1000 resultados para AK22-1960


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Data on amounts of various functional groups, i.e. aldehyde, acid, ester, alcohol, thiol and aromatic groups in several fractions of low-polarity dissolved organic matter are presented. An assumption that this organic matter is part of the lipid fraction is not confirmed. Amount of aromatic compounds in waters of the Northwest Indian Ocean is estimated to be about 1000 times higher than quantity of aromatic hydrocarbons discharged into the ocean each year in petroleum and petroleum products.


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Surface and upper-layer pollution of seas and oceans by crude oil and refinery products is under study by investigators in many countries. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have prepared an international experimental project that is to be carried out within the framework of the Integrated Global Oceanic Station System (IGOSS). The purpose of the project is to prepare a picture of distribution and dynamics of oil pollution. Parameters to be observed include: oil patches (slicks), floating lumps of tar on the surface, and hydrocarbons emulsified and dissolved in water. Cruise 22 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov took the ship through regions being the most suitable for pollution studies. They were conducted from March through June 1976. On the cruise, oil slicks were observed visually by a procedure recommended by the international program. Areas of the slicks were determined from speed of the ship and time required to cross them. Surface samples were taken along the path of the ship for determination of concentrations of dissolved and emulsified hydrocarbons in water. In addition, samples were taken from deep water by a 7-liter vinyl water bottle at 17 stations. Hydrocarbons present in the samples were extracted immediately with carbon tetrachloride. Final determination of hydrocarbons was made by infrared spectrophotometry. This method is currently accepted in the Soviet Union in an arbitration capacity for determination of petroleum products dissolved and emulsified in sea water. Infrared spectrophotometry is used to determine hydrocarbons containing methyl and methylene groups, but they are not identified as to origin.


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Concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), urea, and dissolved organic carbon in bottom water are shown to be considerable, sometimes several times higher than in the photic and surface layers of the ocean. Urea and ATP concentrations are inversely proportional. Identified biochemical characteristics of bottom water are of great importance in determining the status of the aquatic environment. The highest life activity (maximum ATP content) in bottom water appeared in the vicinity of faults in rift zones of the ocean, where high gas concentrations were also found. Population of chemoautotrophic microorganisms was clearly present under these conditions. Biochemical investigations provide additional criteria for identifying oil and gas prospects. They are also of definite interest in combination with gasometric determinations, which will undoubtedly give us deeper understanding of processes of formation of oil and gas and will help in finding them.


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Distribution of urea in different water layers of the northwestern Indian Ocean is described. It was found to be non-uniformly distributed. High concentration was found in waters close to the bottom. Urea may serve as an indicator of state of the water environment.


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Chloroform extracts of water-soluble organic matter collected in the water column from the surface to the bottom were studied by C-13 and H-1 NMR chromatographic mass spectrometry, and phthalate concentrations were determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. More than 14 compounds were found including diethyl phthalate, ethyl butyl phthalate, dibutyl phthalate, and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, phthalates with normal C4-C12 chains, phthalates partially esterified with methanol, and others, at total concentrations up to 0.4 mg/l. Possible reasons for presence of phthalates in oceans, sometimes in high concentrations, are discussed.


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The annual Anzac Day observance is a focus for articulating popular notions of Australian national identity. Early Anzac Day observations were characterised by a diversity of observational modes, many distinctly masculine and militarist in character; including sports, competitions and marches. It was from the late 1920s that the now characteristic structure of the day (dawn service - march -follow-on - afternoon celebrations including eating, drinking and playing of the gambling game two-up, illegal on every other day of the year} became the dominant form. 1 Widely believed to have experienced an extended nadir in the 1960s and 1970s, since the 1980s Anzac Day has arguably become the single most important national event in the Australian calendar, involving probably the largest-numbers of Australians, many of them young, in the same temporal observance in a multitude of locations across the country and around the world.2 To date, there is a rich literature around Anzac Day observations and meanings focussing on its cultural I folkioric role'; the production of (masculinised) national identity;pilgrimage;' popular memory I history;' and the contemporary reshaping of the Anzac myth by and for indigenous participants.'


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Tutkielman aiheena on aseetonta palvelua koskevan lainsäädännön kehitys ja siihen vaikuttaneet voimat Suomessa 1960-luvulla. Tutkimuksen kohteena ovat omantunnon syistä kieltäytyneet aseistakieltäytyjät ja täyskieltäyneet Jehovan todistajat, sekä työlaitosviranomaiset ja lainsäädäntökoneisto. Tutkimuksessa käytetään oikeustieteilijä Martin Schneinin käsitteitä alamaisideologiasta ja laitosvallasta sekä näiden vastakohdasta perusoikeusideologiasta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on osoittaa tutkimusaineiston avulla miten alamaisideologia oli vallitseva asenne suomalaisessa asevelvollisia koskevassa virankäytössä. Aineistona käytän Karvian erityistyölaitoksen sekä Aseettomien työlaitostoimikunnan arkistoja, joita ei ole aiemmin käytetty tutkimuksen lähteinä. Tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi käytän aikalaiskirjoituksia sekä lehdistöä. Esittelen laajasti Jehovan todistajien vallanalaista asemaa, aseistakieltäytymiskeskustelua ja -demonstraatioita Sadankomitean johtamana, lainsäädäntötyötä, asevelvollisten tutkijatoimikunnan toimintaa sekä yllytys- tai Schüller-jutuksi kutsuttua oikeudenkäyntisarjaa. Osoitan tutkimuksessani sen, miten asevelvollisuusviranomaisten vallitsevana asenteena oli juuri perusoikeuksia vähättelevä alamaisideologia. Sama ideologia hallitsi myös oikeudenkäyttöä ja lainsäädäntöä. Osoitan myös, miten tämä ideologia käytännössä pyrki vain mahdollisimman pieniin myönnytyksiin ja muutoksiin, jotta koko järjestelmän perusteita ei olisi tarvinnut muuttaa. Vastapainona toimi yksilön- ja omantunnonvapautta korostanut perusoikeusideologia, jonka edustajia aseistakieltäytyjiä tukevat piirit olivat.


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Education as artist in "Odenwaldschule" and Oberammergau; return to Berlin and studies in the "Kunstgewerbeschule"; emigration to Paris in 1933; artist circle including Max Ernst; flight to Switzerland in 1942; busts of Pablo Casals and Emil Ludwig; emigration to New York; bust of Bruno Walter.


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Bernard Bernstein collection documents professional activities of Bernard Bernstein, a jeweler, metal smith, writer, and teacher. The collection includes artifacts, correspondence, documents, manuscripts, printed materials, photographs, other visual materials, and sketches.The larger part of the collection includes materials dealing with the artistic side of Bernard Bernstein. These materials are found throughout the collection and consist of artifacts produced during his schooling at City College (Series I: Artifacts), various jewelry designs produced by Bernard Bernstein for commercial use (Series III: Designs), certificates and awards (Series V: General), and materials pertaining to a number of shows and exhibits that Bernard Bernstein was a part of (Series IV: Exhibitions and Art Catalogues).Other materials include documents pertaining to Bernard Bernstein education, professional carrier as a teacher ( Series II: City College of the City University of New York, Series V: General), and his articles in professional journals (Series VI: Printed Materials).In some cases materials are accompanied by Bernard Bernstein’s notes explaining the significance and provenance of the documents.