998 resultados para ANALYZING-POWER
We report precision measurements of the Feynman x (x(F)) dependence, and first measurements of the transverse momentum (p(T)) dependence, of transverse single-spin asymmetries for the production of pi(0) mesons from polarized proton collisions at s=200 GeV. The x(F) dependence of the results is in fair agreement with perturbative QCD model calculations that identify orbital motion of quarks and gluons within the proton as the origin of the spin effects. Results for the p(T) dependence at fixed x(F) are not consistent with these same perturbative QCD-based calculations.
We report the first measurement of transverse single-spin asymmetries in J/psi production from transversely polarized p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV with data taken by the PHENIX experiment in 2006 and 2008. The measurement was performed over the rapidity ranges 1.2 < vertical bar y vertical bar < 2.2 and vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.35 for transverse momenta up to 6 GeV/c. J/psi production at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider is dominated by processes involving initial-state gluons, and transverse single-spin asymmetries of the J/psi can provide access to gluon dynamics within the nucleon. Such asymmetries may also shed light on the long-standing question in QCD of the J/psi production mechanism. Asymmetries were obtained as a function of J/psi transverse momentum and Feynman-x, with a value of -0.086 +/- 0.026(stat) +/- 0.003(syst) in the forward region. This result suggests possible nonzero trigluon correlation functions in transversely polarized protons and, if well defined in this reaction, a nonzero gluon Sivers distribution function.
A dissertação procura analisar o conceito de poder numa perspectiva de questionamento da Psicologia Social notadamente com respeito à relevância de seus achados para a sociedade e à vinculação de suas formulações com a estrutura social vigente. Verifica-se a polissemia do conceito, pertencente a diferentes níveis do conhecimento e possuindo um referencial empírico ampliado, o que por sua vez gera divergências em sua conceituação. Tendo seu lugar de demarcação nas relações interpessoais, intra e intergrupais, organizacionais e de classe, seu significado mescla-se ao de termos como influência, controle, autoridade, dominação, que são muitas vezes intercambiáveis num determinado texto. Seu exercício caracteriza a relação de dominação-subordinação e é visto como decorrente da posse de recursos, implicando em resistência por parte dos subordinados e em sua percepção como beneficiador unicamente de seu detentor. Entende-se como um esforço da Psicologia Social em prol da manutenção da ordem social seus trabalhos visando elaborar novas formas de manipulação dos conflitos consequentes ao exercício do poder. Enquanto a visão desta disciplina é eminentemente psicológica, desvinculada do contexto social, em Ciências Políticas e Sociologia o conceito insere-se numa reflexão sobre a macro-estrutura sem, contudo, dispensar a utilização de variáveis psicológicas. Motivações e habilidades do detentor do poder e valores, percepções e expectativas do elemento subordinado são fatores presentes nas diferentes reflexões analisadas, tanto nas oriundas da Psicologia quanto na integracionista, na elitista, na pluralista e na da troca, ausentando-se somente da marxista que recorta o conceito de poder no campo das lutas de classe.
Das Detektorsystem des Spektrometers Ader Drei-Spektrometer-Anlage am MainzerElektronenbeschleuniger MAMI wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeitum ein Fokalebenen-Proton-Polarimeter (FPP) ergänzt.Dazu wurden zwei Horizontale Doppeldriftkammern entworfenund zusammen mit einem Kohlenstoffanalysator hinter derFokalebene des Spektrometers aufgebaut.Zur Berechnung der Spin-Präzession in den inhomogenenMagnetfeldern des Spektrometers wurde das Programm QSPINerstellt und damit eine Spin-Transfer-Matrix (STM) erzeugt,mit der über eine Fitprozedur die Polarisationskomponentender Protonen in der Streuebene an die im FPP gemessenenangepaßt werden können.Mit elastischen Elektron-Proton-Streuexperimenten wurdenfalsche Asymmetrien im FPP untersucht, die berechnete STMbestätigt, die inklusive Proton-Kohlenstoff-Analysierstärkeauf einen größeren Streuwinkelbereich erweitert und dasVerhältnis zwischen dem elektrischen und dem magnetischenSachs-Formfaktor des Protons gemessen.Zur Untersuchung der Coulomb-Quadrupol-Übergangsamplitudebei der Anregung des Nukleons zur Delta(1232)-Resonanzwurden in einem Pion-Elektroproduktions-Experiment am Protonmit dem FPP die Komponenten der Polarisation derRückstoßprotonen in paralleler Kinematik gemessen.
In this thesis I concentrate on the angular correlations in top quark decays and their next--to--leading order (NLO) QCD corrections. I also discuss the leading--order (LO) angular correlations in unpolarized and polarized hyperon decays. In the first part of the thesis I calculate the angular correlation between the top quark spin and the momentum of decay products in the rest frame decay of a polarized top quark into a charged Higgs boson and a bottom quark in Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models: $t(uparrow)rightarrow b+H^{+}$. The decay rate in this process is split into an angular independent part (unpolarized) and an angular dependent part (polar correlation). I provide closed form formulae for the ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections to the unpolarized and the polar correlation functions for $m_{b}neq 0$ and $m_{b}=0$. The results for the unpolarized rate agree with the existing results in the literature. The results for the polarized correlations are new. I found that, for certain values of $tanbeta$, the ${mathcal O}(alpha_s)$ radiative corrections to the unpolarized, polarized rates, and the asymmetry parameter can become quite large. In the second part I concentrate on the semileptonic rest frame decay of a polarized top quark into a bottom quark and a lepton pair: $t(uparrow) to X_b + ell^+ + nu_ell$. I analyze the angular correlations between the top quark spin and the momenta of the decay products in two different helicity coordinate systems: system 1a with the $z$--axis along the charged lepton momentum, and system 3a with the $z$--axis along the neutrino momentum. The decay rate then splits into an angular independent part (unpolarized), a polar angle dependent part (polar correlation) and an azimuthal angle dependent part (azimuthal correlation). I present closed form expressions for the ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections to the unpolarized part and the polar and azimuthal correlations in system 1a and 3a for $m_{b}neq 0$ and $m_{b}=0$. For the unpolarized part and the polar correlation I agree with existing results. My results for the azimuthal correlations are new. In system 1a I found that the azimuthal correlation vanishes in the leading order as a consequence of the $(V-A)$ nature of the Standard Model current. The ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections to the azimuthal correlation in system 1a are very small (around 0.24% relative to the unpolarized LO rate). In system 3a the azimuthal correlation does not vanish at LO. The ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections decreases the LO azimuthal asymmetry by around 1%. In the last part I turn to the angular distribution in semileptonic hyperon decays. Using the helicity method I derive complete formulas for the leading order joint angular decay distributions occurring in semileptonic hyperon decays including lepton mass and polarization effects. Compared to the traditional covariant calculation the helicity method allows one to organize the calculation of the angular decay distributions in a very compact and efficient way. This is demonstrated by the specific example of the polarized hyperon decay $Xi^0(uparrow) to Sigma^+ + l^- + bar{nu}_l$ ,($l^-=e^-, mu^-$) followed by the nonleptonic decay $Sigma^+ to p + pi^0$, which is described by a five--fold angular decay distribution.
Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS) is an important reaction for understanding nucleon structure at low energies. By studying this process, the generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon can be measured. These observables are a generalization of the already known polarizabilities and will permit theoretical models to be challenged on a new level. More specifically, there exist six generalized polarizabilities and in order to disentangle them all, a double polarization experiment must be performed. Within this work, the VCS reaction p(e,e p)gamma was measured at MAMI using the A1 Collaboration three spectrometer setup with Q2=0.33 (GeV/c)2. Using the highly polarized MAMI beam and a recoil proton polarimeter, it was possible to measure both the VCS cross section and the double polarization observables. Already in 2000, the unpolarized VCS cross section was measured at MAMI. In this new experiment, we could confirm the old data and furthermore the double polarization observables were measured for the first time. The data were taken in five periods between 2005 and 2006. In this work, the data were analyzed to extract the cross section and the proton polarization. For the analysis, a maximum likelihood algorithm was developed together with the full simulation of all the analysis steps. The experiment is limited by the low statistics due mainly to the focal plane proton polarimeter efficiency. To overcome this problem, a new determination and parameterization of the carbon analyzing power was performed. The main result of the experiment is the extraction of a new combination of the generalized polarizabilities using the double polarization observables.
Am COMPASS-Experiment am CERN-SPS wird die Spinsstruktur des Nukleons mit Hilfe der Streuung von polarisierten Myonen an polarisierten Nukleonen untersucht. Der in der inklusiven tiefinelastischen Streuung gemessene Beitrag der Quarks zum Nukleonspin reicht nicht aus, um den Spin des Nukleons zu erklären. Daher soll geklärt werden, wie die Gluonpolarisation und die Bahndrehimpulse von Quarks und Gluonen zum Gesamtspin des Nukleons beitragen. Da sich die Gluonpolarisation aus der $Q^{2}$-Abhängigkeit der Asymmetrien in der inklusiven Streuung nur abschätzen lässt, wird eine direkte Messung der Gluonpolarisation benötigt. Die COMPASS-Kollaboration bestimmt daher die Wirkungsquerschnittsasymmetrien für Photon-Gluon-Fusionprozesse, indem sie zum einen die offene Charmproduktion und zum anderen die Produktion von Hadronpaaren mit großen Transversalimpulsen verwendet. In dieser Arbeit wird die Messung der Gluonpolarisation mit den COMPASS-Daten der Jahre 2003 und 2004 vorgestellt. Für die Analyse werden die Ereignisse mit großem Impulsübertrag ($Q^{2}>1$ $GeV^{2}/c^{2}$) und mit Hadronpaaren mit großem Transversalimpuls ($p_{perp}>0.7$ $GeV/c$) verwendet. Die Photon-Nukleon-Asymmetrie wurde aus dem gewichteten Doppelverhältnis der selektierten Ereignisse bestimmt. Der Schnitt auf $p_{perp}>0.7$rn$GeV/c$ unterdrückt die Prozesse führender Ordnung und QCD-Compton Prozesse, so dass die Asymmetrie direkt mit der Gluonpolarisation über die Analysierstärke verknüpft ist. Der gemessene Wert ist sehr klein und verträglich mit einer verschwindenden Gluonpolarisation. Zur Vermeidung von falschen Asymmetrien aufgrund der Änderung der Detektorakzeptanz wurden Doppelverhältnisse untersucht, bei denen sich der Wirkungsquerschnitt aufhebt und nur die Detektorasymmetrien übrig bleiben. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das COMPASS-Spektrometer keine signifikante Zeitabhängigkeit aufweist. Für die Berechnung der Analysierstärke wurden Monte Carlo Ereignisse mit Hilfe des LEPTO-Generators und des COMGeant Software Paketes erzeugt. Dabei ist eine gute Beschreibung der Daten durch das Monte Carlo sehr wichtig. Dafür wurden zur Verbesserung der Beschreibung JETSET Parameter optimiert. Es ergab sich ein Wert von rn$frac{Delta G}{G}=0.054pm0.145_{(stat)}pm0.131_{(sys)}pm0.04_{(MC)}$ bei einem mittleren Impulsbruchteil von $langle x_{gluon}rangle=0.1$ und $langle Q^{2}rangle=1.9$ $GeV^{2}/c^{2}$. Dieses Ergebnis deutet auf eine sehr kleine Gluonpolarisation hin und steht im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen anderer Methoden, wie offene Charmproduktion und mit den Ergebnissen, die am doppelt polarisierten RHIC Collider am BNL erzielt wurden.
Das A4-Experiment bestimmt den Beitrag der Strangequarks zu den elektromagnetischen Formfaktoren des Nukleons durch Messung der Paritätsverletzung in der elastischen Elektron-Nukleon-Streuung. Diese Messungen werden mit dem spinpolarisierten Elektronenstrahl des Mainzer Mikrotrons (MAMI) bei Strahlenergien zwischen 315 und 1508 MeV ndurchgeführt. Die Bestimmung des Strahlpolarisationsgrades ist für die Analyse der Daten unerläßlich, um die physikalische Asymmetrie aus der gemessenen paritätsverletzenden Asymmetrie extrahieren zu können. Aus diesem Grund wird von der A4-Kollaboration ein neuartiges Compton-Laserrückstreupolarimeter entwickelt, das eine zerstörungsfreie Messung der Strahlpolarisation, parallel zum laufenden Paritätsexperiment erlaubt. Um den zuverlässigen Dauerbetrieb des Polarimeters zu ermöglichen, wurde das Polarimeter im Rahmen dieser Arbeit weiterentwickelt. Das Datenerfassungssystem für Photonen- und Elektronendetektor wurde neu aufgebaut und im Hinblick auf die Verarbeitung hoher Raten optimiert. Zum Nachweis der rückgestreuten Photonen wurde ein neuartiger Detektor (LYSO) in Betrieb genommen. Darüber hinaus wurden GEANT4-Simulationen der Detektoren durchgeführt und eine Analyseumgebung für die Extraktion von Comptonasymmetrien aus den Rückstreudaten entwickelt. Das Analyseverfahren nutzt die Möglichkeit, die rückgestreuten Photonen durch koinzidente Detektion der gestreuten Elektronen energiemarkiert nachzuweisen (Tagging). Durch die von der Energiemarkierung eingeführte differentielle Energieskala wird somit eine präzise Bestimmung der Analysierstärke möglich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Analysierstärke des Polarimeters bestimmt, so daß nun das Produkt von Elektronen- und Laserstrahlpolarisation bei einem Strahlstrom von 20 muA, parallel zum laufenden Paritätsexperiment, mit einer statistischen Genauigkeit von 1% in 24 Stunden bei 855 MeV bzw. <1% in 12 Stunden bei 1508 MeV gemessen werden kann. In Kombination mit der Bestimmung der Laserpolarisation in einer parallelen Arbeit (Y. Imai) auf 1% kann die statistische Unsicherheit der Strahlpolarisation im A4-Experiment von zuvor 5% auf nun 1,5% bei 1508MeV verringert werden. Für die Daten zur Messung der paritätsverletzenden Elektronenstreuung bei einem Viererimpulsübertrag von $Q^2=0,6 (GeV/c)^2$ beträgt die Rohasymmetrie beim derzeitigen Stand der Analyse $A_{PV}^{Roh} = ( -20,0 pm 0,9_{stat} ) cdot 10^{-6}$. Für eine Strahlpolarisation von 80% erhält man einen Gesamtfehler von $1,68 cdot 10^{-6}$ für $Delta P_e/P_e = 5 %$. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit wird sich dieser Fehler durch Analyse der Daten des Compton-Laserrückstreupolarimeters um 29% auf $1,19 cdot 10^{-6}$ ($Delta P_e/P_e = 1,5 %$) verringern lassen.
Während der letzten Jahre wurde für Spinfilter-Detektoren ein wesentlicher Schritt in Richtung stark erhöhter Effizienz vollzogen. Das ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für spinaufgelöste Messungen mit Hilfe von modernen Elektronensp ektrometern und Impulsmikroskopen. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden bisherige Arbeiten der parallel abbildenden Technik weiterentwickelt, die darauf beruht, dass ein elektronenoptisches Bild unter Ausnutzung der k-parallel Erhaltung in der Niedrigenergie-Elektronenbeugung auch nach einer Reflektion an einer kristallinen Oberfläche erhalten bleibt. Frühere Messungen basierend auf der spekularen Reflexion an einerrnW(001) Oberfläche [Kolbe et al., 2011; Tusche et al., 2011] wurden auf einenrnviel größeren Parameterbereich erweitert und mit Ir(001) wurde ein neues System untersucht, welches eine sehr viel längere Lebensdauer der gereinigten Kristalloberfläche im UHV aufweist. Die Streuenergie- und Einfallswinkel-“Landschaft” der Spinempfindlichkeit S und der Reflektivität I/I0 von gestreuten Elektronen wurde im Bereich von 13.7 - 36.7 eV Streuenergie und 30◦ - 60◦ Streuwinkel gemessen. Die dazu neu aufgebaute Messanordnung umfasst eine spinpolarisierte GaAs Elektronenquellernund einen drehbaren Elektronendetektor (Delayline Detektor) zur ortsauflösenden Detektion der gestreuten Elektronen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen mehrere Regionen mit hoher Asymmetrie und großem Gütefaktor (figure of merit FoM), definiert als S2 · I/I0. Diese Regionen eröffnen einen Weg für eine deutliche Verbesserung der Vielkanal-Spinfiltertechnik für die Elektronenspektroskopie und Impulsmikroskopie. Im praktischen Einsatz erwies sich die Ir(001)-Einkristalloberfläche in Bezug auf längere Lebensdauer im UHV (ca. 1 Messtag), verbunden mit hoher FOM als sehr vielversprechend. Der Ir(001)-Detektor wurde in Verbindung mit einem Halbkugelanalysator bei einem zeitaufgelösten Experiment im Femtosekunden-Bereich am Freie-Elektronen-Laser FLASH bei DESY eingesetzt. Als gute Arbeitspunkte erwiesen sich 45◦ Streuwinkel und 39 eV Streuenergie, mit einer nutzbaren Energiebreite von 5 eV, sowie 10 eV Streuenergie mit einem schmaleren Profil von < 1 eV aber etwa 10× größerer Gütefunktion. Die Spinasymmetrie erreicht Werte bis 70 %, was den Einfluss von apparativen Asymmetrien deutlich reduziert. Die resultierende Messungen und Energie-Winkel-Landschaft zeigt recht gute Übereinstimmung mit der Theorie (relativistic layer-KKR SPLEED code [Braun et al., 2013; Feder et al.,rn2012])
his Letter presents measurements of the polarization of the top quark in top-antitop quark pair events, using 4.7 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at s√=7 TeV. Final states containing one or two isolated leptons (electrons or muons) and jets are considered. Two measurements of αℓP, the product of the leptonic spin-analyzing power and the top quark polarization, are performed assuming that the polarization is introduced by either a CP conserving or a maximally CP violating production process. The measurements obtained, αℓPCPC=−0.035±0.014(stat)±0.037(syst) and αℓPCPV=0.020±0.016(stat)+0.013−0.017(syst), are in good agreement with the standard model prediction of negligible top quark polarization.
Optical potentials provide critical input for calculations on a wide variety of nuclear reactions, in particular, for neutrino-nucleus reactions, which are of great interest in the light of the new neutrino oscillation experiments. We present the global relativistic folding optical potential (GRFOP) fits to elastic proton scattering data from C-12 nucleus at energies between 20 and 1040 MeV. We estimate observables, such as the differential cross section, the analyzing power, and the spin rotation parameter, in elastic proton scattering within the relativistic impulse approximation. The new GRFOP potential is employed within the relativistic Green's function model for inclusive quasielastic electron scattering and for (anti) neutrino-nucleus scattering at MiniBooNE kinematics.
The furrow openers for no-till system should be easy to penetrate the soil, generate low levels of soil mobilization and require a little traction force. Thus, the aim of this research was to compare six hoe-type furrow openers, four of industrial manufacturing and two handcrafted models, which were used in planters in the region of Pelotas, Brazil. The parameters for comparison among these furrow openers were the horizontal (Fh) and vertical (Fv) forces acting on the tip of the hoe and the cross-sectional area mobilized in the furrow. The experimental design was randomized, with six treatments (furrow openers) from T1 to T6, with four repetitions, constituted by their passage through plots of 20 x 3 m. The force data were collected by load cells and a signal conditioner. The determination of the mobilized area in the furrow was done by a micro soil profilometer. It was concluded that the furrow openers T1, T4 and T6 presented the lowest values of horizontal force (statistically equal and ranging between 1,034 and 1,230 N) and that T1 and T2 produced the highest vertical forces downwards (statistically identical and varying between 749 and 845 N). The furrow openers T1, T2, T4, T5 and T6 generated soil mobilization statistically equal and between 0.006993 and 0.008933 m².
This thesis presents an analysis of recently enacted Russian renewable energy policy based on capacity mechanism. Considering its novelty and poor coverage by academic literature, the aim of the thesis is to analyze capacity mechanism influence on investors’ decision-making process. The current research introduces a number of approaches to investment analysis. Firstly, classical financial model was built with Microsoft Excel® and crisp efficiency indicators such as net present value were determined. Secondly, sensitivity analysis was performed to understand different factors influence on project profitability. Thirdly, Datar-Mathews method was applied that by means of Monte Carlo simulation realized with Matlab Simulink®, disclosed all possible outcomes of investment project and enabled real option thinking. Fourthly, previous analysis was duplicated by fuzzy pay-off method with Microsoft Excel®. Finally, decision-making process under capacity mechanism was illustrated with decision tree. Capacity remuneration paid within 15 years is calculated individually for each RE project as variable annuity that guarantees a particular return on investment adjusted on changes in national interest rates. Analysis results indicate that capacity mechanism creates a real option to invest in renewable energy project by ensuring project profitability regardless of market conditions if project-internal factors are managed properly. The latter includes keeping capital expenditures within set limits, production performance higher than 75% of target indicators, and fulfilling localization requirement, implying producing equipment and services within the country. Occurrence of real option shapes decision-making process in the following way. Initially, investor should define appropriate location for a planned power plant where high production performance can be achieved, and lock in this location in case of competition. After, investor should wait until capital cost limit and localization requirement can be met, after that decision to invest can be made without any risk to project profitability. With respect to technology kind, investment into solar PV power plant is more attractive than into wind or small hydro power, since it has higher weighted net present value and lower standard deviation. However, it does not change decision-making strategy that remains the same for each technology type. Fuzzy pay-method proved its ability to disclose the same patterns of information as Monte Carlo simulation. Being effective in investment analysis under uncertainty and easy in use, it can be recommended as sufficient analytical tool to investors and researchers. Apart from described results, this thesis contributes to the academic literature by detailed description of capacity price calculation for renewable energy that was not available in English before. With respect to methodology novelty, such advanced approaches as Datar-Mathews method and fuzzy pay-off method are applied on the top of investment profitability model that incorporates capacity remuneration calculation as well. Comparison of effects of two different RE supporting schemes, namely Russian capacity mechanism and feed-in premium, contributes to policy comparative studies and exhibits useful inferences for researchers and policymakers. Limitations of this research are simplification of assumptions to country-average level that restricts our ability to analyze renewable energy investment region wise and existing limitation of the studying policy to the wholesale power market that leaves retail markets and remote areas without our attention, taking away medium and small investment into renewable energy from the research focus. Elimination of these limitations would allow creating the full picture of Russian renewable energy investment profile.
This article aims to present proposals for improvement of key standards and resolutions concerned about the methodology for calculating the indicator of total harmonic voltage distortion, and should contribute to the process of examining the compatibility of potentially disturbing loads in electric power quality in distribution systems. These proposals were drawn from the analysis of results from measurement campaigns conducted in a case study including analysis of the connection of a new induction furnace in a foundry served by a distributor of São Paulo state. A general historical situating the quality of electric energy in the electricity sector is presented, and methodological guidelines and procedures used in experimental trials are shown. The analysis and discussion of results are prepared to answer the main questions that arise during the implementation of standards, resolutions and procedures. © 2011 IEEE.
Geography, retailing, and power are institutionally bound up together. Within these, the authors situate their research in Clegg's work on power. Online shopping offers a growing challenge to the apparent hegemony of traditional physical retail stores' format. While novel e-formats appear regularly, blogshops in Singapore are enjoying astonishing success that has taken the large retailers by surprise. Even though there are well-developed theoretical frameworks for understanding the role of institutional entrepreneurs and other major stakeholders in bringing about change and innovation, much less attention has been paid to the role of unorganized, nonstrategic actors-such as blogshops-in catalyzing retail change. The authors explore how blogshops are perceived by consumers and how they challenge the power of other shopping formats. They use Principal Components Analysis to analyze results from a survey of 349 blogshops users. While the results show that blogshops stay true to traditional online shopping attributes, deviations occur on the concept of value. Furthermore, consumer power is counter intuitively found to be strongly present in the areas related to cultural ties, excitement, and search for individualist novelty (as opposed to mass-production), thereby encouraging researchers to think critically about emerging power behavior in media practices.