodies in serum of 28 immunocompetent Colombian patients, selected by ophthalmologists and with lesions that were compatible with ocular toxoplasmosis. Patients were classified in three groups: (i) group 1 consisted of ten patients with a first episode; (ii) group 2, with seven patients with a recurrence and (iii) group 3, consisted of eleven patients with chronic chorioretinal lesion without uveitis. We found that 10/28 (35%) of Colombian patients with ocular toxoplasmosis possessed at least one serological marker for Toxoplasma infection different from IgG. In group 1 (first episode), we found simultaneous presence of specific IgM plus IgA plus IgE in 1/10 (10%). In group 2 (recurrences) in 1/7 (14%) we found IgM and IgA test positives and in 1/7 (14%) we found IgM and IgE tests positives. In group 3 (toxoplasmic chorioretinal scar) the IgA serological test was positive in 2/11 (18%). These results show that serum IgM or IgA or IgE can be present during recurrences.


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A study was carried out to evaluate the presence of serological markers for the immunodiagnosis of the vertical transmission of toxoplasmosis. We tested the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (positive and negative) of different serological methods for the early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. In a prospective longitudinal study, 50 infants with suspected congenital toxoplasmosis were followed up in the ambulatory care centre of Congenital Infections at University Hospital in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, from 1 January 2004-30 September 2005. Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA), Enzyme-Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) and Immune-Fluorescent Antibody Technique (IFAT) were used to detect specific IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and a capture ELISA was used to detect specific IgA antibodies. The results showed that 28/50 infants were infected. During the neonatal period, IgM was detected in 39.3% (11/28) of those infected infants and IgA was detected in 21.4% (6/28). The sensitivity, specificity and predictive values (positive and negative) of each assay were, respectively: MEIA and ELFA: 60.9%, 100%, 100%, 55.0%; IFAT: 59.6%, 91.7%, 93.3%, 53.7%; IgA capture ELISA: 57.1%, 100%, 100%, 51.2%. The presence of specific IgM and IgA antibodies during the neonatal period was not frequent, although it was correlated with the most severe cases of congenital transmission. The results indicate that the absence of congenital disease markers (IgM and IgA) in newborns, even after confirming the absence with several techniques, does not constitute an exclusion criterion for toxoplasmosis.


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Toxoplasma gondii causes posterior uveitis and the specific diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. The presence of anti-T. gondii secretory IgA (sIgA) antibodies in patients' tears has been reported and an association was found between ocular toxoplasmosis and the anti-T. gondii sIgA isotype in Brazilian patients. The purpose of this study was to provide an objective validation of the published ELISA test for determining the presence of anti-T. gondii sIgA in the tears of individuals with ocular toxoplasmosis. Tears from 156 patients with active posterior uveitis were analysed; 82 of them presented characteristics of ocular toxoplasmosis (standard lesion) and 74 patients presented uveitis due to other aetiologies. Cases of active posterior uveitis were considered standard when a new inflammatory focus satellite to old retinochoroidal scars was observed. The determination of anti-T. gondii sIgA was made using an ELISA test with crude tachyzoite antigenic extracts. Tears were collected without previous stimulation. Detection of sIgA showed 65.9% sensitivity (95% CI = 54.5-74.4), 71.6% specificity (95% CI = 59.8-81.2), a positive predictive value of 72% (95% CI = 60.3-81.5) and a negative predictive value of 65.4% (95% CI = 54.0-75.4). sIgA reactivity was higher in the tears of patients with active posterior uveitis due to T. gondii (p < 0.05). The test is useful for differentiating active posterior uveitis due to toxoplasmosis from uveitis caused by other diseases.


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The intestinal immune system hasthe complex task to protect the sterilecore of the organism against invasion.Most of invasive enterobacteria targetintestinal epithelial cells (IEC) inducingmajor damages to the mucosa.Shigella flexneri, by invading IECand inducing inflammatory responsesof the colonic mucosa, causes bacillarydysentery, a bloody diarrhea thatis endemic worldwide. The mechanismof entry of this bacterium is stilla matter of debate. Mcells participatingin sampling antigens from the gutlumen through Peyers patches arecommonly considered as the primarysite of entry of the bacteria. Once inthe lamina propria, Shigella can invadeIEC via their basolateral poleand spread from cell-to-cell leading tomassive tissue destruction. More recently,data are accumulating demonstratingthat bacteria can also enter thelamina propria directly via IEC, underscoringIEC as another gate of entry.In addition, the protective role ofsecretory IgA (SIgA) produced byplasmocytes of the lamina propria hasbeen established in shigellosis contextbut few is known about its role inmaintaining IEC monolayer integrity.Here, the impact of the bacterium wasstudied using polarized CaCo 2 cellmonolayer apically infected with avirulent strain of S. flexneri eitheralone or complexed with its cognateanti LPS SIgA. Parameters associatedwith the infection process includingcytokine measurements (IL-8, IL-18)and laser scanning confocal microscopydetection of Zonula Occludens-1, a tight junction (TJ) protein werestudied.We demonstrate that bacteriaare able to infect IEC through theirluminal-like pole as well, inducingthe complete disruption of TJ and thedestruction of the whole reconstitutedCaCo-2 cell monolayer. SIgA uponneutralization of bacteria led to themaintenance of TJ supporting IEC integrity,and the modulation of cytokinereleases. Together with anti-inflammatoryproperties of SIgA, thefact that apical bacteria can damagethe IEC without the intervention ofother cells such as Mcells offers newpossibilities in understanding thepathogenic mechanisms involved inshigellosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Imbalance in the resident microbiota may promote the growth of opportunistic microorganisms, such as yeasts of Candida genus and the development of diseases, especially in aged people. This study evaluated whether the consumption of the probiotic Yakult LB® (Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium breve) was able to influence on the specific immunological response against Candida and on the presence of these yeasts in the oral cavity of 42 healthy aged individuals. Saliva samples were collected before and after the probiotic use for 30 days, 3 times a week. The samples were plated in Dextrose Saboraud Agar with chloramphenicol, the colony-forming units (CFU/mL) were counted and the Candida species were identified. Anti-Candida IgA analysis was conducted using the ELISA technique. ANOVA and Student's t-test were used for normally distributed data and the Wilcoxon test was used for data with non-normal distribution (α=0.05). The results showed a statistically significant reduction (p<0.05) in Candida prevalence (from 92.9% to 85.7%), in CFU/mL counts of Candida and in the number of non-albicans species after consumption of the probiotic. Immunological analysis demonstrated a significant increase (p<0.05) in anti-Candida IgA levels. In conclusion, probiotic bacteria reduced Candida numbers in the oral cavity of the elderly and increased specific secretory immune response against these yeasts, suggesting its possible use in controlling oral candidosis.


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OBJECTIVES: False-positive results of anti-tissue-transglutaminase (tTG) IgA autoantibodies have been reported in subjects with a genetic risk for celiac disease (CD). The aims of this retrospective study were to assess the prevalence of false-positive tTG titers in patients at risk of CD compared with symptomatic children and to evaluate the influence of age and indication for testing on tTG titers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All tTG results measured in our institution during a 33-month period were evaluated. Patients with known CD were excluded. Indications for testing were either symptoms suggestive of CD (group 1) or history of being at risk for CD (group 2). Duodenal biopsies were recommended if titers were positive (> or =10 U/mL) and offered if borderline (> or =4 to <10 U/mL). RESULTS: The final analysis included 2056 patients, 1707 belonged to group 1, and 349 to group 2. All 65 patients with positive tTG results underwent biopsy (group 1: 57, group 2: 8). Celiac disease was confirmed in 61 subjects (median titer: 107.8 U/mL, range 12.0-1748 mL, NS between group 1 and 2), whereas 4 had normal histology (10.2-25.2 U/mL). Three out of 16 patients with borderline results underwent biopsy and had normal histology. Borderline titers were more common in group 2 patients (2.6% vs 0.4%, P<0.001). Multiple regression analysis in patients with negative tTG results (n=1975) revealed that titers were independently related to age (P<0.05) and indication for testing (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The influence of age and genetic predisposition/risk has to be taken into account when interpreting tTG results.


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IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is a kidney disease with a varying renal prognosis. Recently, many studies have demonstrated that renal alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA) and transforming growth factor (TGF-beta 1) expression, as well interstitial mast cell infiltrates could represent a prognostic marker in several renal diseases. The aim of our study was to analyze the prognostic value of mast cell, TGF-beta 1 and alpha-SMA expression in IgAN. A survey of the medical records and renal biopsy reports of 62 patients with a diagnosis of IgAN followed-up from 1987 to 2003 was performed. The mean follow-up time was 74.7 +/- 50.0 months. The immunohistochemical studies were performed using a monoclonal antibody anti-human mast cell tryptase, a polyclonal antibody anti-human TGF-beta 1, and a monoclonal antibody anti-human alpha-SMA. An unfavorable clinical course of IgAN was related to interstitial mast cell infiltrates and alpha-SMA expression in the tubulointerstitial area. Expression of glomerular TGF-beta 1 and alpha-SMA, and interstitial TGF-beta 1 is not correlated with clinical course in IgAN. In conclusion, the increased number of mast cells and higher alpha-SMA expression in the tubulointerstitial area may be predictive factors for the poor prognosis of patients with IgAN.


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Antibodies against gliadin are used to detect celiac disease (CD) in patients. An electrochemical immunosensor for the voltammetric detection of human anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) IgA and AGA IgG in real serum samples is proposed. The transducer surface consists of screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with a carbon nanotube/gold nanoparticle hybrid system, which provides a very useful surface for the amplification of the immunological interactions. The immunosensing strategy is based on the immobilization of gliadin, the antigen for the autoantibodies of interest, onto the nanostructured surface. The antigen–antibody interaction is recorded using alkaline phosphatase labeled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions (3-IP/Ag+) was used as the substrate. The analytical signal is based on the anodic redissolution of the enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical behavior of this immunosensor was carefully evaluated assessing aspects as sensitivity, non-specific binding and matrix effects, and repeatability and reproducibility. The results were supported with a commercial ELISA test.