485 resultados para ALAS


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With respect to GaAs epitaxial lift-off technology, we report here the optimum atomic spacing (5-10 nm) needed to etch off the AlAs release layer that is sandwiched between two GaAs epitaxial layers. The AlAs etching rate in hydrofluoric acid based solutions was monitored as a function of release layer thickness. We found a sudden quenching in the etching rate, approximately 20 times that of the peak value, at lower dimensions (similar to2.5 nm) of the AlAs epitaxial layer. Since this cannot be explained on the basis of a previous theory (inverse square root of release layer thickness), we propose a diffusion-limited mechanism to explain this reaction process. With the diffusion constant being a mean-free-path-dependent parameter, a relation between the mean free path and the width of the channel is considered. This relation is in reasonable agreement with the experimental results and gives a good physical insight to the reaction kinetics.


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Actualmente ningún área científica es ajena a la revolución de la nanociencia; las nanopartículas atraen el interés de muchos investigadores desde el punto de vista de la ciencia fundamental y para sus aplicaciones tecnológicas. Las nanopartículas ofrecen la posibilidad de fabricar sensores que sean capaces de detectar desde un virus hasta concentraciones de substancias patógenas que no pueden ser detectadas por los métodos convencionales. Hoy en día existes 82 tratamientos contra el cáncer basadas en la utilización de nanopartículas y los materiales composite con nanopartículas se utilizan como medio de protección frente a la radiación del rango de microondas. En la rama de ciencias ambientales, las nanopartículas metálicas sirven como materiales anticontaminantes. En la primera etapa de este trabajo, se ha estudiado la estructura cristalina y las propiedades magnéticas de las nanopartículas de FeNi, obtenidas por el método EEW, compactadas en forma de toroide. Para el aprendizaje del difractometro utilizado para este trabajo y el método de difracción de Rayos-X, se ha asistido al curso “Caracterización de materiales mediante DRX-P” impartido por SGIker de la UPV/EHU. Con la técnica de Rayos-X se ha determinado que el toroide consiste en dos fases: el FeNi metálico y el NiFe2O4. Ambos se cristalizan en un sistema cúbico FCC. Se ha determinado un valor de 50 nm del tamaño de dominio coherente de difracción en la superficie del toroide y aproximadamente el doble en el interior. Se han empleado los microscopios electrónicos SEM y TEM para obtener imágenes de gran resolución de la muestra y analizar su contenido elemental. Se puede apreciar que el toroide, efectivamente, es el fruto de la compactación de nanopartículas de alrededor de 60 nm. Para la caracterización magnética se ha utilizado el “trazador de ciclos” y el magnetómetro de muestra vibrante. Consiguiendo un valor de saturación, en uno de los toroides, de 140 emu/g con la aplicación de un campo magnético de 0.15 kOe. Estos valores dependen de los tratamientos recibidos. En la segunda etapa, se han realizado distintas mezclas de polímetro y nanopartículas para obtener los composites en forma de lámina y analizar su capacidad de absorción frente a la radiación en el rango de microondas. Todas las medidas de absorción en función del campo magnético externo muestran una absorción pronunciada en el campo cero y un desplazamiento a la izquierda del pico de resonancia respecto a la posición esperada para partículas esféricas. Dicho desplazamiento se interpreta, aparte de otros mecanismos, como el resultado de la existencia de la estructura cristalina tipo “gemelos” en algunas nanopartículas. La absorción en campo cero y el ensanchamiento de la línea de resonancia ferromagnética de los composites tipo polímero/nanopartículas de FeNi forman una solida base de las posibles aplicaciones de estos materiales como absorbentes en el rango de microondas.


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by zhangdi (zhangdi@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2009-04-13T11:45:31Z


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Submitted by 阎军 (yanj@red.semi.ac.cn) on 2010-10-11T08:04:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 李韫慧--毕业论文.pdf: 3605559 bytes, checksum: 42b64ac7c4003c8c729c7aa5a941791e (MD5)


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This paper investigates the dependence of current-voltage characteristics of AlAs/In0.53Ga0.47As/InAs resonant tunnelling diodes (RTDs) on spacer layer thickness. It finds that the peak and the valley current density J in the negative differential resistance (NDR) region depends strongly on the thickness of the spacer layer. The measured peak to valley current ratio of RTDs studied here is shown to improve while the current density through RTDs decreases with increasing spacer layer thickness below a critical value.


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Self-assembled InAs/AlAs quantum dots embedded in a resonant tunneling diode device structure are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Through the selective etching in a C6H8O7 center dot H2O-K3C6H5O7 center dot H2O-H2O2 buffer solution, 310 nm GaAs capping layers are removed and the InAs/AlAs quantum dots are observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy. It is shown that as-fabricated quantum dots have a diameter of several tens of nanometers and a density of 10(10) cm(-2) order. The images taken by this means are comparable or slightly better than those of transmission electron microscopy. The undercut of the InAs/AlAs layer near the edges of mesas is detected and that verifies the reliability of the quantum dot images. The inhomogeneous oxidation of the upper AlAs barrier in H2O2 is also observed. By comparing the morphologies of the mesa edge adjacent regions and the rest areas of the sample, it is concluded that the physicochemical reaction introduced in this letter is diffusion limited.


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This paper studies the dependence of I - V characteristics on quantum well widths in AlAs/In0.53Ga0.47As and AlAs/In0.53Ga0.47As/InAs resonant tunnelling structures grown on InP substrates. It shows that the peak and the valley current density in the negative differential resistance region are closely related with quantum well width. The measured peak current density, valley current densities and peak-to-valley current ratio of resonant tunnelling diodes are continually decreasing with increasing well width.


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The influence of a transverse magnetic field up to 13 T at 1.6 K on the current-voltage, I (V), characteristics of a doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice was investigated. Current hysteresis was observed in the domain formation regions of the I (V) at zero magnetic field while applied bias was swept in both up (0-6 V) and down (6-0 V) directions. The magnitude of current hysteresis was reduced and finally disappeared with increasing transverse magnetic field. The effect is explained as the modification of the current density versus electric field characteristic by transverse magnetic fields. Calculated results based on the tunnelling current formula in a superlattice support our interpretation.


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Molecular beam epitaxy was employed to manufacture self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dot Schottky resonant tunneling diodes. By virtue of a thin AlAs insertion barrier, the thermal current was effectively reduced and electron resonant tunneling through quantum dots under both forward and reverse biased conditions was observed at relatively high temperature of 77 K. The ground states of quantum dots were found to be at similar to 0.19 eV below the conduction band of GaAs matrix. The theoretical computations were in conformity with experimental data. (c) 2006 The Electrochemical Society.


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Peculiar current jumps and hysteresis in current-voltage curves are reported in an illuminated heterostructure consisting basically of a thick AlAs layer and a narrow GaAs quantum well. These novel features come from the photon-assisted transfer of electron-hole pairs and the resultant charge polarization in the structure, mainly caused by the resonant Gamma-X coupling at the heterointerfaces. Using the transfer-matrix method, the simulated current density-voltage curve reproduces the main features of the experimental observations in the case where the influence of resonant Gamma-X coupling at the heterointerfaces is included, further confirming the physical mechanism involved. The structure presented here may be used as a new type of photonic memory cell and also as an optically controlled switch.