999 resultados para ALLOZYME VARIATION


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Genetic variation of four hatchery stocks of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmu [sic] of Bogra region, Bangladesh was studied from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2003. Muscle samples were collected for allozyme analysis from four (Bhai-Bhai, Jahangir, Belal and Bhai-Bon) different hatchery populations. For allozyme electrophoresis, eight enzymes were used and 11 loci viz. Adh-1*, Est-1*, GJpdh-1*, Gpi-1*, Gpi-2*, Jdhp-1*, Ldh-1*, Ldh-2*, Mdh-1*, Mdh-2*and Pgm* were identified, of which three loci (Est-1*, Gpi-2*, G3pdh-1 and Pgm*) were polymorphic in all the four populations. The mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population and the mean proportion of heterozygous loci per individual was 36.36% and 13.33, respectively for all the population studied. The highest variability measured by the mean number of alleles per locus was 1.545 in Bhai-Bon hatchery population. Based on Nei's (1972) genetic distance, the dendrogram (UPGMA) shows that four populations have made two clusters by D-value (D=0.043). Bhai-Bhai and Jahangir hatchery populations have made cluster-I, and Belal Uddin and Bhai-Bon hatchery populations formed cluster-II. Among the four populations, BhaiBhai and Jahangir hatchery populations were differentiated from each other by the D-value of 0.013, and Belal Uddin and Bhai-Bon populations were differentiated from each other by the D-value of 0.002, which suggests that the four populations may be fallen into the local population or race.


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The predominantly selfing slug species Arion (Carinarion) fasciatus, A. (C.) silvaticus and A. (C.) circumscriptus are native in Europe and have been introduced into North America, where each species consists of a single, homozygous multilocus genotype (strain), as defined by starch gel electrophoresis (SGE) of allozymes. In Europe, the “one strain per species” hypothesis does not hold since polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of allozymes uncovered 46 strains divided over the three species. However, electrophoretic techniques may differ in their ability to detect allozyme variation. Therefore, several Carinarion populations from both continents were screened by applying the two techniques simultaneously on the same individual slugs and enzyme loci. SGE and PAGE yielded exactly the same results, so that the different degree of variation in North American and European populations cannot be attributed to differences in resolving power between SGE and PAGE. We found four A. (C.) silvaticus strains in North America indicating that in this region the “one strain per species” hypothesis also cannot be maintained. Hence, the discrepancies between previous electrophoretic studies on Carinarion are most likely due to sampling artefacts and possible founder effects.


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The population genetic structure of snapper, Pagrus auratus (Bloch and Schneider), in Victoria was investigated using six polymorphic allozyme loci. Fish were sampled from four sites in Victoria and single locations in South Australia, Western Australia and New Zealand. Although there were distinct genetic differences between the snapper populations from each of the Australian states and New Zealand, only minor and largely insignificant differences were detected among Victorian populations. The results are consistent with previous genetic and tagging studies that indicate no mixing between snapper stocks in Victoria and Spencer Gulf in South Australia. This justifies separate management of the snapper fisheries in these regions. The low levels of polymorphism and heterozygosity in Victorian snapper suggest an isolation by distance model of population structure rather than one of discrete subpopulations.


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Natural selection is one of the most fundamental processes in biology. However, there is still a controversy over the importance of selection in microevolution of molecular traits. Despite the general lack of data most authors hold the view that selection on molecular characters may be important, but at lower rates than selection on most phenotypic traits. Here we present evidence that natural selection may contribute substantially to molecular variation on a scale of meters only. In populations of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis living on exposed rocky shores, steep microclines in allele frequencies between splash and surf zone groups are present in the enzyme aspartate aminotransferase (allozyme locus Aat; EC. We followed one population over 7 years, including a period of strong natural perturbation. The surf zone part of the population dominated by the allele Aat100 was suddenly eliminated by a bloom of a toxin-producing microflagellate. Downshore migration of splash zone snails with predominantly Aat120 alleles resulted in a drastic increase in surf zone frequency of Aat120, from 0.4 to 0.8 over 2 years. Over the next four to six generations, however, the frequency of Aat120 returned to the original value. We estimated the coefficient of selection of Aat120 in the surf zone to be about 0.4. Earlier studies show similar or even sharper Aat clines in other countries. Thus, we conclude that microclinal selection is an important evolutionary force in this system.


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Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were first introduced into Australia over 100 years ago, and forms the basis of important recreational inland fisheries and an aquaculture industry in south-eastern Australia. This paper investigates the genetic variation within and between samples of Australian rainbow trout using allozyme electrophoresis. The levels of genetic diversity within Australia do not show marked differences from those observed in hatchery and wild populations from throughout North America, New Zealand and South Africa, but there is evidence for the loss of some rare alleles during translocation from California to Australia via New Zealand. No appreciable difference in genetic diversity was apparent between hatchery and self-sustaining wild populations of rainbow trout from mainland Australia. However, significant differences in allelic frequencies were observed, with consistent genetic differences between Victorian and New South Wales samples most likely reflecting state-based hatchery and stocking policies.


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本文采用物种生物学的方法分析了绵枣[Scilla sinensis (Lour.) Merr.]多倍体复合体细胞地理、形态、生态适应和发育节律的变异。此外,还对AA细胞型居群进行了等位酶分析和杂交实验。结果如下: 1. 细胞学检查秀自中国境内45个居群,检出AA、AB、BB、AAA、BBB和AABB 6个细胞型。多数居群由1种细胞型组成。AA几乎占据着该复合体在中国的整个分布区。BB仅局限于华中和华东地区。AABB分布于华中和华东地区的北侧、东北地区的东南部及台湾岛。45个居的细胞型组成以细胞地理分布图表示。总结前人与我们的工作,该复合体中已发现12个整倍体细胞型(AA、AB、BB、AAA、ABB、BBB、AAAA、AABB、ABBB、BBBB、AABBB和AAABBB)和各种基于多倍体的非整倍体。其基本细胞型为AA、BB和AABB。AA分布于除日本和大陆上BB分布区中心外该复合体的整个分布区。BB分布中国华东和华中地区、朝鲜的济州岛和日本。AABB分布日本、朝鲜和中国东北地区的东南部及华中、华东地区的东侧。另外,BB居群染色体数量最多,AABB次之,而AA最低。 2. 野外调查和栽培实验表明AA细胞型在中国东部和西部地区间存在形态和生态分化,东部居群形态变异较小,其共同特征是纺锤形鳞茎,红褐色;根茎短柱状;叶多灰绿色,蜡质明显,斜升;花葶较强壮而直立;花紫红色;子房每室1胚珠。西部为AA细胞型的现代变异中心,居群间形态变异大,区别于东部居群的特点是鳞茎纺锤形或近球形,根茎短柱状或盘状,叶鲜绿色,蜡质不明显,平卧地面;花葶1-4枝,直立,多花葶时斜升;花白色或淡红色,子房每室胚珠1 ~ 2枚。AA和BB细胞型是向着适于不同地理区的环境发展,因而具有不同的形态和生物学特性的两个类型。BB鳞茎近球形,黄褐色,根茎不明显,为盘状;叶墨绿色,柔软而平卧地面,是适于阴湿的林下环境的结果。春季萌发较早,约在3月初,其夏季休眠特性刚好可渡过华中地区东部夏季的高温多雨,待秋季温度下降时开花结实。而AA划适应了光照较强而干旱的山坡草地灌丛的类型。其发育节律变异较大,但萌动较BB晚,无夏季休眠。AABB细胞型的形态介于两祖先二倍体之间,没有形成独特的生态适应和发育节律。 3. 对AA细胞型的等位酶分析表明,该种的居群表现出较高的遗传变异(A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, H_o = 0.172 和 H_e = 0.185)。居群间存在较明显的分化(F_(ST) = 0.314)。东西两地区间也存在遗传分化。 4. AA居群间多数组合的F_1都低于对照的花粉育性和结实率。尤其是东部和西部居群间组合的F_1花粉育性和结实率极低,几近不育。如果仅仅考虑该复合体的形态变异,它只能作为一个形态复杂多变的种,Scilla sinensis (Lour) Merr.。可是如此处理就掩盖了其细胞型间清晰的进化关系。为弥补这一缺陷,当研究细胞型间的进化关系时,可采用生物学和概念。AA细胞型为S. sinensis (Lour.) Merr., 可分两亚种:subsp. sinensis 和 subsp. alboviridis (Hand.-Mazz.) K. Y. Ding。BB细胞型为S. thunbergii Miyabe et Kudo。而ABB及含有A和B染色体组的多倍体作为杂交种S. x sino-japonica K.Y.Ding。两个二倍体种形态界限很清楚,但AABB的存在湮灭了两者的间断。


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Crassostrea ariakensis is an important aquacultured oyster species in Asia, its native region. During the past decade, consideration was given to introducing C. ariakensis into Chesapeake Bay, in the United States, to help revive the declining native oyster industry and bolster the local ecosystem. Little is known about the ecology and biology of this species in Asia due to confusion with nomenclature and difficulty in accurately identifying the species of wild populations in their natural environment. Even less research has been done on the population genetics of native populations of C. ariakensis in Asia. We examined the magnitude and pattern of genetic differentiation among 10 wild populations of C. ariakensis from its confirmed distribution range using eight polymorphic microsatellite markers. Results showed a small but significant global theta (ST) (0.018), indicating genetic heterogeneity among populations. Eight genetically distinct populations were further distinguished based on population pairwise theta (ST) comparisons, including one in Japan, four in China, and three populations along the coast of South Korea. A significant positive association was detected between genetic and geographic distances among populations, suggesting a genetic pattern of isolation by distance. This research represents a novel observation on wild genetic population structuring in a coastal bivalve species along the coast of the northwest Pacific.


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The study of the genetic structure of wild plant populations is essential for their management and conservation. Several DNA markers have been used in such studies, as well as isozyme markers. In order to provide a better comprehension of the results obtained and a comparison between markers which will help choose tools for future studies in natural populations of Oryza glumaepatula, a predominantly autogamous species, this study used both isozymes and microsatellites to assess the genetic diversity and genetic structure of 13 populations, pointing to similarities and divergences of each marker, and evaluating the relative importance of the results for studies of population genetics and conservation. A bulk sample for each population was obtained, by sampling two to three seeds of each plant, up to a set of 50 seeds. Amplified products of eight SSR loci were electrophoresed on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels, and the fragments were visualized using silver staining procedure. Isozyme analyses were conducted in polyacrylamide gels, under a discontinuous system, using six enzymatic loci. SSR loci showed higher mean levels of genetic diversity (A=2.83, p=0.71, A(P)=3.17, H-o=0.081, H-e=0.351) than isozyme loci (A=1.20, p=0.20, A(P)=1.38, H-o=0.006, H-e=0.056). Interpopulation genetic differentiation detected by SSR loci (R-ST=0.631, equivalent to F-ST=0.533) was lower than that obtained with isozymes (F-ST=0.772). However, both markers showed high deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations (F-IS=0.744 and 0.899, respectively for SSR and isozymes). The mean apparent outcrossing rate for SSR ((t) over bar (a)=0.14) was higher than that obtained using isozymes ((t) over bar (a)=0.043), although both markers detected lower levels of outcrossing in Amazonia compared to the Pantanal. The migrant number estimation was also higher for SSR (Nm=0.219) than isozymes (Nm=0.074), although a small number for both markers was expected due to the mode of reproduction of this species, defined as mixed with predominance of self fertilization. No correlation was obtained between genetic and geographic distances with SSR, but a positive correlation was found between genetic and geographic distances with isozymes. We conclude that these markers are divergent in detecting genetic diversity parameters in O. glumaepatula and that microsatellites are powerful for detecting information at the intra-population level, while isozymes are more powerful for inter-population diversity, since clustering of populations agreed with the expectations based on the geographic distribution of the populations using this marker. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (4): 1463-1478. Epub 2012 December 01.


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Acanthopagrus butcheri completes its entire life history within estuaries and coastal lakes of southern Australia, although adults occasionally move between estuaries via the sea. Consequently, it is expected that populations of A. butcheri in different estuaries will be genetically distinct, with the magnitude of genetic divergence increasing with geographic isolation. However, previous genetic studies of A. butcheri from southeast Australia yielded conflicting results; allozyme variation exhibited minimal spatial structuring (θ = 0.012), whereas mitochondrial DNA distinguished the majority of populations analyzed (θ = 0.263) and genetic divergence was positively correlated with geographic isolation. This discrepancy could reflect high male gene flow, which impacts nuclear but not mitochondrial markers. Here we estimated allele frequencies at five nuclear microsatellite loci across 11 southeast Australian populations (595 individuals). Overall structuring of microsatellite variation was weaker (θ = 0.088) than that observed for mitochondrial DNA, but was able to distinguish a greater number of populations and was positively correlated with geographic distance. Therefore, we reject high male gene flow and invoke a stepping-stone model of infrequent gene flow among estuaries for both sexes. Likewise, management of A. butcheri within the study range should be conducted at the scale of individual or geographically proximate estuaries for both sexes. The lack of allozyme structuring in southeast Australia reflects either the large variance in structuring expected among loci under neutral conditions and the low number of allozymes surveyed or a recent colonization of estuaries such that some but not all nuclear loci have approached migration-drift equilibrium.


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Genetic variation at allozyme and mitochondrial DNA loci was investigated in the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri Krefft 1870. Tissue samples for genetic analysis were taken non-lethally from 278 individuals representing two spatially distinct endemic populations (Mary and Burnett rivers), as well as one population thought to be derived from an anthropogenic translocation in the 1890's (Brisbane river). Two of 24 allozyme loci resolved from muscle tissue were polymorphic. Mitochondrial DNA nucleotide sequence diversity estimated across 2,235 base pairs in each of 40 individuals ranged between 0.000423 and 0.001470 per river. Low genetic variation at allozyme and mitochondrial loci could be attributed to population bottlenecks, possibly induced by Pleistocene aridity. Limited genetic differentiation was detected among rivers using nuclear and mitochondrial markers suggesting that admixture may have occurred between the endemic Mary and Burnett populations during periods of low sea level when the drainages may have converged before reaching the ocean. Genetic data was consistent with the explanation that lungfish were introduced to the Brisbane river from the Mary river. Further research using more variable genetic loci is needed before the conservation status of populations can be determined, particularly as anthropogenic demands on lungfish habitat are increasing. In the interim we recommend a management strategy aimed at conserving existing genetic variation within and between rivers.


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Stock structure of eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna was investigated by analyzing allozymes and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) from 10 samples of 20–30 individuals each, collected between 1994 and 1996 from fishing vessels operating in the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) yellowfin regulatory area (CYRA). Allozyme analysis resolved 28 loci, eight of which were polymorphic under the 0.95 criterion: Aat-S*, Glud, Gpi-F*, Gpi-S*, La, Lgg, Pap-F*, and 6-Pgd, resulting in a mean heterozygosity over all allozyme loci of H = 0.052. Four polymorphic RAPD loci were selected for analysis, resulting in a mean heterozygosity of H = 0.43. Eight of 45 pairwise comparisons of allozyme allele frequencies among the ten samples showed significant differences after correction for multiple testing (P<0.0001), all of which involved comparisons with the Gulf of California sample. Confirmation of this signal of population structure would have management implications. No significant divergence in RAPD allele frequencies was observed among samples. Weir and Cockerham θ estimated for allozyme loci (θ=0.048; P<0.05) and RAPD loci (θ=0.030; P>0.05) revealed little population structure among samples. Mantel tests demonstrated that the genetic relationships among samples did not correspond to an isolation-by-distance model for either class of marker. Four of eight comparisons of coastal and offshore samples revealed differences of allele frequencies at the Gpi-F* locus (P<0.05), although none of these differences was significant after correction for multiple testing (P>0.001). Results are consistent with the hypothesis that the CYRA yellowfin tuna samples comprise a single genetic stock, although gene flow appears to be greater among coastal samples than between coastal and offshore samples.


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We used allozyme, microsatellite, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) data to test for spatial and interannual genetic diversity in wall-eye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from six spawning aggregations representing three geographic regions: Gulf of Alaska, eastern Bering Sea, and eastern Kamchatka. Interpopulation genetic diversity was evident primarily from the mtDNA and two allozyme loci (SOD-2*, MPI*). Permutation tests ˆindicated that FST values for most allozyme and microsatellite loci were not significantly greater than zero. The microsatellite results suggested that high locus polymorphism may not be a reliable indicator of power for detecting population differentiation in walleye pollock. The fact that mtDNA revealed population structure and most nuclear loci did not suggests that the effective size of most walleye pollock populations is large (genetic drift is weak) and migration is a relatively strong homogenizing force. The allozymes and mtDNA provided mostly concordant estimates of patterns of spatial genetic variation. These data showed significant genetic variation between North American and Asian populations. In addition, two spawning aggregations in the Gulf of Alaska, in Prince William Sound, and off Middleton Island, appeared genetically distinct from walleye pollock spawning in the Shelikof Strait and may merit management as a distinct stock. Finally, we found evidence of interannual genetic variation in two of three North American spawning aggregations, similar in magnitude to the spatial variation among North American walleye pol-lock. We suggest that interannual genetic variation in walleye pollock may be indicative of one or more of the following factors: highly variable reproductive success, adult philopatry, source-sink metapopulation structure, and intraannual variation (days) in spawning timing among genetically distinct but spatially identical spawning aggregates.