1000 resultados para ALB-13
A criterion is suggested for discrimination between ferromanganese oxide minerals, deposited after the introduction of manganese and associated elements in sea water solution at submarine vulcanism, and minerals which are slowly formed from dilute solution, largely of continental origin. The simlultaneous injection of thorium into the ocean by submarine vulcanism is indicated, and its differentiation from continental thorium introduced into the ocean by runoff is discussed.
A compilation of chemical analyses of Pacific Ocean nodules using an x-ray fluorescence technique. The equipment used was a General Electric XRD-5 with a tungsten tube. Lithium fluoride was used as the diffraction element in assaying for all elements above calcium in the atomic table and EDDT was used in conjunction with a helium path for all elements with an atomic number less than calcium. Flow counters were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to eliminate x-ray lines of different but integral orders in gathering count data. The stability of the equipment was found to be excellent by the author. The equipment was calibrated by the use of standard ores made from pure oxide forms of the elements in the nodules and carefully mixed in proportion to the amounts of these elements generally found in the manganese nodules. Chemically analyzed standards of the nodules themselves were also used. As a final check, a known amount of the element in question was added to selected samples of the nodules and careful counts were taken on these samples before and after the addition of the extra amount of the element. The method involved the determination and subsequent use of absorption and activation factors for the lines of the various elements. All the absorption and activation factors were carefully determined using the standard ores. The chemically analyzed samples of the nodules by these methods yielded an accuracy to at least three significant figures.
Using spectrochemical techniques Fe, Si, Mg, Co, Ni, Cu, V, Mo, Ti and Tl have been estimated in nineteen manganese nodules, eight from the Atlantic ocean, seven from the Pacific ocean and four from the Indian ocean. Though data on more samples are required before firm and detailed conclusions can be made about the distribution of elements in manganese nodules, several distinct features appear when the data on the nineteen samples are examined. Certain elements appear to enrich more strongly than others. For example, relative to igneous rocks Mo is much more strongly enriched than V. For several elements (Ni, Cu and particularly Co and Tl) the degree of enrichment in two Fe-low nodules is far smaller than in the other nodules. The magnitude of dispersion of concentration appears to vary considerably for different elements; thus, whereas variation of concentration of V is relatively small, that of Ni, Cu, Co and Tl is far larger. The statistical nature of the distribution of Fe in manganese nodules appears to be characteristic and different from that of the other elements studied so far. Of the possible inter-element relationships examined that of Ni-Cu appears to be the most strongly developed.
Mn, Fe, Ca, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Tl, Pb and Bi have been estimated in thirty-two nodules from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Various features about the composition of manganese nodules are discussed: element abundances, degrees of enrichment, inter-element relationships (notably between Ni and Cu, and between Zn and Cd), regional variations and some aspects of statistical distribution.
In an earlier paper by two of the authors the conclusion was reached that the 33 recognized species of oxides of Mn could be separated into 3 groups: 1) those which appeared to be persistently supergene in origin, 2) those which appeared to be persistently hypogene, and 3) those which were supergene in some localities and hypogene in other localities. When that paper was written, there were available about 250 X-ray diffraction analyses of mineral specimens, also 35 complete and about 150 partial chemical analyses. The conclusions of that paper were based upon the interpretation of the geologic conditions under which these specimens occurred. Late in the preparation of that paper, it seemed worthwhile to make numerous semiquantitative analyses of specimens, largely from 9 western [U.S.A] states, selected carefully from 5 groups of geologic environments, in the hope that the frequency and percentages of some elements might be distinctive of the several geologic groups. For this purpose, 95 specimens were selected from the 5 groups, as follows: 19 specimens interpreted as supergene oxides by the geologists who collected them, 35 specimens of hypogene vein oxides, 22 specimens of Mn-bearing hot spring aprons, 9 specimens of stratified oxides, and 10 specimens of deep-sea nodules. The spectrographic analyses here recorded indicate that a group of elements - W, Ba, Sr, Be, As, Sb, Tl, and Ge - are present more commonly, and largely in higher percentages, in the hypogene oxide than in the supergene oxides and thus serve to indicate different sources of the Mn. Also, the frequency and percentages of some of these elements indicate a genetic relation of the manganese oxides in hypogene veins, hot spring aprons, and stratified deposits. The analyses indicate a declining percentage of some elements from depth to the surface in these 3 related groups and increasing percentages of some other elements. It is concluded that some of the elements in deep-sea nodules indicate that sources other than rocks decomposed on the continents, probably vulcanism on the floors of the seas, have contributed to their formation.
Attempts to classify pelagic sediments have been based either on appearance and composition, or on the ultimate origin of the components. In particular it appears feasible to distinguish minerals which crystallized in sea-water from those which formed in magmas, in hydrothermal solution, or by weathering under acidic conditions. It is the case of iron and manganese oxide mineral aggregates which constitute one of the major types of rock encountered on the ocean floor; according to Menard (unpublished) about 10% of the pelagic area of the Pacific is covered by such nodules. The nodules consist of intimately intergrown crystallites of different minerals among those identified, besides detrital minerals and organic matter, are opal, goethite, rutile, anatase, barite, nontronite, and at least three manganese oxide minerals of major importance. Arrhenius and Korkisch (1959) have attempted to separate from each other the different minerals constituting the nodules, in order to establish the details of their structure and the localization of the heavy metal ions. The results demonstrate (Table II) that copper and nickel are concentrated in the manganese oxide phases concentrated in the reducible fraction. Cobalt, part of the nickel and most of the chromium are distributed between these and the acid-soluble group of the non-manganese minerals, dominated by goethite and disordered FeOOH.
So gut sich im nördlichen Harzvorland die Sandstein- Fazies des Hilssandsteins als morphologisch herausragende Schichtrippe kartieren ließ, so problematisch ist bis heute ihre genaue stratigraphische Position geblieben. Die von STROMBECK (1856, Tab.S.493) aufgestellten Schichtgruppen Hilssandstein und Minimuston verwendete noch STOLLEY (1937, S.1,54) in stratigraphischem Sinn, obgleich es sich um Fazieseinheiten handelt, deren Grenzen durchaus schräg zu den biostratigraphischen Zonen verlaufen können. Beispiele für die Richtigkeit dieses Prinzips lieferten die Beobachtungen am Flammenmergel des Hils und der Sackmulde (JORDAN & SCHMIDT 1968): Die Bildungszeit der Flammenmergel-Fazies beginnt nach neuer Zonengliederung (COLLIGNON 1965) nicht zugleich mit dem Ober-Alb, sindern erst im unteren Ober-Alb und reicht bis zum Cenoman, kann aber auch schon im Ober-Alb beendet sein. Ein ähnliches Verhalten wurde daher auch von der Quarzsandstein-Fazies des Hilssandsteins im Raum Salzgitter-Goslar vermutet. Seltene Vorkommen von Acanthohoplites milletianus D'ORB. in den Steinbrüchen von Ostlutter und in der Sandgrube bei Goslar waren für BODE & SCHROEDER (1912 - 1926) bei ihrer geologischen Kartenaufnahme der Beweis für Unter-Gault (= Unter-Alb) -Alter des Sandsteins. Bei der Auswertung der Bohrungen im Gebiet von Hornburg grenzte SEITZ (1943, S.355,398) die Quarzsandstein Fazies mit dem Gaultkonglomerat nach unten gegen tonige Apt-Serien ab und stellte die obere Faziesgrenze des Hilssandsteins gegen Minimuston nach einem Leymeriellen Fund etwa in die Mitte des oberen Unter-Albs. Weiter östlich durchgeführte mikropaläontologische Beobach- tungsn in der Unterkreide am Kleinen Fallstein (BACH 1965) bestätigten, daß hier die Quarzsandschüttung bereits im Unter-Alb beendet war. Im Westen des Untersuchungsgebietes soll die Quarzsandschüttung im Hils nach BRINKMANN (1937, S.15) im Ober-Apt, örtlich sogar im Ober-Hauterive (FRATSCHNER 1950, S.31) begonnen und nach einem Hoplites-Fund (BRINKMANN 1937, S.15) bis ins oberste Mittel-Alb angedauert haben. Den Hilssandstein der Sackmulde stell- tein JORDAN & SCHMIDT (1968, S.428) ins Unter-Alb, vermuteten aber dessen Sedimentationsbeginn im Ober-Apt. Im Untersuchungsgebiet dieser Arbeit wurde das Unter- Alb-Alter des Hilssandsteins von DEWIEL (1951, S.39) unter anderem in der Finkeikuhle (bei Salzgitter-Bad) angezweifeit: Seines Erachtens ist dort die gesamte, ungefähr 50 m mächtige, tonig-sandige Folge mit Sandsteinbänken in ihrem oberen Teil dem Ober-Apt zuzuordnen. Er unterstrich damit WEIGELTs (1923, S.44/45) Auffassung von einer zumindest partiellen Zugehörigkeit des Sandsteins zum hohen Neokom. Abgesehen von der guten Übereinstimmung in der Datierung der Hilssandstein-Region des Kleinen Fallsteins nach Makro- wie Mikrofauna, gaben die zum Teil widersprüchlichen Altersangaben für dieselbe Schichtregion in den anderen Gebieten Südniedersachsens Anlaß zur Skepsis. Das hiesige Institut machte es sich daher zur Aufgabe, die stratigraphische Stellung des Hilssandsteins zunächst im Hils (SEILER 1973) und im Raum Salzgitter-Goslar erneut zu untersuchen. Die hier bearbeiteten Aufschlüsse (Abb.l) (Bl. Ringelheim, Salzgitter, Lutter a.B., Goslar) liegen im wesentlichen im Ausstrich der Unterkreide an den Flanken der Innerste-Mulde (gelegentlich auch Ringelheimer Mulde genannt). Bekanntlich entstand diese asymmetrische, mit Kreide-Sedimenten gefüllte Mulde durch halokinetisch modifizierte junge (?subherzynische) tektonische Bewegungen (s. KÖLBEL 1944). An ihrer Westflanke und in der Harzrandzone westlich Goslar bildet der Hilssandstein eine Schichtrippe und überlagert transgressiv Trias- und Jura-Schichten. - An seiner Basis treten örtlich (z.B. SO Ortshausen, SW Neuwallmoden) geringmächtige Brauneisenstein-Phosphorit- Lagen auf, deren Zugehörigkeit zum Neokom- oder Gaultkonglomerat bisher nicht sicher war. An der östlichen Muldenflanke ist der Hilssandstein in Tagesaufschlüssen aus zwei Gebieten bekannt: a) im Kreuzungsbereich der rheinisch streichenden Ringel- heimer Störungszone (KÖLBEL 1944, S.82) mit dem eggisch bis steil-herzynisch streichenden Salzgitterer Sattel in der Umgebung von Gitter und Grube "Finkeikuhle", b) am Südende des Salzgitterer Sattels. - Hier, wie auch am Südteil der östlichen Sattelflanke bei Groß-Döhren und Weddingen (Aufschluß 5: "Morgenstern"), liegt der Hilssandstein samt Gaultkonglomerat transgressiv auf den erzführenden Serien der tieferen Unterkreide.