8 resultados para AMADE
Tres grups de recerca de l'Escola Politècnica Superior, AMADE, EDMA i GITASP, expliquen algunes de les seves línies de recerca
Els materials compòsits es van incorporant a l’aeronàutica per rebaixar el pes dels avions i fer-los més resistents. La indústria, per continuar innovant, busca el coneixement a les universitats. A Girona l’expertesa en aquest camp la posa AMADE
The glycerophosphate oxidase is a flavoprotein responsible for the catalysis of the oxidation of the glycerophosphate to dihydroxyacetone phosphate, through the reduction of the oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. The glycerophosphate oxidase from baker's yeast was specific for L-alpha-glycerol phosphate. It was estimated by monitoring the consumption of oxygen with an oxygraph. An increase of 32% in consumption of oxygen was obtained when the enzyme was concentrated 16-fold. The assay of enzyme was determined by the peroxidase chromogen method followed at 500 nm. The procedure for the standardization of the activity of the glycerophosphate oxidase from baker's yeast was accomplished, and the pH and temperature stability showed that the enzyme presented a high stability at pH 8.0, and the thermal stability was maintained up to 60 degrees C during I h. Such method allowed quantifying in the range 92-230 mM of glycerol phosphate, an important intermediate metabolite from lipid biosynthesis and glycolytic routes. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR
Teacher beliefs are a major influence on teacher actions. Because context influences beliefs, it was the purpose of this study to explore teachers' beliefs about Mosston's Spectrum of Teaching Styles from an international perspective. Over 1,400 teachers from 7 countries completed a survey related to their self-reported use of and beliefs about various teaching styles. Data suggested a shared core of reproduction teaching style use. The use of and beliefs about the production styles of teaching were more varied. Teachers' use of styles was significantly related to their beliefs about the styles. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
O presente artigo é um recorte dos resultados de uma pesquisa em Linguística Aplicada relacionada com o letramento dos alunos de um curso de licenciatura em Ensino de Línguas Bantu e Metodologias de Educação Bilingue em curso na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), em Moçambique. O curso forma os formadores de professores primários para a área da Educação Bilingue em contextos rurais, nos Institutos de Formação de Professores Primários (IFPs). Os 31 alunos participantes da pesquisa, dos quais 6 do sexo feminino, eram falantes bilingues em uma língua moçambicana e em português, como língua segunda (L2) e, na sua maioria, provenientes de zonas rurais. O presente trabalho poderá contribuir para se iniciar, nas das instituições educacionais e na academia, uma reflexão sobre as políticas e estratégias para a formação de professores e de formadores que inclua novas abordagens sobre os letramento como práticas sociais abrangentes que tenham em conta a diversidade social, linguística e étnica.