1000 resultados para AGE CONSTRAINTS


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Paleo Lake Bungunnia covered more than 40 000 km2 of southern Australia during the Plio-Pleistocene, although the age and origin of the lake remain controversial. The Blanchetown Clay is the main depositional unit and outcrop at Nampoo Station in far-western New South Wales provides the most continuous lacustrine section preserved in the basin. Here the Blanchetown Clay represents the maximum lake fill and comprises: (i) a basal well-sorted sand with interbedded clay (Chowilla Sand), representing initial flooding at the time of lake formation; (ii) a thick sequence of green-grey clay comprised dominantly of kaolinite and illite, with the apparently cyclic occurrence of illite interpreted to represent cool and dry glacial climatic intervals; and (iii) a 2.6 m-thick sequence of finely laminated silt and silty clay, here defined as the Nampoo Member of the Blanchetown Clay. New magnetostratigraphic data constrain the age of the oldest lake sediments to be younger than 2.581 Ma (Matuyama-Gauss boundary) and probably as young as 2.4 Ma. This age is significantly younger than the age of 3.2 Ma previously suggested for lake formation. The youngest Blanchetown Clay is older than 0.781 Ma (Brunhes-Matuyama boundary) and probably as old as 1.2 Ma. The Nampoo Station section provides a framework for the construction of a regional Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy in the Murray Basin.


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VAMP (variable-mass particle) scenarios, in which the mass of the cold dark matter particles is a function of the scalar field responsible for the present acceleration of the Universe, have been proposed as a solution to the cosmic coincidence problem, since in the attractor regime both dark energy and dark matter scale in the same way. We find that only a narrow region in parameter space leads to models with viable values for the Hubble constant and dark energy density today. In the allowed region, the dark energy density starts to dominate around the present epoch and consequently such models cannot solve the coincidence problem. We show that the age of the Universe in this scenario is considerably higher than the age for noncoupled dark energy models, and conclude that more precise independent measurements of the age of the Universe would be useful in distinguishing between coupled and noncoupled dark energy models.


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Knowing the extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is crucial for initiating and calibrating numerical ice sheet models that can predict future ice-sheet change and contributions to sea level. However, empirical data are lacking for key areas of outer continental shelves, where the LGM-WAIS must have terminated. We present detailed marine geophysical and geological data documenting an up to ~12 m-thick sequence of glaciomarine sediments within a relict glacial trough in the outer parts of the Amundsen Sea Embayment. Continuous deposition must have persisted here since at least >40 ka BP, pre-dating the established LGM by >13,000 years. Observations constrain the LGM grounding line to a distinct grounding-zone wedge ~100 km inland from the continental shelf edge. Thus, a substantial shelf area (~6000 km**2) remained ice free through the last glacial cycle.


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The Itremo region in Central Madagascar comprises a deformed metasedimentary sequence (Itremo Group) that has undergone greenschist to lower amphibolite facies metamorphism. During a first phase of deformation (D1) Itremo Group sediments were deformed into a fold-and-thrust belt and transported toward the E to NE on top of migmatitic gneisses rocks of Anatananarivo block. A second phase of deformation (D2) affected both the fold-and-thrust belt and structurally underlying units, and formed large-scale N-S trending folds with steeply dipping axial planes. A Late Neoproterozoic Th–U–Pb XRF monazite age (565±17 Ma) dates the emplacement of a granite that truncates first-phase structures in the Itremo Group, and indicates that the fold-and-thrust belt formed prior to ≈565 Ma. Th–U–Pb electron microprobe dating was applied to elongated monazites that lie within the first-phase foliation of Itremo Group metapelites. The detrital cores of zoned monazites reveal two distinct age populations at ∼2000 and 1700 Ma, the latter age giving a maximum depositional age for the Itremo Group. Statistical analysis of ages determined from the rims of zoned monazites and from unzoned monazites indicates three Late Proterozoic–Early Paleozoic monazite growth events at about 565–540, 500 and 430 Ma. The oldest age population is contemporaneous within error, with the intrusion of the dated granite. The two younger age populations are found both in the Th–U–Pb and Ar–Ar data; together with the perturbation of the Rb–Sr system we interpret both ages as due to alteration related to fluid circulation events, possibly connected to the emplacement of pegmatite fields in Central Madagascar. Syn-D1 tectonic growth of contact metamorphism minerals such as andalusite has been observed locally in metapelites along the margin of Middle Neoproterozoic (≈800 Ma) granites, suggesting that D1 in the Itremo Group is contemporaneous with the intrusion of granites at ≈800 Ma. The N-S trending D2 folds are associated with ≈E-W shortening during the final assembly of Gondwana in Late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian times.


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CL imaging and U–Th–Pb data for a population of zircons from two of the Évora Massif granitoids (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia) show that both calc-alkaline granitoids have zircon populations dominated by grains with cores and rims either showing or not showing differences in Th/U ratio, and having ages in the range ca. 350–335 Ma (Early Carboniferous). Multistage crystallization of zircon is revealed in two main growth stages (ca. 344–342 Ma and ca. 336–335 Ma), well represented by morphologically complex zircons with cores and rims with different ages and different Th/U ratios that can be explained by: (1) crystallization from melts with different compositions (felsic peraluminous to felsic-intermediate metaluminous; 0.001 Th/U ratio < 0.5) and (2) transient temperature fluctuations in a system where anatectic felsic melts periodically underwent injection of more mafic magmas at higher temperatures. The two studied calc-alkaline granitoids do not include inherited zircons (pre-Carboniferous), probably because they were formed at the highest grade of metamorphism (T 837 °C; granulite facies) and/or because they were derived from inheritance-poor felsic and mafic rocks from a previous cycle, as suggested by the internal structures of zircon cores. These Variscan magmatic rocks with crystallization ages estimated at ca. 336–335 Ma are spatially and temporally related to high-temperature metamorphism, anatexis, processes of interaction between crustal- and mantle-derived magmas and intra-orogenic extension that acted in SW Iberia during the Early Carboniferous.


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The Ribeira belt in SE Brazil is a Neoproterozoic to Early Palaeozoic orogen, whose architecture and history is not yet fully understood. The depositional age of many of the sedimentary sequences in the Ribeira Belt remains unconstrained, and with debate concerning their depositional environment and tectonic setting. In this paper we present SHRIMP zircon U/Pb age constraints for one such problematic unit in the Ribeira Belt the lporanga Formation - and discuss the significance of this age with regards to the timing of Neoproterozoic glacial events in southeast Brazil. Using a felsic volcanic unit immediately under the lporanga Formation and granite cobbles from breccias in its basal parts a reconnaissance SHRIMP U/Pb zircon maximum depositional age of 580 Ma is assigned for the base of this unit. This age is marginally younger than the 625605 Ma ages for intrusions into the Lajeado and Ribeira subgroups, with which the lporanga Formation is in tectonic contact. This indicates that the Lajeado and Ribeira subgroups are not stratigraphically equivalent to the lporanga Formation, as thought previously by some workers. The maximum depositional age of 580 Ma also places a maximum time constraint on the tectonic juxtaposition of the lporanga Formation with other supracrustal units, and on the greenschist facies metamorphism and isoclinal folding that affected it. The potential glacial origin for the lporanga Formation, if correct, would place it in the late Ediacaran - provisionally equivalent to the Gaskiers glaciation. (c) 2007 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study provides the first detailed lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic constraints for improving stratigraphic resolution for hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration in the Tarim basin. A total of 49 stratigraphic units (38 formations and 11 members), ranging in age from the latest Devonian to Permian, are reviewed or redefined in terms of nomenclatures, lithology, age constraints, and lateral distributions based on the detailed field works or newly published data. Of these, the Piqiang Formation (new formation) is proposed to include the reefal carbonates of Asselian-Sakmarian age from the northern Tarim. The subsurface upper Paleozoic stratigraphic framework of the desert areas of the basin is also established for the first time. The high-resolution, basinwide stratigraphic correlations reveal that the sedimentation of the basin in the late Paleozoic was extremely uneven. Of these, the Famennian to Changhsingian successions are completely recorded in the south-western margin areas of the basin. Here, five eustatic sedimentary cycles are well recognizable, suggesting the sedimentation was more eustatically controlled and little affected by local tectonism. The late Paleozoic successions of both Kalpin and Taklimakan regions are commonly interrupted by major hiatuses at various horizons, suggesting that the sedimentation was apparently modified by local tectonism. Of these, the northward movement of the Tarim block and its subsequent collision with the Yili microcontinent (part of the Kazakhstan plate) may be principally accountable for the discrepancy in the sedimentation of the various regions in the basin in the late Paleozoic.


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Dating of sediment cores from the Baltic Sea has proven to be difficult due to uncertainties surrounding the 14C reservoir age and a scarcity of macrofossils suitable for dating. Here we present the results of multiple dating methods carried out on cores in the Gotland Deep area of the Baltic Sea. Particular emphasis is placed on the Littorina stage (8 ka ago to the present) of the Baltic Sea and possible changes in the 14C reservoir age of our dated samples. Three geochronological methods are used. Firstly, palaeomagnetic secular variations (PSV) are reconstructed, whereby ages are transferred to PSV features through comparison with varved lake sediment based PSV records. Secondly, lead (Pb) content and stable isotope analysis are used to identify past peaks in anthropogenic atmospheric Pb pollution. Lastly, 14C determinations were carried out on benthic foraminifera (Elphidium spec.) samples from the brackish Littorina stage of the Baltic Sea. Determinations carried out on smaller samples (as low as 4 µg C) employed an experimental, state-of-the-art method involving the direct measurement of CO2 from samples by a gas ion source without the need for a graphitisation step - the first time this method has been performed on foraminifera in an applied study. The PSV chronology, based on the uppermost Littorina stage sediments, produced ten age constraints between 6.29 and 1.29 cal ka BP, and the Pb depositional analysis produced two age constraints associated with the Medieval pollution peak. Analysis of PSV data shows that adequate directional data can be derived from both the present Littorina saline phase muds and Baltic Ice Lake stage varved glacial sediments. Ferrimagnetic iron sulphides, most likely authigenic greigite (Fe3S4), present in the intermediate Ancylus Lake freshwater stage sediments acquire a gyroremanent magnetisation during static alternating field (AF) demagnetisation, preventing the identification of a primary natural remanent magnetisation for these sediments. An inferred marine reservoir age offset (deltaR) is calculated by comparing the foraminifera 14C determinations to a PSV & Pb age model. This deltaR is found to trend towards younger values upwards in the core, possibly due to a gradual change in hydrographic conditions brought about by a reduction in marine water exchange from the open sea due to continued isostatic rebound.