917 resultados para ALLOGRAFT REJECTION


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess, at the European level and using digital technology, the inter-pathologist reproducibility of the ISHLT 2004 system and to compare it with the 1990 system We also assessed the reproducibility of the morphologic criteria for diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection detailed in the 2004 grading system. METHODS: The hematoxylin-eosin-stained sections of 20 sets of endomyocardial biopsies were pre-selected and graded by two pathologists (A.A. and M.B.) and digitized using a telepathology digital pathology system (Aperio ImageScope System; for details refer to http://aperio.com/). Their diagnoses were considered the index diagnoses, which covered all grades of acute cellular rejection (ACR), early ischemic lesions, Quilty lesions, late ischemic lesions and (in the 2005 system) antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). Eighteen pathologists from 16 heart transplant centers in 7 European countries participated in the study. Inter-observer reproducibility was assessed using Fleiss's kappa and Krippendorff's alpha statistics. RESULTS: The combined kappa value of all grades diagnosed by all 18 pathologists was 0.31 for the 1990 grading system and 0.39 for the 2005 grading system, with alpha statistics at 0.57 and 0.55, respectively. Kappa values by grade for 1990/2005, respectively, were: 0 = 0.52/0.51; 1A/1R = 0.24/0.36; 1B = 0.15; 2 = 0.13; 3A/2R = 0.29/0.29; 3B/3R = 0.13/0.23; and 4 = 0.18. For the 2 cases of AMR, 6 of 18 pathologists correctly suspected AMR on the hematoxylin-eosin slides, whereas, in each of 17 of the 18 AMR-negative cases a small percentage of pathologists (range 5% to 33%) overinterpreted the findings as suggestive for AMR. CONCLUSIONS: Reproducibility studies of cardiac biopsies by pathologists in different centers at the international level were feasible using digitized slides rather than conventional histology glass slides. There was a small improvement in interobserver agreement between pathologists of different European centers when moving from the 1990 ISHLT classification to the "new" 2005 ISHLT classification. Morphologic suspicion of AMR in the 2004 system on hematoxylin-eosin-stained slides only was poor, highlighting the need for better standardization of morphologic criteria for AMR. Ongoing educational programs are needed to ensure standardization of diagnosis of both acute cellular and antibody-mediated rejection.


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In this review, we discuss a paradigm whereby changes in the intragraft microenvironment promote or sustain the development of chronic allograft rejection. A key feature of this model involves the microvasculature including (a) endothelial cell (EC) destruction, and (b) EC proliferation, both of which result from alloimmune leukocyte- and/or alloantibody-induced responses. These changes in the microvasculature likely create abnormal blood flow patterns and thus promote local tissue hypoxia. Another feature of the chronic rejection microenvironment involves the overexpression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). VEGF stimulates EC activation and proliferation and it has potential to sustain inflammation via direct interactions with leukocytes. In this manner, VEGF may promote ongoing tissue injury. Finally, we review how these events can be targeted therapeutically using mTOR inhibitors. EC activation and proliferation as well as VEGF-VEGFR interactions require PI-3K/Akt/mTOR intracellular signaling. Thus, agents that inhibit this signaling pathway within the graft may also target the progression of chronic rejection and thus promote long-term graft survival.


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Interleukin (IL) 18 is a potent pro-inflammatory Th1 cytokine that exerts pleiotropic effector functions in both innate and acquired immune responses. Increased IL-18 production during acute rejection has been reported in experimental heart transplantation models and in kidney transplant recipients. IL-18-binding protein (IL-18BP) binds IL-18 with high affinity and neutralizes its biologic activity. We have analyzed the efficacy of an adenoviral vector expressing an IL-18BP-Ig fusion protein in a rat model of heart transplantation. IL-18BP-Ig gene transfer into Fisher (F344) rat donor hearts resulted in prolonged graft survival in Lewis recipients (15.8 +/- 1.4 days vs. 10.3 +/- 2.5 and 10.1 +/- 2.1 days with control virus and buffer solution alone, respectively; P < 0.001). Immunohistochemical analysis revealed decreased intra-graft infiltrates of monocytes/macrophages, CD4(+), CD8alpha(+) and T-cell receptor alphabeta(+) cells after IL-18BP-Ig versus mock gene transfer (P < 0.05). Real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis showed decreased cytokine transcripts for the RANTES chemokine and transforming growth factor-beta after IL-18BP-Ig gene transfer (P < 0.05). IL-18BP-Ig gene transfer attenuates inflammatory cell infiltrates and prolongs cardiac allograft survival in rats. These results suggest a contributory role for IL-18 in acute rejection. Further studies aiming at defining the therapeutic potential of IL-18BP are warranted.


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SUMMARY : The recognition by recipient T cells of the allograft major histocompatibility complex (MHC)mismatched antigens is the primary event that ultimately leads to rejection. In the transplantation setting, circulating alloreactive CD4+ T cells play a central role in the initiation and the coordination of the immune response and can initiate the rejection of an allograft via three distinct pathways: the direct, indirect and the recently described semi-direct pathway. However, the exact role of individual CD4+ T-cell subsets in the development of allograft rejection is not clearly defined. Furthermore, besides pathogenic effector T cells, a new subset of T cells with regulatory properties, the CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ (Treg) cells, has come under increased scrutiny over the last decade. The experiments presented in this thesis were designed to better define the phenotype and functional characteristics of CD4+ T-cell subsets and Treg cells in vitro and in vivo in a marine adoptive transfer and skin transplantation model. As Treg cells play a key role in the induction and maintenance of peripheral transplantation tolerance, we have explored whether donor-antigen specific Treg cells could be expanded in vitro. Here we describe a robust protocol for the ex-vivo generation and expansion of antigen-specific Treg cells, without loss of their characteristic phenotype and suppressive function. In our in vivo transplantation model, antigen-specific Treg cells induced donor-specific tolerance to skin allografts in lymphopenic recipients and significantly delayed skin graft rejection in wild-type mice in the absence of any other immunosuppression. Naïve and memory CD4+ T cells have distinct phenotypes, effector functions and in vivo homeostatsis, and thus may play different roles in anti-donor immunity after transplantation. We have analyzed in vitro and in vivo primary alloresponses of naïve and cross-reactive memory CD4+ T cells. We found that the CD4+CD45RBlo memory T-cell pool was heterogeneous and contained cells with regulatory potentials, both in the CD4+CD25+ and CD4+CD25- populations. CD4+ T cells capable of inducing strong primary alloreactive responses in vitro and rejection of a first allograft in vivo were mainly contained within the CD45RBhi naïve CD4+ T-cell compartment. Taken together, the work described in this thesis provides new insights into the mechanisms that drive allograft rejection or donor-specific transplantation tolerance. These results will help to optimise current clinical immunosuppressive regimens used after solid organ transplantation and design new immunotherapeutic strategies to prevent transplant rejection. RÉSUMÉ : ROLE DES SOUS-POPULATIONS DE CELLULES T DANS LE REJET DE GREFFE ET L'INDUCTION DE TOLERANCE EN TRANSPLANTATION La reconnaissance par les cellules T du receveur des alloantigènes du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMIT) présentés par une greffe allogénique, est le premier événement qui aboutira au rejet de l'organe greffé. Dans le contexte d'une transplantation, les cellules alloréactives T CD4+ circulantes jouent un rôle central dans l'initiation et la coordination de 1a réponse immune, et peuvent initier le rejet par 3 voies distinctes : la voie directe, indirecte et la voie servi-directe, plus récemment décrite. Toutefois, le rôle exact des sous-populations de cellules T CD4+ dans les différentes étapes menant au rejet d'une allogreffe n'est pas clairement établi. Par ailleurs, hormis les cellules T effectrices pathogéniques, une sous-population de cellules T ayant des propriétés régulatrices, les cellules T CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ (Treg), a été nouvellement décrite et est intensément étudiée depuis environ dix ans. Les expériences présentées dans cette thèse ont été planifiées afin de mieux définir le phénotype et les caractéristiques fonctionnels des sous-populations de cellules T CD4+ et des Treg in vitro et in vivo dans un modèle marin de transfert adoptif de cellules et de transplantation de peau. Comme les cellules Treg jouent un rôle clé dans l'induction et le maintien de la tolérance périphérique en transplantation, nous avons investigué la possibilité de multiplier in vitro des cellules Treg avec spécificité antigénique pour le donneur. Nous décrivons ici un protocole reproductible pour la génération et l'expansion ex-vivo de cellules Treg avec spécificité antigénique, sans perte de leur phénotype caractéristique et de leur fonction suppressive. Dans notre modèle in vivo de transplantation de peau, ces cellules Treg pouvaient induire une tolérance spécifique vis-à-vis du donneur chez des souris lymphopéniques, et, chez des souris normales non-lymphopéniques ces Treg ont permis de retarder significativement le rejet en l'absence de tout traitement immunosuppresseur. Les cellules T CD4+ naïves et mémoires se distinguent par leur phénotype, fonction effectrice et leur homéostasie in vivo, et peuvent donc moduler différemment la réponse immune contre le donneur après transplantation. Nous avons analysé in vitro et in vivo les réponses allogéniques primaires de cellules T CD4+ naïves et mémoires non-spécifiques (cross-réactives). Nos résultats ont montré que le pool de cellules T CD4+CD45RB'° mémoires était hétérogène et contenait des cellules avec un potentiel régulateur, aussi bien parmi la sous-population de cellules CD4+CD25+ que CD4+CD25+. Les cellules T CD4+ capables d'induire une alloréponse primaire intense in vitro et le rejet d'une première allogreffe in vivo étaient essentiellement contenues dans le pool de cellules T CD4+CD45RBhi naïves. En conclusion, le travail décrit dans cette thèse amène un nouvel éclairage sur les mécanismes responsables du rejet d'une allogreffe ou de l'induction de tolérance en transplantation. Ces résultats permettront d'optimaliser les traitements immunosuppresseurs utilisés en transplantation clinique et de concevoir des nouvelles stratégies irnmuno-thérapeutiques pour prévenir le rejet de greffe allogénique.


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rejection can lead to loss of function. Histological reading of endomyocardial biopsy remains the "gold standard" for guiding immunosuppression, despite its methodological limitations (sampling error and interobserver variability). The measurement of the T2 relaxation time has been suggested for detection of allograft rejection, on the pathophysiological basis that the T2 relaxation time prolongs with local edema resulting from acute allograft rejection. Using breath-held cardiac magnetic resonance T2 mapping at 1.5 T, Usman et al. (CircCardiovascImaging2012) detected moderate allograft rejection (grade 2R, ISHLT 2004). With modern immunosuppression grade 2R rejection has become a rare event, but the need remains for a technique that permits the discrimination of absent (grade 0R) and mild rejection (grade 1R). We therefore investigated whether an increase of magnetic field strength to 3T and the use of real-time navigator-gated respiration compensation allow for an increase in the sensitivity of T2 relaxation time detection that is necessary to achieve this discrimination. Methods: Eighteen patients received EMB (Tan et al., ArchPatholLabMed2007) and cardiac T2 mapping on the same day. Reading of T2 maps was blinded to the histological results. For final analysis, 3 cases with known 2R rejection at the time of T2 mapping were added, yielding 21 T2 mapping sessions. A respiration-navigator-gated radial gradient-recalled-echo pulse sequence (resolution 1.17 mm2, matrix 2562, trigger time 3 heartbeats, T2 preparation duration TET2 Prep = 60/30/0 ms) was applied to obtain 3 short-axis T2 maps (van Heeswijk et al., JACCCardiovascImaging2012), which were segmented according to AHA guidelines (Cerqueira et al, Circulation2001). The highest segmental T2 values were grouped according to histological rejection grade and differences were analyzed by Student's t-test, except for the non-blinded cases with 2R rejection. The degree of discrimination was determined using the Spearman's ranked correlation test. Results: The high-quality T2 maps allowed for visual differentiation of the rejection degrees (Figure 1), and the correlation of T2 mapping with the histological grade of acute cellular rejection was significant (Spearman's r = 0.56, p = 0.007). The 0R (n = 15) and 1R (n = 3) degrees demonstrated significantly different T2 values (46.9 ± 5.0 and 54.3 ± 3.0 ms, p = 0.02, Figure 2). Cases with 2R rejection showed clear T2 elevation (T2 = 60.3 ± 16.2 ms). Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrates that non-invasive free-breathing cardiac T2 mapping at 3T discriminates between no and mild cardiac allograft rejection. Confirmation of these encouraging results in a larger cohort should consider a study able to show equivalency or superiority of T2 mapping.


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Organ transplantation can be considered as replacement therapy for patients with end-stage organ failure. The percent of one-year allograft survival has increased due, among other factors, to a better understanding of the rejection process and new immunosuppressive drugs. Immunosuppressive therapy used in transplantation prevents activation and proliferation of alloreactive T lymphocytes, although not fully preventing chronic rejection. Recognition by recipient T cells of alloantigens expressed by donor tissues initiates immune destruction of allogeneic transplants. However, there is controversy concerning the relative contribution of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to allograft rejection. Some animal models indicate that there is an absolute requirement for CD4+ T cells in allogeneic rejection, whereas in others CD4-depleted mice reject certain types of allografts. Moreover, there is evidence that CD8+ T cells are more resistant to immunotherapy and tolerance induction protocols. An intense focal infiltration of mainly CD8+CTLA4+ T lymphocytes during kidney rejection has been described in patients. This suggests that CD8+ T cells could escape from immunosuppression and participate in the rejection process. Our group is primarily interested in the immune mechanisms involved in allograft rejection. Thus, we believe that a better understanding of the role of CD8+ T cells in allograft rejection could indicate new targets for immunotherapy in transplantation. Therefore, the objective of the present review was to focus on the role of the CD8+ T cell population in the rejection of allogeneic tissue.


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We studied the effect of oral and portal vein administration of alloantigens on mouse skin allograft survival. Graft receptor BALB/c mice received spleen cells (30, 90, 150 or 375 x 10(6)) from donor C57BL/6 mice intragastrically on three successive days, starting seven days before the skin graft. Allograft survival was significantly increased with the feeding of 150 x 10(6) allogeneic spleen cells by one gavage (median survival of 12 vs 14 days, P <= 0.005) or when 300 x 10(6) cells were given in six gavage (12 vs 14 days, P < 0.04). A similar effect was observed when 150 x 10(6) spleen cells were injected into the portal vein (12 vs 14 days, P <= 0.03). Furthermore, prolonged allograft survival was observed with subcutaneous (12 vs 16 days, P <= 0.002) or systemic (12 vs 15 days, P <= 0.016) application of murine interleukin-4 (IL-4), alone or in combination with spleen cell injection into the portal vein (12 vs 18 days, P <= 0.0018). Taken together, these results showed that tolerance induction with spleen cells expressing fully incompatible antigens by oral administration or intraportal injection partially down-modulates skin allograft rejection. Furthermore, these findings demonstrated for the first time the effect of subcutaneous or systemic IL-4 application on allograft skin survival suggesting its use as a beneficial support therapy in combination with a tolerance induction protocol.


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OBJECTIVES: FTY720 modulates CD4(+)T cells by the augmentation of regulatory T cell activity, secretion of suppressive cytokines and suppression of IL-17 secretion by Th17 cells. To further understand the process of graft rejection/acceptance, we evaluated skin allograft survival and associated events after FTY720 treatment. METHODS: F1 mice (C57BL/6xBALB/c) and C57BL/6 mice were used as donors for and recipients of skin transplantation, respectively. The recipients were transplanted and either not treated or treated with FTY720 by gavage for 21 days to evaluate the allograft survival. In another set of experiments, the immunological evaluation was performed five days post-transplantation. The spleens, axillary lymph nodes and skin allografts of the recipient mice were harvested for phenotyping (flow cytometry), gene expression (real-time PCR) and cytokine (Bio-Plex) analysis. RESULTS: The FTY720 treatment significantly increased skin allograft survival, reduced the number of cells in the lymph nodes and decreased the percentage of Tregs at this site in the C57BL/6 recipients. Moreover, the treatment reduced the number of graft-infiltrating cells and the percentage of CD4(+) graft-infiltrating cells. The cytokine analysis (splenocytes) showed decreased levels of IL-10, IL-6 and IL-17 in the FTY720-treated mice. We also observed a decrease in the IL-10, IL-6 and IL-23 mRNA levels, as well as an increase in the IL-27 mRNA levels, in the splenocytes of the treated group. The FTY720-treated mice exhibited increased mRNA levels of IL-10, IL-27 and IL-23 in the skin graft. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated prolonged but not indefinite skin allograft survival by FTY720 treatment. This finding indicates that the drug did not prevent the imbalance between Tr1 and Th17 cells in the graft that led to rejection.


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The effect of prolonged electroporation-mediated human interleukin-10 (hIL-10) overexpression 24 hours before transplantation, combined with sequential human hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) overexpression into skeletal muscle on day 5, on rat lung allograft rejection was evaluated. Left lung allotransplantation was performed from Brown-Norway to Fischer-F344 rats. Gene transfer into skeletal muscle was enhanced by electroporation. Three groups were studied: group I animals (n = 5) received 2.5 μg pCIK-hIL-10 (hIL-10/CMV [cytomegalovirus] early promoter enhancer) on day -1 and 80 μg pCIK-HGF (HGF/CMV early promoter enhancer) on day 5. Group II animals (n = 4) received 2.5 μg pCIK-hIL-10 and pUbC-hIL-10 (hIL-10/pUbC promoter) on day -1. Control group III animals (n = 4) were treated by sham electroporation on days -1 and 5. All animals received daily nontherapeutic intraperitoneal dose of cyclosporin A (2.5 mg/kg) and were sacrificed on day 15. Graft oxygenation and allograft rejection were evaluated. Significant differences were found between study groups in graft oxygenation (Pao(2)) (P = .0028; group I vs. groups II and III, P < .01 each). Pao(2) was low in group II (31 ± 1 mm Hg) and in group III controls (34 ± 10 mm Hg), without statistically significant difference between these 2 groups (P = .54). In contrast, in group I, Pao(2) of recipients sequentially transduced with IL-10 and HGF plasmids was much improved, with 112 ± 39 mm Hg (vs. groups II and III; P < .01 each), paralleled by reduced vascular and bronchial rejection (group I vs. groups II and III, P < .021 each). Sequential overexpression of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, followed by sequential and overlapping HGF overexpression on day 5, preserves lung function and reduces acute lung allograft rejection up to day 15 post transplant as compared to prolonged IL-10 overexpression alone.


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BACKGROUND: The prolonged effect of electroporation-mediated human interleukin-10 (hIL-10) overexpression in skeletal muscle under the control of the constitutional polyubiquitin C promoter (pUb hIL-10) on rat lung allograft rejection was evaluated. METHODS: Left lung allotransplantation was performed from Brown-Norway to Fischer-F344 rats. Either 2.5 mug pCIK hIL-10 (hIL-10/cytomegalovirus early promoter enhancer) alone (Group I/sacrifice Day 5 and II/sacrifice Day 10) or in combination with 2.5 mug pUb hIL-10 (hIL-10/UbC promoter; Group III/sacrifice Day 10) were injected into the tibialis anterior muscle of the recipient, followed by electroporation 24 hours before transplantation. Animals in Control Groups IV and V without gene transfer were euthanized on Day 5 and 10, respectively. All animals received a daily non-therapeutic dose of cyclosporine A (2.5 mg/kg). RESULTS: In Control Group IV, complete rejection (median A3B3) was noted on Day 5 with a Pao(2) of 43 +/- 9 mm Hg. In recipients of Control Group V, measurement of gas exchange on Day 10 and rejection grading was impossible because of complete destruction of the allograft. Group I animals on Day 5 (233 +/- 123 mm Hg; p = 0.02 vs Group IV) and Group II animals on Day 10 (150 +/- 139 mm Hg; p = 0.15 vs Group IV) demonstrated improved graft function. Graft function in Group III was further improved on Day 10 (299 +/- 123 mm Hg; p = 0.002 vs Group IV; p = 0.05 vs Group II; p = 0.36 vs Group I). Rejection was significantly reduced in Group III (median, A2B2) compared with Group II (median, A4B3; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Interleukin-10 overexpression under control of the constitutive ubiquitin C promoter ameliorates acute rejection and preserves lung graft function for a prolonged time.


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Chronic renal allograft rejection is characterized by alterations in the extracellular matrix compartment and in the proliferation of various cell types. These features are controlled, in part by the metzincin superfamily of metallo-endopeptidases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) and meprin. Therefore, we investigated the regulation of metzincins in the established Fisher to Lewis rat kidney transplant model. Studies were performed using frozen homogenates and paraffin sections of rat kidneys at day 0 (healthy controls) and during periods of chronic rejection at day +60 and day +100 following transplantation. The messenger RNA (mRNA) expression was examined by Affymetrix Rat Expression Array 230A GeneChip and by real-time Taqman polymerase chain reaction analyses. Protein expression was studied by zymography, Western blot analyses, and immunohistology. mRNA levels of MMPs (MMP-2/-11/-12/-14), of their inhibitors (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1/-2), ADAM-17 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 significantly increased during chronic renal allograft rejection. MMP-2 activity and immunohistological staining were augmented accordingly. The most important mRNA elevation was observed in the case of MMP-12. As expected, Western blot analyses also demonstrated increased production of MMP-12, MMP-14, and TIMP-2 (in the latter two cases as individual proteins and as complexes). In contrast, mRNA levels of MMP-9/-24 and meprin alpha/beta had decreased. Accordingly, MMP-9 protein levels and meprin alpha/beta synthesis and activity were downregulated significantly. Members of metzincin families (MMP, ADAM, and meprin) and of TIMPs are differentially regulated in chronic renal allograft rejection. Thus, an altered pattern of metzincins may represent novel diagnostic markers and possibly may provide novel targets for future therapeutic interventions.


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Endothelin regulates cytokine expression in vitro and in vivo. This study investigated the effects of chronic allograft rejection on hepatic endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) gene expression and endothelin-1 (ET-1) plasma clearance. Using the Lewis-F344 minor histocompatibility mismatch model of heterotopic cardiac transplantation, hepatic ECE-1 gene expression was measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction and host plasma clearance of ET-1 was measured 8 weeks after transplantation in the absence of immunosuppression. In animals undergoing allograft rejection, hepatic ECE-1 gene expression increased 2-fold (P < 0.05), whereas no effect of rejection on ET-1 clearance from plasma was observed. In summary, upregulation of ECE-1 gene expression occurs in the liver of the host during chronic allograft rejection. Because the liver represents both a key organ for cytokine production and for endothelin metabolism, increased hepatic ECE-1-mediated ET-1 synthesis may contribute to host responses and cytokine production during allograft rejection.