996 resultados para AMINE GROUP


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The potentially sexidentate polyamine macrocycle 15-methyl-1,4,7,10,13-pentaazacyclohexadecan-15-amine (1) was prepared via a copper(II)-templated route from 3,6,9-triazaundecan-1,ll-diamine, formaldehyde and nitroethane which first formed the copper(II) complex of the macrocycle 15-methyl-15-nitro-1,4,7,10,13-pentaazacyclohexadecane (2), reduced subsequently with zinc and aqueous acid to yield 1. The hexaamine 1, with five secondary amine groups in the macrocyclic ring and one pendant primary amine group, forms inert sexidentate octahedral complexes with cobalt(III), chromium(III) and iron(III). An X-ray structure of [Co(1)](ClO4)(3) defines the distorted octahedron of the complex cation and shows it is a symmetrical isomer with all nitrogens bound and the central aza group trans to the pendant primary amine group. The [M(1)](3+) ions are all stable indefinitely in aqueous solution and exhibit spectra consistent with MN6 d(3) (Cr), low-spin d(5) (Fe) and low-spin d(6) (Co) electronic ground states. For each complex, a reversible M(III/II) redox couple is observed. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Direct air capture technologies extract CO2 from air at a concentration of as low as 400ppm. The captured CO2 can be used for the production of synthetic methane or liquid fuels. In the literature survey of this thesis, results related to direct air capture by using solid sorbents are presented and critically discussed. In the experimental part, a proprietary amine functionalized resin is characterized for direct air capture. Structural comparison is also made to a commercial resin of similar type. Based on the literature survey, the most important parameters in direct air capture process are low adsorption and desorption temperatures, good cyclic stability in dry and humid conditions, high CO2 outlet purity and a high working capacity. Primary amine functionalized solid sorbents are found to often have good qualities for direct air capture, but overall process performance is rarely studied exhaustively. Based on FTIR spectra, both resin adsorbents are found to be consisted of polystyrene functionalized with primary amine, and capture CO2 by forming carbamate. The commercial resin is more porous, has a slightly higher particle size and contains fewer impurities. Important physical parameters are gained of the proprietary resin, such as internal porosity and median particle size. The resin’s amine group is found to endure thermal treatment reasonably well. CO2 adsorption capacity gained by thermal gravimetry from 400ppm CO2 is highest at 25oC, and is found to be reasonable compared to values presented in literature. Thus, the resin is stated to exhibit promising qualities for direct air capture.


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Formaldehyde-derived oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 of the beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists metoprolol 1, atenolol 2 and timolol 3 have been synthesised. Conformational analysis of 1-3 and the oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 has been performed using H-1 NMR spectroscopy and computational methods. The H-1 NMR studies show that for the aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists there is a predominance of the conformer in which the amine group is approximately antiperiplanar or trans to the aryloxymethylene group. Both H-1 NMR data and theoretical studies indicate that the oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 and the aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists 1-3 adopt similar conformations around the beta-amino alcohol moiety. Thus, oxazolidine ring formation does not dramatically alter the preferred conformation adopted by the beta-amino alcohol moiety of 1-3. Oxazolidine derivatives of aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists may therefore be appropriate as prodrugs, or semi-rigid analogues, when greater lipophilicity is required for drug delivery.


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Sulfonation is an important metabolic process involved in the excretion and in some cases activation of various endogenous compounds and xenobiotics. This reaction is catalyzed by a family of enzymes named sulfotransferases. The cytosolic human sulfotransferases SULT1A1 and SULT1A3 have overlapping yet distinct substrate specificities. SULT1A1 favors simple phenolic substrates such as p-nitrophenol, whereas SULT1A3 prefers monoamine substrates such as dopamine. In this study we have used a variety of phenolic substrates to functionally characterize the role of the amino acid at position 146 in SULT1A1 and SULT1A3. First, the mutation A146E in SULT1A1 yielded a SULT1A3-like protein with respect to the Michaelis constant for simple phenols. The mutation E146A in SULT1A3 resulted in a SULT1A1-like protein with respect to the Michaelis constant for both simple phenols and monoamine compounds. When comparing the specificity of SULT1A3 toward tyramine with that for p-ethylphenol (which differs from tyramine in having no amine group on the carbon side chain), we saw a 200-fold preference for tyramine. The kinetic data obtained with the E146A mutant of SULT1A3 for these two substrates clearly showed that this protein preferred substrates without an amine group attached. Second, changing the glutamic acid at position 146 of SULT1A3 to a glutamine, thereby neutralizing the negative charge at this position, resulted in a 360-fold decrease in the specificity constant for dopamine. The results provide strong evidence that residue 146 is crucial in determining the substrate specificity of both SULT1A1 and SULT1A3 and suggest that there is a direct interaction between glutamic acid 146 in SULT1A3 and monoamine substrates.


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The oxidative behavior of heroin in aqueous solution is reported. In order to identify its oxidation peaks, several metabolites, 6-monoacetylmorphine, 3-monoacetylmorphine and norheroin, were synthesized and their electrochemical behavior studied using differential pulse voltammetry. The anodic waves observed for heroin correspond to the oxidation of the tertiary amine group and its follow-up product (secondary amine), and to the oxidation of the phenolic group obtained from hydrolysis, at alkaline pHs, of the 3-acetyl group. The results enabled a new oxidative mechanism for heroin to be proposed in which a secondary amine, norheroin, and an aldehyde are obtained. The voltammetric behavior of 6-monoacetylmorphine and morphine was found to be similar demonstrating that the presence of an acetyl substituent on the 6-hydroxy group does not have a relevant influence on the peak potential of the wave resulting from oxidation of the 3-phenolic group.


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The electrooxidative behavior of citalopram (CTL) in aqueous media was studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square-wave voltammetry (SWV) at a glassy-carbon electrode. The electrochemical behaviour of CTL involves two electrons and two protons in the irreversible and diffusion controlled oxidation of the tertiary amine group. The maximum analytical signal was obtained in a phosphate buffer (pH ¼ 8.2). For analytical purposes, an SWV method and a flow-injection analysis (FIA) system with amperometric detection were developed. The optimised SWV method showed a linear range between 1.10 10 5–1.20 10 4 molL 1, with a limit of detection (LOD) of 9.5 10 6 molL 1. Using the FIA method, a linear range between 2.00 10 6–9.00 10 5 molL 1 and an LODof 1.9 10 6 molL 1 were obtained. The validation of both methods revealed good performance characteristics confirming applicability for the quantification of CTL in several pharmaceutical products.


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Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator that is used as an adjuvant and/or chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of all stages of hormone-dependent breast cancer. Currently there is a deep interest in the study of tamoxifen biotransformation and identification of metabolites since they can significantly contribute to the overall pharmacological or adverse effects of the drug. Accordingly, the study of the electrochemical behavior of tamoxifen in aqueous solution is reported. To clarify the occurring oxidative process and to assess the influence of the functional groups on the oxidation mechanism, the voltammetric assessment was extended to the study of tamoxifen’s analogues (E)-tamoxifen and dihydrotamoxifen, and to its main phase I oxidative metabolite, N-desmethyl tamoxifen. The data found shows that the oxidative processes occurring in tamoxifen are essentially related with the two chemical moieties present in the molecule: the substituted aromatic nucleus and the tertiary amine group. Moreover, the results obtained suggest that the ethylenic linkage is not critical for tamoxifen’s oxidation although it could play an important role in the course of the oxidation process. These results could contribute to highlight some remaining questions regarding tamoxifen’s metabolic behavior and to the development of new analytical strategies, based on electrochemical approaches.


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Työssä tutkittiin typpihapon soveltuvuutta nikkelin takaisinuuttoon. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä typpihapon konsentraatioilla orgaaninen faasi, joka koostuu Versatic 10 uuttoreagenssista ja alifaattisesta laimentimesta, alkaa nitrautua tai hapettua ja mitkä ovat mahdolliset sivureaktiot. Lisäksi tutkittiin rikkihapon ja eräiden orgaanisten aineiden kontaminaation vaikutusta uuttoliuokseen. Kirjallisuusosassa kartoitetaan mahdollisten nitrautumisreaktioiden mekanismit, sekä kuvataan laimentimen, uuttoreagenssin ja mahdollisten reaktiotuotteiden ominaisuuksia, sekä niiden mahdollisessa muodostumisessa syntyviä riskejä. Orgaanisen faasin kestotesteissä tutkittavia muuttujia olivat typpi- ja rikkihapon konsentraatio, sekoitusaika, lämpötila, avoin tai suljettu astia sekä vieraiden aineiden kontaminaatio. Kontaminaatiota aiheuttavien orgaanisten materiaalien funktionaaliset ryhmät olivat hydroksi-, karbonyyli- ja amiiniryhmät, joiden lisäksi tutkittiin syklisen yhdisteen kontaminaatiota. Analyyseissä käytettiin FT-IR- spektroskopiaa, jolla tutkittiin reagenssin funktionaalisen ryhmän reaktioita ja uusien ryhmien muodostumista, sekä seurattiin selkeytyksessä erottumattomien typpiyhdisteiden määrää ja laatua orgaanisessa faasissa. Uuttofaasin koostumuksen muutosta seurattiin myös mittaamalla leimahduspisteen muutosta.


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Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia hiilidioksidin talteenottoon soveltuvan anioninvaihtohartsin valmistusmenetelmiä, kokeilla eri menetelmiä käytännössä ja tutkia sekä itse valmistettujen että valmiina saatujen hartsien adsorptiokykyä ja muita ominaisuuksia. Kemiallinen adsorptio amiiniryhmän omaavien hartsien avulla on yksi tapa sitoa hiilidioksidia ilmasta. Primäärinen amiiniryhmä sitoo hiilidioksidia parhaiten. Primäärisen amiiniryhmän omaava anioninvaihtohartsi voidaan valmistaa pohjapolymeeristä halogeenialkyloimalla ja aminoimalla, aminoalkyloimalla tai suoraan aminoimalla. Aminoalkylointi voidaan suorittaa erilaisilla reagensseilla ja katalyyteillä. Tässä työssä hartseja valmistettiin aminoimalla polymetyyliakrylaattidivinyylibentseenipohjaista polymeeriä etyylidiamiinilla ja propyylidiamiinilla. Lisäksi suoritettiin polystyreeni-divinyylibentseenipohjaisen polymeerin aminoalkylointi bis(ftaali-imidometyyli)eetterin avulla. Reaktio tehtiin kahdella eri katalyytillä; rikkitrioksidilla ja rautakloridilla. Aminoalkylointireaktioissa tarvittava eetteri piti ennen varsinaista reaktiota valmistaa N-hydroksymetyyliftaali-imidistä. Myös tämän reagenssin syntetisointia ftaali-imidistä kokeiltiin. Kaikki synteesit onnistuivat melko hyvin, paitsi aminoalkylointi rautakloridikatalyytillä. Hartsien valmistuksen lisäksi itse valmistettuja primäärisen amiiniryhmän omaavia hartseja sekä erilaisia amiiniryhmiä omaavia valmiita hartseja karakterisoitiin eri tavoin. Erityisesti haluttiin tutkia hiilidioksidin adsorptiokapasiteettia ja hartsien termistä kestävyyttä. Kaikista tutkituista hartseista lähimpänä haluttuja ominaisuuksia olivat kaksi kaupallista primäärisen amiiniryhmän omaavaa PS-DVBpohjaista makrohuokoista hartsia. Rakenteeltaan samanlainen itse valmistettu hartsi (rikkitrioksidikatalyytin läsnä ollessa aminoalkyloitu) oli myös ominaisuuksiltaan lupaava. Valmistusmenetelmää pitää kuitenkin tutkia ja kehittää lisää vielä parempien tulosten aikaansaamiseksi. Myös kaupallinen polyetyleeni-imiinirakenteen omaava silikapohjainen hartsi oli ominaisuuksiltaan hyvä.


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Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems provide wide opportunities for solving problems associated with drug stability or disease states and create great expectations in the area of drug delivery (Bosselmann & Williams, 2012). Nanotechnology, in a simple way, explains the technology that deals with one billionth of a meter scale (Ochekpe, et al., 2009). Fewer side effects, poor bioavailability, absorption at intestine, solubility, specific delivery to site of action with good pharmacological efficiency, slow release, degradation of drug and effective therapeutic outcome, are the major challenges faced by most of the drug delivery systems. To a great extent, biopolymer coated drug delivery systems coupled with nanotechnology alleviate the major drawbacks of the common delivery methods. Chitosan, deacetylated chitin, is a copolymer of β-(1, 4) linked glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N- acetyl glucosamine (acetylated unit) (Radhakumary et al., 2005). Chitosan is biodegradable, non-toxic and bio compatible. Owing to the removal of acetyl moieties that are present in the amine functional groups of chitin, chitosan is readily soluble in aqueous acidic solution. The solubilisation occurs through the protonation of amino groups on the C-2 position of D-glucosamine residues whereby polysaccharide is converted into polycation in acidic media. Chitosan interacts with many active compounds due to the presence of amine group in it. The presence of this active amine group in chitosan was exploited for the interaction with the active molecules in the present study. Nanoparticles of chitosan coupled drugs are utilized for drug delivery in eye, brain, liver, cancer tissues, treatment of spinal cord injury and infections (Sharma et al., 2007; Li, et a., 2009; Paolicelli et al., 2009; Cho et al., 2010). To deliver drugs directly to the intended site of action and to improve pharmacological efficiency by minimizing undesired side effects elsewhere in the body and decrease the long-term use of many drugs, polymeric drug delivery systems can be used (Thatte et al., 2005).


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Two new Mn(III) complexes of formulas [MnL1(N-3)(OMe)](2) (1) and [MnL2(N-3)(2)](n) (2) have been synthesized by using two tridentate NNO-donor Schiff base ligands HL1{(2-[(3-methylaminoethylimino)-methyl]-phenol)} and HL2 {(2-[1-(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)methyl]-phenol)}, respectively. Substitution of the H atom on the secondary amine group of the N-methyldiamine fragment of the Schiff base by a methyl group leads to a drastic structural change from a methoxido-bridged dimer (1) to a single mu(1,3)-azido-bridged 1D helical polymer (2). Both complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. The magnetic properties of compound I show the presence of weak ferromagnetic exchange interactions mediated by double methoiddo bridges (J = 0.95 cm(-1)). Compound 2 shows the existence of a weak antiferromangetic coupling along the chain (J = -8.5 cm(-1)) through the single mu(1,3)-N-3 bridge with a spin canting that leads to a long-range antiferromagnetic order at T-c approximate to 9.3 K and a canting leading to a weak ferromagnetic long-range order at T-c approximate to 8.5 K. It also exibits metamagnetic behavior at low temperatures with a critical field of ca.1.2 T due to the weak antiferromagnetic interchain interactions that appear in the canted ordered phase.


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The oxidation of a reactive dye, Reactive Blue 4, RB4, (C.I. 61205), widely used in the textile industries to color natural fibers, was studied by electrochemical techniques. The oxidation on glassy carbon electrode and reticulated vitreous carbon electrode occurs in only one step at 2.0 < PH < 12 involving a two-electron transfer to the amine group leading to the imide derivative. Dye solution was not decolorized effectively in this electrolysis process. Nevertheless, the oxidation of this dye on Ti/SnO2/SbOx (3% mol)/RuO2 (1% mol) electrode showed 100% of decolorization and 60% of total organic carbon removal in Na2SO4 0.2 M at PH 2.2 and potential of +2.4 V. Experiments on degradation photoelectrocatalytic were also carried out for RB4 degradation in Na2SO4 0.1 K PH 12, using a Ti/TiO2 photoanode biased at +1.0 V and UV light. After 1 h of electrolysis the results indicated total color removal and 37% of mineralization. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The oxidation of a reactive dye, Cibacron Blue F3GA, CB, (C.I. 61211), widely used in the textile industries to color natural fibers, was studied by electrochemical techniques. The oxidation on glassy carbon electrode occurs in two steps at 2.0 < pH < 10 involving one electron transfer each to the amine group leading to the imide derivative. Stable films of poly-L-lysine (PLL) in the presence of glutaraldehyde (GA) 97.5%:2.5% on glassy carbon electrode can be used to detect low levels of dye using its oxidation peak at +0.75V by voltammetry. Linear calibration graphs were obtained for the CB reactive dye, from 1.0 X 10(-6) to 1.0 X 10(-5) mol L-1 in B-R buffer, pH 2.0, using a pre-concentration off-line during 10 min. The detection limit (3 sigma/slope) was calculated to be 4.5 X 10(-8) mol L-1. Films of PLL can readily be applied for the determination of CB dye bearing aminoanthraquinone as chromophore and chlorotriazinyl as reactive group at concentrations at least 100 times lesser than using a glassy carbon electrode without modification. The method described was applied for the determination of CB dye in tap water and raw water collected from the municipal treatment plant with a recovery of 89.2% +/- 5.4 and 88.0% +/- 6.5, respectively. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The stable free radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC) is the only spin labeled amino acid that has been used to date to successfully label peptide sequences for structural studies. However, severe difficulty in coupling the subsequent amino acid has been the most serious shortcoming of this paramagnetic marker. This problem stems from the low nucleophilicity of TOAC's amine group towards the acylation reaction during peptide chain elongation. The present report introduces the alternative beta -amino acid 2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidine-N-oxyl-3-amino-4-carboxylic acid (POAC), potentially useful in peptide and protein chemistry. Investigations aimed at addressing the stereochemistry of this cyclic molecule through X-ray diffraction measurements of crystalline and bulk samples revealed that it consists only of the trans conformer. The 9-fluorenylmethyloxyearbonyl group (Fmoc) was chosen for temporary protection of the POAC amine function, allowing insertion of the probe at any position in a peptide sequence. The vasoactive octapeptide angiotensin II (AII, DRVYIHPF) was synthesized by replacing Pro(7) with POAC. The reaction of Fmoc-POAC with the peptidyl-resin occurred smoothly, and the coupling of the subsequent amino acid showed a much faster reaction when compared with TOAC. POAC(7)-AII was obtained in good yield, demonstrating that, in addition to TOAC, POAC is a convenient amino acid for the synthesis of spin labeled peptide analogues. The present findings open the possibility of a wide range of chemical and biological applications for this novel beta -amino acid derivative, including structural investigations involving its differentiated bend-inducing characteristics.


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Cationic lipids have been used in the development of non-viral gene delivery systems as lipoplexes. Stearylamine, a cationic lipid that presents a primary amine group when in solution, is able to compact genetic material by electrostatic interactions. In dispersed systems such as nanoemulsions this lipid anchors on the oil/water interface confering a positive charge to them. The aim of this work was to evaluate factors that influence DNA compaction in cationic nanoemulsions containing stearylamine. The influence of the stearylamine incorporation phase (water or oil), time of complexation, and different incubation temperatures were studied. The complexation rate was assessed by electrophoresis migration on agarose gel 0.7%, and nanoemulsion and lipoplex characterization was done by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The results demonstrate that the best DNA compaction process occurs after 120 min of complexation, at low temperature (4 ± 1 °C), and after incorporation of the cationic lipid into the aqueous phase. Although the zeta potential of lipoplexes was lower than the results found for basic nanoemulsions, the granulometry did not change. Moreover, it was demonstrated that lipoplexes are suitable vehicles for gene delivery. © 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.