998 resultados para ALLUVIAL SOIL
The formation of lamellae in soils is not clearly understood. The objectives of this study are to examine the microscopical characteristics of selected well developed lamellae inorder to identify the major processes involved in their formation at the Big Pine Tree Archaeological site on the Savannah River, South Carolina. Well developed lamellae have formed in a fine sandy alluvial soil that is about 11,000 to 12,000 years old. In the field, these lamellae are observed as 1 to 4.2 cm thick horizontal layers having a smooth upper and a wavy, sometimes irregular, lower boundary with adjacent interlamellae horizons. Soil thin sections reveal denser accumulations of brown fine silt and clay coatings in the upper and lower sections of the lamellae. The center of the lamellae has mainly orange highly oriented discontinuous clay coatings bridging quartz grains and some silt accumulations. Although, horizontal layering of denser areas (accumulations of fine silt and clay coatings) is also observed in the middle of the lamellae. The interlamellae horizons are mainly loose quartz grains. Low total carbon values (
Darbhanga district in North Bihar is characterised by thick alluvial soil, moderately good rainfall, high humidity, ample sunshine and numerous water resources in the form of perennial rivers, tributaries, streams, lakes, ponds, pools and puddles. The aquacrops of this district include several species of commercially important fishes, aquatic cash crops such as makhana (Euryale ferox), singhara (Trapa spp.), lotus, lilly, Khubi etc. and molluscs. This paper highlights the commercial significance of these aquacrops and offers suggestions for their sustained development.
Arsenic (As) is ubiquitous in the environment in the carcinogenic inorganic forms, posing risks to human health in many parts of the world. Many microorganisms have evolved a series of mechanisms to cope with inorganic arsenic in their growth media such as transforming As compounds into volatile derivatives. Bio-volatilization of As has been suggested to play an important role in global As biogeochemical cycling, and can also be explored as a potential method for arsenic bioremediation. This review aims to provide an overview of the quality and quantity of As volatilization by fungi, bacteria, microalga and protozoans. Arsenic bio-volatilization is influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors that can be manipulated/elucidated for the purpose of As bioremediation. Since As bio-volatilization is a resurgent topic for both biogeochemistry and environmental health, our review serves as a concept paper for future research directions.
O trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de diferentes manejos de água adotados na semeadura do arroz (Oryza sativa L.), em sistema pré-germinado, no estabelecimento das plantas e nos componentes vegetativos. O experimento foi conduzido no ano agrícola de 1995/96 em caixas de cimento amianto com capacidade de 500 L, contendo solo Aluvial Eutrófico de várzea, na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, no Município de Botucatu, SP. A cultivar empregada foi a IAC 102, e os tratamentos foram sete manejos de água. A semeadura de sementes pré-germinadas em solo saturado ou em lâmina de água limpa ou turva e sua retirada três dias após, apresentaram resultados semelhantes quanto à população e ao estabelecimento das plantas. A retirada da lâmina de água três dias após a semeadura resultou em maior população e fixação de plantas do que a permanência da lâmina por período maior de sete dias. A manutenção da lâmina da água limpa ou turva afetou a população de plantas e prejudicou o seu desenvolvimento inicial, causando seu estiolamento com significativa redução da produção de matéria seca. A turvação da água antes da semeadura reduziu o desenvolvimento e a população de plantas quando a lâmina de água não foi eliminada por evaporação ou retirada três dias após a semeadura.
O controle de plantas daninhas na cultura do arroz é ainda um problema, mesmo em cultivo mínimo, em razão do revolvimento do solo na linha de semeadura, que proporciona o reaparecimento de infestantes. Assim, objetivou-se estudar o efeito do atraso da aplicação de glyphosate sobre a formação do estande e o desenvolvimento inicial das plantas de arroz cv. IAC 102 irrigado por inundação. O experimento foi conduzido sob túnel plástico, em caixas d'água de 500 L, contendo NEOSSOLO FLÚVICO Ta Eutrófico. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram da aplicação de glyphosate: seis horas antes da semeadura do arroz (testemunha); no início da emergência; três dias após a emergência; e seis dias após, sem e com lâmina d'água. A dose do herbicida foi de 1.920 g i.a. ha-1. Para todas as variáveis analisadas houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos; aos 42 dias após a emergência, constatou-se que a testemunha foi estatisticamente superior, na formação do estande, na altura de plantas, no comprimento de raiz e na massa seca das partes aérea e de raiz, aos demais tratamentos em que ocorreram atrasos na aplicação do glyphosate.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The fate of nitrogen (N) applied in biosolids was investigated in a forage production system on an alluvial clay loam soil in south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Biosolids were applied in October 2002 at rates of 6, 12, 36, and 54dryt/ha for aerobically digested biosolids (AE) and 8, 16, 48, and 72dryt/ha for anaerobically digested biosolids (AN). Rates were based on multiples of the Nitrogen Limited Biosolids Application rate (0.5, 1, 3, and 4.5NLBAR) for each type of biosolid. The experiment included an unfertilised control and a fertilised control that received multiple applications of synthetic fertiliser. Forage sorghum was planted 1 week after biosolids application and harvested 4 times between December 2002 and May 2003. Dry matter production was significantly greater from the biosolids-treated plots (21-27t/ha) than from the unfertilised (16t/ha) and fertilised (18t/ha) controls. The harvested plant material removed an extra 148-488kg N from the biosolids-treated plots. Partial N budgets were calculated for the 1NLBAR and 4.5NLBAR treatments for each biosolids type at the end of the crop season. Crop removal only accounted for 25-33% of the applied N in the 1NLBAR treatments and as low as 8-15% with 4.5NLBAR. Residual biosolids N was predominantly in the form of organic N (38-51% of applied biosolids N), although there was also a significant proportion (10-23%) as NO3-N, predominantly in the top 0.90m of the soil profile. From 12 to 29% of applied N was unaccounted for, and presumed to be lost as gaseous nitrogen and/or ammonia, as a consequence of volatilisation or denitrification, respectively. In-season mineralisation of organic N in biosolids was 43-59% of the applied organic N, which was much greater than the 15% (AN)-25% (AE) expected, based on current NLBAR calculation methods. Excessive biosolids application produced little additional biomass but led to high soil mineral N concentrations that were vulnerable to multiple loss pathways. Queensland Guidelines need to account for higher rates of mineralisation and losses via denitrification and volatilisation and should therefore encourage lower application rates to achieve optimal plant growth and minimise the potential for detrimental impacts on the environment.
An analytical solution for the three-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane P-waves by a hemispherical alluvial valley with saturated soil deposits is developed by employing Fourier-Bessel series expansion technique. Unlike previous studies, in which the saturated soil deposits were simulated with the single-phase elastic theory, in this paper, they are simulated with Biot's dynamic theory for saturated porous media, and the half space is assumed as a single-phase elastic medium. The effects of the dimensionless frequency, the incidence angle of P-wave and the porosity of soil deposits on the surface displacement magnifications of the hemispherical alluvial valley are investigated. Numerical results show that the existence of a saturated hemispherical alluvial valley has much influence on the surface displacement magnifications. It is more reasonable to simulate soil deposits with Biot's dynamic theory when evaluating the displacement responses of a hemispherical alluvial valley with an incidence of P-waves.
An analytical solution to the three-dimensional scattering and diffraction of plane SV-waves by a saturated hemispherical alluvial valley in elastic half-space is obtained by using Fourier-Bessel series expansion technique. The hemispherical alluvial valley with saturated soil deposits is simulated with Biot's dynamic theory for saturated porous media. The following conclusions based on numerical results can be drawn: (1) there are a significant differences in the seismic response simulation between the previous single-phase models and the present two-phase model; (2) the normalized displacements on the free surface of the alluvial valley depend mainly on the incident wave angles, the dimensionless frequency of the incident SV waves and the porosity of sediments; (3) with the increase of the incident angle, the displacement distributions become more complicated; and the displacements on the free surface of the alluvial valley increase as the porosity of sediments increases.
The watersheds at Bear Creek, Oak Ridge, TN, have similar soil–landscape relationships. The lower reaches of many of these watersheds consist of headwater riparian wetlands situated between sloping non-wetland upland zones. The objectives of this study are to examine the effects of (i) slope and geomorphic processes, (ii) human impacts, and (iii) particular characteristics of soils and saprolite that may effect drainage and water movement in the wetlands and adjacent landscapes in one of these watersheds. A transect was run from west to east in a hydrological monitored area at the lower reaches of a watershed on Bear Creek. This transect extended from a steep side slope position across a floodplain, a terrace, and a shoulder slope. On the upland positions of the Nolichucky Shale, mass wasting, overland flow and soil creep currently inhibit soil formation on the steep side slope position where a Typic Dystrudept is present, while soil stability on the shoulder slope has resulted in the formation of a well-developed Typic Hapludult. In these soils, argillic horizons occur above C horizons on less sloping gradients in comparison to steeper slopes, which have Bw horizons over Cr (saprolite) material. A riparian wetland area occupies the floodplain section, where a Typic Endoaquept is characterized by poorly drained conditions that led to the development of redoximorphic features (mottling), gleying, organic matter accumulation, and minimal development of subsurface horizons. A thin colluvial deposit overlies a thick well developed Aquic Hapludalf that formed in alluvial sediments on the terrace position. The colluvial deposit from the adjacent shoulder slope is thought to result from soil creep and anthropogenic erosion caused by past cultivation practices. Runoff from the adjacent sloping landscape and groundwater from the adjacent wetland area perhaps contribute to the somewhat poorly drained conditions of this profile. Perched watertables occur in upland positions due to dense saprolite and clay plugging in the shallow zones of the saprolite. However, no redoximorphic features are observed in the soil on the side slope due to high runoff. Remnants of the underlying shale saprolite, which occur as small discolored zones resembling mottles, are also present. The soils in the study have a CEC of
To assess the efficiency of different agro-environmental strategies used to reduce groundwater pollution by nitrates, transport modelling in soils and groundwater has been carried out on two withdrawal areas in an alluvial plain. In a first time, the agro-environmental model AgriFlux allowed the simulation of water and nitrates fluxes flowing to groundwater. This model was calibrated for each agro-pedological unit of the studied territory. In a second time, the application of the hydrogeological model MODFLOW-MT3D allowed the simulation of nitrate transport in groundwater for the 1980-2004 period. This soil-groundwater coupled modelling has shown that soil nature is the first factor that conditions the vulnerability to nitrates. Thus, nitrate leaching occurs preferentially under sandy soils. Efficiency of different agro-environmental operations for groundwater quality recovery was quantified. The best results are obtained by combination of (1) grassland re-installation on sandy agricultural lots located in near well protection perimeter and (2) fertilization reduction on sandy agricultural lots located in the well alimentation area upstream the near protection perimeter. On other soils, the effect of grassland on groundwater quality improvement is more limited. Nevertheless, the control of nitrate fertilisation remains essential and is justified in both near and far well protection perimeters. Modelling thus allows optimising and priorizing agro-environmental actions in alluvial agricultural zones. [Comte J.-C., Banton O., Kockmann F., Villard A., Creuzot G. (2006), Assessment of groundwater quality recovery strategies using nitrate transport modelling. Application to the Saône alluvial formations (Tournus, Saône-et-Loire), Ingénieries Eau-Agriculture-Territoires, 45, 15-28]
Selen ist in geringen Mengen ein essentielles Nährelement, das aber in höheren Gehalten toxisch wird. Der Se-Kreislauf in der Umwelt ist eng mit Redoxreaktionen wie der Reduktion von Se-Oxyanionen zu Methylselenid verknüpft. Flüchtige Methylselenide sind weit verbreitet und stellen einen wichtigen Se-Fluss in der Umwelt dar. Das übergeordnete Ziel meiner Dissertation war, die Stabilisotopenfraktionierung von Se durch Biomethylierung verschiedener oxidierter Se-Spezies (Se[IV] und Se[VI]) im Boden aufzuklären. Zunächst wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubte flüchte Methylselenide quantitativ zurückzuhalten. Es zeigte sich, dass alkalische Peroxid-Lösung dafür geeignet war. Mit alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung wurde eine Wiederfindung von 95,6 ± Standardabweichung 5,4% in Verflüchtigungsexperimenten mit Methylselenid-Standards erreicht. Bei Einsatz von alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung in geschlossenen Mikrokosmos-Experimenten kam es zu keinen Se-Verlusten und ausgeglichenen Se-Isotopenbilanzen. Die massengewichteten δ82/76Se-Werte lagen für Se(IV) und Se(VI) am Ende der Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen bei -0,31 ± 0,05‰ (n = 3) und -0,76 ± 0,07‰ (n = 3) verglichen mit -0,20 ± 0,05‰ und -0,69 ± 0,07‰ im jeweils zugegebenen Se. Im zweiten Teil meiner Dissertation wurde die Pilzart Alternaria alternata mit Se(VI) und Se(IV) in geschlossenen Mikrokosmen für 11-15 und Se(IV) zusätzlich für 3-5 Tage bei 30°C inkubiert. In 11-15 Tagen wurden 2,9-11% des Se(VI) und 21-29% des Se(IV) und in 3-5 Tagen, 3-5% des Se(IV) methyliert. Die anfänglichen δ82/76Se-Werte von Se(VI) und Se(IV) lagen bei -0,69 ± 0,07‰, und -0,20 ± 0,05‰. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide unterschieden sich nach 11-15 Tagen Inkubation signifikant zwischen Se(VI) (-3,97 bis -3,25 ‰) und Se(IV) (-1,44 bis -0,16‰) als Quellen. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide zeigen also die Quellen der Biomethylierung von Se an. Die kürzere Inkubation von Se(IV) für 3-5 Tage führte zu einer ausgeprägten Se-Isotopenfraktonierung von mindestens -6‰, bevor ein Fließgleichgewicht erreicht wurde. Im dritten Teil bestimmte ich die Bindungsformen von Se mit drei operativ definierten sequentiellen Extraktionen und die δ82/76S-Werte des gesamten Selens in zehn urbanen Oberböden mit 0,09-0,52 mg/kg Se, die fünf verschiedene Landnutzungstypen repräsentierten (Überschwemmungsgrünland, Garten, Park, Straßenrand und Wald). Nur ein kleiner Teil des Seleniums lag in austauschbarer und damit direkt bioverfügbarer und in residualer, wenig reaktiver Form vor. Das meiste Se war an die organische Substanz und Fe-(Hydr-)Oxide gebunden (42-77% des gesamten Selens). Der mittlere δ82/76Se-Wert des gesamten Selens in den Oberböden lag mit -0,03 ± 0,38‰ nahe beim Mittelwert der gesamten Erde. Geringfügig niedrigere Se-Isotopensignale von -0,59 bis -0,35‰ v.a. in Waldböden und geringfügig höhere von 0,26 to 0,45‰ in Überschwemmungsgrünland wurden vermutlich durch Boden-Pflanze-Recycling und Se-Kontaminationen durch das Flusswasser verursacht. Der vierte Teil umfasste ein “Natural Attenuation”-Experiment und Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen von Bodenproben mit A. alternata. Die Equilibrierung von zum Boden gegebenem Se(IV) und Se(VI) für drei Tage führte zu abnehmenden wasserlöslichen Se-Gehalten um 32-44% bzw. 8-14, die mit kleinen Isotopenfraktionierung (ε = -0,045 bis -0,12 ‰ and -0,05 to -0,07‰ verbunden waren. In zwei der inkubierten Böden mit mäßig sauren pH-Werten wurden zwischen 9,1 und 30% des zugefügten Se(IV) und 1,7% des zugefügten Se(VI) methyliert während in einem stark sauren Boden keine Methylierung auftrat. Das aus Se(IV) entstandene Methylselenid war deutlich gegenüber dem zugegebenen Se-Standard (0,20‰) an 82Se verarmt (δ82/76Se = -3,3 bis -4,5‰). Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die stabilen Isotopenverhältnisse von Se neue Einblicke in Se-Transformationsprozesse erlauben.rn