995 resultados para AIDS x toxoplasmose
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Em 22 pacientes com sorologia positiva para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana, com ou sem síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida, dos quais 7 com meningoencefalite toxoplásmica e 15 com meningoencefalite chagásica associadas, procuraram-se dados diferenciais, entre as duas encefalopatias, tanto à anatomia patológica quanto à tomografia computadorizada do crânio. Os resultados observados e os dados da literatura nos permitiram concluir que enquanto na meningoencefalite necrosante focal por Toxoplasma gondii o acometimento dos núcleos da base é freqüente, na meningoencefalite necrosante focal causada pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, lesões dessas estruturas parecem não ocorrer ou ser excepcionais. De outro lado, o acometimento da substância branca parece nitidamente maior na meningoencefalite chagásica que na meningoencefalite toxoplásmica, ao passo que o parasitismo e a hemorragia do tecido nervoso, bem como as lesões das bainhas de mielina são mais freqüentes e intensos na meningoencefalite causada pelo Trypanosoma cruzi que naquela por Toxoplasma.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is the enzyme that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine as a rate-limiting step in phenylalanine catabolism and protein and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. Over 300 mutations have been identified in the gene encoding PAH that result in a deficient enzyme activity and lead to the disorders hyperphenylalaninaemia and phenylketonuria. The determination of the crystal structure of PAH now allows the determination of the structural basis of mutations resulting in PAH deficiency. We present an analysis of the structural basis of 120 mutations with a 'classified' biochemical phenotype and/or available in vitro expression data. We find that the mutations can be grouped into five structural categories, based on the distinct expected structural and functional effects of the mutations in each category. Missense mutations and small amino acid deletions are found in three categories:'active site mutations', 'dimer interface mutations', and 'domain structure mutations'. Nonsense mutations and splicing mutations form the category of 'proteins with truncations and large deletions'. The final category, 'fusion proteins', is caused by frameshift mutations. We show that the structural information helps formulate some rules that will help predict the likely effects of unclassified and newly discovered mutations: proteins with truncations and large deletions, fusion proteins and active site mutations generally cause severe phenotypes; domain structure mutations and dimer interface mutations spread over a range of phenotypes, but domain structure mutations in the catalytic domain are more likely to be severe than domain structure mutations in the regulatory domain or dimer interface mutations.
Comorbidity from tegumentary leishmaniasis and AIDS is poorly characterized. To describe a series of patients coinfected with Leishmania and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Clinical records from patients were analysed by demographic data, clinical manifestations, diagnoses, treatments and outcomes. Fifteen cases of AIDS/tegumentary leishmaniasis were found. The diagnosis of leishmaniasis was confirmed by the detection of Leishmania amastigotes or antigens from the cutaneous or mucosal lesions. The mean CD4+ T-cell count was 84 cells mm(-3) (range 8-258) and all patients were classified as having AIDS according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A wide range of manifestations was found, varying from a single ulcer to multiple and polymorphic lesions. Mucosal lesions were present in 80% and cutaneous lesions in 73% of patients (53% with mucocutaneous form), disseminated lesions in 60% and genital lesions in 27% of patients. All patients received anti-Leishmania therapy and 53% showed relapses. Sixty-seven per cent received highly active antiretroviral therapy but showed no difference in outcomes and relapses compared with those not using medication. Forty per cent died during the study period. In these patients, the anti-Leishmania antibody and Montenegro skin test were useful in the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, probably because leishmaniasis preceded immunosuppression due to HIV infection. Clinical manifestations of tegumentary leishmaniasis in HIV-infected patients are diverse. Our data emphasize possible unusual manifestations of this disease in HIV-infected patients, particularly in severely immunosuppressed cases (< 200 CD4+ cells mm(-3)).
OBJECTIVE: Secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) is an endogenous proteinase inhibitor present in mucosal secretions. It also displays antimicrobial activity including anti-human immunodeficiency virus activity. This protease inhibitor is also expressed in submandibular glands (SMG), but there are few data on its expression in AIDS patients with infectious conditions. METHODS: We analyzed the expression of SLPI using immunohistochemistry in submandibular gland samples of 36 AIDS patients [10 with normal histology, 10 with chronic nonspecific sialadenitis, eight with mycobacteriosis, and eight with cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection] and 10 HIV-negative controls. The proteinase inhibitor was quantified using image analysis and expressed as % of positively stained area. RESULTS: There was a higher expression of SLPI in AIDS patients with CMV infection (% of stained area, mean +/- SD: 37.37 +/- 14.45) when compared with all other groups (P = 0.009). There were no significant differences between control subjects (22.70 +/- 9.42%) and AIDS patients without histologic alterations (18.10 +/- 7.58%), with chronic nonspecific sialadenitis (17.13 +/- 5.36%), or mycobacterial infection (21.09 +/- 4.66%). CONCLUSION: Cytomegalovirus infection increases SLPI expression in the SMG of AIDS patients. Our results reveal new insights into the pathogenic association between HIV and CMV in AIDS patients.
Objectives Tuberculosis (TB) remains an important disease associated with HIV infection and AIDS in Brazil, even in a setting of free access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and TB treatment. In previous studies, isoniazid therapy (IT) for latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LIMTb) was found to reduce the risk of TB by 62% in patients with a tuberculin test (TT)> 5 mm. The objectives of this study were to investigate the occurrence of TB, the prevalence of LIMTb and the coverage of the TT and IT, and to estimate the number of missed opportunities to prevent TB in patients with HIV/AIDS. Methods A random sample of patients with HIV/AIDS was selected; data from the medical files were obtained, and a TT was performed in consenting subjects. Results In the 203 subjects included in the study, TB occurrence was 13.3%, LIMTb prevalence was 20% and the coverage of the TT and IT was 59.2 and 55%, respectively. Patients with TB had a lower nadir CD4 cell count, but their CD4 recovery was comparable to that of non-TB patients. Patients with LIMTb always had a higher CD4 cell count. Conclusions By expanding the coverage of the TT and IT to nearly 100%, we could more than double the number of prevented cases of TB. TB prevention programmes must be reinforced to reduce the number of missed opportunities for diagnosis, and IT must be improved to reduce TB among patients with HIV/AIDS. Empowering patients with knowledge about TB, the preventive role of IT and the need for an annual TT may be the best way of lowing rates of TB in patients with HIV/AIDS.
Propõe-se realizar um exercício de estimação do risco atribuível por cento (RA%) da ocorrência de casos de tuberculose na vigência da co-infecção HIV/AIDS. A seguinte fórmula é apresentada: RA%= p[m2r (hR-h)] + (1-p)[m3r (hR-h)] / p[m1+m2r (hR+1+h)] + (1-p)[m3r (hR+1-h)] x 100 onde: p = proporção infectados pelo BK; r = risco de infecção tuberculosa; h = proporção de infectados pelo HIV; m1 = coeficiente de morbidade reativação endógena; m2 = coeficientes de morbidade de reinfecção exógena; m3 = coeficiente de morbidade tuberculose primária; R = risco relativo de morbidade entre infectados pelo HIV.
OBJETIVOS: Descrever o padrão da mortalidade devida a Aids segundo causas básica e associadas de morte no Estado de São Paulo, em 1998. MÉTODOS: Os dados sobre a mortalidade e a população residente no Estado de São Paulo, SP, para 1998, foram obtidos na Fundação Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados (Seade). As causas de morte foram codificadas pelas disposições da Décima Revisão da Classificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde. Os registros de Aids como causa básica e associada de morte foram recuperados e revistos. RESULTADOS: A Aids foi a causa básica em 4.619 mortes, correspondendo à décima causa (2,0%) e ao coeficiente de mortalidade de 13,1 por 100.000 habitantes. As razões das mortes e os respectivos coeficientes entre homens e mulheres foram de 2,4 e 2,5. A Aids foi a segunda causa entre os homens de 20 a 34 anos de idade e entre as mulheres de 25 a 34. A idade média ao morrer entre as mulheres (34,1±12,2 anos) foi estatisticamente menor que a dos homens (36,4±10,7 anos) -- p<0,001. As principais causas associadas em mortes por Aids foram a insuficiência respiratória (36,1%), pneumonias (27,0%), tuberculose (19,6%), septicemias (18,6%), toxoplasmose (12,2%), pneumonia por P. carinii (8,3%) e caquexia (7,9%). A Aids apresentou-se como causa associada em outras 84 mortes. As principais causas básicas destas mortes foram neoplasias malignas (28/84), afecções devidas ao uso do álcool (23/84) e diabetes mellitus (7/84). A idade média ao morrer por Aids como causa básica (35,7±11,2 anos) foi estatisticamente menor que a idade média nas mortes em que Aids foi mencionada como causa associada (39,9±11,8 anos) -- p<0,001. CONCLUSÕES: As causas múltiplas de morte resgatam parcialmente a história natural da Aids e oferecem subsídios para medidas preventivas adequadas e específicas.
OBJETIVO: Validar métodos de estimativas da gordura corporal (somatória de espessura de dobras cutâneas, circunferência da cintura (CC) e razão cintura-quadril (RCQ)) em portadores do HIV/Aids, tendo como padrão ouro a absortometria por dupla emissão de raios-X (Dexa) e a tomografia computadorizada de abdômen (TCA). MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 15 portadores do HIV/Aids tratados em uma unidade de saúde coligada a um hospital público universitário, São Paulo. Foram medidas a gordura subcutânea total (GST) mediante a somatória da espessura de sete dobras (bíceps, tríceps, subescapular, axilar média, supra-ilíaca, abdominal e panturrilha medial), a gordura subcutânea central (GSC) (somatória da espessura de quatro dobras) e a gordura subcutânea de membros (GSM) (somatória da espessura de três dobras). A GST, GSC e GSM foram comparadas com as medidas de gordura obtidas pela Dexa. A CC, a RCQ e a GSC foram comparadas com as medidas de gordura obtidas pela TCA. Na análise estatística, utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r) e foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: A gordura medida pela Dexa foi correlacionada com GST, a GSC e GSM, mesmo após o ajuste pela idade (r>0,80 para todos). A gordura total de abdômen medida pela TCA foi correlacionada com a CC, RCQ e a GSC após o ajuste pela idade (r>0,80 para todos). CONCLUSÕES: Os métodos de estimativa da gordura corporal devem ser escolhidos de acordo com o tipo de gordura a ser avaliada e podem ser utilizados em pesquisas e nos serviços de saúde como alternativa à Dexa e TCA para portadores do HIV/Aids.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients most commonly presents as chorioretinitis and gastro-intestinal infection. Neurological involvement due to CMV may cause several clinical presentations: polyradiculitis, myelitis, encephalitis, ventriculo-encephalitis, and mononeuritis multiplex. Rarely, cerebral mass lesion is described. We report a 39 year-old woman with AIDS and previous cerebral toxoplasmosis. She presented with fever, seizures, and vulval ulcers. Her chest X-ray showed multiple lung nodules, and a large frontal lobe lesion was seen in a brain computed tomography scan. She underwent a brain biopsy through a frontal craniotomy, but her condition deteriorated and she died in the first postoperative day. Histopathological studies and immunohistochemistry disclosed CMV disease, and there was no evidence of cerebral toxoplasmosis, bacterial, mycobacterial or fungal infection. CMV disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cerebral mass lesion in AIDS patients. High suspicion index, timely diagnostic procedures (surgical or minimally invasive), and proper utilization of prophylactic and therapeutic medication could improve outcome of these patients.
O sistema nervoso é freqüentemente comprometido em pacientes com a síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida. As lesões observadas podem decorrer da ação direta do vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), de agentes oportunistas, do aparecimento de neoplasias e de eventuais fatores inespecíficos como alterações circulatórias, metabólicas ou degenerativas. Dentre as alterações diretamente relacionadas à ação do HIV estão a encefalite e a leucoencefalopatia do HIV, a poliodistrofia difusa e a mielopatia vacuolar. A patogenia destas lesões ainda não está plenamente elucidada, sendo que os macrófagos são as principais células infectadas pelo HIV, parecendo que os efeitos citotóxicos sobre as células do sistema nervoso sejam indiretos, talvez a partir de substâncias liberadas pelos macrófagos infectados. Dentre as infecções oportunistas, a mais freqüente é a toxoplasmose, seguida da criptococose e da infecção pelo citomegalovírus, com algumas diferenças nas séries dos vários países. Vários outros agentes já foram observados no sistema nervoso de pacientes com AIDS. Dentre as neoplasias, o linfoma primário de células B é o mais freqüentemente encontrado. E comum o achado de mais de uma infecção ou a associação de infecções e neoplasia no sistema nervoso de pacientes com AIDS.
Pacientes com Aids (n=39) foram acompanhados por um período máximo de 36 meses, após os quais se analisou os tipos e topografias das complicações infecciosas apresentadas e a sobrevida dos mesmos, correlacionado-se esses parâmetros com os níveis de vitamina A que apresentavam no início do seguimento clínico. Vinte e um (53,8%)pacientes tinham níveis de retinol no soro abaixo de 1,6mimol/L, dos quais 12 (57%) abaixo de 1,05mimol/L. Não houve associação de carência de vitamina A com os tipos ou topografias das complicações infecciosas que ocorreram durante o período de seguimento. Muito embora a sobrevida média no final dos 36 meses tenha sido semelhante nos dois grupos, os pacientes com carência de retinol apresentaram menor probabilidade de sobrevida nos primeiros 24 meses de acompanhamento (8,44 meses x 16,42 meses; p= 0,003).
INTRODUÇÃO: Descrever os achados fundoscópicos em pacientes com AIDS e neurotoxoplasmose em fase ativa. MÉTODOS: Foi desenvolvido estudo prospectivo tipo série de casos incluindo 70 pacientes, de ambos os sexos, com idade variando de 20 a 63 anos, internados nas enfermarias de três hospitais públicos da Cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, com diagnósticos de AIDS e neurotoxoplasmose firmados segundo os critérios do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (1992), no período de janeiro a outubro de 2008. Os pacientes se caracterizavam por: primeiro episódio de neurotoxoplasmose (65; 92,9%) ou recidiva (5; 7,1%); desconhecimento de ter AIDS (23; 32,9%), contagem média de linfócitos T CD4 de 139,8 ± 3,04 células/mm3 e carga viral média igual a 137.080 ± 39.380 cópias/mL. Todos foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico, consistindo de: inspeção ocular; aferição da acuidade visual; investigação da função muscular extrínseca ocular e fundoscopia, empregando oftalmoscópio indireto binocular (modelo OHN 3.5 (Eyetec®) e lente externa de 20 dioptrias (Volk®). RESULTADOS: Os achados consistiram em: exsudatos algodonosos retinianos (8,6%), constricção arteriolar difusa leve (8,6%); lesões de retinocoroidite cicatricial, características de toxoplasmose ocular (5,7%), atrofia do epitélio pigmentar retiniano (2,9%), descolamento da retina (2,9%), aumento de escavação papilar (1,4%), degeneração periférica retiniana (1,4%), macroaneurisma (1,4%), papiledema bilateral (1,4%), tração vítreo-retiniana (1,4%). CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes com AIDS e neurotoxoplasmose podem apresentar alterações fundoscópicas características da toxoplasmose ocular, na forma ativa ou cicatricial, relacionadas ao HIV ou, ainda, a outras doenças oportunistas ou sistêmicas, podendo ser de grande auxílio num tratamento integral do paciente por uma equipe multiprofissional.
INTRODUCTION: Lipodystrophy is related to the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and can cause aesthetic stigma and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Physical activity may be a valid alternative for the treatment and prevention of lipodystrophy. However, few studies address this issue. The objective of this study was to assess lipodystrophy related to highly active antiretroviral therapy in HIV/AIDS patients with different physical activity habits. METHODS: The sample was composed of 42 HIV/AIDS patients taking HAART medication who were visiting the Counseling and Testing Center (CTC) in Presidente Prudente. The level of physical activity was obtained using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ); lipodystrophy was diagnosed using a self-report questionnaire that was administered to the patient and then followed up by medical confirmation. The percentage of trunk fat was estimated by dual X-Ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Information about sex, age, length of HAART treatment, CD4+ T lymphocyte count (CD4) and viral load was also collected. RESULTS: A higher prevalence of lipodystrophy was observed in the sedentary group when compared to the physically active group, which indicates that physical activity may be a protective factor in relation to the occurrence of lipodystrophy. The group that had a higher CD4 had a higher proportion of lipodystrophy and a higher proportion of younger and physically active individuals. The patients with lipodystrophy had a higher percentage of trunk fat and were more sedentary than active individuals. CONCLUSIONS: A physically active lifestyle has a protective effect against the occurrence of lipodystrophy related to HAART.
Purpose: To assess the phenotype of patients in a large 3 generation Swiss family with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) due to a novel nonsense mutation Glu20stop in RP2 gene and to correlate with the genotype. Methods: 6 affected patients (1 male, 5 females, age range: 23 - 73 years) were assessed with a complete ophthalmologic examination. All had fundus autofluorescence images, standardised electroretinography, Goldmann visual fields and Optical Coherence Tomography. In addition, medical records of 2 affected male patients were reviewed. Blood sample was taken for molecular analysis. Results: The male patients were severely affected at a young age with early macular involvement. The youngest 23 y old male had also high myopia and vision of less than 0.05 according to Snellen EDTRS chart bilaterally. All 5 female carriers had some degree of rod-cone dystrophy, but no macular involvement. The visual acuity was 1.0 in the younger carriers, while the 73 years old had VA of 0.5. Two females had mild myopia (range -0.75 to -2) and one had anisometropia of 3.5D, with the more severely affected eye being myopic. Three out of 5 female carriers had optic nerve drusen. Conclusions: We report a novel Glu20stop mutation in RP2 gene, which is a rare cause of XLRP. Our description of severe phenotype in male patients with high myopia and early macular atrophy confirms previous reports. Unlike previous reports, all our female carriers had RP, but not macular involvement or high myopia. The identifiable phenotype for RP2-XLRP aids in clinical diagnosis and targeted genetic screening.