1000 resultados para AHARONOV-BOHM EFFECT
We study spectral properties of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on two relevant almost-Riemannian manifolds, namely the Grushin structures on the cylinder and on the sphere. This operator contains first order diverging terms caused by the divergence of the volume. We get explicit descriptions of the spectrum and the eigenfunctions. In particular in both cases we get a Weyl's law with leading term Elog E. We then study the drastic effect of Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potentials on the spectral properties. Other generalised Riemannian structures including conic and anti-conic type manifolds are also studied. In this case, the Aharonov-Bohm magnetic potential may affect the self-adjointness of the Laplace-Beltrami operator.
The Berry phase for an electron in a one-dimensional box rotated around a magnetic flux line has contributions from the geometry and the magnetic flux, which gives an Aharonov-Bohm effect. For a circular box enclosing the magnetic flux, the Berry phase depends on the boundary conditions.
The electron-diffraction pattern for two slits with magnetic flux confined to an inaccessible region between them is calculated. The Aharonov-Bohm effect gives a diffraction pattern that is asymmetric but has a symmetric envelope. In general, both the expected displacement and the kinetic momentum of the electron are nonzero as a consequence of the asymmetry. Nevertheless, Ehrenfests theorems and the conservation of momentum are satisfied. © 1992 The American Physical Society.
A charged particle is considered in a complex external electromagnetic field. The field is a superposition of an Aharonov-Bohm field and some additional field. Here we describe all additional fields known up to the present time that allow exact solution of the Schrodinger equation in a complex field.
We show how macroscopic manifestations of P (and T) symmetry breaking can arise in a simple system subject to Aharonov-Bohm interactions. Specifically, we study the conductivity of a gas of charged particles moving through a dilute array of flux tubes. The interaction of the electrons with the flux tubes is taken to be of a purely Aharonov-Bohm type. We find that the system exhibits a nonzero transverse conductivity, i.e., a spontaneous Hall effect. This is in contrast to the fact that the cross sections for both scattering and bremsstrahlung (soft-photon emission) of a single electron from a flux tube are invariant under reflections. We argue that the asymmetry in the conductivity coefficients arises from many-body effects. On the other hand, the transverse conductivity has the same dependence on universal constants that appears in the quantum Hall effect, a result that we relate to the validity of the mean-field approximation.
We show how macroscopic manifestations of P (and T) symmetry breaking can arise in a simple system subject to Aharonov-Bohm interactions. Specifically, we study the conductivity of a gas of charged particles moving through a dilute array of flux tubes. The interaction of the electrons with the flux tubes is taken to be of a purely Aharonov-Bohm type. We find that the system exhibits a nonzero transverse conductivity, i.e., a spontaneous Hall effect. This is in contrast to the fact that the cross sections for both scattering and bremsstrahlung (soft-photon emission) of a single electron from a flux tube are invariant under reflections. We argue that the asymmetry in the conductivity coefficients arises from many-body effects. On the other hand, the transverse conductivity has the same dependence on universal constants that appears in the quantum Hall effect, a result that we relate to the validity of the mean-field approximation.
A new approach to constructing coherent states (CS) and semiclassical states (SS) in a magnetic-solenoid field is proposed. The main idea is based on the fact that the AB solenoid breaks the translational symmetry in the xy-plane; this has a topological effect such that there appear two types of trajectories which embrace and do not embrace the solenoid. Due to this fact, one has to construct two different kinds of CS/SS which correspond to such trajectories in the semiclassical limit. Following this idea, we construct CS in two steps, first the instantaneous CS (ICS) and then the time-dependent CS/SS as an evolution of the ICS. The construction is realized for nonrelativistic and relativistic spinning particles both in (2 + 1) and (3 + 1) dimensions and gives a non-trivial example of SS/CS for systems with a nonquadratic Hamiltonian. It is stressed that CS depending on their parameters (quantum numbers) describe both pure quantum and semiclassical states. An analysis is represented that classifies parameters of the CS in such respect. Such a classification is used for the semiclassical decompositions of various physical quantities.
We report a comprehensive discussion of quantum interference effects due to the finite structure of neutral excitons in quantum rings and their first experimental corroboration observed in the optical recombinations. The signatures of built-in electric fields and temperature on quantum interference are demonstrated by theoretical models that describe the modulation of the interference pattern and confirmed by complementary experimental procedures.
The effects of an in-plane electric field and eccentricity on the electronic spectrum of a GaAs quantum ring in a perpendicular magnetic field are studied. The effective-mass equation is solved by two different methods: an adiabatic approximation and a diagonalization procedure after a conformal mapping. It is shown that the electric field and the eccentricity may suppress the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of the lower energy levels. Simple expressions for the threshold energy and the number of flat energy bands are found. In the case of a thin and eccentric ring, the intensity of a critical field which compensates the main effects of eccentricity is determined. The energy spectra are found in qualitative agreement with previous experimental and theoretical works on anisotropic rings.
We construct all self-adjoint Schrodinger and Dirac operators (Hamiltonians) with both the pure Aharonov-Bohm (AB) field and the so-called magnetic-solenoid field (a collinear superposition of the AB field and a constant magnetic field). We perform a spectral analysis for these operators, which includes finding spectra and spectral decompositions, or inversion formulae. In constructing the Hamiltonians and performing their spectral analysis, we follow, respectively, the von Neumann theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators and the Krein method of guiding functionals.
The structure of additional electromagnetic fields to the Aharonov-Bohm field, for which the Schrodinger, Klein-Gordon, and Dirac equations can be solved exactly are described and the corresponding exact solutions are found. It is demonstrated that aside from the known cases (a constant and uniform magnetic field that is parallel to the Aharonov-Bohm solenoid, a static spherically symmetrical electric field, and the field of a magnetic monopole), there are broad classes of additional fields. Among these new additional fields we have physically interesting electric fields acting during a finite time or localized in a restricted region of space. There are additional time-dependent uniform and isotropic electric fields that allow exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation. In the relativistic case there are additional electric fields propagating along the Aharonov-Bohm solenoid with arbitrary electric pulse shape. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4714352]
Un sistema sottoposto ad una lenta evoluzione ciclica è descritto da un'Hamiltoniana H(X_1(t),...,X_n(t)) dipendente da un insieme di parametri {X_i} che descrivono una curva chiusa nello spazio di appartenenza. Sotto le opportune ipotesi, il teorema adiabatico ci garantisce che il sistema ritornerà nel suo stato di partenza, e l'equazione di Schrödinger prevede che esso acquisirà una fase decomponibile in due termini, dei quali uno è stato trascurato per lungo tempo. Questo lavoro di tesi va ad indagare principalmente questa fase, detta fase di Berry o, più in generale, fase geometrica, che mostra della caratteristiche uniche e ricche di conseguenze da esplorare: essa risulta indipendente dai dettagli della dinamica del sistema, ed è caratterizzata unicamente dal percorso descritto nello spazio dei parametri, da cui l'attributo geometrico. A partire da essa, e dalle sue generalizzazioni, è stata resa possibile l'interpretazione di nuovi e vecchi effetti, come l'effetto Aharonov-Bohm, che pare mettere sotto una nuova luce i potenziali dell'elettromagnetismo, e affidare loro un ruolo più centrale e fisico all'interno della teoria. Il tutto trova una rigorosa formalizzazione all'interno della teoria dei fibrati e delle connessioni su di essi, che verrà esposta, seppur in superficie, nella parte iniziale.
We investigate resonant tunnelling through molecular states of an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer composed of two coupled quantum dots. The conductance of the system shows two resonances associated with the bonding and the antibonding quantum states. We predict that the two resonances are composed of a Breit-Wigner resonance and a Fano resonance, of which the widths and Fano factor depend on the AB phase very sensitively. Further, we point out that the bonding properties, such as the covalent and ionic bonding, can be identified by the AB oscillations.
Magnetotransport measurements on bilayer electron systems reveal repeated reentrance of the resistance minima at filling factors nu=4N+1 and nu=4N+3, where N is the Landau index number, in the tilted magnetic field. At high filling factors, the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations exhibit beating effects at certain tilt angles. We attribute such behavior to oscillations of the tunneling gap due to Aharonov-Bohm interference effect between cyclotron orbits in different layers. The interplay between quantum and quasiclassical regimes is established.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)