La adrenoleucodistrofia ligada al X (X-ALD) es un enfermedad neurometabólica fatal caracterizada por una desmielinización cerebral progresiva infantil (CCALD) o por una neurodegeneración de la médula espinal (adrenomieloneuropatía, AMN), insuficiencia adrenal y acumulación de ácidos grasos de cadena muy larga (AGCML) como el ácido hexacosanoico (C26:0) en tejidos. La enfermedad está causada por mutaciones en el gen ABCD1 el cual codifica para un transportador peroxisomoal que importa AGCML. El ratón knockout para Abcd1 (Abcd1-) desarrolla alteraciones en la médula espinal que mimetizan el modelo de enfermedad AMN con inicio de los síntomas a los 20 meses. Previamente, nuestro grupo evidenció mediante análisis de transcriptómica, una desregulación mitocondrial en el modelo murino Abcd1- . En este trabajo demostramos que tanto en el ratón Abcd1- como en la sustancia blanca afectada de pacientes X-ALD hay una depleción mitocondrial. Para poder explicar esta depleción, estudiamos los niveles de un repressor de la biogenesis mitocondrial, RIP140. En cultivo organotípico de cortes de médula espinal observamos un aumento de los niveles proteicos de RIP140 en el ratón Abcd1- y también un aumento mediado por C26:0. Estos resultados indican que la sobreexpresión de RIP140 puede ser la responsable de la depleción mitocondrial presente en el ratón Abcd1- y una posible nueva diana terapèutica para la X-ALD.
Severity score system for progressive myelopathy: development and validation of a new clinical scale
Progressive myelopathies can be secondary to inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) such as mucopolysaccharidosis, mucolipidosis, and adrenomyeloneuropathy. The available scale, Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score, was validated only for degenerative vertebral diseases. Our objective is to propose and validate a new scale addressing progressive myelopathies and to present validating data for JOA in these diseases. A new scale, Severity Score System for Progressive Myelopathy (SSPROM), covering motor disability, sphincter dysfunction, spasticity, and sensory losses. Inter- and intra-rater reliabilities were measured. External validation was tested by applying JOA, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), the Barthel index, and the Osame Motor Disability Score. Thirty-eight patients, 17 with adrenomyeloneuropathy, 3 with mucopolysaccharidosis I, 3 with mucopolysaccharidosis IV, 2 with mucopolysaccharidosis VI, 2 with mucolipidosis, and 11 with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1 (HTLV-1)-associated myelopathy participated in the study. The mean ± SD SSPROM and JOA scores were 74.6 ± 11.4 and 12.4 ± 2.3, respectively. Construct validity for SSPROM (JOA: r = 0.84, P < 0.0001; EDSS: r = -0.83, P < 0.0001; Barthel: r = 0.56, P < 0.002; Osame: r = -0.94, P < 0.0001) and reliability (intra-rater: r = 0.83, P < 0.0001; inter-rater: r = 0.94, P < 0.0001) were demonstrated. The metric properties of JOA were similar to those found in SSPROM. Several clinimetric requirements were met for both SSPROM and JOA scales. Since SSPROM has a wider range, it should be useful for follow-up studies on IEM myelopathies.
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a recessive X-linked disorder associated with marked phenotypic variability. Female carriers are commonly thought to be normal or only mildly affected, but their disease still needs to be better described and systematized. Objectives: To review and systematize the clinical features of heterozygous women followed in a Neurogenetics Clinic. Methods: We reviewed the clinical, biochemical, and neuroradiological data of all women known to have X-ADL. Results: The nine women identified were classified into three groups: with severe and aggressive diseases; with slowly progressive, spastic paraplegia; and with mildly decreased vibratory sensation, brisk reflexes, and no complaints. Many of these women did not have a known family history of X-ALD. Conclusions: Heterozygous women with X-ADL have a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild to severe phenotypes.