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This report is an outcome of a half-day workshop that was held at The Lantern in St. John's on June 1st, 2016. “The Lifelong Impact of Adverse Experiences in the Early Years” brought together about 150 people who are in some way involved with the issue of adverse childhood experiences – that is, chronic neglect or abuse in the early years that is likely to have a negative impact over the entire course of a person’s life. A list of the attendees is provided in appendix, and it shows the wide variety of perspectives represented at the session, including that of clinicians, social workers, health care professionals, academic researchers, teachers, policy advisors and persons with lived experience.


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A ideação paranoide é um processo cognitivo e social que pode ser considerado normativo (e.g. sentimentos de desconfiança ocasionais) ou disfuncional, constituindo-se, neste ultimo caso, como um sintoma psicopatológico (e.g. delírios paranoides). Mesmo em níveis subclínicos, a ideação paranoide pode constituir um entrave para o bom funcionamento interpessoal, na medida em que o comportamento disruptivo que dela advém pode afetar todas as esferas de funcionamento do indivíduo (e.g. relações familiares, entre pares, profissionais e/ou académicas). O presente estudo explorará a influência dos estilos parentais e o papel mediador da ideação paranoide na agressividade durante a adolescência, bem como as implicações para a prevenção e intervenção em contextos clínicos e educacionais.


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OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: Gender differences regarding 17 childhood experiences, thought to have traumatising potential (Traumatic Childhood Experiences = TCE), and pain behaviour in adulthood were assessed using a self-administered, anonymously filled-out questionnaire. Patients were consecutively accrued in the offices of practicing physicians. Three research questions were formulated: 1) Are specific TCE reported more frequently in male and female patients with the diagnosis "Pain Associated with Psychological Factors" (PP), compared to patients with "Pain, explained by Organic Processes" (OP), and "Patients with Diseases without Pain" (OD)? 2) Do PP-men and PP-women differ in reporting TCE?; 3) Are specific TCE correlated with Pain Duration, -Intensity and Number of Operations? RESULTS: 1). TCE occurred more frequently in PP-men and PP-women compared to OP- and OD-patients. 2). The PP-women reported much more TCE-items than the PP-men. 3). Duration and Intensity of adult pain associated with psychological factors correlated with certain TCE-items. CONCLUSIONS: The three research questions can be answered by "yes". In patients with pain which has been impossible to diagnose and/or has resisted conventional forms of therapy, TCE (verbal, physical and sexually abusive) have to be looked for, because they often explain adult pain. Unnecessary examinations and surgery can be avoided and therapies can be tailored for the individual patient.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between various adverse childhood experiences, alexithymia, and dissociation in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) in an inpatient sample of female adolescents. Seventy-two adolescents (aged 14–18 years) with NSSI disorder (n=46) or mental disorders without NSSI (n=26) completed diagnostic interviews and self-report measures to assess NSSI disorder according to the DSM-5 criteria, childhood maltreatment, alexithymia, and dissociation. Alexithymia and dissociation were highly prevalent in both study groups. Multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that only alexithymia was a significant predictor for NSSI, whereas childhood maltreatment and dissociation had no predictive influence. The association between alexithymia and NSSI emphasizes the significance of emotion regulation training for female adolescents with NSSI. Efforts to reduce NSSI behavior should therefore foster skills to heighten the perception and recognition of one’s own emotions.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Fostering entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial culture has become a key policy priority for governments. To encourage entrepreneurship and an entrepreneurial culture, however, there is a need to understand the factors that influence and shape individuals' intentions to start a business. This study extends models of entrepreneurial intentions by investigating the influence of various childhood-experience factors on the perceived feasibility and desirability of starting a business. A structured questionnaire was completed by over 1,000 university students and analysed using regression analysis. Results indicated that perceptions of entrepreneurship were influenced not only by parental ownership of a business, but also by a difficult childhood and frequent relocation.


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Background Women with bipolar disorder are at increased risk of postpartum psychosis. Adverse childhood life events have been associated with depression in the postpartum period, but have been little studied in relation to postpartum psychosis. In this study we investigated whether adverse childhood life events are associated with postpartum psychosis in a large sample of women with bipolar I disorder. Methods Participants were 432 parous women with DSM-IV bipolar I disorder recruited into the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (www.BDRN.org). Diagnoses and lifetime psychopathology, including perinatal episodes, were obtained via a semi-structured interview (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry; Wing et al., 1990) and case-notes. Adverse childhood life events were assessed via self-report and case-notes, and compared between women with postpartum psychosis (n=208) and those without a lifetime history of perinatal mood episodes (n=224). Results There was no significant difference in the rate of any adverse childhood life event, including childhood sexual abuse, or in the total number of adverse childhood life events between women who experienced postpartum psychosis and those without a lifetime history of perinatal mood episodes, even after controlling for demographic and clinical differences between the groups. Limitations Adverse childhood life events were assessed in adulthood and therefore may be subject to recall errors. Conclusions We found no evidence for an association between adverse childhood life events and the occurrence of postpartum psychosis. Our data suggest that, unlike postpartum depression, childhood adversity does not play a significant role in the triggering of postpartum psychosis in women with bipolar disorder.


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Background: Community and clinical data have suggested there is an association between trauma exposure and suicidal behavior (i.e., suicide ideation, plans and attempts). However, few studies have assessed which traumas are uniquely predictive of: the first onset of suicidal behavior, the progression from suicide ideation to plans and attempts, or the persistence of each form of suicidal behavior over time. Moreover, few data are available on such associations in developing countries. The current study addresses each of these issues. Methodology/Principal Findings: Data on trauma exposure and subsequent first onset of suicidal behavior were collected via structured interviews conducted in the households of 102,245 (age 18+) respondents from 21 countries participating in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Bivariate and multivariate survival models tested the relationship between the type and number of traumatic events and subsequent suicidal behavior. A range of traumatic events are associated with suicidal behavior, with sexual and interpersonal violence consistently showing the strongest effects. There is a dose-response relationship between the number of traumatic events and suicide ideation/attempt; however, there is decay in the strength of the association with more events. Although a range of traumatic events are associated with the onset of suicide ideation, fewer events predict which people with suicide ideation progress to suicide plan and attempt, or the persistence of suicidal behavior over time. Associations generally are consistent across high-, middle-, and low-income countries. Conclusions/Significance: This study provides more detailed information than previously available on the relationship between traumatic events and suicidal behavior and indicates that this association is fairly consistent across developed and developing countries. These data reinforce the importance of psychological trauma as a major public health problem, and highlight the significance of screening for the presence and accumulation of traumatic exposures as a risk factor for suicide ideation and attempt.


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Suicidal behaviours are one of the most important contributors to the global burden of disease among women, but little is known about prevalence and modifiable risk factors in low and middle income countries. We use data from the WHO multi-country study on women`s health and domestic violence against women to examine the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and attempts, and relationships between suicide attempts and mental health status, child sexual abuse, partner violence and other variables. Population representative cross-sectional household surveys were conducted from 2000-2003 in 13 provincial (more rural) and city (urban) sites in Brazil, Ethiopia, japan, Namibia, Peru, Samoa, Serbia, Thailand and Tanzania. 20967 women aged 15-49 years participated. Prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts, lifetime suicidal thoughts, and suicidal thoughts in the past four weeks were calculated, and multivariate logistic regression models were fit to examine factors associated with suicide attempts in each site. Prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts ranged from 0.8% (Tanzania) to 12.0% (Peru city): lifetime thoughts of suicide from 7.2% (Tanzania province) to 29.0% (Peru province), and thoughts in the past four weeks from 1.9% (Serbia) to 13.6% (Peru province). 25-50% of women with suicidal thoughts in the past four weeks had also visited a health worker in that time. The most consistent risk factors for suicide attempts after adjusting for probable common mental health disorders were: intimate partner violence, non-partner physical violence, ever being divorced, separated or widowed, childhood sexual abuse and having a mother who had experienced intimate partner violence. Mental health policies and services must recognise the consistent relationship between violence and suicidality in women in low and middle income countries. Training health sector workers to recognize and respond to the consequences of violence may substantially reduce the health burden associated with suicidal behaviour. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A associação entre experiências adversas na infância e o desencadeamento de depressão ou dor crônica na vida adulta tem sido documentada, assim como a relação entre os sintomas de dor crônica e depressão. No entanto, há poucos estudos avaliando o papel da exposição a experiências adversas na infância na ocorrência dessa comorbidade. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a influência da exposição a experiências adversas na infância na ocorrência de dor crônica, de depressão e na comorbidade dor crônica e depressão na vida adulta, em uma amostra da população geral adulta (maiores de 18 anos) residente na Região metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Os dados são resultantes do Estudo Epidemiológicos dos Transtornos Mentais São Paulo Megacity. Os respondentes foram avaliados usando a versão desenvolvida para o Estudo Mundial de Saúde Mental do Composite International Diagnostic Interview da Organização Mundial da Saúde (WMH-CIDI), que é composto por módulos clínicos e nãoclínicos provendo diagnósticos de acordo com os critérios do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico dos Transtornos Mentais 4ª edição (DSM-IV). Um total de 5.037 indivíduos foi entrevistado, com uma taxa global de resposta de 81,3%. Foram realizadas análises descritivas para médias e proporções, e associações (Razões de Chances – OR) entre experiências adversas na infância, dor crônica e depressão através de regressão logística. Todas as análises foram realizadas através do programa estatístico Data Analysis and Statistical Software versão 12.0 (STATA 12.0), com testes bi-caudais com nível de significância de 5%. Uma elevada taxa de prevalência de dor crônica (31%, Erro Padrão [ER]=0.8) foi encontrada, Dor Crônica esteve associada aos transtornos de ansiedade (OR=2,3; 95% IC=1,9 – 3,0), transtornos de humor (OR=3,3; IC=2,6 – 4,4) em qualquer transtorno mental (OR=2,7; 95% IC=2,3 – 3,3). As adversidades na infância estiveram fortemente associadas aos respondentes com dor crônica e depressão concomitante, principalmente quanto ao abuso físico (OR=2,7; 95% IC=2,1 – 3,5) e sexual (OR=7,4; 95% IC=3,4 – 16,1).


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Trabalho apresentado em ICAP 2015: 17th International Conference on Applied Psychology, Session 13, Tokyo, Japan, May 28-29, 2015.


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Adverse childhood experiences have been described as one of the major environmental risk factors for depressive disorder. Likewise, the deleterious impact of early traumatic experiences on depression seems to be moderated by individual genetic variability. Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) seem to modulate the effect of childhood adversity on adult depression, although inconsistencies across studies have been found. Moreover, the GxE interaction concerning the different types of childhood adversity remains poorly understood. The aim of this study is to analyse the putative interaction between the 5-HTT gene (5-HTTLPR polymorphism), BDNF gene (Val66Met polymorphism) and childhood adversity in accounting for adult depressive symptoms.