962 resultados para AK22-1917
Surface and upper-layer pollution of seas and oceans by crude oil and refinery products is under study by investigators in many countries. The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have prepared an international experimental project that is to be carried out within the framework of the Integrated Global Oceanic Station System (IGOSS). The purpose of the project is to prepare a picture of distribution and dynamics of oil pollution. Parameters to be observed include: oil patches (slicks), floating lumps of tar on the surface, and hydrocarbons emulsified and dissolved in water. Cruise 22 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov took the ship through regions being the most suitable for pollution studies. They were conducted from March through June 1976. On the cruise, oil slicks were observed visually by a procedure recommended by the international program. Areas of the slicks were determined from speed of the ship and time required to cross them. Surface samples were taken along the path of the ship for determination of concentrations of dissolved and emulsified hydrocarbons in water. In addition, samples were taken from deep water by a 7-liter vinyl water bottle at 17 stations. Hydrocarbons present in the samples were extracted immediately with carbon tetrachloride. Final determination of hydrocarbons was made by infrared spectrophotometry. This method is currently accepted in the Soviet Union in an arbitration capacity for determination of petroleum products dissolved and emulsified in sea water. Infrared spectrophotometry is used to determine hydrocarbons containing methyl and methylene groups, but they are not identified as to origin.
Concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), urea, and dissolved organic carbon in bottom water are shown to be considerable, sometimes several times higher than in the photic and surface layers of the ocean. Urea and ATP concentrations are inversely proportional. Identified biochemical characteristics of bottom water are of great importance in determining the status of the aquatic environment. The highest life activity (maximum ATP content) in bottom water appeared in the vicinity of faults in rift zones of the ocean, where high gas concentrations were also found. Population of chemoautotrophic microorganisms was clearly present under these conditions. Biochemical investigations provide additional criteria for identifying oil and gas prospects. They are also of definite interest in combination with gasometric determinations, which will undoubtedly give us deeper understanding of processes of formation of oil and gas and will help in finding them.
Distribution of urea in different water layers of the northwestern Indian Ocean is described. It was found to be non-uniformly distributed. High concentration was found in waters close to the bottom. Urea may serve as an indicator of state of the water environment.
Finnish scholarship students in Russia during the autonomy (1812-1917) During the autonomy in Finland (1809-1917), an attempt to improve the knowledge of the Russian language was made through special language university scholarships. With these scholarships the students could go and study the Russian language and acquire cultural knowledge in Russia. Other member countries on the edges of the Russian Empire, like Poland and the Baltic provinces, did not have similar programs. The first two scholars started their journey in 1812. A system of travel allowances was introduced in 1841. Between the years 1812- 1917 a total of almost 400 students studied in Russia. The studies mainly took place in Moscow. These scholarship students were called the Master s of Moscow ". In this paper, Finnish-Russian relations are studied based on the attitude towards the Russian language and the people who studied it in Finland. Although the attitude towards them was neutral in the beginning, in 1844 there was a strong change. Students of Russian, and especially the scholars, received the stigma of being unreliable and unpatriotic, a stigma they were never able to get rid of. The study of the Russian language was voluntary in Finnish schools between 1863 and 1872. Starting from 1890, however, the study of the Russian language was enforced. In doing so, the Russians attempted to unify the Empire, while the Finns had the illusion that they had their own state. Thus, Russia saw the language as a way to unify the Empire and Finns as an attempt to make them Russians. The purpose of studying in Russia was to improve the student s practical language skills and overall knowledge of the customs and culture of the country. Besides knowing the language, knowledge of Russian culture and customs is essential in understanding Russia and Russians; therefore, the studies of literature, geography and history have been noted in this research. Without knowledge it is difficult to develop understanding. After their studies, almost all of the scholars returned to Finland and did not continue their careers in Russia. They worked mainly as teachers and civil servants, and managed to improve the Finnish people s weak knowledge of Russian and Russia through teaching, translations of literature and newspaper articles. Through these scholars, it is possible to see how the attitudes towards the language have been closely related to the political history between Finland and Russia. The language became the subject of resistance and these attitudes were transferred to its students. In 1917, the study of Russia and the Russian language ended and it was no longer possible to use the acquired knowledge of language and country in independent Finland.
Russian Karelians were one of the small peasant nations of the Russian Empire that began to identify themselves as nations during the late imperial period. At that historical moment Russian Karelia fell between an economically undeveloped empire and the rapidly modernizing borderland of Finland. The economic and cultural lure of Finland drew Karelians into the Finnish camp. This attraction was seen as a challenge to Russia and influenced the straggle between Russia and Finland for the Karelians. This struggle was waged from 1905 to 1917. This work is focused on the beginning stage of the struggle, its various phases, and their results. The confrontation extended into different dimensions (economic, political, ideological, church and cultural politics) and occurred on two levels: central and regional. Countermeasures against local nationalisms developed much earlier both in Russia and in other empires for use were also used in the Russian Karelian case. Economic policies were deployed to try to make relations with Russia more alluring for Karelians and to improve their economic condition. However, these efforts produced only minimal results due to the economic weakness of the empire and a lack of finances. Fear of the economic integration of the Karelians and Finns, which would have stimulated the economy of the Karelia, also hindered these attempts. The further development of the Orthodox Church, the schools and the zemstvos in Karelia yielded fewer results than expected due to the economic underdevelopment of the region and the avoidance of the Finnish language. Policizing measures were the most successfull, as all activities in Russian Karelia by the Finns were entirely halted in practice. However, the aspiration of Russian Karelians to integrate their home districts with Finland remained a latent force that just waited for an opportunity to push to the surface again. Such a chance materialized with the Russian revolution. The Karelian question was also a part of Russian domestic political confrontation. At the and of the 1800s, the Russian nationalist right had grown strong and increasingly gained the favor of the autocracy. The right political forces exploited the Karelian question in its anti-Finnish ideology and in its general resistance to the national emancipation of the minority peoples of Russia. A separate ideology was developed, focusing on the closeness of Karelians to the "great Russian people." Simultaneously, this concept found a place in the ultramonarchist myth of the particularly close connection between the people and tsar that was prominent in the era of Nicholas II. This myth assigned the Karelians a place amongst the "simple people" faithful to the tsar.
Vuoden 1917 maaliskuun vallankumous kaatoi tsaarinvallan Venäjällä ja synnytti autonomiseen Suomeen järjestysvaltatyhjiön. Sortuneen venäläisen järjestysvaltakoneiston tilalle muodostettiin suomalaisvoimin kunnallisia miliisilaitoksia yhteiskuntarauhaa turvaamaan. Tutkielmassa tarkennetaan ja havainnollistetaan aiemman kirjallisuuden kuvaa Helsingin miliisilaitoksen käytännön toiminnasta muistitietoon sekä Helsingin poliisilaitoksen arkiston aineistoihin tukeutuen. Erityisesti syvennytään kuitenkin Helsingin miliisilaitoksen palvelukseen joukolla hakeutuneisiin ylioppilaisiin. Ylioppilasmiliisien ryhmää tarkastellaan nk. Miliisikirjan eli miliisilaitoksen miehistömatrikkelin sekä ylioppilasmatrikkelin tarjoamien tietojen valossa. Lisävalaistusta opiskelijoiden käsityksiin ja käytännön toimiin vuonna 1917 on saatu ylioppilaslehdistä sekä ylioppilasaktiivien muistelmista. Monipuolinen, mutta sirpaleinen lähdeaineisto on mahdollistanut laaja-alaisen tutkimusotteen tilastollisesta tarkastelusta tekstien tulkintaan. Ylioppilasmiliiseissä heijastuivat opiskelijoiden pitkät perinteet järjestyksenpidossa ja työväen kanssa tehdyssä yhteistyössä. Taustalla vaikuttivat myös opiskelijoiden voimakkaat vasemmistosympatiat. Ylioppilaat pyrkivät sinnikkäästi ylläpitämään sovinnollista suhdetta työväestöön aina vuoden 1918 sisällissodan kynnykselle saakka. Opiskelijoiden ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli luoda oikeiston ja vasemmiston poliittiset kiistat ylittävä kansallinen rintama Suomen itsenäisyyden saavuttamiseksi ja turvaamiseksi.
Biography of Hermann Falck and story of his execution; contains copies of various letters.
The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, manuscripts and notes that relate primarily to the Schwarzbard trial and its aftermath. Correspondence with organizations: Agudah Ateret Zion, Yidish Natsionaler Arbeter Farband, Yidisher Studentn Fareyn, Jewish Agency, *Der Tog*, *Unzer tsayt*, YIVO Institute, Ligue Internationale Contre L'antisemitisme, *Morgn zhurnal*, Federation de Societes Juives de France, Jewish Veterans Organization. Correspondence with individuals: Joseph Barondess, Alberto Bianchi, Zelig Kalmanovitch, Israel Ostroff, Noah Prylucki, Anna Schwarzbard, William Zukerman. Manuscripts: typescripts of memoirs *In krig mit zikh aleyn* (At War With Myself). Poems about Schwarzbard's assassination of Petlyura. Poems by Anna Schwarzbard. Clippings about Schwarzbard. Personal documents.
World War I diary of the physician Nathan Wolf