993 resultados para AK4-274


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Uranium and thorium contents, as well as their distribution patterns have been studied in biogenic phosphates from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Differently lithified fish remains (bones, scales, teeth) and marine mammal bones (ribs, vertebras, earbones) collected from both reduced shelf sediments and oxidized pelagic ones have been analyzed. U content in the material varies from 0.7 to 700 ppm, and Th content - from <0.5 to 14 ppm. U/Th ratio varies from 0.16 to 400. Contents of both elements increase with lithification of biogenic phosphates. U concentration is more intense on shelves, whereas thorium concentration increases in pelagic areas. Partial positive correlation of U and Th with Fe and negative correlation of U with organic carbon are noted. The latter corresponds to higher lithification of biogenic phosphates. Calcium phosphate transformed from hydroxyapatite to fluorcarbonate-apatite is the main carrier of U, while transformed organic matter is a minor agent. Thorium is mainly bound with Fe.


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Content, distribution patterns, and speciation of Cl in phosphorites and bone phosphate from the ocean floor, as well as in a set of samples from the land are studied. Total Cl content varies from 0.05 to 4.25% in phosphorites and from 2.48 to 2.75% in recent phosphate-bearing sediments. Recent phosphorites are enriched in Cl relative to ancient ones. Bound Cl content (not extractable by washing), which increases with lithification, varies from 0.17 to 0.60% in ocean and land phosphorites and from 0.02% to 1.30% in bone phosphate. Na content in most samples is higher relative to Na of NaCl due to its incorporation into the crystal lattice of apatite. However, the opposite relationship is observed in some samples indicating partial Cl incorporation into the anion complex of phosphate. Behavior of Cl in phosphorites from the present-day ocean floor is controlled by early diagenetic processes, whereas the role of weathering, catagenesis, and hydrogeological factors may be crucial for phosphorites on continents.


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The book deals with behavior of phosphorus and its concentration in oceanic phosphorites. The major stages of marine geochemical cycle of phosphorus including its supply to sedimentary basins, precipitation from sea water, distribution and speciation in bottom sediments, diagenetic redistribution, and relation to other elements are under consideration. Formation of recent phosphorites as a culmination of phosphate accumulation in marine and oceanic sediments is examined. Distribution, structure, mineral and chemical compositions of major phosphorite deposits of various age on continental margins, as well as on submarine plateaus, uplifts and seamounts and some islands are described. A summary of trace element abundances in oceanic phosphorites is presented. Problems of phosphorite origin are discussed.


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Carbon in lipids separated from organic matter of fish and marine mammal bones from bottom of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans has d13C values ranging from -21.6 to -25.8 per mil and is isotopically lighter than that in lipids and total organic matter of host sediments. During fossilization of organic phosphate carbon isotope composition of bound lipids of fish bone becomes lighter and that of bones of mammals becomes heavier, possibly as a result of metabolisms of these organisms and composition of phospholipids in them.


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O sistema eletrônico de votação em plenário é utilizado pela primeira vez. O Senador Jarbas Passarinho (PFL-AM) ressalta que com o novo processo a votação será mais ágil. A Comissão de Sistematização discute o capítulo dos direitos políticos e define quem poderá ser eleito e reeleito no Poder Executivo. A Comissão de Sistematização aprecia os três primeiros parágrafos do artigo 13º que trata dos direitos políticos: sufrágio universal, alistamento eleitoral, voto obrigatório e facultativo, elegibilidade e outros. O Deputado Egídio Ferreira Lima (PMDB-PE) faz um relato sobre a questão da idade para o cargo de Juiz de Paz. Constituintes criticam a idade de 25 anos para o cidadão se candidatar ao cargo de prefeito como declaram o Senador Nelson Carneiro (PMDB-RJ) e o Deputado Cássio Cunha Lima (PMDB-PB). Constituintes discutem o direito de voto aos 16 anos. O destaque é votado e aprovado na Comissão de Sistematização.


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The phenomenon of the downstream movement of brown trout fry has been noticed for a very long time by fish biologists. The work presented here, and taking place in the framework of the hydrobiological research of the INRA, represents the results of three years' observation of the movement downstream in the Lissuraga, a small stream in the French Basque country, in connection with certain environmental factors, which are shown. The authors have used a live experiment to compare, in an artificial stream, the ”descending” (or ”Nomadic”) fry with the ”resident” fry, caught by electric fishing in other parts of the stream.


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