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Na medicina equina, os problemas locomotores estão na origem da maioria das consultas veterinárias, provocando uma enorme preocupação para os proprietários e equitadores e exigindo um grande conhecimento por parte do veterinário. Assim, não são demais os estudos realizados nesta área, que permitem auxiliar os médicos veterinários sempre que se deparam com este tipo de problemas. Uma das ferramentas fundamentais para o diagnóstico das lesões ósseas e articulares nos membros é o raio-X. Desde que este foi tornado portátil, passou a ser um enorme aliado do veterinário, permitindo diagnósticos mais facilitados e imediatos no terreno. O objectivo da presente dissertação, para além de rever a bibliografia descrita acerca da incidência de lesões locomotoras, é também contribuir para a caracterização das lesões mais frequentes na medicina equina na população estudada que envolvam as estruturas óssea e articular dos membros do cavalo. As lesões locomotoras descritas no estudo, foram determinadas após uma observação rigorosa aos diferentes raios-X de 95 cavalos e os dados recolhidos foram tratados através de uma análise estatística utilizando o programa «SPSS®». Existe uma maior incidência de lesões nos membros anteriores quando comparado com os membros posteriores. Tanto o membro anterior direito, como o membro posterior direito são igualmente mais afectados do que os membros esquerdos, havendo também uma elevada distribuição das lesões em ambos os membros anteriores em simultâneo. No membro anterior, a lesão mais frequentemente diagnosticada é a osteoartrite, sendo a luxação uma das lesões menos encontradas. Para o membro posterior, é o esparvão que mais se diagnostica, contrastando com o síndrome podotroclear, que tem uma prevalência baixa. No membro anterior, a 3ª falange é uma das regiões mais afectadas, sendo a ulna uma das regiões menos afectadas. No membro posterior, é a região do curvilhão que representa um dos locais mais propícios a lesão, enquanto a 2ª falange é uma das regiões onde menos frequentemente se diagnosticam lesões no cavalo. Os resultados encontrados estão de acordo com a bibliografia descrita e sugerem a importância da continuidade deste tipo de estudos, nomeadamente abrangendo outras variáveis como a raça, a idade e o tipo de utilização do cavalo e, ainda, a utilização de outros métodos imagiológicos.
This report documents our work in exploring active balance for dynamic legged systems for the period from September 1985 through September 1989. The purpose of this research is to build a foundation of knowledge that can lead both to the construction of useful legged vehicles and to a better understanding of animal locomotion. In this report we focus on the control of biped locomotion, the use of terrain footholds, running at high speed, biped gymnastics, symmetry in running, and the mechanical design of articulated legs.
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications
Includes index.
We developed a reproducible model of deep dermal partial thickness burn injury in juvenile Large White pigs. The contact burn is created using water at 92 degrees C for 15s in a bottle with the bottom replaced with plastic wrap. The depth of injury was determined by a histopathologist who examined tissue sections 2 and 6 days after injury in a blinded manner. Upon creation, the circular wound area developed white eschar and a hyperaemic zone around the wound border. Animals were kept for 6 weeks or 99 days to examine the wound healing process. The wounds took between 3 and 5 weeks for complete re-epithelialisation. Most wounds developed contracted, purple, hypertrophic scars. On measurement, the thickness of the burned skin was approximately 1.8 times that of the control skin at week 6 and approximately 2.2 times thicker than control skin at 99 days after injury. We have developed various methods to assess healing wounds, including digital photographic analysis, depth of organising granulation tissue, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and tensiometry. Immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy showed that our porcine hypertrophic scar appears similar to human hypertrophic scarring. The development of this model allows us to test and compare different treatments on burn wounds.
This retrospective review examines healing in different sites on a porcine burn model; 24 pairs of burns on 18 pigs from other animal trials were selected for analysis. Each pair of burns was located on the either the cranial or the caudal part of the thoracic ribs region, on the same side of the animal. The burns were 40-50 cm(2) in size and of uniform deep-dermal partial thickness. Caudal burns healed significantly better than cranial burns, demonstrated by earlier closure of wounds, less scar formation and better cosmesis. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study reporting that burn healing is affected by location on a porcine burn model. We recommend that similar symmetrical burns should be used for future comparative assessments of burn healing.
We present a fixed-grid finite element technique for fluid-structure interaction problems involving incompressible viscous flows and thin structures. The flow equations are discretised with isoparametric b-spline basis functions defined on a logically Cartesian grid. In addition, the previously proposed subdivision-stabilisation technique is used to ensure inf-sup stability. The beam equations are discretised with b-splines and the shell equations with subdivision basis functions, both leading to a rotation-free formulation. The interface conditions between the fluid and the structure are enforced with the Nitsche technique. The resulting coupled system of equations is solved with a Dirichlet-Robin partitioning scheme, and the fluid equations are solved with a pressure-correction method. Auxiliary techniques employed for improving numerical robustness include the level-set based implicit representation of the structure interface on the fluid grid, a cut-cell integration algorithm based on marching tetrahedra and the conservative data transfer between the fluid and structure discretisations. A number of verification and validation examples, primarily motivated by animal locomotion in air or water, demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our approach. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Animal locomotion causes head rotations, which are detected by the semicircular canals of the inner ear. Morphologic features of the canals influence rotational sensitivity, and so it is hypothesized that locomotion and canal morphology are functionally related. Most prior research has compared subjective assessments of animal "agility" with a single determinant of rotational sensitivity: the mean canal radius of curvature (R). In fact, the paired variables of R and body mass are correlated with agility and have been used to infer locomotion in extinct species. To refine models of canal functional morphology and to improve locomotor inferences for extinct species, we compare 3D vector measurements of head rotation during locomotion with 3D vector measures of canal sensitivity. Contrary to the predictions of conventional models that are based upon R, we find that axes of rapid head rotation are not aligned with axes of either high or low sensitivity. Instead, animals with fast head rotations have similar sensitivities in all directions, which they achieve by orienting the three canals of each ear orthogonally (i.e., along planes at 90° angles to one another). The extent to which the canal configuration approaches orthogonality is correlated with rotational head speed independent of body mass and phylogeny, whereas R is not.
Animal locomotion is a complex process, involving the central pattern generators (neural networks, located in the spinal cord, that produce rhythmic patterns), the brainstem command systems, the steering and posture control systems and the top layer structures that decide which motor primitive is activated at a given time. Pinto and Golubitsky studied an integer CPG model for legs rhythms in bipeds. It is a four-coupled identical oscillators' network with dihedral symmetry. This paper considers a new complex order central pattern generator (CPG) model for locomotion in bipeds. A complex derivative Dα±jβ, with α, β ∈ ℜ+, j = √-1, is a generalization of the concept of an integer derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. Parameter regions where periodic solutions, identified with legs' rhythms in bipeds, occur, are analyzed. Also observed is the variation of the amplitude and period of periodic solutions with the complex order derivative.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Brooks, W.K. On some methods of locomotion in animals.--Martin, H.N. How skulls and backbones are built.--Sedgwick, W.T. On fermentation.--Sewall, H. How we move.
Includes indexes.
"Abdruck aus den Zoologischen Jahrbüchern ... Supplement XV, 3. band".
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